From Bubble to Ocean: 泡沫から大海へ

Putin escalated his war by annexing four Ukrainian states with a sham poll of the residents, further threatening the world with nukes (bombs and power plants). The UN security council became defunct due to the Russian denial to stop anything related to its invasion war, killing tens of thousands of people with torture and rape, at least 12 million refugees being displaced (according to the UN), and the destruction of homes, infrastructure, and lands to cause famines worldwide .

This is due mainly to Putin’s delusion of becoming a national hero by expanding Russian territory with wars, supported by his proteges and the manipulated populace. This is made possible by people’s delusion of nationalism supported by the Five Fictitious Bodies of nation, media, religion, corporation, and education, and the Five Fictions of self, society, status, species, and symbolism. The self is a bubble, and society (state) is foam on the ocean of the global life system.

The global life system has been evolving through four billion years of life (of the fifteen billion years of cosmic development) and complex communities of living beings in the Dharma (universal law of truth/ethic) of Dependent Co-origination. The human species has survived due to society, succeeding in science and technology, which are now creating global crises with the global problematique, even to the point of extinction of itself along with other species and systems.

To avoid this global catastrophe, we need a fundamental paradigm shift from ego to eco (bubble to ocean), karma to Dharma, nationalism to globalism, money to life, civilization to culture. Globalism is not global domination by fictitious bodies, but global community with a global ethic, and human rights with the reform of the present global institutions such as the UN, ICJ, ICC, the Five Fictitious Bodies, Intergovernmental organizations, NPOs, etc.

October 1, 2022 C.E.

  1. The Dharma of Dependent Co-origination is essentially equivalent to the causal law modern natural sciences employ as the basic rule in study and application. The important difference between them is that the former stresses limitless conditions and their effects on the usually taken linear cause and effect, and applies it to subjects of change, normally applied only to objects in the latter. The Indra-net, whose crystal balls on all knots reflect all other crystal balls limitlessly, illustrates the Dharma of Dependent Co-origination. We must change in the changes we want, as Gandhi said. We must awaken and act in the shift from ego to eco, sin to holiness, etc., actively engaged with others. We can start ourselves, our local, regional, national, global communities, organizations, networks, SNSs, media, etc. to change, co-work, interconnect, decrease, and abolish nukes, wars, dictators, etc.
  1. If we understand the Dharma of Dependent Co-origination well enough, we can understand the ultimate truth of the Five Fictions of Self, Society, Status, Species, and Symbolism and of the Five Fictitious Bodies of nations, corporations, religions, media, and education. We can thus shift from ego to eco, sin to holiness, karma to Dharma, Civilization to Culture, etc.
  1. Any one living being is a creation, sustenance, and cessation of the whole world since its creation, unique and irreplaceable, valuable and equal, thus no one has the right to kill, harm, etc., much less annihilate all beings in the world into its doom. That’s why we must abolish nukes, wars, dictatorship, etc., avoiding the blind belief in the Five Fictions, the Five Fictitious Bodies, etc.
  1. Crimes and evil come from errors and mistakes of taking small as great (ego as eco: life systems with lives, etc.), past as present (old thinking as new: a single state as the whole world, etc.), mundane as supra-mundane (money/matter/might as life/heart/harmony, etc.). These are the fallacies of space, time, and value, which can be summed up as the mini-max mistake (taking a small thing as a great one).
  1. We should not make mini-max mistakes, much less the mistake of misconception or delusion of the self, society, status, state, and symbolism [the Five Fallacies, made into the five Ss adding symbolism to the four idola (idolized, idols) of cave, agora (marketplace), theatre, and race, conceived of by Francis Bacon]. These are all fictitious fabrications by symbolism as stipulated by Ernst Cassirer in his Philosophy of Symbolism, An Essay of Man, The Myth of the State, etc.
  1. The Five Fictitious Bodies, as modern major players, are states, religions, corporations, media, and education, which can collude or corrupt each other, especially with dictatorship, nationalism, militarism, and pyramidal civilization.
  1. We should not blindly believe the myth of the state. Dictators delude the people to patriotism, to wage wars with weapons, even to nuke the whole world to its end. No one should blindly believe in dictators, states, wars, nukes, violating the universal law (Dharma: truth/ethic: global ethic), human rights (to life, living in peace, equality, freedom, friendship, etc.). No one should blindly believe in the other four Ss of the Five Fallacies, which also damage oneself and others.
  1. The first four of the Five Precepts guarantee life potential, material bases, societal stability, and gender and generation relations: No killing is to guarantee life’s potential full blooming, otherwise all possibilities are denied. No stealing is to guarantee material support for life and living. No lying is to guarantee social stability on mutual trust. No sexual misconduct is to guarantee a good transition to future generations.
  1. We must establish the Universal Declaration of Human Responsibilities as an essential counterpart of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (adopting a Global Ethic issued by the Parliament of the World’s Religions in 1993 in Chicago, adopted essentially from the first four of the Buddhist Five Precepts of no killing, no stealing, no falsehood, no sexual misconduct, and no intoxicant). The four directives (with the addition of the fifth) of the Global Ethic are as follows:

The commitment to the culture of

  1. Non-violence and Respect for Life
    II. Solidarity and a Just Economic Order
    III. Tolerance and a Life of Truthfulness
    IV. Equal Rights and Partnership Between Men and Women
    V. Sustainability and Care for the Earth

This declaration was presented to the U.N. to be employed as the Universal Declaration of Human Responsibilities as a counterpart to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. As Gandhi said that the Ganges of rights comes from the Himalaya of responsibilities, the Universal Declaration of Human Responsibilities must be issued immediately, clarifying that all should not kill, steal, lie, and discriminate in continuing generations. Anyone violating these should be caught and prosecuted regardless of race, religion, gender, generation, position, possession, etc.

  1. Our societies advanced from family, clan, tribe, race, nation, and now must become global beyond nation states, which cause wars, nukes, etc. The United Nations was established by the united (allied) nations against the axis powers with charters that reflect the situations in those days, but times have changed with the number of participating nations increasing and the system not equally operated. So, it should be renewed to adapt to the present day with the renewal of its security council, etc. For instance, the allied nations as the permanent security council members started and stocked the most nukes, inroaded inside and out, and are now invading with the threat of nukes, using veto power. We need an equal and equitable representation according to population, etc.
  1. Our global community needs new legal, institutional systems to abolish nukes, war, dictatorships, and nationalism, renewing the present United Nations, International Court of Justice, International Criminal Court, with effective enforcing systems stopping nukes, wars, etc. U.N. should be renewed by making it more equal (by population), changing the Security Council’s permanent membership and the veto power of the past five united (allied) nations, etc., and strengthening the International Court of Justice, International Criminal Court, with powers of prosecution.
  1. Global problematique means the intertwined global problems like population explosion, mass production/consumption/waste, pollution, global warming, mass extinction of species, etc.
  1. We need to go back to a more original dharma world from the artificial pyramidal systems we now have. For this we need a Paradigm Shift from an artificial unidirectional pyramidal civilization (urbanization) for money, matter, and might with the Five Calamities of delusion, bondage, discrimination, exploitation, and extermination to a natural, cyclical life Indra-net culture (cultivation) for life, heart, and harmony with the Five Blisses of awakening, freedom, equality, friendship, and peace:












7.私達は国家の神話を妄信してはなりません。独裁者達は人々を欺瞞して愛国主義者にし、武器をもって戦争を強行し、全世界をその終末へ核破滅さえします。誰も普遍法(Dharma: 真理・倫理:地球倫理)、(生命に対する、平和・平等・自由・友愛などで生活する)人権に違反して、独裁者、国家、戦争、核を妄信すべきではありません。誰も自分と他者を損壊する五過誤の他の四つ(社会、地位、種族、象徴主義)も妄信すべきではありません。



  1. 非暴力と生命
  2. 連帯と公正な経済秩序
  3. 寛容と真実の生活
  4. 男女の平等な権利と共同精神
  5. 維持可能性と地球への配慮












































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Dhamma Body: 法身

What is bodhi, awakening, by which Gotama became buddha, awakened? We can know it from the description of his awakening experience, Damma abhisamaya, direct contact, the first turning of the Dhamma cakka, wheel, the last advice to his followers, taking refuge in the Two Refuges of attan, self, and Dhamma, becoming  Tathā-gata, Thus-being.

Abhi-samaya can mean direct contact and calming, which correspond to witness, vijjā (opposite of a-vijjā, no-witness, nescience) and samatha, calming, which are awakening and nirvana. Thus, it means Dhamma-witness or -awakening in nirvana. What is the Dhamma? This relates to the first turning of the Dhamma-wheel to the five mendicants, former co-practitioners.

When he approached them and was called, “Hey Gotama!” he said, “I’m not Gotama, but Tathā-gata.” The first turning of the Dhamma-wheel is ascribed to the Dhamma of Dependent Co-origination (the most famous explanation of it is the Twelve-limbed D.C.) or the Four Holy Truths and the Eight Holy Paths, which are the most popular applications of the former.

The Two Refuges are the self and the Dhamma, which means one must rely on oneself to eventually rely on the Dhamma. The Buddha said that one is healthy in concentration of no-marks, nirvana, even in the vicissitudes of life. We live in a personal body like a bubble, but can live in amrita, ambrosia of immortality, Dhamma, cosmic body, as in ocean.

September 24, 2022 C.E.


  1. The Buddha attained awakening in nirvana by zen-concentration, jhāna-samādhi, and constantly practiced it, getting into the Dhamma-body, cosmic body with the cosmic mudra posture, becoming Thus-being, being in Dhamma (Truth/Ethic), witnessing/realization of Dhamma. It has been described in many ways, like the falling away of the body/mind, renunciation, letting go of all, no-self, immortality, etc.
  1. The Twelve-limbed Dependent Co-origination is called bhava-cakka, becoming wheel, consisting of the original core of origination of consciousness/world on the sense organs and objects, that of suffering, and that of samsara, transmigration of birth, aging, death. The first two limbs of nescience (a-vijjā/ a-vidyā, no-witness, of nirvana) and formations (saṅkhāra/ saṁskāra, compound of old/new physical/verbal/mental karma) are Buddha’s addition and innovation of the traditional Ten-limbed Dependent Co-origination. He clarified that the formations are the prime mover of this wheel and that the fundamental nescience (of the Triple Poisons of desire, divisiveness, and delusion) is the basis of all problems and sufferings (no witness of nirvana, thus of awakening). He analyzed the so-called mind into feeling, idea, formations (volition, mental action), and consciousness to solve the soul/spirit theory that it is the mind complex of them, originating / disappearing / impermanent.
  1. The Buddha clarified that all living beings are karma-births, -heirs, -owners, -machines, but also -refuged, able to change bad karma to good, to rely on it, and even to transcend karma by zen, jhāna/ dhyāna, meditation, and samādhi, concentration. He mastered the latter from his two teachers – concentration of no possessions and neither ideation nor non-ideation – and incorporated them with the meditative method to clarify, analyze, and systematize phenomena, realize prognosis into actual daily living. He was characterized as an analyst (vibhajja-vādin) and activist/karma theorist (kiriyā-vādin).
  1. The Four Holy Truths are application of the Dhamma of Dependent Co-origination (the simplest form is “when this is, that is. When this is not, that is not.), prognosis of suffering, the cause of it, cessation of the cause, and the way to cease the cause of suffering. The Eight Holy Paths are the application of the same to cultivate the Triple Learnings of morality, concentration, and prognosis to counter the Triple Poisons (originally the Seven Awakening Limbs for renunciants, without the right livelihood for lay people).
  1. Due to our karma of the Triple Poisons, we make misidentifications of ourselves and our nations, identifying and becoming specific, small, selfish, sick, sided, etc., creating struggles and sufferings as we see in our world. Bubbles and foam appear and disappear quickly, but the ocean remains constant despite partial changes. If we could identify with the permanent Dhamma (forms/phenomena, norms/laws: truth/ethic), we would have no sins (= separation: selfish sickness), but holiness (wholly wholesome: harmony, health, and happiness) beyond ego, national ego, species ego, etc.

ゴータマがブッダ(覚者)になった菩提(bodhi, 覚醒)とは何か? 私達はそれを覚醒経験の描写、法現観(Damma abhisamaya)、初転法輪(Dhamma cakka)、信者達への忠言である二洲(自己、法)でそれにより如在(Tathā-gata真如に在る)になったことから知ることが出来ます。

現観は直証(無明:a-vijjāの反対である明証:vijjā/ vidyā, cf. video)と寂滅(samatha)、即ち覚醒と涅槃、に呼応する直接接触と寂静を意味すると言えます。だから、それは涅槃における法の直証または覚醒を意味します。法とは何でしょうか? これは以前の同行者である五比丘への初転法輪と関係しています。





  1. ブッダは禅定(jhāna-samādhi)により涅槃に入り覚醒を達成し、常にそれを実践し、法界定印の姿勢で法身に入り、法(真理・倫理)にあり、法を直証・現成して如在となっていました。それは心身脱落、放棄、一切放下、無我、不死など多くの方法で描写されて来ました。
  2.  十二支縁起は感覚器官とその対象に依る意識・世界の生起を原初核とし、苦の生起、生老死の転生である輪廻の生起から成る生存の輪(生成の輪)と呼ばれています。(最初の)二支の無明(a-vijjā/ a-vidyā涅槃の無覚証)と行(saṅkhāra/ saṁskāra新旧の身口意複合)は(過去七仏に帰せられる)伝統的な十支縁起にブッダが加え革新したものです。彼は行がこの輪の原動力であり、(貪瞋痴の三毒の痴である)根本無明が一切の問題と苦(涅槃の無確証とそれによる覚醒の無確証)であることを明らかにしました。彼は所謂心を感覚、観念、行為(意志、心業)、意識に分析し霊魂・精神がそれらの複合であり発生・消滅し無常であることを明らかにしてその問題を解決しました。
  3.  一切の生物は業誕生者、業相続者、業保持者、業機械であり、又業依拠者であり、悪業を善業に変え、それに依拠し禅(zen, jhāna/ dhyāna)と定(samādhi)によって業を超越さえ出来ることを明らかにしました。彼は後者(無所有処、非想非非想処)を自らの二師により達成し、現象を明確化し、分析し、組織し、般若(智慧、診断)を日常生活に実現する瞑想方法を導入しました。彼は分析論者(vibhajja-vādin)であり行為・業論者(kiriyā-vādin)であると特色付けられています。
  4.  四聖諦は苦、その原因、原因の停止、苦の原因の停止に至る道の般若(診断)をする縁起(縁滅、最も単純な形は「此れあれば、彼あり。此れ無ければ、彼なし。」)の法の適用です。八聖道は三毒に対処する為の戒定慧の三学を修行する同法の適用(原型は出家者に対する七覚支で在家者に対する八聖道中、正命:正しい職業を欠いていた)のです。
  5.  三毒の業により、私達は自分達や自分達の国に対する誤った自己同一化をし、特殊的、矮小的、利己的、病的等ものと同定し、そのようなものとなり、私達がこの世界で見るような抗争と苦悩を生み出しているのです。泡沫も泡合体も速やかに現れては消えますが、大海は部分的な変化にも拘わらず恒常的です。私達が永遠の法(形態・現象、規律・法律、真理・倫理)と自己同一化することが出来れば、エゴ、国家エゴ、種族エゴなどを超越して罪(=分離、利己病患)無く、聖(全体健全:調和・健康・幸福)になるでしょう。





Dharma Life:  法生:[0]=AZUGMv-9rclw7QvaHBCXnL6bnus0E0D91-PP1k1wXx8GqwThgNn_CA6xuhdroMaPRL9h5fN7_X41DQov5tFb599LotWDZ1DipFjmn3zQ3RCmyR9tjfuvmLXtMcq5j1EacUqEjm93lciWwLB-_LMGpkL5ZadpAmY_LeQYeiZ-l3yXgIlvH_xLas1L1x4MddCEEAc&__tn__=H-R




gandhara buddha'





bodhi tree4







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Hiking in the Dolomites, 2, by Garyo



The next two days, I hiked in the Gherdenacia Massiv. This mountain range is quite different from the Sela Massiv. It consists of a vast plateau of bleached-bone-colored rocks stretching from one side to the other with peaks surrounding the plateau like a crown. Piza de Poez is the highest mountain of the plateau, located pretty much in the center.






Landscape on Passo Gardena, where I started one of my hikes.







In walking up to a higher elevation, I first passed alpine meadows with firs.






Only the low growing mountain firs can survive in an elevation of about 6000 ft. I love the smell and the sturdiness of these special trees.





In order to reach the high plateau, the path leads through interesting rock formations.










For hours, I walked on the high plateau without meeting any other hikers. I loved the solitude without feeling alone.







This interesting mountain reaching up from the plateau had a shape of a volcano. However, the shape of the mountain was created by millions of years of erosion. During my hikes, I often tried to capture my experiences in a haiku. This is one of them:

Millions of years

In the fields of flowing stones

Wind against my face






I did not pass any creeks or waterfalls on the Gherdenacia Massiv, but saw every so often short, colorful alpine flowers growing between the flat rocks. This intensive blue flower is called a gentian.












Especially in the lower areas near the lift, one can find benches. This bench was especially inviting, being in company with a very humorous and friendly forest being.







The nicest “Wurzelsepp” (root Sepp) I have met so far







Path to the Gardenacia cabin













On both of my plateau hikes, I walked through this valley down to the village of Colfosco. Although I could not see them, I heard the sharp warning sounds of marmots, sometimes, a flock of jackdaws.





crossed the sky.




A little chapel dedicated to Mary







View to the Sela Mountains






Church of Colfosco with the Sela Massiv in the background







It snowed when we left Colfosco and fields of white spoke of heavy snowfall during the night. We were really lucky that the cold weather did not arrive earlier.




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Hiking in the Dolomites, by Garyo

Dear friends,

The last couple of days, I was hiking in the Dolomites, a high mountain range in the Northern part of Italy. The province is called South-Tyrol, once belonging to Austria. Because of its extraordinary beauty, it became a UNESCO World heritage place in 2009. For four days, I was hiking through tundra like vegetation in high altitude, resting in rifugi (alpine huts) and climbing up and down steep mountain slopes. I would like to share the beauty with you!

                                                                                                                                   Gary Gertraud Wild









The first day of my stay, I hiked up the Stella Massiv from Colfosco to the cabin Franco Cavazzo al Pisciadu and back to the hotel in Colfosco (I marked my hikes on the map above).  Colfosco, located at 1,645 metres (about 5,400 feet) is the highest village with permanent residents in Italy.








.The dolomites are part of limestone Alps with incredible bizarre and steep rock formations.







Underneath a powerful root attached to a rock, somebody has built a sanctuary for Mary. It reminded me of my Shikoku pilgrimage, where often I saw little Jizos and Buddhas placed in caves formed by roots and rocks.







For a long time, I walked beside a creek with cascading water.













The path, traversing a huge field of loose rocks, would lead to the highest peak of the Sella Massiv, to Piz Boe (10,338 ft). The path was closed due to a dangerous wall of ice on the uppermost part. I walked to the cabin and hiked up the peak from the other side the next day..







Looking back to the field of rocks elegantly flowing down the mountain, I was in pure awe. The stillness and grandeur of these mountains were overwhelming.













This is a view from the cabin to a mountain lake. The area is famous for fixed-rope routes (via ferrata). Especially on the way down, I met many mountain climbers with helmets and gears.








Steep way down into the valley secured by steel ropes. However, this is not a via ferrata!







For this hike down, it was not necessary to wear a helmet. Solid rock, ropes and iron steps gave a lot of support.  Walking on steep slopes with loose gravel is much more difficult.








A lot of hikers and climbers used this path down to the valley. I was glad that I had walking sticks to give me support.

The weather forecast changed every day and it was difficult to decide which route to take. This was especially true for the hike up to peak Piz Boe.  My husband David and I decided to gamble and take the gondola and the chairlift up to the Kostner cabin ( 7 800 ft).

From there, I continued my hike to the peak (10,338 ft).













Franz Kostner cabin in the distance







Heavy mist was leaning down to the rugged peaks and filled the gaps between the steep, vertical rocks.








The alpine paths are extremely well marked and I never had difficulty orienting myself. In the beginning, the path was running along the bottom of the vertical cliffs.







A little shelter under the vertical rocks for emergencies







A stretch of the path was on a steep slope secured by steel ropes.








After the climb, a comfortable bench was inviting the hiker for a rest. I was concerned about the weather and continued on the path up to the peak.








Fog was constantly rising up from the valley covering the peaks around me.








Finally, I reached the peak. The view was gorgeous!








The view kept constantly changing







Cabin on Piz Boe







I had minestrone and a glass of apple juice in the cabin before my hike down.







Another gorgeous view








View to the Marmolada glacier


In July, a huge mass of ice had detached itself from the glacier and crashed into the lower terrain, killing and injuring many mountaineers. The effects of global warming are especially severe in the Alps. Another problem of global warming in the lower parts of the Dolomites is the bark beetle killing many trees. Also, due to lack of rain, the water resources of the alpine cabins diminish.







Along the path, I saw many of these little rock towers.

I had to take the gondola down to the valley by 5 pm. I reached the mountain station seven minutes before the last departure. I was very lucky. If I had not have come in time, I would have had to stay overnight in the Kostner cabin. This was not necessary.





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The Greatest Conqueror:  最偉大勝者

Buddhism tells of the basic Four Sufferings of birth, sickness, aging, and death, inevitable for all, and of the Eight Sufferings of not getting the desired, parting with the beloved, meeting with the hated, and the rampant commotion of the five aggregates (form, idea, feeling, formation, consciousness) plus the Four Sufferings. We are now having social and ecological suffering with dictatorships, nukes, wars, etc., and global warming, mass extinction of species, etc.

The source of suffering (duk-kha, wrong-going, dissatisfaction) is said to be the craving (taṅhā, thirst) of the Triple Poisons (craving, divisiveness, delusion) of our karma (action, habit, heredity). Nukes, wars, and the global problematique seem to come from divisiveness, but essentially all come from craving and, fundamentally, delusion. Delusion (a-vijjā/a-vidyā, non-witness, nescience) is no witness of nirvana and of the Dharma of Dependent Co-origination, Law of all phenomena.

The Triple Learnings of morality, concentration, and prognosis solve the Triple Poisons, leading to nirvana and awakening to the Dharma (Truth/Ethic). The Dharma is the law of limitless time and space, thus includes all phenomena in the network of relation and relativity – nothing and no one can escape from it. Violators must suffer from their violations. We see dictators and despots suffering  from their crimes and eventually succumbing to instability, insanity and infamy.

The Four Sufferings are natural and inevitable, but can be conquered by cultivation (bhāvanā, causative of bhava, natural becoming) of the Triple Learnings, especially concentration-meditation (samādh-jhāna/ chan/ zen), reaching nirvana and prognosis therein. Nirvana (=nivāta: no-wind) is the state beyond karma wind blowing us up and down, as in the stock phrase “lamp light in no-wind” (nivāte padīpa). In this state one can calmly and clearly witness the Dharma for prognosis.


September 17, 2022 C.E.



  1. Global problematique means intertwined global problems like global warming, mass extinction of species, mass production/ consumption/ waste, pollution, population explosion, etc.
  1. Better than the one conquering thousands upon thousands in wars


Is the one conquering oneself. He is the greatest of war conquerors.  



Better is the conquering of self than the conquering of others,

By the self-controlled person always in restrained action.


Even a god, spirits, Death Devil, and Brahma

Cannot overturn the victory of such a person.


Better than the one who would live one hundred years not seeing birth and death

Is the one living one day seeing birth and death.


Better than the one who would live one hundred years not seeing the immortal state

Is the one living one day seeing the immortal state.


Better than the one who would live one hundred years not seeing the highest dhamma

Is the one living one day seeing the highest dhamma.

                                                                 Dhammapada 103-115



  1. The Buddha said, “I am decaying, adding my age, passing the journey of my life. I grew old to the age of eighty. Like an old cart moving with difficulty with the help of leather straps, my cart is supported by straps. When, however, the one who has striven stays in concentration with no characteristics, extinguishing every perception and attached to no characteristics, his body is healthy. Therefore, in this world, make yourself an island to resort to and take refuge in yourself and not in others. Make dhamma an island to resort to and take refuge in dhamma and not in others.”




苦 (duk-kha, 不₋行、不満)の源は私達の業(行為、習慣、遺伝)の貪瞋痴の三毒の中の貪欲(taṅhā渇望)であると言われています。核、戦争、地球問題群は瞋恚(怒り、差別)に由来するように見えますが、全ては貪欲から、さらに根本的には愚痴(無智)に由来します。愚痴(無智:a-vijjā/a-vidyā無確証、無明)は涅槃と縁起法、一切現象の法の無確証です。


四苦は自然で不可避ですが、三学の修行(bhāvanābhava自然の成り行きの使役形)、特にその中の禅₋定(samādh-jhāna/ chan/ zen)により涅槃に達してその中にある般若(智慧:診断)により克服できます。涅槃(nirvāṇa/ nibbāṇani-vāta=no wind, 無風)は「無風の灯火」(nivāte padīpa)の常套句にあるように、業風が私達を動揺させるのを超えた状態のことです。この状態で人は法を冷静に明瞭に直証をして智慧(診断)に供するのです。





  1. 地球問題群とは相互に関連する地球温暖化、種の大量絶滅、大量生産・消費・廃棄、汚染、人口爆発等の地球諸問題のことです。


2.      戦争で千・千に打ち勝つよりも一己に打ち克つ方が良い、




















3. ブッダは言われた、「私は齢を重ねて人生の旅を過ごして壊れつつある。年老いて八十歳になった。革紐の助けを借りてやっと動く古い荷車のようだ。しかし、努力して無相の三昧に停まり一切の感受を捨て、如何なる相にも執着しないでいる者には身体は健全である。それ故、この世に於いて、自らを依るべき洲(す:しま)とし、自らを避難所として他者に依らないように。法を依るべき洲とし、法に避難所を得て他に依らないようにしなさい。」

























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From Foes to Friends: 敵から友へ

A birthday card reads “Today you are all of the memories, people, and places that have made you who you are.” The Buddha said, “Your friends make your whole life.” Places and plants make our life also, but what makes our life meaningful is people – family, friends, teachers at present and in the past, et al. All world or universal religions tell us that the future saviors are “friends” as in Mitra, Mithra, Maitreya, Messiah, et al., which really means that we can make them ourselves.

Our world, however, is facing the most dangerous situation of destruction with the invasion war and nuclear threat and power plant attacks. This is because we have foes that separate our world into different positions and places. The danger has become the maximum due to the state system with nukes, which can destroy our world and its life system. So, we must solve the problems of selfishness, especially of the state system with its war and nukes with nationalism and militarism.

Human societies advanced from families to clans, tribes, races (as states with one race or multiple, as nation states – nation means native to the place). Among politics, economics, societies, and cultures, the information (with transportation) revolution, democratization, and globalization have been advanced, but politics is the least advanced. So, we must decrease and eventually abolish nationalism to globalism to realize a global community or a human family to become all friends.

We live in the dharma (truth/ethic) world of interdependent co-origination. So, we must avoid selfish anti-social actions to keep this order. We must establish the global ethic before claiming rights. Thus, we should reform the Five Fictions of self, society, status, species, and symbolism and the Five Fictitious Bodies of state, corporation, media, religion, and education. We must have new legal and institutional systems to abolish nukes, war, dictatorship, and nationalism.

September 10, 2022, C.E.


  1. We must establish the Universal Declaration of Human Responsibilities as an essential counterpart of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (adopting a Global Ethic issued by the Parliament of the World’s Religions in 1993 in Chicago, adopted essentially from the first four of the Buddhist Five Precepts of no killing, no stealing, no falsehood, no sexual misconduct, and no intoxicant). The four directives (with the addition of the fifth) of the Global Ethic are as follows:

The commitment to the culture of

  1. Non-violence and Respect for Life
    II. Solidarity and a Just Economic Order
    III. Tolerance and a Life of Truthfulness
    IV. Equal Rights and Partnership Between Men and Women
    V. Sustainability and Care for the Earth

  1. Our global community needs new legal, institutional systems to abolish nukes, war, dictatorships, and nationalism, renewing the present United Nations, International Court of Justice, International Criminal Court, with effective enforcing systems stopping nukes, wars, etc.
  1. We need to go back to a more original dharma world from the artificial pyramidal systems we now have. For this we need a Paradigm Shift from an artificial unidirectional pyramidal civilization (urbanization) for money, matter, and might with the Five Calamities of delusion, bondage, discrimination, exploitation, and extermination to a natural, cyclical life Indra-net culture (cultivation) for life, heart, and harmony with the Five Blisses of awakening, freedom, equality, friendship, and peace:






  1. 私達は世界人権宣言の必須の対応物として(本質は不殺、不盗、不偽、不邪淫、不飲酒の仏教の五戒の最初の四つを採用し1993年にシカゴで世界宗教会議が発出した地球倫理を採用して)世界人務宣言を確立しなければなりません。その四つ(後に第五が追加された)教令は以下の通りです:




IV. 男女の平等な共同精神

V. 地球の維持可能性と配慮

2. 私達の地球共同体は現在の国連、国際司法裁判者、国際刑事裁判所の核、戦争等を止めるのに有効な強制力を伴う新しい法律と制度の組織を必要としています。

3. 私達は現在持っている人工的な金字塔組織をもっと原初的な法界へと回帰する必要があります。この為に私達は金、物、力を求め錯誤、束縛、差別、搾取、殺戮の五禍を伴う人工的で一方向の金字塔文明(都市化)を命、心、和を求め覚醒、自由、平等、友愛、平和の五福を伴う自然的で循環的な命帝網文化(修養)への枠組転換が必要です:







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From Karma to Dharma: 業から法へ


  From Karma to Dharma


The world’s population is facing the danger of nuclear holocaust by Putin’s Russian invasion into Ukraine with nuclear threat and the Zaporizhia Nuke Power Plant bombing, all as the Doomsday Clock ticks to midnight. Trump’s presidency advanced it to 100 seconds before midnight. Abe tried to befriend them, even before Trump’s inauguration, with no gain due to all wanting their own interest. Abe changed Japan’s peace constitution, politics, economy, etc., to the worst by colluding with the Unification Church. They all broke the Global Ethic to the worst.

The worst global situations are due to their selfishness and the institutions to make it possible – civilization’s pyramidal system with institutions and laws of the Five Fictions of Self, Society, Status, Species, and Symbolism and the Five Fictitious Bodies of nation, corporation, media, religion, and education. Nation states made “the century of nationalism and war” including nuclear arsenals and power plants. Putin’s invasion war made this trend further worse with militarism, nukes, and blocking all global agreements in politics, economics, society, and ecology.

The Buddha foresaw the danger of the destruction of world because of selfishness 25 centuries ago, and he provided us with prognosis in the Dharma (truth/ethic) of Dependent Co-origination and its applications, like the Four Holy Truths, Eight Holy Ways, etc. Anyone can and should follow them, changing our karma to Dharma by simple still sitting, stilling karma seeing Dharma, serving and saving all. We are part and parcel of the Dharma world, related and relative, to reunite with each other as good friends in holiness, not sinfulness (separation) of selves.

All must first awaken to the fact that all beings are karma-births, -heirs, -owners, -machines, and -refuged so that we change our bad karma to good and become good friends, and that we take refuge in doing so. The Buddha said that our friends make all of our life. We must, then, act to realize this personally, socially, and ecologically. Religion means reunion with holiness, and world religions say that the future savior is friend (Mitra, Mithra, et al.), actually our potential to become one and fill the world with them, making it holy, harmonious, healthy, and happy.

September 3, 2022C.E.


  1. The Parliament of the World’s Religions issued the Declaration toward a Global Ethic in 1993 in Chicago, which encouraged all people, religious or not, to observe the (originally Four, but now) Five Directives, which are an adaptation of the basic ethical rules of the Five Precepts (no killing, no stealing, no lying, no sexual misconduct, no intoxicants), and the Ten Precepts of Buddhism and the Ten Commandments:

The commitment to the culture of

I.    Non-violence and Respect for Life
II.   Solidarity and a Just Economic Order
III.  Tolerance and a Life of Truthfulness
IV.  Equal Rights and Partnership Between Men and Women
V.   Sustainability and Care for the Earth

  1. Dictators and despots are closely related to militarism, nationalism, capitalism, and pyramidal civilization systems with collusion with other fictitious bodies of states, religions, corporations, media, and educational systems, as seen in the case of the three-generation long Kishi – Abe and their party, LDP, collusion with the Unification Church, etc. The collusion among fictitious bodies in the pyramidal civilization is observable even in so-called democratic countries, much more in despotic countries.
  1. The Five Fictitious Bodies, as modern major players, are states, religions, corporations, media, and education, which can collude or corrupt each other, especially with dictatorship, nationalism, militarism, and pyramidal civilization.
  1. Religion (from Latin religare, reunion) means reunion with holiness (wholly wholesomeness) from sin (separated sickness). World religions tell their ideal figure as Friend (Mitra, Mithra, Mazda, Maitreya, Massiah, Messiah, et al.).
  1. Please refer to the Paradigm Shift from an artificial unidirectional pyramidal civilization for money, matter, and might with the Five Calamities of delusion, bondage, discrimination, exploitation, and extermination to a natural, cyclical life Indra-net culture for life, heart, and harmony with the Five Blisses of awakening, freedom, equality, friendship, and peace:








一切の人々は先ず、一切の物は業誕生者、業相続者、業所有者、業機械者、業依拠者であることを知り、私達の悪業を善業に変え、善友となり、そうすることに依拠すべきです。ブッダは友が私達の全生命を作るのだと言いました。私達は、次に、これを個人、社会、生態に実現すべきです。宗教とは聖性への再結合であり、世界諸宗教は未来の救済者は友(Mitra, Mithra等)であると言いますが、実際には私達がそう成り、それらで世界を充たし、世界を聖的、調和、健康、幸福にすべきです。



  1. 世界宗教会議は1993年シカゴで「地球倫理宣言」を発出しましたが、それは、宗教者もそうでない人も、皆が(元は四でしたが)五つの教令を守ることを奨励しています。それは仏教の五戒(不殺、不盗、不偽、不邪淫、不飲酒)や十戒や、(一神教の)十戒の基本的倫理規則の適用です:

I. 非暴力と生命

II. 連帯と公正な経済秩序

III. 寛容と真実の生活

IV. 男女の平等な権利と共同精神

V. 維持可能性と地球への配慮


2. 独裁者や専制者達は三代に亙る岸‐安倍や彼らの党である自民党と統一協会等との癒着に見られるように国家、企業、メディア、宗教、教育の他の仮構体と癒着する軍国主義、資本主義や金字塔組織と密接に関係しています。金字塔文明の中の諸仮構体間の癒着は所謂民主主義諸国でさえ見られますが、まして専制国家ではそうです。

3. 国家、宗教、企業、メディア、教育の、現代の主要活動体としての、五仮構体はお互いに癒着し腐敗し得るし、特に独裁制、国家主義、軍国主義、そして金字塔文明ではそうです。

4. (ラテン語のreligare, 再結合に由来する)宗教(religion)は罪(分離病患)から聖(全体健全)に再結合することです。世界宗教はその理想像として「友(Mitra, Mithra, Mazda, Maitreya: 弥勒、Massiah, Messiah等)」を語っています。

5. 錯誤、束縛、差別、搾取、殺戮の五禍を伴い金、物、力を求める人工的で一方向的金字塔文明から覚醒、自由、平等、友愛、平和の五福を伴い命、心、和を求める自然的で循環的命帝網文化への枠組転換については下記をご参照下さい:














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My Pilgrimage of 88 Temples in Shikoku, Japan, Pt.2

They say that Kōbō Daishi is accompanying the pilgrim on this pilgrimage at all times. This is expressed through the sentence: “dōgyō ninin”. I could replace Kōbō Daishi with “Inner Trust in that what just is”. By trusting life, each moment was filled with vitality and joy despite difficulties and times of feeling lost, helpless, fearful or tired.

Aside from the 88 temples, I also visited many Shintō shrines and bangais, which are temples that do not belong to the group of 88 temples. I also stayed at the Zen temple Zuiōji in the prefect of Ehime. I have been a practitioner of Soto Zen for a long time. The recommendation to spend a few days there came from my Zen teacher, Rosan Yoshida Rōshi. Zuiōji was his training monastery. It is one of the most traditional Sōtō Zen training monasteries in Japan. As it happened, it was situated on my route and I obtained permission to practice there with the monks.






With monks




Heavy rain was falling when I entered the monastery district. The dense fog above the top of the trees mirrored my inner feelings. I had great doubts, if the decision to come here had been the right one. The straight lines of the big stone garden in front of the building with the green copper roof seemed to be threatening and unfriendly. I did not know where to go and followed a path that led me directly into the kitchen. There, the cook (tenzo) received me with a big smile and said: ” You must be Garyō-san. Welcome to Zuiōji!” These words chased away all my doubts. It was like coming home.






With Daikai-san




I stayed in Zuioji for 8 days, including Buddha’s birthday on April 8. Daikai-san (tenzo) was the only person who spoke English and also knew German. After showing me my room, he introduced me to the schedule and rules. He explained how to enter the sodo, how to walk, how to get on the tan (platform) for zazen, how to eat the traditional way of oryoki, where to change slippers, go barefoot or wear white socks, when to sit in seiza. He gave me the schedule of the day starting at 3:50 am in the morning and ending at 8:55 pm with zazen. Soon, I was overwhelmed and expressed my feelings to him. He answered “do not worry! I will be here to help!” And this was right! It was not only him who helped me but I felt the support of the whole community of monks. In addition, buildings, timing and rules support the practice of the Buddha mind and create a flow which feels like a strong current carrying one forward. I just had to follow this flow and do my best. It was very interesting that the greeting of the monks “otsukaresamadesu” (thank you for your effort) expressed the energy I felt in Zuioji. Despite my many mistakes, I felt included and part of the whole.

I especially appreciated meeting the over 90-year-old abbot Tsugen Narasaki Roshi, who was for me the living Dharma. When I left Zuioji to continue my pilgrimage, he suggested a goodbye photo in front of the white elephant placed before the hatto at Buddha’s birthday. I value this photo very much!






With Tsugen Roshi




The Shikoku pilgrimage was a wonderful experience where I could witness the tremendous kindness of Japanese people, the beauty of the country and the richness of the culture. However, by walking I also saw huge problems in the countryside. Especially in the prefecture of Kochi, the countryside looked abandoned and full of poverty. I saw trash piled up beside the street, crammed into abandoned houses or broken-down cars. Still full furnished houses collapsed with nature taking over the site because nobody cared after the last resident died. Walking on many asphalt roads and especially through tunnels without a pedestrian walkway made the pilgrimage exhausting and sometimes dangerous. In addition, bus tourists often occupy the shukubos and a singular pilgrim does not have much chance to stay in the temple, which is a pity!






Osettai with mandarins




As pilgrimages by foot become more and more popular in Europe as well in the US, the old Japanese pilgrimage routes of Shikoku und Kumano Kodo have tremendous potential to attract people coming to Japan. The focus, however, needs to shift more towards people who walk than towards bus pilgrims.

I am very grateful that I could walk the pilgrimage and experience Japanese life and culture in such an authentic way! More information about the pilgrimage and my experiences can be found in my book. A shorter version of the path is on my blog:






In front of the Mountain Gate of Ishizuchi Shrine





私の四国八十八カ所巡り 後編

当協会理事・岩谷滋雄さんの知り合いのオーストリア人、ゲルトラウト・ヴィルトさんが徒歩で四国八十八か所巡りをしました。そこでその様子を 2回に渡ってお送りします。原文は英語で、岩谷滋雄さんと祐子さんに翻訳してもらいました。












瑞應寺にたどり着いた時は大雨でした。濃い霧が木々を覆い、まるで私の心の内を映し出しているようでした。ここに来るという決断が正しいものだったのか、疑念を持ち始めていました。緑色の銅板屋根の建物の前の箒の目も鮮やかに掃き清められた大きな前庭の中をまっすぐに伸びる石の小径は、人を寄せ付けない雰囲気を持っていました。どこに行けばよいのか分からず、その小径に沿って歩いて行くと庫裏 ( 台所)に行き当たりました。そこで典座 ( 禅寺で食事などの事をつかさどる役僧 ) の大海さんが私を見るなり「雅了さん(トラウデが吉田老師にもらった名)ですね?よくいらっしゃいました。」とにこにこ顔で迎えてくれました。私の不安は一辺に消え去り、ま る で自分の家に戻ったような気持ちになりました。










お釈迦様の誕生日である 4 月 8 日までの 8
日間を瑞應寺で過ごしました。大海さんは唯一英語を話せる僧侶で、ドイツ語も出来ました。彼は、まず私が住む部屋に案内してくれたあと、日々の日課や規則を説明してくれました。僧堂 ( 修行の根本道場 )への入り方、歩き方、座禅をする単(禅堂において各自が座る座席 ) への上がり方、伝統的な応量器 ( 禅僧が使う食器 ) の使い方、どこでスリッパを履き替えるか、裸足になるか、白足袋になるか、いつ正座するか、等です。朝 3 時 50 分の起床から夜 8 時 55分の座禅まで、一日の日課についても説明してくれました。これらを一遍に聞かされた私は不安に駆られ、守れる自信がとてもないと彼に伝えました。大海さんは「心配しないでください。僕が助けますから。」と言ってくれ、まさしくその通りになりました。彼だけでなく、僧侶たち全員が助けてくれました。更に、伽藍と決められた日課や規則は、修行をする助けになることが分かりました。それらは、人の背中を押してくれる強い風圧のようなもので、その力に身を任せてベストを尽くすだけで良いのだと分かりました。僧侶たちのかわす「お疲れ様です。」という挨拶は、瑞應寺に満ちるエネルギーを象徴しているように感じられ大変面白いと思いました。沢山の間違いもしましたが、それでも仲間として受け入れられ、瑞應寺という組織体の一部になったと感じることが出来ました。特にありがたく光栄に思ったのは、90 歳を超える瑞應寺住職の楢崎通元老師にお会いできたことでした。楢崎老師は、達磨大師の生まれ変わりに思えました。お遍路を続けるために瑞應寺を離れる日は、お釈迦様の誕生日でしたが、老師は法堂の前に置かれた白象の前でお別れの写真を撮ろうと誘ってくれました。この写真は私の宝物になっています。































お遍路道を歩くことで、日本の生活と文化を直に体験することが出来たことを私はとても感謝しています。この巡礼を通して感じたことの詳細を一冊の本にまとめました。その中には、日本の寺院建築に関する短い解説もありますが、これは岩谷祐子さんに書いてもらいました。 で入手可能です。また、私のブログ (にも、短くまとめたものを掲載していますので、ご覧いただけましたら嬉しいです。今は新型コロナのために仕事の方は休止状態ですが、オーストリアでの短い行脚は続けています。四国遍路を終えた時、生きることの意味を探求することが自分が本当にやりたいことだと気づきました。これを今後の(人生における)学びの道にしようと考えています。(おわり)


筆 者(ゲルトラウト・ヴィルトさん)について実家はドナウ川沿いでワイン醸造業「ニコライホフ」を営む。ウィーン大学で経済学修士号、アリゾナ州立大学で美術史修士号を取得。美術史講師を勤め、禅仏教の修行にも取り組む。米国人の夫と共に米国・オーストリア半々の生活。岩谷ご夫妻とは 2011 年頃、オーストリアで出会い親交を結ぶ。


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All must work to abolish nukes to avoid extinction! 絶滅を避けるよう核を廃絶する為に皆が働かなければならない!

All must work to abolish nukes to avoid extinction!

The Nagasaki Peace Declaration in 2022 said, “We must recognize that ridding ourselves of nuclear weapons is the only realistic way of protecting the Earth and humankind’s future at this very moment.” Pope Francis, at the same place in 2019, said, “A world of peace, free from nuclear weapons, is the aspiration of millions of men and women everywhere. To make this ideal a reality calls for involvement on the part of all: individuals, religious communities and civil society, countries that possess nuclear weapons and those that do not, the military and private sectors, and international organizations.” This applies on war also.

The cause of nukes and wars is the selfish anti-social attitude of nation states to protect themselves, disregarding the danger of the doom of the world. The danger is accelerated by the pyramidal system of nations. A dictator or a despot can decide and prosecute the use of nukes. The progress of technology also creates the danger of miscalculated launching of nuke warheads at the hair-trigger alert or terrorists’ attack on nuclear facilities or access to nuclear materials. Trump’s presidency made the Doomsday Clock to advance to the shortest 100 seconds before midnight, and now suspected of illegally taking out nuclear secret documents.

Putin helped Trump’s election to his presidency and started anachronistic invasion war on Ukraine with the nuclear threat. The largest nuclear power plant in Europe was attacked by this invasion, creating radiation problems, cooling water problem, electricity supply problems, and now missile attack problems. As the Nagasaki Peace Declaration said, the only assurance of the nuclear safety is to abolish nukes. The nuclear weapons holders must declare non-first use of them, decrease them, and eventually abolish them. Non-nuke holders must make nuke-free zones, participate in the Treaty on the Prohibitions of Nuclear Weapons and promote it.

As the Pope said, all individuals, organizations, institutions, states, etc. must work to stop nukes, wars, decrease and abolish nukes, sharing information, organizing the movements, interconnecting them, reforming institutions, laws, etc. All must be awakened from the myth of the state, decrease and abolish its devices, events, etc., abolish dictatorship, militarism, nationalism, racism, dogmatism, cults, and other discriminations, violation of human rights, destruction of eco-systems, etc. All must be awakened and act accordingly to the Five Fictions, Five Fictitious Bodies, and make a paradigm shift from a pyramidal civilization to a life Indra-net culture.

August 13, 2022 C.E.


  • Nagasaki Peace Declaration, 2022:

  • Pope’s message in Nagasaki, 2019:

  • The Five Fictitious Bodies, as modern major players, are states, religions, corporations, media, and education, which can collude or corrupt each other.
  • Please refer to a paradigm shift from an artificial unidirectional pyramidal civilization for money, matter, and might with the Five Calamities of delusion, bondage, discrimination, exploitation, and extermination to a natural, cyclical life Indra-net culture for life, heart, and harmony with the Five Blisses of awakening, freedom, equality, friendship, and peace:

「枠組転換」:Paradigm Shift

  • If we cultivate ourselves, stopping our karma, especially the Triple Poisons of desire, divisiveness, and delusion, we can awaken to the Dharma of Dependent Co-origination, that all phenomena are interdependently originated on causes and conditions, and witness the fundamental delusion of Five Fictions of Self as substance and sovereign, and Society (including State), Status, Species, and Symbolism. The Triple Learning of morality, concentration (meditation), and prognosis is to counterpart the Triple Poisons.
  • The best, direct, universal, practical way of cultivation is still sitting, stilling karma, seeing the Dharma, serving and saving all. Stilling karma, called nirvana (no wind, of karma), reveals the selfless nature of phenomena (due to Dependent Co-origination). This is typically expressed in the Four Limitlessnesses (also called Brahma-viharas, Supreme/Pure Living) of friendship, compassion, joy, and equanimity. Equanimity is nirvana (zero, no self, etc.), wherefrom we can understand the fictionality of the Five Fictions and Five Fictitious Bodies, and develop genuine joy, compassion, and friendship.
  • The universal religion should be rational, scientific, holy, and hospitable for all beyond sin, superstition, discrimination, dogmatism, dictatorship. Friendship is the universal ideal of all religions (from Latin, religare, reunion with holiness, wholly wholesomeness, from sin, separate selfishness) as seen in the ideal figure of Mitra, Mithra, Mazda, Maitreya, Messiah, et al. (future saviors, actually anyone’s potential to become true friends in need). We need to develop friendship beyond boundaries of Self, Society, Status, Species, and Symbolism (idola, idols, isms, ideologies, etc.), lowering national, racial, religious boundaries, etc.
  • Nationalism, militarism, dictatorship, hegemony, etc. must by stopped by more universal laws like the Declaration of Universal Human Rights (and the Declaration of Universal Human Responsibilities, urgently needed), international laws, the United Nations, the International Court of Justice, the International Criminal Court, etc., which are to be revised and revitalized for lives and life systems.
  • State systems from city states to nation states, representative of a pyramidal system, is a thousandth of human history (nation states are one tenth of state systems), almost a millionth of life history, just 10 seconds at the end of the Cosmic Calendar. So, we can change them to take back more original state like the Indra-net state before state systems with wars, the danger of the nuclear holocaust.









  • 長崎平和宣言、2022:

  • 教皇メッセージ:

  • 現代の活動体としての五仮構体は国家、宗教、企業、メディア、教育であり、これらはお互いに癒着し腐敗させ合うことができます。
  • 人工的な一方向的金字塔文明(civilizationは城市civitas, 城砦citadelからの造語で都市化という意味)から覚醒、自由、平等、友愛、平和の五福を伴い命、心、和の為の自然的で循環的命帝網文化(修養)への枠組転換をご参照下さい:
  • 私達が、自分達の業、特に貪瞋痴の三毒、を止めて、修養するなら、縁起(因縁生起)の法、即ち一切の現象が因(原因)と縁(条件)に依って相互依存して生起することに覚醒出来、自我が実質で主宰であると言う迷妄や社会(国家を含む)、地位、種族、象徴主義の迷妄を直証出来ます。
  • 修養の最善、直接、普遍、実践的方法は静坐で、業を静め、法を見、一切に奉仕、救済します。止業は涅槃(業の、無風)は(縁起に依り)現象の無我の性質を啓示(明らかに提示)します。これは典型的に友愛、慈悲、喜悦、平静(捨離、放棄)の四無量(四梵住:四至高/清浄生活とも言われる)に表現されています。平静は涅槃(零、無我など)で、そこから私達は五過誤や五仮構体(国家、会社、宗教、メディア、教育)の仮構性を理解でき、真正な喜悦、慈悲、友愛を発展出来ます。
  • 友愛は全ての宗教(religion, ラテン語のreligare再結合:罪:分離我利から聖:全体健全への)のMitra, Mithra, Mazda, Maitreya, Messiahほかの理想的姿(未来救済者ですが、実際には誰でもが必要の時の友になれる可能性)の普遍的理想です。私達は、人種、宗教などの境界を低くし自我、社会、地位、種族、象徴主義(イドラ、偶像、イムズ、イデオロギーなど)の境界を越えて友情を発展させる必要があります。
  • 国家主義、軍事主義、独裁主義、覇権等は世界人権宣言(世界人務宣言は至急必要です)、国際法、国連、国際司法裁判所、国際刑事裁判所など、これらは諸生命と生命系の為に改定され更に強化されるべきですが、のようなもっと普遍的法により阻止されるべきです。
  • 都市国家から国民国家までの国家組織は、金字塔組織の典型ですが、人類の歴史の千分の一(国民国家は国家組織の十分の一)であり、生命史の約百万分の一であり、宇宙カレンダーでは最後の十秒に過ぎません。だから私達はそれらを変えて、戦争、核ホロコーストの危険のない国家組織以前の帝釈網状態のような更に原初的な状態を取り戻すことができます。




























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From Civilization to Culture: 文明から文化へ






文明は人類史の千分の一、生命史の約百万分の一に過ぎません。それ以前には自然な循環的命帝網文化・修養(耕作)がありました。例えば、自然と調和し戦争などの無かった縄文文化は文明の三倍以上の長さを持っています。部族、民族、世界宗教はその共同体内の聖(健全全体)に再帰(religion はラテン語religare再結合に由来)していました。人間が世界に再帰すれば私達は、普遍宗教が例示した様に、何時でも世界を聖的で健康的で幸福にすることが出来ます。







  1. NPT(核不拡散条約):


2. 縄文文化:


3. 現代の活動体としての五仮構体は国家、宗教、企業、メディア、教育であり、これらはお互いに癒着し腐敗させ合うことができます。


4. 人工的な一方向的金字塔文明(civilizationは城市civitas, 城砦citadelからの造語で都市化という意味)から覚醒、自由、平等、友愛、平和の五福を伴い命、心、和の為の自然的で循環的命帝網文化(修養)への枠組転換をご参照下さい:


5. 私達が、自分達の業、特に貪瞋痴の三毒、を止めて、修養するなら、縁起(因縁生起)の法、即ち一切の現象が因(原因)と縁(条件)に依って相互依存して生起することに覚醒出来、自我が実質で主宰であると言う迷妄や社会(国家を含む)、地位、種族、象徴主義の迷妄を直証出来ます。


6. 修養の最善、直接、普遍、実践的方法は静坐で、業を静め、法を見、一切に奉仕、救済します。止業は涅槃(業の、無風)は(縁起に依り)現象の無我の性質を啓示(明らかに提示)します。これは典型的に友愛、慈悲、喜悦、平静(捨離、放棄)の四無量(四梵住:四至高/



7. 友愛は全ての宗教(religion, ラテン語のreligare再結合:罪:分離我利から聖:全体健全への)のMitra, Mithra, Mazda, Maitreya, Messiahほかの理想的姿(未来救済者ですが、実際には誰でもが必要の時の友になれる可能性)の普遍的理想です。私達は、人種、宗教などの境界を低くし自我、社会、地位、種族、象徴主義(イドラ、偶像、イムズ、イデオロギーなど)の境界を越えて友情を発展させる必要があります。

8. 国家主義、軍事主義、独裁主義、覇権等は世界人権宣言(世界人務宣言は至急必要です)、国際法、国連、国際司法裁判所、国際刑事裁判所など、これらは諸生命と生命系の為に改定され更に強化されるべきですが、のようなもっと普遍的法により阻止されるべきです。


9. 都市国家から国民国家までの国家組織は、金字塔組織の典型ですが、人類の歴史の千分の一(国民国家は国家組織の十分の一)であり、生命史の約百万分の一であり、宇宙カレンダーでは最後の十秒に過ぎません。だから私達はそれらを変えて、戦争、核ホロコーストの危険のない国家組織以前の帝釈網状態のような更に原初的な状態を取り戻すことができます。


House speaker Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan made China have military exercises around Taiwan, interfering with the sea and air ways. Her visit was to stop China’s invasion into Taiwan, like Russia invaded Ukraine. In such a situation the NPT Review Conference accused the Russians of a nuclear threat, which provided no deterrence of nukes, but seems not to progress in abolishing them. We have record natural disasters all over the world due to global warming and other problems of food, refugees, starvation, discrimination, pollution, mass extinction, etc.


The causes of this global problematique, intertwined problems, come from our artificial, unidirectional pyramidal civilization (urbanization, from civitas, city or citadel) scrambling for money, matter, and might with the Five Calamities. The typical pyramidal system is of (city and nation) states, which started wars, slavery, class, etc., and now even nukes to pollute and perish all over the world. The fundamental cause of them is human karma, essentially the Triple Poisons of desire, divisiveness, and delusion, i.e., sin (= separation, sick selfishness).


Civilization is only a thousandth of human history, about a millionth of the whole of life history. Before it was a natural, cyclical, life-oriented Indra-net culture and cultivation. For instance, Jomon culture, in harmony with nature, without war, was more than three times longer than the history of civilization. Tribal, national, world religions were to reunite (religare: reunion) holiness (wholesome whole) from sin within communities. If humans reunite with the world, we can make the whole world holy, healthy, and happy anytime as demonstrated in universal religions.


To do this, we must be awakened and act accordingly, first to the Five Fictions of Self, Society, Status, Species, and Symbolism, which create fictions and fictitious bodies, and then to the Five Fictitious Bodies of State, Corporation, Media, Religion, and Education, shifting from karma to Dharma, sin to holiness, ego to eco. For the benefit of all, we must recognize life rights (life, living, co-existence, co-operation) and human rights (freedom, autonomy, equality, peace, etc.), avoiding selfish anti-social actions, laws, institutions, etc.


August 5, 2022 C.E.



  1. NPT (Treaty of Non-Proliferation of nuclear weapons):


  1. Jomon Culture:


  1. The Five Fictitious Bodies, as modern major players, are states, religions, corporations, media, and education, which can collude or corrupt each other.
  1. Please refer to a paradigm shift from an artificial unidirectional pyramidal civilization for money, matter, and might with the Five Calamities of delusion, bondage, discrimination, exploitation, and extermination to a natural, cyclical life Indra-net culture for life, heart, and harmony with the Five Blisses of awakening, freedom, equality, friendship, and peace:


  1. If we cultivate ourselves, stopping our karma, especially the Triple Poisons of desire, divisiveness, and delusion, we can awaken to the Dharma of Dependent Co-origination, that all phenomena are interdependently originated on causes and conditions, and witness the fundamental delusion of Self as substance and sovereign, and Society (including State), Status, Species, and Symbolism. The Triple Learning of morality, concentration (meditation), and prognosis is to counterpart the Triple Poisons.
  1. The best, direct, universal, practical way of cultivation is still sitting, stilling karma, seeing the Dharma, serving and saving all. Stilling karma, called nirvana (no wind, of karma), reveals the selfless nature of phenomena (due to Dependent Co-origination). This is typically expressed in the Four Limitlessnesses (also called Brahma-viharas, Supreme/Pure Living) of friendship, compassion, joy, and equanimity. Equanimity is nirvana (zero, no self, etc.), wherefrom we can understand the fictionality of the Five Fictions and Five Fictitious Bodies (of states, companies, religions, media, and education), and develop genuine joy, compassion, and friendship.
  1. The universal religion should be rational, scientific, holy, and hospitable for all beyond sin, superstition, discrimination, dogmatism, dictatorship. Friendship is the universal ideal of all religions (from Latin, religare, reunion with holiness, wholly wholesomeness, from sin, separate selfishness) as seen in the ideal figure of Mitra, Mithra, Mazda, Maitreya, Messiah, et al. (future saviors, actually anyone’s potential to become true friends in need). We need to develop friendship beyond boundaries of Self, Society, Status, Species, and Symbolism (idola, idols, isms, ideologies, etc.), lowering national, racial, religious boundaries, etc.
  1. Nationalism, militarism, dictatorship, hegemony, etc. must by stopped by more universal laws like the Declaration of Universal Human Rights (and the Declaration of Universal Human Responsibilities, urgently needed), international laws, the United Nations, the International Court of Justice, the International Criminal Court, etc., which are to be revised and revitalized for lives and life systems.
  1. State systems from city states to nation states, representative of a pyramidal system, is a thousandth of human history (nation states are one tenth of state systems), almost a millionth of life history, just 10 seconds at the end of the Cosmic Calendar. So, we can change them to take back more original state like the Indra-net state before state systems with wars, the danger of the nuclear holocaust.








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