What is bodhi, awakening, by which Gotama became buddha, awakened? We can know it from the description of his awakening experience, Damma abhisamaya, direct contact, the first turning of the Dhamma cakka, wheel, the last advice to his followers, taking refuge in the Two Refuges of attan, self, and Dhamma, becoming Tathā-gata, Thus-being.
Abhi-samaya can mean direct contact and calming, which correspond to witness, vijjā (opposite of a-vijjā, no-witness, nescience) and samatha, calming, which are awakening and nirvana. Thus, it means Dhamma-witness or -awakening in nirvana. What is the Dhamma? This relates to the first turning of the Dhamma-wheel to the five mendicants, former co-practitioners.
When he approached them and was called, “Hey Gotama!” he said, “I’m not Gotama, but Tathā-gata.” The first turning of the Dhamma-wheel is ascribed to the Dhamma of Dependent Co-origination (the most famous explanation of it is the Twelve-limbed D.C.) or the Four Holy Truths and the Eight Holy Paths, which are the most popular applications of the former.
The Two Refuges are the self and the Dhamma, which means one must rely on oneself to eventually rely on the Dhamma. The Buddha said that one is healthy in concentration of no-marks, nirvana, even in the vicissitudes of life. We live in a personal body like a bubble, but can live in amrita, ambrosia of immortality, Dhamma, cosmic body, as in ocean.
September 24, 2022 C.E.
- The Buddha attained awakening in nirvana by zen-concentration, jhāna-samādhi, and constantly practiced it, getting into the Dhamma-body, cosmic body with the cosmic mudra posture, becoming Thus-being, being in Dhamma (Truth/Ethic), witnessing/realization of Dhamma. It has been described in many ways, like the falling away of the body/mind, renunciation, letting go of all, no-self, immortality, etc.
- The Twelve-limbed Dependent Co-origination is called bhava-cakka, becoming wheel, consisting of the original core of origination of consciousness/world on the sense organs and objects, that of suffering, and that of samsara, transmigration of birth, aging, death. The first two limbs of nescience (a-vijjā/ a-vidyā, no-witness, of nirvana) and formations (saṅkhāra/ saṁskāra, compound of old/new physical/verbal/mental karma) are Buddha’s addition and innovation of the traditional Ten-limbed Dependent Co-origination. He clarified that the formations are the prime mover of this wheel and that the fundamental nescience (of the Triple Poisons of desire, divisiveness, and delusion) is the basis of all problems and sufferings (no witness of nirvana, thus of awakening). He analyzed the so-called mind into feeling, idea, formations (volition, mental action), and consciousness to solve the soul/spirit theory that it is the mind complex of them, originating / disappearing / impermanent.
- The Buddha clarified that all living beings are karma-births, -heirs, -owners, -machines, but also -refuged, able to change bad karma to good, to rely on it, and even to transcend karma by zen, jhāna/ dhyāna, meditation, and samādhi, concentration. He mastered the latter from his two teachers – concentration of no possessions and neither ideation nor non-ideation – and incorporated them with the meditative method to clarify, analyze, and systematize phenomena, realize prognosis into actual daily living. He was characterized as an analyst (vibhajja-vādin) and activist/karma theorist (kiriyā-vādin).
- The Four Holy Truths are application of the Dhamma of Dependent Co-origination (the simplest form is “when this is, that is. When this is not, that is not.), prognosis of suffering, the cause of it, cessation of the cause, and the way to cease the cause of suffering. The Eight Holy Paths are the application of the same to cultivate the Triple Learnings of morality, concentration, and prognosis to counter the Triple Poisons (originally the Seven Awakening Limbs for renunciants, without the right livelihood for lay people).
- Due to our karma of the Triple Poisons, we make misidentifications of ourselves and our nations, identifying and becoming specific, small, selfish, sick, sided, etc., creating struggles and sufferings as we see in our world. Bubbles and foam appear and disappear quickly, but the ocean remains constant despite partial changes. If we could identify with the permanent Dhamma (forms/phenomena, norms/laws: truth/ethic), we would have no sins (= separation: selfish sickness), but holiness (wholly wholesome: harmony, health, and happiness) beyond ego, national ego, species ego, etc.
ゴータマがブッダ(覚者)になった菩提(bodhi, 覚醒)とは何か? 私達はそれを覚醒経験の描写、法現観(Damma abhisamaya)、初転法輪(Dhamma cakka)、信者達への忠言である二洲(自己、法)でそれにより如在(Tathā-gata、真如に在る)になったことから知ることが出来ます。
現観は直証(無明:a-vijjāの反対である明証:vijjā/ vidyā, cf. video)と寂滅(samatha)、即ち覚醒と涅槃、に呼応する直接接触と寂静を意味すると言えます。だから、それは涅槃における法の直証または覚醒を意味します。法とは何でしょうか? これは以前の同行者である五比丘への初転法輪と関係しています。
- ブッダは禅定(jhāna-samādhi)により涅槃に入り覚醒を達成し、常にそれを実践し、法界定印の姿勢で法身に入り、法(真理・倫理)にあり、法を直証・現成して如在となっていました。それは心身脱落、放棄、一切放下、無我、不死など多くの方法で描写されて来ました。
- 十二支縁起は感覚器官とその対象に依る意識・世界の生起を原初核とし、苦の生起、生老死の転生である輪廻の生起から成る生存の輪(生成の輪)と呼ばれています。(最初の)二支の無明(a-vijjā/ a-vidyā、涅槃の無覚証)と行(saṅkhāra/ saṁskāra、新旧の身口意複合)は(過去七仏に帰せられる)伝統的な十支縁起にブッダが加え革新したものです。彼は行がこの輪の原動力であり、(貪瞋痴の三毒の痴である)根本無明が一切の問題と苦(涅槃の無確証とそれによる覚醒の無確証)であることを明らかにしました。彼は所謂心を感覚、観念、行為(意志、心業)、意識に分析し霊魂・精神がそれらの複合であり発生・消滅し無常であることを明らかにしてその問題を解決しました。
- 一切の生物は業誕生者、業相続者、業保持者、業機械であり、又業依拠者であり、悪業を善業に変え、それに依拠し禅(zen, jhāna/ dhyāna)と定(samādhi)によって業を超越さえ出来ることを明らかにしました。彼は後者(無所有処、非想非非想処)を自らの二師により達成し、現象を明確化し、分析し、組織し、般若(智慧、診断)を日常生活に実現する瞑想方法を導入しました。彼は分析論者(vibhajja-vādin)であり行為・業論者(kiriyā-vādin)であると特色付けられています。
- 四聖諦は苦、その原因、原因の停止、苦の原因の停止に至る道の般若(診断)をする縁起(縁滅、最も単純な形は「此れあれば、彼あり。此れ無ければ、彼なし。」)の法の適用です。八聖道は三毒に対処する為の戒定慧の三学を修行する同法の適用(原型は出家者に対する七覚支で在家者に対する八聖道中、正命:正しい職業を欠いていた)のです。
- 三毒の業により、私達は自分達や自分達の国に対する誤った自己同一化をし、特殊的、矮小的、利己的、病的等ものと同定し、そのようなものとなり、私達がこの世界で見るような抗争と苦悩を生み出しているのです。泡沫も泡合体も速やかに現れては消えますが、大海は部分的な変化にも拘わらず恒常的です。私達が永遠の法(形態・現象、規律・法律、真理・倫理)と自己同一化することが出来れば、エゴ、国家エゴ、種族エゴなどを超越して罪(=分離、利己病患)無く、聖(全体健全:調和・健康・幸福)になるでしょう。
Dharma Life: 法生: