Garyo’s Experience at Eiheiji


Time in the Soto Zen temple Eihei-ji

When planning the pilgrimage Kumano Kodo, Ancient Path, Yuko asked me: “What do you want to see and experience in addition to Kumano Kodo?” Immediately, Eihei-ji came into my mind. Eihei-ji, (temple of eternal peace) was founded by Eihei Dogen in the 13th century and is one of the two head temples of Soto Zen. As a practitioner of Zen meditation, I was aware of this temple but never thought that I ever would have the opportunity to visit it. Eihei-ji is located northwest of Tokyo, the Kumano area is in the south. Yuko and Shigeo had to do a big detour – it was incredibly generous of them to drive so many more hours to take me there.

Eihei-ji is nestled in a valley surrounded by huge cedar and maple trees. Deep green moss is covering the ground and rocks, radiating peace and serenity. It covers an area of 330, 000 sq. meters (0,13sq. miles) and is used as a training monastery for monks in residence since Dogen founded the temple in 1244.







Scenery on the way up to the entrance gate




One of 70 buildings of Eihei-ji Zen village





In front of the entrance gate a little pond with a Bodhisattva sitting on a leave and a frog in the water




A clear river flows through the valley





Entrance gate to the visitor building


At 2 pm, I walked through the gate leading to the reception desk for visitors, presented my application paper and got a locker for my shoes. Everyone had to wear reddish-brown slippers in the temple, which was not easy for me to walk in. A monk handed  me a paper describing the schedule of my two days stay.





In excellent English, another monk was leading us through the temple complex and explained the different buildings on the map. It was interesting for me that the painter needed more than 4 years to finish it.








The building he is pointing to is the four-story modern building reserved for people who want to practice zazen (sitting meditation). One can sign up for a short period of time for specific programs offered. You need to apply for permission to attend.

The architectural design of the temple complex was brought back by Dogen from China. While only 23 years old, he went to China to deepen his practice and reached enlightenment. When returning to Japan, he put all his effort into teaching the way of awakening. The temple and the layout of the buildings is part of his teaching plan. It is constructed like Buddha’s body or any human body. The highest building called Hatto, Dharma Hall, is the place where sutras are chanted and corresponds with the head. However, the most important building is the Butsuden, the Buddha hall underneath the Hatto. It refers to the heart. Below the Butsuden to the left and right are the Sodo (where the monks meditate, eat and sleep) with toilets and Daikuin, the kitchen, and Yokushitsu, bath (the communal hot baths are very important). Dogen’s remains (he died at the age of 53) are kept in the founder’s hall beside the Hatto. I found it interesting that, like Kobo Daishi in Koyasan (founder of Shingo Buddhism), he gets food served three times a day.





Corridors connecting the buildings are like arteries of the heart (photo from the internet). Each building is connected by roofed corridors or a long distance of roofed stairways.





The Sanmon gate (main gate), built in the traditional Japanese wood-joining techniques, (not using a single nail) was built in 1749.





The bell tower, Shoro





Butsuden, Buddha Hall (photo from the internet)





This monk, who I erased his face to respect his identity, is ready to hit the cloud shaped bell announcing breakfast. He seemed a bit confused when standing on the little pedestal, holding the instruction papers. Our tour guide saw that and shouted that it was too early to hit the umpan. Obviously, he was a newcomer. Helping and supporting each other in the practice is a very important characteristic in a Zen monastery.  Zen temples are compared to forests where monks practice together in harmony like trees and grasses. I could experience that in Zuioji 8 years ago, with Daikai-san showing me the way how to be in the in harmony with the community of practitioners.





Hatto, Dharma Hall


The program I was admitted to is called Sanzen, designed for foreigners already knowing about meditation. We were 12 participants from all over the world and stayed in a four- story building attached to the main buildings of the temple, but separate.  I was assigned to sleep in a tatami room with two young women, one from Lithuania and the other from Hongkong. Everybody spoke English, so we could communicate with no problem.

We had several forty minute long sitting meditation sessions (zazen) with 10 minutes of walking meditation afterwards. Silently, without hearing any steps, a monk went around to adjust the posture. We could also ask to be hit by a kyosaku (flat, long stick) on the shoulder, beside the neck – if we wanted to. It relaxes the shoulder and vitalizes the entire body. It feels really good – I knew it from past retreats (many western temples stopped doing it because of negative reactions from western practitioners). I asked for it by bowing and the folding my hands in a position called gassho and was grateful for this experience.

The hot bath was wonderful and I was so glad that I knew the Japanese way of bathing and could share my knowledge with the other women.

Like in Zuioji, the time to wake up was announced by a monk running with a bell in the different corridors where people are sleeping. The wake up bell was supposed to wake us up at 3:50 am. This gave us time to wash, brush our teeth, prepare the room for leaving at 9 am and pack. I was already half awake at 3:30 am and waited for the bell to ring, but there was nothing. Interesting, I thought, how time feels different, sometimes passing so slowly! Suddenly, I heard the happy ring and looked at my phone. It was 4:20 am! The monk had overslept! Our meditation time was shortened in order to reach the sutra chanting in the hatto. It was to me an incredible teaching of accepting mistakes, becoming aware that nothing is really perfect and all we can do is to do our best. In Zuioji, the general greeting translated into English is ” thank you for your effort!”

At the end of my stay in Eihei-ji, I picked up the document called Goshuin, certifying that I had visited the temple. I brought my own book I bought 8 years ago in Koyasan with stamps and calligraphy from other temples already recorded in it. It felt good to have a continuation of my journeys.

Also, I learned that Daikai-san, the monk who cared for me when I lived and meditated with the monks eight years ago, became a teacher for Eihei-ji and visits the temple on a regular basis. He is now an abbot of his own temple called Chokokuji.





Daikai-san and I at the end of my stay in Zuioji






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Solving Suffering                                    苦を解く


Solving Suffering


We have the four inevitable sufferings of birth, aging, sickness, and death, and also eight, adding to these the four common ones of parting with the beloved, meeting with the hated, not attaining the desired, and, in short, the sufferings that arise from the five aggregates of form, feeling, idea, formation, and consciousness. Now we are endangered by nuclear holocaust and demise of the global life system, even by one man decision. We have threefold suffering of individual, social, and ecological.


The causes of them are thirst for the common ones and fundamental nescience for the inevitable ones. Nescience (a-vijjā/a-vidyā, cf. Latin video) means no witness of nirvana (no wind, of karma) and the world in it due to our being karma-machines, like a mouse continuously running on a treadwheel, not stopping to sit still, settle in nirvana, and see the Dharma, serving and saving all. Karma imbued with the triple poisons of desire, divisiveness, and delusion is the culprit of all suffering.


The Buddha said that all living beings are karma-birthed, -heirs, -owners, -machines, and -refuged. He clarified that there is no self-substance with self-sameness (permanent) and self-sovereignty (wishful) entities due to the Dharma (Truth/Law) of all dharmas (phenomena), Dependent Co-origination. The key practice of sitting still, which anyone can do, is to still karma, settle in nirvana (nir-vāṇa = ni-vāta: no-wind, of karma), and see the Dharma, serving and saving all.


The triple poisons and the “triple only” (only me, only now, and only money) make individual, social, ecological suffering, but can be cured by the triple learnings of morality, concentration, and prognosis. The fundamental morality lies in the five and ten precepts. Concentration is attained in sitting meditation. Prognosis is provided by nirvana/awakening. These are put into the eight holy ways. We all must work together as friends in need to solve individual, social global problems.


January 5, 2024 C.E.



  1. The practice of zen (jhāna/dhyāna: meditation), the key and core practice of za-zen, sitting meditation, is to still karma, settle in nirvana, see the Dharma, and serve and save all. This process is categorized in the Four Zen Stages and the Eight Concentration (samādhi) Stages (actually Four Zen Stages plus Four Concentration Stages combined, going together).
  2. The solution of the global problematique, interrelated global problems  such as global warming, mass extinction, nationalism, war, nuke, dictatorship, dogma, discrimination, prolusion, poverty, requires the global ethic (issued by the Parliament of the World’s Religions in Chicago in 1993 with more than seven thousand people from all religions and from all over the world attending), which is based on the Five Precepts (and the fundamental common elements in the Ten Precepts, the Ten Commandments, etc.).
  3. Ernst Cassirer defined humans as homo symbolicum in his Philosophy of Symbolism, its summary An Essay on Man, where humans are described as skillful in handling the symbolisms of language, myth, religion, art, science, history, etc. The Myth of the State is an important work that to shows how states operate and how people are misled to wars and even nuclear demise.
  4. We must abolish a system that allows one or a few to use nuclear bombs to devastate the whole world, even to the point of destroying the total global system, together with the nationalism, nukes, war, dictatorship, discrimination, and dogmatism that make it possible.
  5. The Five Precepts are essential ethic to keep the social and ecological holiness (wholly wholesomeness). No killing is to keep life, which is the key for anyone to fully develop one’s potential in the holy way and world. No stealing is to keep material base to live holy. No lying is to keep social base to live holy. No sexual misconduct is to keep the gender/generation base to live holy. No intoxicant is to keep the mental base to live holy.
  6. The eight holy ways/paths are right view (holy, rational, scientific, etc. philosophy, religion, etc. with holiness, rationality, sciences, etc.), right thinking (process with rationality, sciences, etc.), right speech (honest, logical, loving, etc.), right action (compassionate, helping, gentle, etc.), right livelihood (harmless, beneficial, constructive, etc.), right striving (moderate, continuous, etc.), right mindfulness (calm, clear, wide, deep, etc.), right concentration (even, constant, detached, free, full, etc.).
  7. A paradigm shift from our artificial, unilateral pyramidal civilization to a natural, cyclical Indra-net life culture for sharing life, heart, and harmony with the five blisses (awakening, freedom, equality, friendship, and peace) is essential to solve the global problematique. Culture is the cultivation of our potential in truth, goodness, beauty, and holiness (cf. sciences, philosophies, arts, and religions).

Please refer to the following for more detailed explanation:






これらの原因は普通のものでは渇愛、不可避のものでは根本無明です。無明(avijjā/avidyā, ラテン語 video参照)は私達が、鼠が踏み車を走り続け、辞めて静坐し、涅槃に入り、法を見、一切に奉仕し救済しないように、業機械であることにより涅槃(nir-vāṇa = ni-vāta:無風、業の)とその中の世界を確証しないことです。貪瞋痴三毒の浸透した業が一切苦の張本人です。









1.禅(jhāna/dhyāna: 瞑想)、鍵となり核となる坐禅の実践、は業を静め、涅槃に安住し、法を見、一切に奉仕し救済する。この過程は四禅と八定(samādhi)である(実際には四禅と四定は一緒で結合している)。


3.   エルンスト・カッシラーは人間を言語、神話、宗教、芸術、科学、歴史などの象徴を巧く操るものであるとする「象徴の哲学」やその要約である「人間」等で「象徴人間」と定義しました。「国家の神話」は諸国家がどのように機能するかそしてどのように人々が戦争やさらには核の破滅に誤り導かれるかを知るのに重要である。

4.   私達は一人や少数の人が、国家主義、核、戦争、独裁、佐s別、独断をもって、全世界を破壊し、全地球系を破滅させるに至る極点にも到る核爆弾の使用を可能にするような事を許してはならない。

5.   五戒は社会的・生態的聖性(全体健全)を維持する為の必須の倫理である。不殺生は聖道と聖世界で自らの潜在能力を十分に発達させる為の鍵である生命を保つことである。不偸盗は聖に生きる為の物質的基礎を保つことである。不虚偽は聖に生きる為の社会的基礎をたもつことである。不邪淫は聖に生きる為の性・世代の基礎を保つことである。不飲酒は聖に生きる為の心的基礎を保つことである。

6.   八聖道は正見(聖性・合理性・諸科学などのある哲学、宗教等)、正思(合理的・諸科学のある思考過程)、正語(正直・論理・愛情のある等)、正行(慈悲・援助・柔和等のある)、正業(不傷害・慈善・建設的など)、正精進(中庸・継続的など)、正念(平静・明澄・広汎・深甚などある)、正定(平静・常時・解放・自由・十全などある)。

7.   私達の人工的で一方向の金字塔文明から命・心・和の分かち合いによる五福(覚醒、自由、平等、友情、平和)をもつ自然的で循環的な命帝網文化への枠組転換が地球問題群を解決する為には必須である。文化は私達の真善美聖(参考:諸科学、諸哲学、諸芸術、諸宗教)における潜在能力を修養することである。








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Four Strivings, Services, Supremes                      四正勤、四摂事、四無量

Four strivings, services, supremes

While cleaning our center, I found someone had cleaned the floors, shelf/stove tops, sink, etc., well and unnoticed by others. Some people mow, sweep, contribute, donate (even from afar), etc., all unseen. This is called intoku, hidden virtues (陰徳), virtues cultivated and embodied with positive effects on all.

When Ryokan visited or stayed with families, the people there become harmonious and naturally changed their attitudes for the better. Even sending a card makes some happy and the world become bright. The four embracing matters of donation, loving words, beneficial actions, and sameness (in deeds) makes the world well.

The Buddha, Awakened One, recommended the four right strivings of decreasing and stopping bad karmas, and starting and increasing good ones. Any action activates ripples and reflective effects on oneself and others limitlessly. Dogen said that loving words have the able power to revolutionize the heavens.

The Dharma of Dependent Co-origination tells us that all are interdependently originating and ceasing, which means that we are all related and relative and that we must work together to make a better world with the four limitlessnesses or supreme abodes of friendship, compassion, joy, and equanimity (emancipation).

December 29, 2023 C.E.


1.Hidden virtues are meritorious actions for oneself and others, done unseen by others. They have merit for oneself in that one genuinely embodies that merit regardless of other people’s notice, and others become honestly happy and harmonious regardless of whether something is done in return.

2.The Four Embracing Matters/Dharmas (cattāri saṅgaha-vatthūni) are donation (dāna), loving words (piya-vācā), beneficial action (attha-cariyā), and sameness (samāna-atta-tā, lit. same-self-ness). The four embracing matters are to embrace all to benefit all. The fourth is to become one with all or to engage (事 as the verb to serve) in the same state or action. So, they are also called embracing services or engagements.

3.Donation (dāna) can be material or immaterial (wealth or Dharma), so anyone without wealth can donate one’s kind eyes, harmonious face, loving words, helping body, sympathetic heart, seat, and shelter (called the Seven Donations without wealth).

4.Dogen said, “Hearing loving word in person makes one joyful in one’s face and pleases the mind; hearing loving words not in person make one engrave them into one’s liver and soul. Subduing enemies and befriending nobles make loving words fundamental. Loving words originate from a loving heart, and a loving heart makes the compassionate heart its seed. One must learn that loving words have the able power to revolutionize the heavens.”

5.Sameness (samānāttatā) is to put oneself in another’s position, working with others in the same situations. If one can put oneself with the whole world, being the same with it, one can be truly holy (wholly wholesome with the world), like the Buddha in the Dharma-body (Dharma-kāya), Dharma-nature (Dharmatā), Dharma-thusness (Dharma-tathatā), and Dharma-world (Dharma-dhātu).

6.The four right strivings (四正勤) are decreasing and stopping bad karmas, and starting and increasing good ones. So, another traditional translation, the four right stoppings (四正断), represents only a part of them and is not correct.

7.Religion derives from Latin religare (reunion). Religion is, thus, to reunite with holiness (wholly wholesomeness, cf. Rudolf Otto’s definition of religion as the Holy) from sin (=separation, separated sick, cf. a-sun-der, sundry).

8.To reunite with the holiness of the limitless ocean of life from being a separated small bubble or foam of ego or group ego is the goal of anyone or a universal religion, where one lives as a true friend in need of all, as expressed in Mitra, Mithra, Metteya, Maitreya, Mazda, Massiah, etc., and who lives in limitless life, light, liberation, and love.

9.A paradigm shift from our artificial, unilateral pyramidal civilization to a natural, cyclical Indra-net life culture for sharing life, heart, and harmony with the five blisses (awakening, freedom, equality, friendship, and peace) is essential to solve the global problematique. Culture is the cultivation of our potential in truth, goodness, beauty, and holiness (cf. sciences, philosophies, arts, and religions).

Please refer to the following for more detailed explanation:








1.  隠徳は他人に気付かれずにする自他に効用のある行為です。それは他人の気付きに拘わらずその効用を純正に体得するという自らに取っての効用を持ち、何かお返しをするといったことに拘わらず他の人達が幸せで和むという他者に対する効用があります。

2. 四摂法(四摂事・四恩:cattāri saṅgaha-vatthūni)は布施(dāna)、愛語(piya-vācā)、利行(attha-cariyā)、同事(samāna-atta-tā字義通りには自己同化、他を自とし、仕:事える)である。第四は同じ状態あるいは行為で一切と一つになることです(事は動詞として「事:つかえる」、参考:事火:火に使える)。だから、それらは摂取(抱擁)奉仕または従事とも呼べる。

3. 布施(施与)は物も物でないものもあります(財施、法施)ので財物がなくとも誰でも愛眼、愛語、身行、慈心、床座、房舎を与えることができる(「無財の七施、無くて七施と言われている)。

4. 同事(同じにする事、事:仕かえる)は他者の立場になり、他者と同じ状況において共に働くことです。もし人が一切世界と同一であるとなることが出来れば、その人は真実に聖(世界と全体健全)になり、ブッダが法身(Dharma-kāya),)、法性(Dharmatā)、法如(Dharma-tathatā)、法界(Dharma-dhātu)になったようになる。

5. 道元は「怨敵を降伏し、君子を和睦ならしむること愛語を根本とするなり、面いて愛語を聞くは面を喜ばしめ、心を楽しくす、面ずして愛語を聞くは肝に銘じ魂に銘ず、愛語能く廻天の力あることを学すべきなり。」と言った。

6. 四正勤は悪業を減らし、止め、善業を始め、増やすことである。だから別の伝統用語である四正断はそれらの一部であり、正しくない。

7. Religion(宗教)はラテン語religare (再結合)に由来します。だから、宗教は罪(sin = 分離、分離病患, cf. a-sun-der, sundry)から聖(holiness = wholly wholesomeness 全体健全、参照 Rudolf Ottoの宗教の定義:the Holy)に再結合することである。

8. エゴや集団エゴの分離狭小の泡沫あるいは泡群から無限の命の大洋に再結合することは誰もあるいは普遍宗教の目標です、そこでは無量寿、無量光、無量解放、無量愛を生きる友・友情(Mitra, Mithra, Metteya, Maitreya, Mazda, Massiah)で表される一切の必要の時の真の友として生きるのである。

9. 私達の人工的で一方向の金字塔文明から命・心・和の分かち合いによる五福(覚醒、自由、平等、友情、平和)をもつ自然的で循環的な命帝網文化への枠組転換が地球問題群を解決する為には必須である。文化は私達の真善美聖(参考:諸科学、諸哲学、諸芸術、諸宗教)における潜在能力を修養することである。

















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Ego Is Evil!                              エゴは悪である!


Ego Is Evil!


Suffering (duk-kha: dis-satisfaction, lit. wrong-going) are the inevitable four (birth, aging, sickness, death) and common eight (not having the desired, parting from the beloved, meeting with the hated, in short, the rampant five aggregates). The five aggregates are forms, feelings, ideas, actions, and consciousnesses, which make up the so-called ego (self) driven by karma instilled with self-surviving strife.


Suffering comes from thirst (taṅhā/ tṛṣṇā), which is driven by nescience (avijjā/avidyā: no-witness, of nirvana: no-wind, of karma). Humans appropriate their body-mind as their property and identify it as ego (I) or mei (my), mistaken as a permanent and sovereign substance (entity) against the Dharma (Law/Truth) of all dharmas (forms/ phenomena), the Law of Dependent Co-origination.


The cessation of suffering comes from nirvana, witnessing unconditioned peace and the unsurpassed truth of the Dharma, stilling karma, and seeing egoless eco, without which we can’t have a true solution for individual, social, and ecological suffering: strife, crime, war, massacres, climate change, mass extinction, nuclear holocaust, etc. Awakening to karma and ego, and acting accordingly, are essential.


The path of peace and prosperity comes from the eight holy paths of right view (philosophy, religion), etc., by prognosticating the four holy truths for all problems. The triple poisons from our billion-year-old karma must be replaced by the triple learnings of morality, concentration, and prognosis. We need a paradigm shift from ego to eco, karma to Dharma, civilization (urbanization) to culture (cultivation).


December 22, 2023 C.E.



  1. The five aggregates of form, feeling, idea, action, and consciousness were proposed by the Buddha to analyze the so-called ego (self) and to see if any one of them is permanent and sovereign. All of them are dependently originated and ceased on limitless causes and conditions. Thus, none of them is permanent and sovereign, meaning there is no permanent and sovereign ego entity (self substance). As modern sciences reveal, organisms are composed of constantly changing molecules, interdependently influencing particles in the field of time and space. Human life is brief and brittle, like dew in the morning sun, compared with plant life, much less in cosmic time and space. However, the common way of body and mind as ego is ambiguous and easily misleading to the idea of an independent and eternal spirit, soul, etc. Ego edification and aggrandizement in the human world, especially in pyramidal societies, makes men believe in heroes, etc., in a particular age and area, which may become discredited as mass murderers, etc., in a later time and place.
  2. The Dharma of Dependent Co-origination and Causal Law do not allow an independent, sovereign, eternal ego (self). Dependent Co-origination means Dependent Co-cessation from the opposite aspect of it, where any system is susceptible to dynamic change or transformation (entropy, to equanimity, equalization, and equilibrium). The Dharma world does not allow unnatural concentrations of energies (powers, pyramidal systems, etc.) or evils (egos, unethical actions, etc.).
  3. Nescience (avijjā/avidyā) means no witness of nirvana (no wind, of karma) and the world in it (cf. Latin video) due to our being karma-machines, like a mouse continuously running on a treadwheel, not stopping to sit still, settle in nirvana, and see the Dharma, serving and saving all.


  1. The Dharma (Norm/Law) of all dharmas (forms/phenomena) is Dependent Co-origination, i.e., all phenomena are interdependently originated on limitless causes and conditions (similar to the Law of Causality, but deeper and wider).


  1. The Triple Poisons are desire, divisiveness, and delusion (of a self-same, self-sovereign self). The “Triple Only” are only me, only now, and only money (short-sighted views and actions, which make the wider world worse) , which can be cured by the Triple Learnings of morality, concentration, and prognosis.


  1. Sitting still makes one calm and clear, as a bowl settling down makes the water inside of it become calm and clear, reflecting the world. Constant cultivation of still sitting leads to calming (samatha/śamatha) and observation (vipassanā/vipaśyanā), nirvana and awakening (bodhi), witnessing the of truth world (Dhamma/Dharma-dhātu), and becoming the truth body (Dhamma/Dharma-kāya).
  2. The solution of the global problematique, interrelated global problems  such as global warming, mass extinction, nationalism, war, nuke, dictatorship, dogma, discrimination, prolusion, poverty, requires the global ethic (issued by the Parliament of the World’s Religions in Chicago in 1993 with more than seven thousand people from all religions and from all over the world attending), which is based on the Five Precepts (and the fundamental common elements in the Ten Precepts, the Ten Commandments, etc.).


  1. A paradigm shift from our artificial, unilateral pyramidal civilization to a natural, cyclical Indra-net life culture for sharing life, heart, and harmony with the five blisses (awakening, freedom, equality, friendship, and peace) is essential to solve the global problematique. Culture is the cultivation of our potential in truth, goodness, beauty, and holiness (cf. sciences, philosophies, arts, and religions).

Please refer to the following for more detailed explanation:




苦 (duk-kha: 不満、字義:逆目)は不可避の四(生老病死)と普通の四(具不得、愛別離、怨憎会、五蘊盛、合わせて八苦)である。五蘊は色受想行識で、所謂我(自己)を作り、自己残存闘争に浸潤された業に駆られている。


苦は、無明 [avijjā/avidyā:涅槃(無風、業の)の無証]に駆かられた、渇愛 (taṅhā/ tṛṣṇā) に由来する。人間は心身を、諸法の法である縁起の法み反してえそれを永遠で主宰物(実体)と誤認し、自らの所有物として所有し、エゴ(我)又はメイ[我所(有)]と同定する。











3.無明(無確証: avijjā/avidyā))は、私達が、鼠が踏み車を踏み続けるように、業機械として止まらず、静坐せず、涅槃に安住せず、法を見ず、一切に奉仕、救済しない為に涅槃(無風、業の)とその中に在る世界を直証(参照:ラテン語video)しないということである。



6.静坐は、椀が安住するとその中の水が静謐に透明になり世界を映すように、人を静謐に明澄にする。静坐の常時の修行は止(止静)(samatha/śamatha) と観(観法) (vipassanā/vipaśyanā), 涅槃と覚醒 (bodhi), に導き法界 (Dhamma/Dharma-dhātu:真理世界)を直証し,法身 (Dhamma/Dharma-kāya:真実身)になる。誰でも真実にある樹(両者共法:dharmaの語根 dhṝと同様永続を意味し一万年生き延びる樹もある)調和している樹(一切元素と調和し酸素、花、果、建築材など与える)の様に成れる。


















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Karma Is Key! 業が鍵である!

Karma Is Key!


Suffering comes from karma. Karma comes from self-survival strife since life started four billion years ago, driven by the triple poisons of desire, divisiveness, and delusion (of ego). Egoism (Self-centeredness, individual, national, etc.) is the source of suffering (birth, death, war, nuke, mass murder, extinction, etc.).


Karma comes from nescience. Nescience (a-vijjā/a-vidyā, cf. video) is no witness of nirvana (no wind, of karma), because living beings (especially animals) scarcely stop karma, constantly appropriate their bodies as theirs (mei) or themselves (egos). Thus, karma goes on as karma-machine (robotic), with no solution.


Solution comes from nirvana. Only when one stills karma, as in still sitting, one can become awakened from nescience, knowing how we live like a mouse running on a treadwheel driven by karma infested with nescience. Awakening lies in witnessing no-self (self-substance with self-sameness and self-sovereignty).


Path comes from awakening. The eight holy paths start with right view, seeing the Dharma (Norm/Law) of all dharmas (forms/phenomena), Dependent Co-origination, i.e., all phenomena are dependently co-originated on causes and conditions (thus, no eternal ego, sovereign state, etc.) Wake up to walk right path!


December 16, 2023



  1. It is essential that we must know that we are all karma-machines, thus creating all our problems and sufferings. Then, we can change ourselves, avoiding wrong karma and acting with right ones. The Becoming-wheel (bhava-cakka/bhava-cakra, Twelve-limbed Dependent Co-origination) illustrates how our life in suffering function. Formation (saṅkāra/saṁskāra: complete formations: past/present physical/verbal/mental activities) is the prime mover and nescience is one of the two root causes of suffering (which were mentioned by the Buddha, thus nescience-formation plus the ten-limbed Dependent Co-origination was Buddha’s original thought).


Please refer to 3 of the following site for the diagram of the becoming-wheel:


  1. Karma is instilled with the triple poisons of desire, divisiveness, and delusion (of ego/mei: I/my). The Buddha said that all living beings are karma-birthed, -heirs, -owners, -machines, and -refuged. He clarified that there is no self-substance with self-sameness (permanent) and self-sovereignty (wishful) entities due to the Dharma (Truth/Law) of all dharmas (phenomena), Dependent Co-origination.


  1. Nescience (avijjā/avidyā) means no witness of nirvana (no wind, of karma) and the world in it (cf. Latin video) due to our being karma-machines, like a mouse continuously running on a treadwheel, not stopping to sit still, settle in nirvana, and see the Dharma, serving and saving all.


  1. Dharma means 1. form (from d-harm: phenomenon) and 2. norm (from d-h-arm: norm: law operating through phenomena: ethic), and 3. the teaching of the law of all phenomena, that is, Dependent Co-origination (originally awakened on the origination of perception/consciousness depending on the sense organs and objects, but later applied to all phenomena, cf. note 5). This law is similar to the law of causality, now used by sciences, but deeper and wider, applied beyond objects – more on subjects and symbols – ideas, etc.).


  1. “The Dharma (Norm/Law/Truth/Ethic) of all dharmas (forms/phenomena/ truths/ethics)” is Dependent Co-origination, i.e., all phenomena are interdependently co-originated on limitless causes and conditions (similar to the Law of Causality, but deeper and wider – beyond conventions, conceptions, objects, etc.). This means that we are interrelated with other beings (other species, elements, stars, etc.), and relatives to each other, and that we must therefore live together harmoniously and strive to make a wholly wholesome world to become harmonious, health, and happy.


  1. Sitting still makes one calm and clear, as a bowl settling down makes the water inside of it become calm and clear, reflecting the world. Constant cultivation of still sitting leads to calming (samatha/śamatha) and observation (vipassanā/vipaśyanā), nirvana and awakening (bodhi), witnessing the of truth world (Dhamma/Dharma-dhātu), and becoming the truth body (Dhamma/Dharma-kāya).


  1. The solution of the global problematique, interrelated global problems  such as global warming, mass extinction, nationalism, war, nuke, dictatorship, dogma, discrimination, prolusion, poverty, requires the global ethic (issued by the Parliament of the World’s Religions in Chicago in 1993 with more than seven thousand people from all religions and from all over the world attending), which is based on the Five Precepts (and the fundamental common elements in the Ten Precepts, the Ten Commandments, etc.).


  1. Ernst Cassirer defined humans as homo symbolicum in his Philosophy of Symbolism, its summary An Essay on Man, where humans are described as skillful in handling the symbolisms of language, myth, religion, art, science, history, etc. The Myth of the State is an important work that to shows how states operate and how people are misled to wars and even nuclear demise.


  1. The Triple Poisons are desire, divisiveness, and delusion (of a self-same, self-sovereign self). The “Triple Only” are only me, only now, and only money (short-sighted views and actions, which make the wider world worse) , which can be cured by the Triple Learnings of morality, concentration, and prognosis.


  1.  A paradigm shift from our artificial, unilateral pyramidal civilization to a natural, cyclical Indra-net life culture for sharing life, heart, and harmony with the five blisses (awakening, freedom, equality, friendship, and peace) is essential to solve the global problematique. Culture is the cultivation of our potential in truth, goodness, beauty, and holiness (cf. sciences, philosophies, arts, and religions).


Please refer to the following for more detailed explanation:






業は無明に由来する。無明 (a-vijjā/a-vidyā, cf. video) は、涅槃(無風、業の)の直証の無いことである、なぜなら生物(特に動物)は殆ど業を止ことがなく、常に自らの体を自分の物()又は自分()と所有するからである。こうして、業は業機械(ロボットの様に)として継続し、解決が無い。










1.私達は、皆業機械であり、かくして一切の私達の問題と苦を創り出していると言う事を知ることが必須である。そうすれば、私達は、誤った業を避けて正しい業で行為することで、私達を変えることができる。生成輪(bhava-cakka/bhava-cakra, 十二支縁起)は私達の苦の生存が如何に機能するかを例示している。行(saṅkāra/saṁskāra: 全業:過去/現在の身口意三業)が主要動因であり無明が苦の二根(他は渇愛:貪)の一つである(がこれらは仏陀が述べたことであり、無明‐行に十支縁起は仏陀の原初思想である。)。


3.無明(無確証: avijjā/avidyā))は、私達が、鼠が踏み車を踏み続けるように、業機械として止まらず、静坐せず、涅槃に安住せず、法を見ず、一切に奉仕、救済しない為に涅槃(無風、業の)とその中に在る世界を直証(参照:ラテン語video)しないということである。

4.法(dharma)は 形態(form: d-harmより: 現象:真理)、2.規則(norm: d-h-armより:現象中の規則:倫理)、3.諸法の法、縁起(元来は感覚器官と感覚対象に依る知覚・意識の発生に覚醒したが後に一切現象に適用されたもの。註5参照)。この法則は、現今諸科学に用いられる、因果律と同様であるが、もっと深く広い-客体を越えて主体と観念などの象徴に適用される。

5.「諸法(dharma: form/phenomena/truth/ethic)の法(Dharma: Norm/Law/Truth/Ethic)」は縁起、即ち、一切現象は無量の原因と条件により因縁生起するということである。これは、私達、人間、は他の存在(他種、元素、星など)と相関し互いに相対であり、だから、共に調和して生き、調和的、健康、幸福になる為に全体健全な世界を作らなければならないということを意味する。

6.静坐は、椀が安住するとその中の水が静謐に透明になり世界を映すように、人を静謐に明澄にする。静坐の常時の修行は止(止静)(samatha/śamatha) と観(観法) (vipassanā/vipaśyanā), 涅槃と覚醒 (bodhi), に導き法界 (Dhamma/Dharma-dhātu:真理世界)を直証し,法身 (Dhamma/Dharma-kāya:真実身)になる。誰でも真実にある樹(両者共法:dharmaの語根 dhṝと同様永続を意味し一万年生き延びる樹もある)調和している樹(一切元素と調和し酸素、花、果、建築材など与える)の様に成れる。



























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Wake up and Walk up! 目覚めて歩め!


Wake up and walk up!


All living beings have the inevitable sufferings of birth, aging, sickness, and death. Why is birth suffering (duk-kha: wrong-going)? Because it is karma imbued with self-survival strife – sinful (separated) sickness. This is not known to ordinary minds due to imbued self-centeredness. However, life is filled with an ocean of tears and a mountain of suffering, of oneself and for others.


Karma is instilled with the triple poisons of desire, divisiveness, and delusion (of ego/mei: I/my). The Buddha said that all living beings are karma-birthed, -heirs, -owners, -machines, and -refuged. He clarified that there is no self-substance with self-sameness (permanent) and self-sovereignty (wishful) entities due to the Dharma (Truth/Law) of all dharmas (phenomena), Dependent Co-origination.


He was awakened to this truth and lived according to this law, realizing nirvana (no wind, of karma) by cultivating karma (stilling karma and serving and saving all by the Dharma/dharmas, avoiding wrong karma and acting on good karma), contributing to the Dharma/dharmas, constructing the community (sangha) of good friends to create a holy (wholly wholesome) way and world of all and for all.


He foresaw the destruction of the world due to sin (= separation: selfish sickness) and dedicated his whole life to holy harmony, health, and happiness of all and for all with the eight holy ways: right view (philosophy, religion, etc.), etc. We witness the world of war, warming, a worsening world, etc. Unless we are awakened and walk the holy way, all suffer and see the destruction of the world of all eventually.


December 9, 2023 C.E.



  1. We witnessed and are still witnessing “the century of nationalism and war” due to our blind belief in nationalism (national ego, based on individual ego), allowing mass murder, etc. (as in Israel’s war on Palestinians: 70% of those murdered are said to be women and children). Killing is the cruelest crime, as all possible potential and life that may be endowed in the future also perishes. Thus, this crime is universally condemned as the greatest cardinal sin of crimes committed, condemned by all, in all times, and in all places. No one can make compensation for it by any means, thus a murder is punished by eternal retribution and remorse. Powers want to keep their power by encouraging nationalism and militarism, and people want to keep their security through them. Unless we are awakened to such a sinful way, all must suffer to the end of the world. The only solution is for us to awaken to this truth (our being karma-machines, like those born blind groping for an elephant and fighting for their false views – this long night of nescience since life started forty billion years ago) and walk in the holy way for a holy world.

2.  Nescience (avijjā/avidyā) means no witness of nirvana (no wind, of karma) and the world in it (cf. Latin video) due to our being karma-machines, like a mouse continuously running on a treadwheel, not stopping to sit still, settle in nirvana, and see the Dharma, serving and saving all.

3.  The Dharma (Norm/Law) of all dharmas (forms/phenomena) is Dependent Co-origination, i.e., all phenomena are interdependently originated on limitless causes and conditions (similar to the Law of Causality, but deeper and wider).

4.  We have the four inevitable sufferings of birth, aging, sickness, and death, and also eight, adding to these the four common ones of parting with the beloved, meeting with the hated, not attaining the desired, and, in short, the sufferings that arise from the five aggregates of form, feeling, idea, formation, and consciousness. Now we are endangered by nuclear holocaust and demise of the global life system, even by a single man-made decision.

5.  Dharma means 1. form (from d-harm: phenomenon) and 2. norm (from d-h-arm: norm: law operating through phenomena: ethic), and 3. the teaching of the law of all phenomena, that is, Dependent Co-origination (originally awakened on the origination of perception/consciousness depending on the sense organs and objects, but later applied to all phenomena, cf. note 5). This law is similar to the law of causality, now used by sciences, but deeper and wider, applied beyond objects – more on subjects and symbols – ideas, etc.).

6.  “The Dharma (Norm/Law/Truth/Ethic) of all dharmas (forms/phenomena/ truths/ethics)” is Dependent Co-origination, i.e., all phenomena are interdependently co-originated on limitless causes and conditions (similar to the Law of Causality, but deeper and wider – beyond conventions, conceptions, objects, etc.). This means that we are interrelated with other beings (other species, elements, stars, etc.), and relatives to each other, and that we must therefore live together harmoniously and strive to make a wholly wholesome world to become harmonious, health, and happy.

7.  The Indra-net, whose crystal balls on its knots reflect each other mutually and limitlessly in space and time, illustrates the Dharma of Dependent Co-origination well, showing that all phenomena are interdependently co-originated and co-originating among themselves.

8.  The Indra-net, whose crystal balls on its knots reflect each other mutually and limitlessly in space and time, illustrates the Dharma of Dependent Co-origination well, showing that all phenomena are interdependently co-originated and co-originating among themselves. One (person or thing) is interconnected with others (persons or things) by elements (air, water, light, magnetism, chemicals, particles, sounds, colors, etc.), molecules, microorganisms, communications (words, arts, media, internet, etc.), actions (of viruses, plants, animals, humans, stars, etc.), etc. inside and outside, in space and time limitlessly.

9.  The twelve-limbed Dependent Co-origination (bhava-cakka/bhava-cakra, becoming wheel) is the most well-known representative application of the Dharma of Dependent Co-origination, though it is misinterpreted due to its linear presentation by oral tradition and the Hindu idea of transmigration (an embryo genetic interpretation called two causalities in three generations). Actually, it is a compound formed from the Dependent Co-origination of consciousness on sense organs and objects, of suffering on craving, and of samsara (total flow: moment-to-moment change, not like transmigration in Hinduism) on appropriation. It illustrates how our life goes with the five aggregates (originally identifying and analyzing so-called “self,” later “world”), resulting in suffering due to the triple poisons.

Please refer to part 6 of “Why Buddhism Now?” for a detailed explanation with the structural system of the “Becoming Wheel” (bhava cakka/cakra):



  1. The life system is in a limitlessly interdependent and interrelated system throughout limitless space and time. If we can acknowledge and activate it, we can function as limitless life, light, liberation, and love, like the crystal balls of the Indra-net, making it holy (wholly wholesome), harmonious, healthy, and happy, calm and clear, collectively and continuously.

11.  Sitting still makes one calm and clear, as a bowl settling down makes the water inside of it become calm and clear, reflecting the world. Constant cultivation of still sitting leads to calming (samatha/śamatha) and observation (vipassanā/vipaśyanā), nirvana and awakening (bodhi), witnessing the of truth world (Dhamma/Dharma-dhātu), and becoming the truth body (Dhamma/Dharma-kāya).

12.  The solution of the global problematique, interrelated global problems  such as global warming, mass extinction, nationalism, war, nuke, dictatorship, dogma, discrimination, prolusion, poverty, requires the global ethic (issued by the Parliament of the World’s Religions in Chicago in 1993 with more than seven thousand people from all religions and from all over the world attending), which is based on the Five Precepts (and the fundamental common elements in the Ten Precepts, the Ten Commandments, etc.).

13.  Ernst Cassirer defined humans as homo symbolicum in his Philosophy of Symbolism, its summary An Essay on Man, where humans are described as skillful in handling the symbolisms of language, myth, religion, art, science, history, etc. The Myth of the State is an important work that to shows how states operate and how people are misled to wars and even nuclear demise.

14.  A paradigm shift from our artificial, unilateral pyramidal civilization to a natural, cyclical Indra-net life culture for sharing life, heart, and harmony with the five blisses (awakening, freedom, equality, friendship, and peace) is essential to solve the global problematique. Culture is the cultivation of our potential in truth, goodness, beauty, and holiness (cf. sciences, philosophies, arts, and religions).

Please refer to the following for more detailed explanation:












一切衆生は生老病死の不可避の苦を持っている。誕生はどうして苦(duk-kha: 逆目:不本意)? なぜならそれは自己保存闘争—罪(分離)病患が染み込んだ業であるからである。これは限界のある自己中心が染み込んだ普通の意識には知られていない。しかしながら、生命は自己にも他者にも涙の海と苦の山で満ちている。






彼は罪(= separation:分離病患)によって世界の破壊を予見して、正見(哲学/宗教等)などの八聖道により自らの生涯を一切の一切の為の聖なる調和、健康、幸福のために捧げた。私達が目覚めて聖道を歩かなければ、一切は苦しみついには一切の世界の終わりを見るでしょう。






2.無明(無確証: avijjā/avidyā))は、私達が、鼠が踏み車を踏み続けるように、業機械として止まらず、静坐せず、涅槃に安住せず、法を見ず、一切に奉仕、救済しない為に涅槃(無風、業の)とその中に在る世界を直証(参照:ラテン語video)しないということである。


4.「諸法(dharma: form/phenomena/truth/ethic)の法(Dharma: Norm/Law/Truth/Ethic)」は縁起、即ち、一切現象は無量の原因と条件により因縁生起するということである。これは、私達、人間、は他の存在(他種、元素、星など)と相関し互いに相対であり、だから、共に調和して生き、調和的、健康、幸福になる為に全体健全な世界を作らなければならないということを意味する。

5.法(dharma)は 形態(form: d-harmより: 現象:真理)、2.規則(norm: d-h-armより:現象中の規則:倫理)、3.諸法の法、縁起(元来は感覚器官と感覚対象に依る知覚・意識の発生に覚醒したが後に一切現象に適用されたもの。註5参照)。この法則は、現今諸科学に用いられる、因果律と同様であるが、もっと深く広い-客体を越えて主体と観念などの象徴に適用される。




生成輪 (bhava cakka/cakra)の構造的形態の詳細説明については「何故今仏教か?」の3を参照:


  • 私達の生命組織は無限の時空を通じて縁起と関連の組織です。もし私達がそれを認知し実行するなら、私達は、帝釈網の水晶の珠のように、それを集団的に継続的に、聖(全体健全)なる調和、健康、幸福で、静かに明らかに、無限の生命、光明、自由、愛情として機能出来る。


  • 静坐は、椀が安住するとその中の水が静謐に透明になり世界を映すように、人を静謐に明澄にする。静坐の常時の修行は止(止静)(samatha/śamatha) と観(観法) (vipassanā/vipaśyanā), 涅槃と覚醒 (bodhi), に導き法界 (Dhamma/Dharma-dhātu:真理世界)を直証し,法身 (Dhamma/Dharma-kāya:真実身)になる。誰でも真実にある樹(両者共法:dharmaの語根 dhṝと同様永続を意味し一万年生き延びる樹もある)調和している樹(一切元素と調和し酸素、花、果、建築材など与える)の様に成れる。


  • 鍵となる静坐の実践は業を静め、涅槃(nir-vāṇa = ni-vāta: no-wind, 無風、業風の)に安住し、法を見、一切に奉仕し救済する。四無量(四梵住)は慈(愛:友情:与楽)、悲(泯:抜苦)、喜(悦)、捨(離:upekkhā/upekṣā)である。


  • 地球問題群、地球温暖化、大量絶滅、国家主義、戦争、核、ドクサイ、独断、差別、汚染、貧困の様な相互関連した地球諸問題、は(1993年シカゴで世界中から諸宗教の七千人を超える人々が集まった世界宗教会議により発出された宣言)地球倫理を必要とするが、これは(不殺、不盗、不偽、不淫、不飲酒の)五戒(と仏教他の十戒の基本的共通要素)に基づいている。インターアクション協議会は世界人務宣言の草案を作り国連が発出するように提出したが今に至るも棚上げされたままである。


  • エルンスト・カッシラーは人間を言語、神話、宗教、芸術、科学、歴史などの象徴を巧く操るものであるとする「象徴の哲学」やその要約である「人間」等で「象徴人間」と定義しました。「国家の神話」は諸国家がどのように機能するかそしてどのように人々が戦争やさらには核の破滅に誤り導かれるかを知るのに重要である。


  • 私達の人工的で一方向の金字塔文明から命・心・和の分かち合いによる五福(覚醒、自由、平等、友情、平和)をもつ自然的で循環的な命帝網文化への枠組転換が地球問題群を解決する為には必須である。文化は私達の真善美聖(参考:諸科学、諸哲学、諸芸術、諸宗教)における潜在能力を修養することである。


























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There Is No Sovereign! 主権は無い‼

There is no sovereignty!


The Buddha was awakened to the Dharma (norm/law) of all dharmas (forms/phenomena), Dependent Co-origination, that all are interdependently co-originated. This means no sovereignty (of Self, State, Sovereign) due to no self-sameness (impermanence), no self-sovereignty (suffering, duk-kha: lit. wrong-going, going against one’s wishes). The “sovereign state” is a misuse of the dogma of a “sovereign king,” anointed by a “sovereign God,” that preceded it.


People’s blind belief in these things has allowed “the century of nationalism and wars,” massacres, genocides, nukes, even nuclear holocaust. National ego is based on individual ego (I, Ich, etc.). The Buddha negated it with mei (mine, mein, etc.), because of the Dharma and the triple poisons of desire, divisiveness, and delusion, the root causes of all sins, separations, and sicknesses, which destroy the holy harmony, health, and happiness of all systems in the universe.


He prescribed the Five Precepts, which (along with the Ten Commandments) became the bases of the global ethic for global peace and prosperity. If the global ethic (along with the Universal Declaration of Human Responsibilities, based on it) is observed, there can be no wars, massacres, genocides, etc. We must urgently work to change the present systems of the UN, ICC, ICJ, etc., based on nationalism, and go with wider global systems, based on the global ethic.


The Buddha imagined an ideal society in a saṅgha (assembly) of good friends without status, states, sovereigns, subjects, etc. If we all become awakened and act wakefully, we can change not only human societies, but also the global life system in holy harmony, health, and happiness. We can make a paradigm shift from an artificial pyramidal civilization (= urbanization from civitas: city) with the five calamities to a natural life Indra-net culture (= cultivation) with the five blisses.


December 1, 2023 C.E.




  1. Dharma means 1. form (from d-harm: phenomenon) and 2. norm (from d-h-arm: norm: law operating through phenomena: ethic), and 3. the teaching of the law of all phenomena, that is, Dependent Co-origination (originally awakened on the origination of perception/consciousness depending on the sense organs and objects, but later applied to all phenomena, cf. note 5). This law is similar to the law of causality, now used by sciences, but deeper and wider, applied beyond objects – more on subjects and symbols – ideas, etc.).


  1. “The Dharma (Norm/Law/Truth/Ethic) of all dharmas (forms/phenomena/ truths/ethics)” is Dependent Co-origination, i.e., all phenomena are interdependently co-originated on limitless causes and conditions (similar to the Law of Causality, but deeper and wider – beyond conventions, conceptions, objects, etc.). It is not a sovereign order, but a universal law functioning anywhere, any time, with a unique flowering of life, light, liberation, and love at a unique place and time, in relation with the limitless time and place from past, present, to the future. This means that we are independent from but interdependent with others (other species, elements, stars, etc.), and relatives to each other, and that we must therefore live together harmoniously and strive to make a wholly wholesome world to become harmonious, health, and happy.


  1. It is essential to observe the Dharma (form/norm: truth/ethic) of Dependent Co-origination and the Five Precepts. The Five Precepts are an essential ethic to keep social and ecological holiness (wholly wholesomeness). No killing is to keep life, which is the key for anyone to fully develop one’s potential in the holy way and world. No stealing is to keep a material base to live holy. No lying is to keep a social base to live holy. No sexual misconduct is to keep a gender/generation base to live holy. No intoxicants is to keep a mental base to live holy.


  1. The Indra-net, whose crystal balls on its knots reflect each other mutually and limitlessly in space and time, illustrates the Dharma of Dependent Co-origination well, showing that all phenomena are interdependently co-originated and co-originating among themselves.


  1. The Buddhist “no-self (an-attan)” theory is based on the Dharma of Dependent Co-origination. Because of it, there is no self-same (permanent: nicca: nitya), self-sovereign (well going, su-kha), self-substance (attan: ātman) (an-attan: an-ātman due to a-nicca: a-nitya, duk-kha, wrong going, usually translated as suffering).


  1. The Triple Poisons are desire, divisiveness, and delusion (of a self-same, self-sovereign self). The “Triple Only” are only me, only now, and only money (short-sighted views and actions, which make the wider world worse), which can be cured by the Triple Learnings of morality, concentration, and prognosis.


  1. The solution of the global problematique requires the global ethic (issued by the Parliament of the World’s Religions in Chicago in 1993 with more than seven thousand people from all religions and from all over the world attending), which is based on the Five Precepts (and the fundamental common elements in the Ten Precepts, the Ten Commandments, etc.).


  1. A paradigm shift from our artificial, unilateral pyramidal civilization to a natural, cyclical Indra-net life culture for sharing life, heart, and harmony with the five blisses (awakening, freedom, equality, friendship, and peace) is essential to solve the global problematique. Culture is the cultivation of our potential in truth, goodness, beauty, and holiness (cf. sciences, philosophies, arts, and religions).


Please refer to the following for more detailed explanation:


  1. We must abolish a system that allows one or a few to use nuclear bombs to devastate the whole world, even to the point of destroying the total global system, together with the nationalism, nukes, war, dictatorship, discrimination, and dogmatism that make it possible.





ブッダは諸法(形/現象)の法(則/法律)、縁起、即ち一切は相関して共縁起すると言う事に目覚めた。これは無自己同一(無常)、無自己主宰(苦、duk-kha, 字義は上手く行かない:自己願望通りにならない)ことによる無主権(個我、国家、主宰)を意味する。「主権国家」は先行の「主権(主宰)神」に神聖化された「主権(専制)王」のドグマの誤用である。


人々のこれらの妄信が「国家主義と戦争」、大量殺戮、人種絶滅、核、そして核ホロコーストさえも許してきたのである。国家エゴは個人のエゴ(我、I, Ichなど)に基づいている。法と一切の罪、分離・病患の根源であり、宇宙の一切の組織の聖なる調和、健康、幸福を破壊する貪瞋痴の三毒の故にブッダはそれとメイ(我所有、mine, meinなど)(合わせて我・我所)を否定した。









  1. 1.法(dharma)は 形態(form: d-harmより: 現象:真理)、2.規則(norm: d-h-armより:現象中の規則:倫理)、3.諸法の法、縁起(元来は感覚器官と感覚対象に依る知覚・意識の発生に覚醒したが後に一切現象に適用されたもの。)。この法則は、現今諸科学に用いられる、因果律と同様であるが、もっと深く広い-客体を越えて主体と観念などの象徴に適用される。


2. 「諸法(dharma: form/phenomena/truth/ethic)の法(Dharma: Norm/Law/Truth/Ethic)」は縁起、即ち、一切現象は無量の原因と条件により因縁生起するということである。(因果律と同様であるが、より深く広い-世俗、観念、対象などを超える。)これは主宰の命令ではなく何時何処でも機能する普遍法則であり、過去・現在・未来に続く無量の時空に関係する命、光、自由、愛の独自の開花である。これは、私達、人間、は他の存在(他種、元素、星など)と相関し互いに相対であり、だから、共に調和して生き、調和的、健康、幸福になる為に全体健全な世界を作らなければならないということを意味する。



5.仏教の「無我 (an-attan)」理論は縁起の法に基づいている。それの為に自己同一(常住: nicca: nitya)、自己主宰(上手く行く, su-kha:安楽), 自己実体(アートマンと呼ばれるような実体)はない(無常と思い通りにならない:duk-kha:通常「苦」と訳される、ことにより無我:我と言う永遠で思い通りになる我:アートマンと名付けられる実体は無い)。


7. 地球問題群は(1993年シカゴで世界中から諸宗教の七千人を超える人々が集まった世界宗教会議により発出された)地球倫理を必要とするが、これは五戒(と仏教他の十戒の基本的共通要素)に基づいたものである。





















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Good Friends Are the Whole of the Holy Way: 善友は聖道の全てである。


Good friends are the whole of the holy way.


I had what might be my last trip to Japan to attend the 19th academic meeting of the Japan Global System Ethic Association and to meet friends from a peace group, Hitachi colleagues, my junior high school, and cousins. A young lady, an elderly lady, and a middle-aged man helped me carry two heavy bags up and down stairs, as my muscles are weak after sickness and injury. They really were friends in need.


My peace group friends introduced me to “Fungi-friendly Farming,” natural farming with filamentous fungi, which produces abundant, healthy crops. Participants use logs to cultivate fungi under soil mounds to grow vegetables year-round, enjoying healthy food, benefiting ecologically. They were making fungi and germs good friends, apologizing for damaging them and thanking them for helping.


When Ananada said, “Good friends make half of the holy way,” the Buddha said, “Don’t say so Ananada, they make the whole of the holy way.” He continued, “Mendicants who have good friends are surely expected to cultivate themselves and achieve the eight holy ways. People, destined to aging, sickness, and death, can become freed from aging, sickness, and death by making me their friend.”


World religions make their ideal figures friends (Mitra, Mithra, Mazda, Maitreya, Miroku, Messiah, et al.), who will come in the future to save their followers. If religion is truly reunion with the holy (wholly wholesome) from sin (separated sick) in the actual way and world, we must reunite with all in holy harmony, health, and happiness, becoming true friends in need for all. We must avoid bad friends and wrong ways.


November 24, 2023 C.E.



  1. Fungi-friendly Farming Video:,vid:wBI2a5sYP_A,st:0

The Secret Language of Trees


Nature’s internet: how trees talk to each other in a healthy forest | Su…

2. The Buddha’s words are found in the “Good Friend Scripture (Kalyāna-mitta-sutta)” (Khuddaka Nikaya 27.726, Samyutta Nikaya 45.63).

3. Religion derives from Latin religare (reunion). Religion is, thus, to reunite with holiness (wholly wholesomeness, cf. Rudolf Otto’s definition of religion as the Holy) from sin (=separation, separated sick, cf. a-sun-der, sundry).

4. The solution of the global problematique requires the global ethic (issued by the Parliament of the World’s Religions in Chicago in 1993 with more than seven thousand people from all religions and from all over the world attending), which is based on the Five Precepts (and the fundamental common elements in the Ten Precepts, the Ten Commandments, etc.).

5. To reunite with the holiness of the limitless ocean of life from being a separated small bubble or foam of ego or group ego is the goal of anyone or a universal religion, where one lives as a true friend in need of all, as expressed in Mitra, Mithra, Metteya, Maitreya, Mazda, Massiah, etc., and who lives in limitless life, light, liberation, and love.

6. A paradigm shift from our artificial, unilateral pyramidal civilization to a natural, cyclical Indra-net life culture for sharing life, heart, and harmony with the five blisses (awakening, freedom, equality, friendship, and peace) is essential to solve the global problematique. Culture is the cultivation of our potential in truth, goodness, beauty, and holiness (cf. sciences, philosophies, arts, and religions).

Please refer to the following for more detailed explanation:











世界諸宗教はその理想的人格を、未来に来て信者達を救う、友(Mitra, Mithra, Mazda, Maitreya, Miroku, Messiahなど)としています。もし宗教が現実の方途、世界として本当に罪(分離病患)から聖(全体健全)への再結合であるなら、私達は一切の為に必要の時の真の友となり、聖なる調和、健康、幸福に再結合しなければなりません。私達は悪友、悪道を避けなければなりません。





  1. 菌ちゃん農法のビデオ:,vid:wBI2a5sYP_A,st:0

2. ブッダの言葉は「善友経 (Kalyāna-mitta-sutta)」(Khuddaka Nikaya 27.726, Samyutta Nikaya 45.63)にあります。

3. Religion(宗教)はラテン語religare (再結合)に由来します。だから、宗教は罪(sin = 分離、分離病患, cf. a-sun-der, sundry)から聖(holiness = wholly wholesomeness 全体健全、参照 Rudolf Ottoの宗教の定義:the Holy)に再結合することである。

4. 地球問題群は(1993年シカゴで世界中から諸宗教の七千人を超える人々が集まった世界宗教会議により発出された)地球倫理を必要とするが、これは五戒(と仏教他の十戒の基本的共通要素)に基づいたものである。

5. エゴや集団エゴの分離狭小の泡沫あるいは泡群から無限の命の大洋に再結合することは誰もあるいは普遍宗教の目標です、そこでは無量寿、無量光、無量解放、無量愛を生きる友・友情(Mitra, Mithra, Metteya, Maitreya, Mazda, Massiah)で表される一切の必要の時の真の友として生きるのである

6. 私達の人工的で一方向の金字塔文明から命・心・和の分かち合いによる五福(覚醒、自由、平等、友情、平和)をもつ自然的で循環的な命帝網文化への枠組転換が地球問題群を解決する為には必須である。文化は私達の真善美聖(参考:諸科学、諸哲学、諸芸術、諸宗教)における潜在能力を修養することである。










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Categorical Command: Kill Not! 絶対命令:殺すな‼


Categorical Command: Kill Not!


“Kill Not” Is the Categorical Command for Salvation!

All living beings want to live in holy harmony, health, and happiness. Categorical Commands of religions start with this and other fundamental prohibitions to preserve life and its harmonious functions, as in the Five Precepts (no killing, stealing, lying, sexual misconduct, intoxicants). All state laws prohibit killing, stealing, etc., prescribing criminal laws.


Observing “Kill Not” Is Itself Heaven or Holy Happiness!

The Ten Commandments make them the conditions for salvation in Paradise or the Pure-land. All living beings are endowed with opportunities to live limitless life, light, liberation, and love, if they use their opportunity to realize their full potential to be awakened and act in their holy (wholly wholesome) way and world. Life is the greatest gift beyond life limits of sickness, aging, death, etc.


Breaking “Kill Not” Is Itself Hell!

Breaking this categorical command is Hell, Hadith, the lowest wretched life for the committer and the community of all out of this crime against all life. Anyone committing such a grave sin (= separation: sick selfishness) must undergo life-long remorse and repentance with all relatives and related ones, putting them into misery and misfortune, which no one, regardless of position or possessions, can escape.


Make “Kill Not” into Transforming the World in Peace!

Mankind is still in nescience and the nemesis of savagery of war committing all crimes of killing, stealing, lying, raping, and intoxication – ignorance and indignity due to blind belief in the fiction of “state.” Humans must make a paradigm shift from karma to Dharma, ego to eco, etc. realizing awkening, freedom, equality, friendship, and peace.


November 3, 2023 C.E.




  1. The Five Precepts are to keep life truthful, good, beautiful, and holy (wholly wholsesom) in culture (truth, goodness, beauty, and holiness as in sciences, morality, arts, and religions) and cultivation. No killing is to value life by which all values are realized. No stealing is to keep material resources to support life. No lying is to keep social support to enrich life. No sexual misconduct is to keep gender/generation equity/continuity. No intoxicants are to keep life wakeful to avoid mistakes and mishaps. These five became the bases for the Global Ethic (see Note 2), which it is hoped will be the bases for the Universal Declaration of Human Responsibilities (presented by the Inter-Action to the U.N. to be issued as the counterpart to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights).


  1. The Ten Commandments are attributed to God, which has been thought to be the Almighty Creator and Arbiter, which is to claim the absolute, universal authority on all truths and ethics (which is accepted in the monotheistic traditions). The history of religions shows that ancient people believed in natural deities (Sun, Lightning, Rain, etc.). Out of polytheism, monotheism developed with an anthropomorphic God (Dei, Deus, Zeus, Deva, Dyau meaning “shining,” Dyau-pitṛ, Deus-pater, Ju-piter meaning Father God, and other names like El, Al, etc.). In the East, however, the supreme being, principle, law, etc. were expressed in more abstract terms (Sat meaning Being/Truth, Brahman meaning Breath/Blown, like Big Bang, 聖Dharma meaning Law/Truth/Pheomena, Dao meaning Way, etc.). The Western cosmogony is the “carpenter/potter type” and the Eastern one the “Egg-hatching type.”


  1. Sukha-vatī (lit. comfort/happiness-ful) was translated as Gokuraku (lit. extreme comfort/happiness) and thought to be a place, but it is actually the psycho-physical (mental) state/world. It was also thought to be Jōdo (Pure-land in the West, where the Sun sinks where people go after-life), but is the same as Gokuraku (Sukha-vatī). Heaven was the state of being, not a place (cf. Heaven on Earth). Paradise was the pleasure-garden (pleasant state), not a place in the sky. Nadith, Naraka, are also a wretched state of being like in the underworld (beneath or below the earth like the yellow springs).


  1. The solution of the global problematique, interrelated global problems such as global warming, mass extinction, nationalism, war, nuke, dictatorship, dogma, discrimination, prolusion, poverty, requires the global ethic (issued by the Parliament of the World’s Religions in Chicago in 1993 with more than seven thousand people from all religions and from all over the world attending), which is based on the Five Precepts (and the fundamental common elements in the Ten Precepts, the Ten Commandments, etc.). The Interaction Council drafted the Universal Declaration of Human Responsibilities and presented to the U.N. to publish it, which remains shelved even now.


  1. Ernst Cassirer defined humans as homo symbolicum in his Philosophy of Symbolism, its summary An Essay on Man, where humans are described as skillful in handling the symbolisms of language, myth, religion, art, science, history, etc. The Myth of the State is an important work that to shows how states operate and how people are misled to wars and even nuclear demise.


  1. The Triple Poisons are desire, divisiveness, and delusion (of a self-same, self-sovereign self). The “Triple Only” are only me, only now, and only money (short-sighted views and actions, which make the wider world worse) , which can be cured by the Triple Learnings of morality, concentration, and prognosis.


  1. Dharma means 1. form (from d-harm: phenomenon) and 2. norm (from d-h-arm: norm: law operating through phenomena: ethic), and 3. the teaching of the law of all phenomena, that is, Dependent Co-origination (originally awakened on the origination of perception/consciousness depending on the sense organs and objects, but later applied to all phenomena, cf. note 5). This law is similar to the law of causality, now used by sciences, but deeper and wider, applied beyond objects – more on subjects and symbols – ideas, etc.).

8.  “The Dharma (Norm/Law/Truth/Ethic) of all dharmas (forms/phenomena/ truths/ethics)” is Dependent Co-origination, i.e., all phenomena are interdependently co-originated on limitless causes and conditions (similar to the Law of Causality, but deeper and wider – beyond conventions, conceptions, objects, etc.). This means that we are interrelated with other beings (other species, elements, stars, etc.), and relatives to each other, and that we must therefore live together harmoniously and strive to make a wholly wholesome world to become harmonious, health, and happy.


9.  Religion derives from Latin religare (reunion). Religion is, thus, to reunite with holiness (wholly wholesomeness, cf. Rudolf Otto’s definition of religion as the Holy) from sin (=separation, separated sick, cf. a-sun-der, sundry).

10.  To reunite with the holiness of the limitless ocean of life from being a separated small bubble or foam of ego or group ego is the goal of anyone or a universal religion, where one lives as a true friend in need of all, as expressed in Mitra, Mithra, Metteya, Maitreya, Mazda, Massiah, etc., and who lives in limitless life, light, liberation, and love.

  1. A paradigm shift from our artificial, unilateral pyramidal civilization to a natural, cyclical Indra-net life culture for sharing life, heart, and harmony with the five blisses (awakening, freedom, equality, friendship, and peace) is essential to solve the global problematique. Culture is the cultivation of our potential in truth, goodness, beauty, and holiness (cf. sciences, philosophies, arts, and religions).

Please refer to the following for more detailed explanation:





















2.十戒は(唯一神教伝統に受け入れられ)真理・倫理に対する絶対的普遍的権威と主張される神に帰せられている。諸宗教の歴史は古代の人々は(日、雷、雨等)自然神格を信じていたことを語っている。多神教から擬人的神 (「光」を意味するDei, Deus, Zeus, Deva, Dyau「父神:光」を意味する Dyau-pitṛ, Deus-pater, Ju-piter、その他 El, Al, etc.) の一神教が発展した。東方では、しかしながら、最高存在/原理/法等はもっと抽象的な術語 (存在・真実を意味するSat、息/フクらます:ビッグバンのような Brahman、法/真理/現象を意味するDharma、道を意味する Dao 等)で表現された。西方の宇宙創造説は「大工/壺作り型」であり東方のそれは「卵孵化型」である。





7.法(dharma)は 形態(form d-harmより: 現象:真理)、2.規則(normd-h-armより:現象中の規則:倫理)、3.諸法の法、縁起(元来は感覚器官と感覚対象に依る知覚・意識の発生に覚醒したが後に一切現象に適用されたもの。註5参照)。この法則は、現今諸科学に用いられる、因果律と同様であるが、もっと深く広い-客体を越えて主体と観念などの象徴に適用される。

8.「諸法(dharma: form/phenomena/truth/ethic)の法(Dharma: Norm/Law/Truth/Ethic)」は縁起、即ち、一切現象は無量の原因と条件により因縁生起するということである。これは、私達、人間、は他の存在(他種、元素、星など)と相関し互いに相対であり、だから、共に調和して生き、調和的、健康、幸福になる為に全体健全な世界を作らなければならないということを意味する。

9.Religion(宗教)はラテン語religare (再結合)に由来します。だから、宗教は罪(sin = 分離、分離病患, cf. a-sun-der, sun₋dry)から聖(holiness = wholly wholesomeness 全体健全、参照 Rudolf Ottoの宗教の定義:the Holy)に再結合することである。

10.エゴや集団エゴの分離狭小の泡沫あるいは泡群から無限の命の大洋に再結合することは誰もあるいは普遍宗教の目標です、そこでは無量寿、無量光、無量解放、無量愛を生きる友・友情(Mitra, Mithra, Metteya, Maitreya, Mazda, Massiah)で表される一切の必要の時の真の友として生きるのである。










                      KILL  NOT!












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No Nescience/Nefariousness: Karma to Dharma 無無明/無法:業から法へ

No Nescience/Nefariousness: Karma to Dharma

Hamas’ attack on Israel killed 1,400 people, and more than 200 were kidnapped. In response Israel has killed over 7,000 Palestinians, including over 3,000 children with air, land, and sea raids and blockades; ordered more than a million northern Gazans to evacuate; stopped supplies of food, fuel, water, electricity, and humanitarian assistance to Gaza; and is now undertaking ground operations in Gaza, which may cause a regional or international war, endangering humanity with nuclear holocaust. These are crimes against humanity, violating all laws.

The causes are the Triple Poisons of desire, divisiveness, and delusion of ego, enhanced by collective poisons (nationalism, racism, religious fundamentalism and fanaticism, etc.). These come from nescience (no witness) of nirvana (no wind, of karma) and not awakening to the universal Dharma (law: truth/ethic) of Dependent Co-origination that all phenomena are interdependently originated on limitless causes and conditions, thus all are related and relative, with no sovereign, sub-stantial self, so all must observe fundamental laws: no killing, stealing, lying, etc.

No one has the right to violate the universal laws that everyone should observe, but out of ignorance and arrogance many commit such crimes against all – all truths/ ethics, all beings/systems. Gandhi said, “The Ganges of rights comes from the Himalaya of responsibilities.” If one breaks the laws of harmonious systems, all the rights of others are lost and the harmony of the systems crumbles. That’s why the Global Ethic must be observed by all, and why the universal declaration of human responsibilities must come before the declaration of human rights.

Buddha (Awakened One) Gotama witnessed nirvana and awakening in the universal law; followed it in no possession of ego, estate, fame, fortune, etc.; was poorest in the mundane mode but happiest in the supra-mundane state; showed that anyone can do the same by cultivating the Triple Learnings of morality, concen-tration, and prognosis, the counterpart of the Triple Poisons. This Awakened Way requires nothing but the will to wake up and work with all in realizing the holy (wholly wholesome) way and world in limitless life, light, liberation, and love.

One only needs to practice sitting still, stilling karma, settling in nirvana, seeing the Dharma, serving and saving all, knowing that we are all karma-born, -heirs, -owners, -machines, -refuged, taking refuge in good karma and avoiding the bad, observing the universal fundamental morality (Five Precepts of no killing, etc., now the Global Ethic), applying prognoses to our problems to solve them, becoming a friend in need. We must change ourselves, our societies, global systems, etc., bringing holy harmony, health, and happiness in free full function to all.

October 27, 2023 C.E.


  1. The Triple Poisons are desire, divisiveness, and delusion (of a self-same, self-sovereign self). The “Triple Only” are only me, only now, and only money (short-sighted views and actions, which make the wider world worse), which can be cured by the Triple Learnings of morality, concentration, and prognosis.
  1. Dharma means 1. form (from d-harm: phenomenon) and 2. norm (from d-h-arm: norm: law operating through phenomena: ethic), and 3. the teaching of the law of all phenomena, that is, Dependent Co-origination (originally awakened on the origination of perception/consciousness depending on the sense organs and objects, but later applied to all phenomena, cf. note 3). This law is similar to the law of causality, now used by sciences, but deeper and wider, applied beyond objects – more on subjects and symbols – ideas, etc.).
  1. “The Dharma (Norm/Law/Truth/Ethic) of all dharmas (forms/phenomena/ truths/ethics)” is Dependent Co-origination, i.e., all phenomena are interdependently co-originated on limitless causes and conditions (similar to the Law of Causality, but deeper and wider – beyond conventions, conceptions, objects, etc.). This means that we are interrelated with other beings (other species, elements, stars, etc.), and relatives to each other, and that we must therefore live together harmoniously and strive to make a wholly wholesome world to become harmonious, health, and happy.
  1. The Indra-net, whose crystal balls on its knots reflect each other mutually and limitlessly in space and time, illustrates the Dharma of Dependent Co-origination well, showing that all phenomena are interdependently co-originated and co-originating among themselves.
  1. The life system is in a limitlessly interdependent and interrelated system throughout limitless space and time. If we can acknowledge and activate it, we can function as limitless life, light, liberation, and love, like the crystal balls of the Indra-net, making it holy (wholly wholesome), harmonious, healthy, and happy, calm and clear, collectively and continuously.
  1. Sitting still makes one calm and clear, as a bowl settling down makes the water inside of it become calm and clear, reflecting the world. Constant cultivation of still sitting leads to calming (samatha/śamatha) and observation (vipassanā/vipaśyanā), nirvana and awakening (bodhi), witnessing the of truth world (Dhamma/Dharma-dhātu), and becoming the truth body (Dhamma/Dharma-kāya). Anyone can become like a tree in truth (both etymological roots means enduring like dharma’s dhṝ) and harmony (a tree lives as long as ten thousand years and harmonious with all elementes, giving us oxygen, flowers, fruit, building materials, etc.).
  1. Ernst Cassirer defined humans as homo symbolicum in his Philosophy of Symbolism, its summary An Essay on Man, where humans are described as skillful in handling the symbolisms of language, myth, religion, art, science, history, etc. The Myth of the State is an important work that to shows how states operate and how people are misled to wars and even nuclear demise.
  1. Humans, as social animals, survived and sought superiority over other species, but are now endangered to annihilation due to their characteristics (social animal, smart animal, symbolic animal, fabricating animal, etc.) with the present global problematique, interrelated global problems such as global warming, mass extinction, nuclear holocaust, etc.
  1. The solution of the global problematique of global warming, mass extinction, nationalism, war, nuke, dictatorship, dogma, discrimination, prolusion, poverty, requires the global ethic (its declaration was issued by the Parliament of the World’s Religions in Chicago in 1993 with more than seven thousand people from all religions and from all over the world attending), which is based on the Five Precepts of no killing, stealing, lying, sexual misconduct, and intoxicant (and the fundamental common elements in the Ten Precepts, the Ten Commandments, etc.). The Interaction Council drafted the Universal Declaration of Human Responsibilities and presented to the U.N. to publish it, which remains shelved even
  1. Religion derives from Latin religare (reunion). Religion is, thus, to reunite with holiness (wholly wholesomeness, cf. Rudolf Otto’s definition of religion as the Holy) from sin (=separation, separated sick, cf. a-sun-der, sundry).
  1. To reunite with the holiness of the limitless ocean of life from being a separated small bubble or foam of ego or group ego is the goal of anyone or a universal religion, where one lives as a true friend in need of all, as expressed in Mitra, Mithra, Metteya, Maitreya, Mazda, Massiah, etc., and who lives in limitless life, light, liberation, and love.
  1. A paradigm shift from our artificial, unilateral pyramidal civilization to a natural, cyclical Indra-net life culture for sharing life, heart, and harmony with the five blisses (awakening, freedom, equality, friendship, and peace) is essential to solve the global problematique. Culture is the cultivation of our potential in truth, goodness, beauty, and holiness (cf. sciences, philosophies, arts, and religions).

Please refer to the following for more detailed explanation:











  1. 三毒は貪瞋痴(自己同一、自己主宰の我という愚痴)です。三だけは自分だけ、今だけ、金だけである(短見・短絡行動で、より広い世界を悪化させる)が、これは戒定慧の三学で治癒できる。

2. 法(dharma)は 形態(form: d-harmより: 現象:真理)、2.規則(norm: d-h-armより:現象中の規則:倫理)、3.諸法の法、縁起(元来は感覚器官と感覚対象に依る知覚・意識の発生に覚醒したが後に一切現象に適用されたもの。註5参照)。この法則は、現今諸科学に用いられる、因果律と同様であるが、もっと深く広い-客体を越えて主体と観念などの象徴に適用される。

3. 「諸法(dharma: form/phenomena/truth/ethic)の法(Dharma: Norm/Law/Truth/Ethic)」は縁起、即ち、一切現象は無量の原因と条件により因縁生起するということである。これは、私達、人間、は他の存在(他種、元素、星など)と相関し互いに相対であり、だから、共に調和して生き、調和的、健康、幸福になる為に全体健全な世界を作らなければならないということを意味する。

4. 帝釈網は、その結び目にある水晶の珠が時空中に相互に無限に反映し合うが、一切現象が共に生起し生起させる縁起の法を例示している。

5. 私達の生命組織は無限の時空を通じて縁起と関連の組織です。もし私達がそれを認知し実行するなら、私達は、帝釈網の水晶の珠のように、それを集団的に継続的に、聖(全体健全)なる調和、健康、幸福で、静かに明らかに、無限の生命、光明、自由、愛情として機能出来る。

6. 静坐は、椀が安住するとその中の水が静謐に透明になり世界を映すように、人を静謐に明澄にする。静坐の常時の修行は止(止静)(samatha/śamatha) と観(観法) (vipassanā/vipaśyanā), 涅槃と覚醒 (bodhi), に導き法界 (Dhamma/Dharma-dhātu:真理世界)を直証し,法身 (Dhamma/Dharma-kāya:真実身)になる。誰でも真実にある樹(両者共法:dharmaの語根 dhṝと同様永続を意味し一万年生き延びる樹もある)調和している樹(一切元素と調和し酸素、花、果、建築材など与える)の様に成れる。

7. エルンスト・カッシラーは人間を言語、神話、宗教、芸術、科学、歴史などの象徴を巧く操るものであるとする「象徴の哲学」やその要約である「人間」等で「象徴人間」と定義しました。「国家の神話」は諸国家がどのように機能するかそしてどのように人々が戦争やさらには核の破滅に誤り導かれるかを知るのに重要である。

8. 社会的動物である人間は他の種族より生残り優勢となったが、地球温暖化、大量絶滅、核ホロコーストなどの相互に関連する現在の地球問題群を持ちその性格(社会的動物、知的動物、抽象的動物、工作的動物等)の故に今や破滅の危険に曝されている。

9. 地球問題群、地球温暖化、大量絶滅、国家主義、戦争、核、ドクサイ、独断、差別、汚染、貧困の様な相互関連した地球諸問題、は(1993年シカゴで世界中から諸宗教の七千人を超える人々が集まった世界宗教会議により発出された宣言)地球倫理を必要とするが、これは(不殺、不盗、不偽、不淫、不飲酒の)五戒(と仏教他の十戒の基本的共通要素)に基づいている。インターアクション協議会は世界人務宣言の草案を作り国連が発出するように提出したが今に至るも棚上げされたままである。

10. Religion(宗教)はラテン語religare (再結合)に由来する。だから、宗教は罪(sin = 分離、分離病患, cf. a-sun-der, sundry)から聖(holiness = wholly wholesomeness 全体健全、参照 Rudolf Ottoの宗教の定義:the Holy)に再結合することである。

11. エゴや集団エゴの分離狭小の泡沫あるいは泡群から無限の命の大洋に再結合することは誰もあるいは普遍宗教の目標です、そこでは無量寿、無量光、無量解放、無量愛を生きる友・友情(Mitra, Mithra, Metteya, Maitreya, Mazda, Massiah)で表される一切の必要の時の真の友として生きるのである。

12. 私達の人工的で一方向の金字塔文明から命・心・和の分かち合いによる五福(覚醒、自由、平等、友情、平和)をもつ自然的で循環的な命帝網文化への枠組転換が地球問題群を解決する為には必須である。文化は私達の真善美聖(参考:諸科学、諸哲学、諸芸術、諸宗教)における潜在能力を修養することである。








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