Suffering or Happiness


Good morning!


I watched an NHK program titled “Autonomous Nerve System Self Care Technique, Irritation Changed.” The doctor said that irritation comes from self-centeredness, which stimulates the sympathetic nerve system, making blood pressure high, breathing shallow, etc., making one stressful and suffering. The cure is to breath slowly to balance with the parasympathetic nerve system. Contact with pets makes one relaxed and other-oriented, excreting oxytocin, love hormone.


Self-centeredness makes one in fight flight mode, stressful and suffering, and other-orientedness makes one in wholly wholesome mode, healthy and happy. The former is the triple poisons of delusion, desire, and divisiveness, coming from the karma of our survival instinct. The triple learning of morality, concentration, and prognosis makes one freed from the triple poisons, eventually from karma, which is called nirvana, no wind (of karma), no self-centeredness.


Self-centeredness is the source of all suffering, individual, social, and environmental – birth-death, loss-parting, war, nukes, global warming, mass extinction, etc. So, the Buddha said that conquering one-self is the true conquering. If a majority of humans does this, we can have a holy (wholly wholesome), harmonious, healthy, and happy world. If not, we are destined to destruction of the world, part and parcel of human caused mass extinction.


“Flowers blooming, the world is arisen.” Cherry blossoming makes a spring world. A flower makes a new world. A flower held, a smile rises. “A holy person has no self, nothing beside self.” For a holy one, the whole world is holy. Many seeing a holy one may make their holy worlds. The more, the better and quicker the world becomes holy, wholly wholesome, harmonious, healthy, and happy. If not, the world becomes more selfish, sinful, sick, stressful, and suffering.



Dharma talk








共通年2018年9月1日 法話































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Life Light:命光


Good morning!


I have witnessed many deaths of my family members, relatives, friends, teachers, acquaintances. When I attended my grandmother’s funeral ceremony, the monk said, “Due to causes and conditions she came into this world 80 years ago and with causes and conditions she left this world.” I watched the candle flame burning and thought it due to causes and conditions. Her daughter, my mother, was killed in a rare traffic accident before her, like a candle cut into halves.


The Buddha lost his mother due to his birth, so he could not even see her. He was saddened by worms cut by spades. He renounced his household life to solve the suffering of sickness, aging, death, parting, etc. His country was destroyed and his royal family members killed. He said, “Better than conquering thousands upon thousands in the battlefield is conquering one self. That is the true conqueror.” If one conquers oneself, there will be no conquering by killing, stealing, etc.


The Buddha conquered himself by sitting, stilling karma, seeing dharma, serving and saving all. He attained nirvana, no-wind of karma, and saw the Dharma of Dependent Origination – the truth of our life, samsara suffering, dependently originating on past and present physical, verbal, and mental karma. He served us with this truth and saved us with the Awakened Way to realize nirvana and bodhi, awakening, and prajňā, prognosis for all here, now, and wherever, whenever.


Nirvana is the state of a candle flame burning bright, not blown or extinguished, illuminating the world calm and clear – without karma wind of the triple poisons of desire, divisiveness, and delusion. Awakening in nirvana is like awakening from a nightmare, knowing that the nightmare is nothing but a dream, and thus the triple poisons are nothing but delusion. Awakening leads to prognosis to solve samsara, impermanence in identification, and suffering originating from it.




Note: Please study the diagrams of Dependent Origination and the Four Stages of Meditation in the Download Documents section of our website:












2018共通年8月25日 法話


































































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Triple Hearts



Good morning!


Dogen described the process of the Awakened Way as follows in his Genjokoan, Realizing the Universal Truth: To learn the Awakened Way is to learn the self; to learn the self is to forget the self; to forget the self is to be verified by all dharmas; to be verified by all dharmas is to drop off the bodies of the self and others; there is the trace of awakening at rest and extinct; traceless awakening is furthered on and on.


He recommended the triple hearts of great heart, mature heart, and joyful heart in his Tenzokyokun, Lesson to the Chef Monk. The great heart is to embrace and even transcend the whole world. When we attain awakening in nirvana, we witness no self in the dharma world, or attain the Dharma body beyond the smelly skin sack of the small self, attaining amrita, the ambrosia of deathlessness that is like the limitless ocean beyond bubbles.


The mature heart is the aged, ripened, experienced, skillful heart that takes care of everything in a concrete way, prognosticating far, wide, minute, and kind enough in the wholly wholesome way and world in harmony, health, and happiness. The triple hearts themselves are applications of the Awakened Way, and the mature heart is the application of the great heart in actual actions in the actual world of all beings.


The joyful heart is possible with, and promotes, the other two hearts together. Without the great heart, we miss holiness (wholly wholesome way and world) and without the mature heart, we miss actuality (active application and actual appreciation). This attains the joy-ful (sukha-vatī) realm or paradise (= Skt. pradesha, province, state), not limited by the conventional karma realm with the triple poisons.


8/11/18 Dharma talk













2018共通年811日 法話
























































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Poisoned Arrow to Pull Out to All Beings: 一切衆生から抜くべき毒矢

Good morning!


As we watch the news of wild fires and mountain fires in America and Europe, and super heavy rains, flooding, land slides in Asia, 500 scientists worldwide have announced: “Carbon Concentration Soars to Levels Not Seen 800,000 Years.” The Buddha told the parable of blind people groping for an elephant in order to report to King Mirror that it is like a rope, pillar, wall, etc.


The Buddha taught the lesson of a poisoned arrow, saying to pull it out immediately, rather than asking about the type of poison, the shooter, the arrow specifics, etc. The most dangerous arrow, needing most urgently to be pulled out of all living beings, is nukes, even if global warming and mass extinction, which will eventually make human beings extinct, are also important in the wider perspective.


The Buddha also taught that sufferings come from the triple poisons of desire, divisiveness, and delusion, which come from karma, as we are karma-heirs, -owners, -machines. He told us, however, that we can take refuge in good karma, avoiding bad karma. He showed how to still karma in nirvana (no wind, of karma), see dharma in awakening, and serve and save all beings.


Sitting still, stilling physical, verbal, and mental karma, is the direct, natural, practical way to reach nirvana and awakening in free and full function, in harmony, health, and happiness. The Buddha said that this is the “come and see” way, which anyone can practice and perfect. This is the way from sin (separation) to holiness (wholly wholesome way and world).


8/4/18 Dharma talk







2018共通年8月4日 法話





















































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Karma Sin or Dharma Holiness: 罪業か聖法か


Good morning!


Yesterday I experienced two completely opposite experiences. One was while I was on the way here: I saw a driver in the next lane decelerating in front of a red signal, who then just ran away. I honked cautioning it, then another car cut into my lane as if not liking my action. Another car cut in dangerously in close proximity. These show sin, separation, causing antagonism, enmity, destruction, and demise.


The other one: I watched a video of Jill Bolte Taylor and her book Stroke of Insight. When she had her brain stroke and was hospitalized, her mother, visiting her in the hospital, immediately put herself in Jill’s bed and, embracing her, rocked her for days as if rocking her baby. This is empathy, oneness, holiness, becoming wholly wholesome with the world, harmony, health, and happiness.


We are at the fork of a road leading either to a destiny of demise or of happiness in the world, either to sin or holiness. There is no way of selfishness in the world of interdependent co-origination, related and relative. We are all in the Indra-net of life, all living beings being four billion years old with genes and a generic world like the ocean rather than bubbles – wonderful rather than worrisome.


Buddha Gotama foresaw the danger of selfishness by karma and taught the Dharma of Dependent Co-origination to save the world from destruction. We must know our four billion year karma, still, see, serve, and save all beings by decreasing and stopping bad karma as well as starting and increasing good karma. Zazen is the natural, direct, practical way to still karma and savor the Dharma in nirvana.


7/21/18  Dharma talk







2018共通年7月21日 法話



































































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Neither Chill Nor Heat:無寒暑


Good morning!


A monk asked Tozan, “When chill or heat comes, how can I avoid it?” Tozan said, “Why don’t you fare to the neither chill nor heat place?” The monk asked, “What is the neither chill nor heat place?” Tozan said, “At the chill time, chill kills the teacher: at the heat time, heat kills the teacher.”


At the chill zones, people acclimatize to chill. At the heat zones, people acclimatize to heat. We can cultivate the capacity to endure chill or heat, and further chill and heat. When chill kills choice and heat kills hate, we may be able to transcend chill and heat, liking and disliking.


When, however, we have global warming and nuclear winter, claiming casualties and corpses, climate changes (hurricanes, typhoons, wild fires, flooding, land slides, etc.) and nuclear nemeses (radiation, war, devastation dust, etc.) kill living beings and living biospheres beyond nirvana and Bodhi.


Sharp knives can cook or kill. Our cultivation and verification must lead to nirvana and Bodhi, awakening, never to nemesis and annihilation. Pure peace and profound prognosis enjoy a wholly wholesome way and world, never a selfish sick way and world. Practice perfects peace prognosis.


7/7/18 Dharma talk


Note: “The teacher” in the above is the translation of “jari,” shortened form of “ajari” (transliteration of ācarya/ācariya, teacher in Sanskrit/Pali) here denoting “you”(It seems that Tozan’s intention: Why don’t you, teacher, attain nirvana?)
















































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Sesshin Serves and Saves



Good morning!


Sesshin (摂心・接心) means embracing and touching our hearts and minds. If we sit and still our minds, stilling our conceptions, emotions, volitions, and even perceptions, advancing in the four stages of zen, we can eventually enter into nirvana, stilling the wind of karma and karma worlds.


If we sit and see our minds, seeing how our perceptions, consciousness, craving, nescience originates on sense organs and objects, clarifying the mechanism of how these cause suffering driven by karma, we can eventually become awakened to the truth of our life as shown in the becoming wheel or life cycle in karma.


In this way we can attain the fivefold bliss of awakening, freedom, equality, compassion, and peace in the nirvana realm for the “life Indra-net culture,” transcending the fivefold calamity of illusion, bondage, discrimination, exploitation, and extermination in the karma world of a “money pyramid civilization.”


In this way we can realize the Four Brahma-vihāra, Supreme-abode or Purity-abode of compassion, commiseration, joy, and equanimity in ourselves and the Four Embracing Matters of giving, loving words, beneficial deeds, and sameness for all, serving and saving all beings in time and space.






























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Curing & Caring Karma:業の治癒と手当




Good morning!


We can enjoy birds’ singing surrounded by beautiful flowers in quiet sitting. I posted the people’s movement making the EU prohibit bee killing chemicals, and Rob Kall’s interview with David Swanson on his Curing Exceptionalism in the Limitless Life. Not only 4% of the human population, but less than 1% believe Exceptionalism antagonizes other humans along with all living beings.


Wars are human exceptionalism with mass murder, stealing, lying, raping, etc. Mass murder, etc. are immoral in any country, but permitted to other countries due to the delusion of ego. Delusional dictators and their followers created these atrocities. Awakened religionists condemned them. Thus, the global ethic employed the first four of the Five Precepts as irrevocable directives.


Religion means reunion with holiness (wholly wholesome way/world) from sinfulness (= separation, selfish sickness). Curing and caring it is curing and caring karma. It is essential to be awakened to the truth of our being karma-heirs, -owners, -machines, looking after ourselves in taking care of and refuge in good actions1.


We have now exceptional karma in that we can destroy the world at any moment with delusion, but we have the common karma to cooperate with all in the world with awakening. The Life Wheel2 tells us how our delusion and desire lead to suffering, and the Zen Stages3 teach us how to attain nirvana/bodhi (awakening) with the Various Ways4.




Note 1. Four Applications of decreasing/stopping bad actions and starting and increasing good ones


  1. 12-limbed Dependent Co-origination, the compound of the Dependent Co-origination of sense organs, objects, and perceptions/consciousnesses (called the Triple Conjunction), of Dependent Origination of craving, formation, suffering (called the Triple Steps), and of Dependent Origination of samsara (appropriation/identification, becoming, i.e., birth, aging and death).


  1. 4-stages of Zen (Jhana/Dhyana/Chan) advancing from the 1st (with the Zen components, i.e., investigation, contemplation, mental joy, physical comfort, single-pointedness of the mind), 2nd (discarding the former three of the Zen components, and the five coverings of lust-desire, covetousness-malevolence, sloth-drowsiness, agitation-worry, and doubt, which represents emotions), 3rd (discarding the former four Zen components, and the Four Leaks of lust, becoming, views, and nescience) identified as equipoise (upekhāko, lit. discardor), 4th identified as equanimity (upekhā, lit. discarding) tantamount to nirvana, mind freed.


  1. Various Ways composed of the 37 Awakening Limbs of the 8 Holy Ways (right view, thinking, speech, action, livelihood, striving, mindfulness, concentration), 7 Awakening Limbs (dharma analysis, mindfulness, striving, joy, lightness, concentration, equanimity), 5 Faculties/5 Powers (faith, striving, concentration, prognosis), 4 Mindfulness Applications (on body, feeling, consciousness, dharma), 4 Potency Bases/4 Powerd (desire, striving, concentration, investigation) in the Early Buddhism or 6 Prognosis Perfections in the Mahayana Bodhisattva Way.


For more detailed explanations on the above please refer to the following site or book:




Osamu Rosan Yoshida, NO SELF, A NEW SYSTEMATIC INTERPRETATION OF BUDDHISM, The World Sacred Text Publishing Society, Tokyo, 1994









宗教とは罪(sin = separation:利己病患 )から聖(holy = wholly wholesome:全体健全)に再結合するという意味です(religion < religare = reunion)。それを治療し手当するのは業を治療し手当することです。私達が業相続者、業所有者、業機械であり、みずから善業で手当し拠り所を得るという真理に目覚めることが必須です。









3.禅( (Jhāna: 梵語/Dhyāna:パーリ語/Chan: 禅:中国語の日本語音訳) は第一禅(推理・憶測・心喜・身楽・集中の禅支あり)、第二禅(前二禅支と感情の代表五蓋:貪欲・慳貪・惰眠・不安の捨)、第三禅(前三禅支と意欲の代表四漏:淫貪・生成・邪見・無明:涅槃無経験の捨)、第四禅(前四禅支と一切捨:涅槃)。



















































































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Stilling Karma, Seeing Dharma:業静止で法正観



Good morning!


We are now surrounded by beautiful flowers – cherry, red buds, lilacs, azaleas – especially after sitting in serenity. Sesshin is embracing the heart/mind and touching them. The Buddha often referred to “door-guarding” (dvāra-gutta) of leaks (āsava: defilements: bonno) leaking out. Yesterday I dug up mint roots, a thick interwoven network, and was reminded of karma, originally planted for its scent, but now spreading in the vegetable garden.


My Japanese garden is getting crowded with growing bushes. We must have prognosis, far insight and experienced skill, in time and space in everything. Still sitting stills karma, seeing truths/phenomena (dharma), thus serving and saving them. Seeing dharmas makes us awakened from delusion, like awaking from dreams, and saving them gives us prognosis (prajňā/paňňā), as we know how our hearts/minds, i.e., our worlds, work.


The four stages of Zen (chan, jhāna) advance with the discarding of conceptions, emotions (represented by the five coverings of lust/desire, covetousness/malevolence, sloth/drowsiness, agitation/worry, and doubt), volitions (represented by the four leaks of lust, becoming, views, and nescience). Discarding and discarding of its sense leads to freedom of heart/mind and nirvana (no wind of karma, from which coverings and leaks appear), thus door-guarded.


Trees are said to communicate among themselves by gas, etc. Humans communicate by languages, etc. Tree and true came from the common root of dhṝ, the root of dharma. Languages single out and stultify phenomena, strengthened by emotions, etc. Thus, we must cultivate our karmas to verify dharmas, like cultivating land and verifying its produce. The Buddha said that one can put on shoes, it’s not necessary to spread leather all over the world.


4/29/18 C.E. Dharma talk

















































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Small Self to Saintly Soul 小さな自我から聖なる霊性へ

Good morning!

The first Zen koan tells: When the Buddha held up a flower, Mahakashapa smiled. The flower most probably was a lotus flower, symbolizing a fragrant beautiful flower untouched by muddy water, which already contains fruit inside its flower pedals. Sitting, as you already experienced, contains the fruit of a calm clear state in itself, a glimpse of nirvana and bodhi (awakening) in itself.

The legend of the Brahma’s beseeching of the Buddha to go into the world, when he found it deeply sunken in the laya (layers of karma), and being inclined to stay inside the forest enjoying nirvana, says that he thought about lotus flowers – while most were deeply sunken under muddy water, some were about peep out, and a few were already blooming. So, he spent the next 45 years sharing his way with all.

We say, “Kame-no kō yori toshi-no kō,” lit. Better than a tortoise shell is age merit (Age wisdom is better than a tortoise shell – tortoises were believed to live ten thousand years). North Korea now wants to have peace in Korea, Asia, and the world. Hooligans easily fight, but adults remain calm. Small selves seek strife, but saintly souls (mahā-ātmā, lit. great self) stay satisfied.

All fallacies can be summed up in mini-max (micro-macro) fallacy to take mini as max, taking ego as great and important as eco. Individual, social, national, racial, etc. ego is the culprit of all problems and sufferings. Me-ism is the source of materialism, militarism, money-ism, creating pyramidal civilizations (money-character tower: 金字塔), ignoring holy (wholly wholesome) truth and ethic.


















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