Solomon Islands 4: Rain





The giant fern leaves

Touched by the afternoon rain

Gracefully bend down










A cup of hot tea –

Roosters and the shout of a man

Mix with sounds of rain



Down in the valley

Rainheavy banana leaves –

Smoke from the earth oven












Beside the river

A green wall of jungle leaves –

Rain drops in the air
















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Solomon Islands 3: Children





Past and the future

Do not bother the children –

Solomon Islands
































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Solomon Island 2: At the Shore




Footprints in the sand

the tail of the green lizard

divides and connects
















































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Solomon Islands 1: Walking on the Edge


Dear friends


I am very happy to be able to share with you my experience in the Solomon Islands, a nation consisting of 1000 islands in the South Pacific. I travelled to this remote place to visit my son, who works in the field of economic development. The beauty was breathtaking! However, at the same time, the problems this nation faces (like ruthless logging, poverty, global warming) are overwhelming. I hope my photos and words are able to convey my impressions of this region and raise the awareness of how crucial it is to protect the last parts of a mostly still intact nature.




During my three weeks there, I spent about a week in the capital Honiara and the rest of the time on some islands of the Western Provinces. Sometimes, I felt the desire to connect with the landscape by creating land art. At other times, a haiku formed itself as a response to my experience. This will be the first part of my report. In the second part, I will describe my experience in more detail.

Thank you so much for travelling with me to the South Pacific.







 Walking on the Edge



Walking on the edge –

The flight of the white heron

Speaks of elegance



























Note: Again we have the opportunity to appreciate Garyo’s beautiful pictures with her experience in short haiku form in Solomon Islands.

We will post her haikus and pictures as a series every day for some days.  Please visit here and enjoy them. Her travelogues were and are coming in book forms.


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Courageous Challenge, Continuous Cultivation, Calm Contentment, Clear Concentration:勇気ある挑戦・継続的修行・平安な満足・明澄な集中力


Good morning!


A few days ago while I was watching TV, I heard Dr. Tasuku Honjo, this year’s Nobel Prizer in Physiology and Medicine, mention Concentration and Continuity as the last of six Cs given as his research driving forces. I often speak of these as two wings or wheels to fly or advance. The rest are Curiosity, Courage, Challenge, and Confidence.


All of them are necessary for anyone who wants to achieve anything meaningful in advancing life quality. We need Curiosity and Challenge to aspire, Courage and Confidence to advance, Concentration and Continuity to attain our goal. These mirror aspiring, advancing, and attaining good views and values at peaks and places at each step.


The Awakened Way advises the Fourfold Potency Bases, the Fivefold Faculties, the Sixfold Perfections, the Sevenfold Awakening Limbs, and the Eightfold Holy Ways, etc. to aspire for peace/awakening, to advance in the Fourfold Embracing Matters and the Fourfold Limitlessness, and to attain awakening/prognosis in nirvana, unconditioned peace.


While we live, we learn limitless life, light, liberation, and love in the Way Cycle of Practice – aspiration, cultivation, nirvana, and awakening – courageous challenge, continuous cultivation, calm contentment, and clear concentration. Zen embraces the Triple Learnings of morality, concentration, and prognosis, and the Triple Samadhi Limbs of striving, mindfulness, and concentration.






Fourfold Potency Bases (Iddhi-pāda): desire (chanda), striving (viriya), mind (citta), investigation (vīmaṁsā)


Fivefold Faculties/Powers (Indriya/Bala): faith (saddhā), striving (viriya), mindfulness (sati), concentration (samādhi), prognosis (paňňā)


Sixfold Perfections (pāramitā): giving (dāna), morality (sīla), patience (kānti), striving (viriya), concentration (samādhi), prognosis (paňňā)


Sevenfold Awakening Limbs (Bojjhaṅga): dharma analysis (dhamma vicaya), mindfulness (sati), striving (viriya), joy (pīti), lightness (passaddhi), concentration (samādhi), equanimity (upekkhā)


Eightfold Holy Ways (Ariya-magga): right view (sammā diṭṭhi), right thinking (sammā saṅkappa), right speech (sammā vacī), right action (sammā kammanta ), right livelihood (sammā ājīva), right striving (sammā viriya), right mindfulness (sammā sati), right concentration (sammā samṭdhi)


Eightfold Consideations/Awakenings of Great Persons (Mahā-purisa-vitakka/-bodhi): little desire (appiccha), contentment (santuṭṭha), seclusion (pavivitta), striving (viriya), mindfulness (sati), concentration (samāhia), prognosis (paňňā), no speculation (appapaňca)


Fourfold All-embracing Matters (S aṅgaha-vattu): giving (dāna), loving words (piya-vacana), beneficial action (attha-cariyā/artha-kṛtya), sameness (samana-arthatā/samana-arthatarthatā)


Fourfold Immeasurable/Brahma-abode (Apramana/Brahma-vihāra): friendship (mettā), compassion (kaluyāna), joy (mudita), equanimity (upekhā)








これら全ては生命の質を向上させるのに意味のある事を成就したいと望む誰にも必要なものです。私達は志すには好奇心と挑戦を、前進するには勇気と自信を、目的を達成するには集中力と継続を必要とします。 これらは頂上と歩歩の所で善い眺望と価値を志し、前進し、獲得するのを反映しています。




私達は生きて行く上で発心・修行・涅槃・覚悟の行持道環、8Cではcourageous challenge(勇気ある挑戦)continuous cultivation(継続的修行)calm contentment(平穏な満足)clear concentration(明澄な集中)、で無量寿・無量光・無量自由・無量愛を学びます。禅は戒定慧の三学、精進・専念・集中の三三昧支を包摂します。













































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Cultivation Is Verification


Good morning!


Last time I compared Zazen practice to mountaineering. Step by step we climb with effort, and we experience clear, cool air and calm, changing scenes. Eventually we can climb to the highest peak, commanding vast views of countless peaks in pure peace and prognosis with boundless bliss.


Most people, however, are too busy or lazy to aspire to mountaineering, to make efforts to experience the exaltation of elevation away from their busy bustle and boundless bitterness. Even aspiration may be broken by sickness, slackness, short-sightedness, short-circuiting, etc., midway or even close to the peak.


On his deathbed, the Buddha allowed Subaddha to ask him – despite being refused by Ananda thrice – “What is the true religious leader?” The Buddha answered, “Subaddha, I renounced my house at 29, seeking goodness. Fifty and more years have passed since. I have been walking only in the realm of Right-way and Dharma. There is no other ‘striver in the Way.’”


, the root of naya, translated Right-way, means “leading, reasoning,” but it also means vi-naya, off-lead, discipline – leading off bad karma to good, like training a wild, untamed elephant to become a tamed, useful one. Discipline is the first of the Triple Learnings of sīla (morality), samādhi (concentration), and prajňā (prognosis).


As Dogen said, cultivation and verification, training and witnessing, are one. We cultivate ourselves and verify the results of cultivation at the same time. We may not witness this so obviously, however, just as when a huge ship collides with a small one, the action-reaction result shows little for the huge ship due to its much larger volume.


Awakening, witnessing truth in nirvana, no-wind of karma, leads to freedom, equality, compassion, and peace (fivefold bliss of cultivation/culture). Anyone who practices Zazen can witness nirvana/prognosis, enjoying the holy (wholly wholesome) way world, harmony, health, and happiness always, at any place.




Note: Kusala, translated as goodness above, literally means skillfulness from “good at cutting kusa, grass.” So, it depends on the situation – poison may be used as medicine and medicine may become poisonous, depending on the situation.


























































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Walk Alone Like A Lone Rhino Horn


Good morning!


When I travelled in Africa, I saw huge rhinos very closely, and found they are more like elephants than the bulls found in zoos. The Buddha said, “Walk alone like a rhino horn.” As we live in the karma world, we must walk independently, unaffected by it, practicing zazen, sitting still, stilling karma, seeing Dharma in nirvana, no wind of karma.


Practicing zazen is like climbing a mountain step by step. From the very first step we can enjoy mountain scenes with seasonal colors and atmosphere – flowers, trees, animals, insects, winds, mist, clouds, and sky. A sudden break in the mist opens up the world below, a view at the peak shows the next peak, eventually commanding all.


Two wings to fly free are continuity and concentration – like dripping water making a hole in a rock and a water jet cutting a metal sheet – because we are engulfed by karma, surrounded by the karma world. Flying free and high makes one free from the karma world and high enough to be unaffected by it.


The Buddha said, “Better than conquering thousands upon thousands is conquering one self. This is the true conqueror.” Conquering one-self means conquering the karma-self, which is like a bubble. The true conqueror attains the Dharma body and is like the limitless ocean with limitless life, light, liberation, and love.


9/30/2018C.E. Dharma talk













2018共通年9月30日 法話



































































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Constant Concentrated Concern/Conduct: 常時集中の関心・行為


Good morning!


We are now in Ohigan, the Other Shore, officially the equinox, meaning nirvana. Nirvana is equanimity, upekhā, lit. renunciation, like the equinox, balanced in day and night, heat and chill. As the fourth of the four stages of Zen, jhāna, informs us, nirvana is renouncing all psycho-physical fabrications (conceptions, emotions, volitions, etc.: the triple poisons: triple karmas).


In nirvana, one can see how all phenomena originate dependently on limitless causes and conditions. Simply put, it was called sa-hetu-dhamma, with-cause-dharma, causal law/truth. The most popular formalization is the Twelve-limbed Dependent Co-origination, paṭicca-samuppāda, illustrating how suffering originates depending upon craving, taṅhā, lit. thirst, and samsāra, complete constant becoming.


The root of dharma or dhamma is dhṝ, dwell or hold. Dharma means durable or firm form/phenomena and norm/law to our six senses, though in the awakened eye, the third eye, awakening/prognosis, all are related/relative dependently originated phenomena. When we say, “We take refuge in the Dharma” in the Triple Treasures, we mean the durable Dharma of Dependent Co-origination.


Dharma may include right and wrong or good and bad dharmas, but the Dharma of D.C. teaches us to choose the former as firm/durable or reliable/restful form/norm and phenomena/law. The Awakened Way maintains that sinful/separated/sick dharmas must be transformed to holy/wholly/wholesome dharmas through constant concentrated conduct with confidence/control/commitment.




Note: Paṭicca-samuppāda (Pali)/prati-itya-sam-ut-pāda (Sanskrit) literally means mutually-going-complete-up-let-fall, causing to originate by coming together like two bundles of reed leaning together to stand, two hands/cymbals coming together/contacting to originate sound. So, this was originally the description of the sense organs and objects contacting to originate sense perception/consciousness (cf. Contact, phassa/sparṣa, illustrates most conspicuously the origination/cessation of tactile perception, thus, used as the technical term to show the structure of the conjunction of the three, i.e., sense organ/object/perception). This demonstrates that the term was originally only representing this mechanism of dependent co-origination of perception/consciousness dependent on sense organs and objects, but later on it was used to show the twelve-limbed Dependent Co-origination. The other parts are more linear causal relations (nidāna) between causes (craving/nescience) and effects (suffering/samsara) without this core mechanism of contact/coming together (of organs/objects, dynamic cooperative conative relation).













註:縁起の原語paṭicca-samuppāda (Pali)/prati-itya-sam-ut-pāda (Sanskrit)葦の二束が互いに寄り合って立つように、あるいは両手・両シンバルが打ち合って音をだすように二つのものが行き合って(新しい事・音・現象)を発生することを意味します。ですからこらは元来感覚器官と感覚対象が接触して感覚(知覚・意識)を発生するのを述べるものでした(参考:接触phassa/sparṣaは感官の中でも最も明瞭に触感の生起・消滅を例示しますので、接触(触)が三事和合、感覚器官・感覚対象・感覚知覚の三つの接触の機構を示す術語となりました。)これは元来この(三事和合:縁起という)術語は感覚器官と感覚対象に縁って知覚・意識の縁起の機構を表現するものでしたが、後になって十二支縁起全体を示す為に使用されました。(知覚・意識の発生:縁起)以外の部分は(感覚器官と感覚対象の:動的な共働・共生の関係)の接触の機構無しの原因(欲望・無明)と結果(苦・流転)の間の線形の因果関係です。






















































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Amrita, Ambrosia of Immortality:甘露、不死、神饌



Good morning!


About a decade ago I made a trip to India, tracing the Buddha’s footsteps. Most memory sites were desolate remains, but Jetavana, Gion, was vivid with abundant flowers and butterflies flying around. Here the Buddha started the rainy season retreat in the buildings donated by Sudatta, Good-giver, or Anāthapiṇḍika, Feeder of the destitute, giving most sermons and disciplines.


The Buddha, seeing the suffering of birth, death, parting, losing, etc., renounced his household life at the age of 29, strived hard in fasting, penance, meditation, etc. for six years, and attained awakening in nirvana, solving suffering. His awakening was in the Dharma of Dependent Co-origination, summed up in the Twelve-fold, -limbed, Dependent Co-origination, life wheel.


The prime movers of the life wheel (samsara suffering) are the formations (sankhāra, past/present physical/verbal/mental actions). So, stilling them is the solution in still sitting – stilling formations – in meditation, jhāna, zen. The four stages of meditation show how anyone can reach nirvana, stilling body, mouth, mind – volitions, emotions, conceptions, and perceptions.


Ryokan’s poem says, “When butterflies come, flowers bloom: Where flowers bloom, butterflies come.” In the Awakened Way in nirvana anyone can realize holy (wholly wholesome) harmony, health, and happiness with limitless life, light, liberation, and love, tasting amrita, ambrosia of immortality. Sukhavati, Blissful, usually translated as Pureland, Paradise, is here now.


9/15/2018C.E. Dharma talk














2018共通年9月5日 法話






























































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Nirvana-Awakening for All: 一切の為の涅槃‐覚醒


Good morning!


Homo sapience could survive and thrive by its wisdom of harmony, communal cooperation. This species, however, may become extinct at any time, along with all living beings, due to its instinct of separation, short-sighted selfishness – me-ism, mammon-ism, materialism, militarism, etc., e.g., nukes, wars, global warming, mass extinction.


Sin means separation, i.e., “self” separated from all coming from the self-survival instinct, with sense and motor organs developed and evolved by long karma (growing with ceremony: performance: behavior, habit, heredity). Sinful karma manifests as the triple poisons of desire, divisiveness (anger, hate), and delusion, poisoning all.


Stilling karma can still self-sense, selfishness, sinful karma, the triple poisons, thus all stresses and suffering. Zazen, sitting still, can still physical, verbal, and mental karma, see the Dharma (Truth/Law) of Dependent Co-origination of all phenomena (senses: mind, sense realm: world, stress, suffering, samsara: transmigratory life).


All living beings want to achieve holy (wholly wholesome) harmony, health, and happiness. They are, however, driven by karma into the triple poisons, resulting in sinful (selfish stricken) separation, sickness and suffering. Truth, however, tells that anyone can sit still, still karma, see truth, serve, and save all in nirvana/bodhi (awakening).


9/8/2018 C.E. Dharma talk


N.B. 1. The Dharma (Norm/form: Law/phenomena) of Dependent Co-origination shows how formations (past/present physical/verbal/mental karma) (1) originates/initiates the contact of sense organs and objects, originating/creating sense realm/world, (2) originates (karmic) craving/thirst resulting in suffering, and (3) originates the sense of appropriation/identification (of body as body, my body, me, I), thus becoming/identifying birth/death, hungry/angry, etc., called samsara (transmigratory living, becoming born, sick, dying, hungry, angry, American, etc.). See Dependent Origination document in the “download documents” section of our website:


  1. See the Jhāna Stages document in the “download documents” section of our website:













2018共通年9月8日 法話


註:1.縁起の法(dharma = form/norm:形・ありかた: 諸法・法則)は行(過去・現在の身口意三業)が(1)感覚境涯・世界を生み・創り、(2)(業の)欲望・渇望を生み苦に結果し、(3)(身体を体、自分の体、自己の、自分)を所有物・一体物という感覚を生み、サンサーラ(生れ、患い、死に、空腹、怒り、米国人などになる流転・輪廻の生活)と呼ばれる生・死、渇・怒などになり・同一化します。当方のウェブサイトの「ダウンロード書類」の「縁起」の書類を御覧下さい















The above pictures were taken in May, 2018 C.E. at
Kakumanbuchi, Awakening-ful Deep Pool, at Mt. Akagi
by Mr. Noriyuki Otsuka and sent to me for this blog.








Posted in Awakened Way (Buddhism), Nirvana (windless: asankhata | Leave a comment