Source Resource Seeking: 根源・資源探求


Good morning!


We are in winter now. When trees shed their leaves, they are exposed to vast space. “The body is exposed to the golden wind,” like the ginkgo leaves falling on the miniature folding screen in the next room. The Buddha recommended “the mental orientation from the source” (yoniso manasi-kāra). Yoni means womb, wherefrom all life starts, or matrix, wherefrom all phenomena originate.


Yesterday I saw the video “Two Minutes to Midnight.” The Doomsday Clock is now at its worst, two minutes to doomsday. The video shows estimates for wars between India and Pakistan (200 nukes to destroy one billion people with radiation all over) and the U.S. and Russia (15,000 nukes to cause a nuclear holocaust/winter, no humans, no food) – mishaps may cause this.


The global problematique, intertwined problems of global warming, mass extinction, etc., is caused by humans – human karmas (actions, habits, and heredities), which cause the Triple Poisons of delusion, desire, and divisiveness. The human delusion of a “separate, sovereign self” alienates humans from the Dharma world, like jigsaw pieces out of the jigsaw puzzle.


The Buddha foresaw the destruction of the world due to human karma and its Triple Poisons, and he taught to still karma by Zen, see the Dharma, serve, and save all – attaining nirvana, no karma wind, and awakening and prognosis. Zazen fits anyone perfectly into the Dharma world, attaining the Dharma body, like fitting into the jigsaw puzzle, and like an old ginkgo tree exposed to golden wind.


The Awakened Way is to awaken to the Dharma of Dependent Co-origination (esp. the 12-limbed, showing human existence in samsara suffering) in nirvana by Zen (esp. 4 Stages of Zen or meditation) with the Threefold Learning of morality, concentration, and prognosis (countering the Triple Poisons) as in the Awakened Paths (7 Awakening Limbs/8 Holy Paths, 6 Prognosis Perfection, etc.)



November 9, 2019 C.E. Dharma talk


Note: 1. I saw a huge eight-hundred-year-old ginkgo tree in the precinct of Zuioji monastery exposed to golden wind with its leaves falling constantly en masse, when I practiced there.


  1. A more concrete source and resource seeking/action is in the global system (5Ss: Systemic/Sustainable/Saving/Safe/Simple), the global ethic (5Ls: Law/Life/ Liberation/Lielessness/Love) with material flow (5Rs: Reduce/ Reuse/ Recycle/Rearrange/Restore) and information flow (5As: Access/Assess/ Agree/Act/Advise).




私達は今や冬に入りました。樹々が葉を落とすと広大な虚空に露出します。隣の部屋のミニチュア屏風にあるように銀杏の葉が落ちると「體露金風」です。仏陀は「根源から思索する(yoniso manasi-kāra)」よう勧めました。Yoniは一切の生命が発する「子宮」あるいは一切の現象が起きる「マトリックス(母型・基盤)」のことです。










2019共通年11月9日 法話









The above picture of cosmos was taken and shared 

by Ms. Yuka Nishioka

(posting permitted)
















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Amrita, Ambrosia of Immortality, 甘露、不死の神饌



Good morning!


Suddenly it became winter, sub- and around freezing temperatures, almost from summer. We, however, have a peaceful, serene world with bright sunlight after our sittings. Here is a haiku poem of momiji, maples or colored leaves:


Showing the back,

                     Showing the front,

                     A falling maple leaf.


Life is change with both sides, birth and death, growing and decaying, gain and loss, etc. Both sides are the back and front of one thing, change. All phenomena are in the Dharma of Dependent Co-origination, thus all are related and relative.


Here is another haiku poem of momiji, which shows the apparent both sides of our life and the deeper one truth of it, changelessness – no life or still life, death or eternity, nothingness or substance, nil or nirvana, …:


                   A falling maple leaf;

                   An unfalling maple leaf,

                   Is also a falling maple leaf.



Life is not limited to a maple, but unlimited in its forms, functions, phases, systems, significances, etc. Still life is not necessarily no life, dead life, nothingness, but life, living, nirvana. I made a haiku poem of a fallen maple leaf:


                     A maple leaf falling,

                     The moon’s shining,

                     Bird flocks migrating.


When trees shed their leaves, we can see the vast sky, the moon shining throughout the world, and birds migrating. Birds are said to fly up from water, leaving no dirty water, and away, leaving no footprints. Another poem I made:


                    Birds migrating,

                    Leaving no trace

                    Of spring and fall.


“Traceless awakening goes on and on,” Dogen said, “The sky being vast, penetrating through heaven, a bird looks like a bird.”  Humans look like humans, but awakened ones can taste amrita, ambrosia of immortality, beyond changes.



November 2, 2019 C.E. Dharma talk



Note: Here is the poem Dogen made, titled “Poem made on the original face,” which was quoted by Yasunari Kawabata in his Nobel Prize Memorial Lecture speech:


                   Flowers in spring,

                   Cuckoos in summer,

                   The moon in autumn,

                   Snow in winter,

                   Clear and cool.
































2019共通年11月2日  法話





















The last photo is from


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Mini Max Mistakes:大小過誤


Good morning!


We have sesshin, embracing/touching the heart. Reading my poem, Turning back, The renowned moon – All is this life, Mr Otsuka sent me Honen’s poem:





Tsukikage-no itaranu sato-wa nakeredomo,

Nagamuru-hito-no kokoro-ni-zo sumu.


There is no countryside where the moonlight doesn’t reach,

But it resides clearing in the heart of the one who sees.


The Japanese word sumu is used in its double meaning of reside and clear. Unless we see it, it can’t settle in our hearts, much less clear, unless we clear our hearts. The moonlight represents the Buddha heart and life light.


The Buddha attained awakening in nirvana, no-wind of karma. The authentic way to settle and clear our hearts is to sit and still our karma as the Buddha did. Thus, Dogen wrote the Universal Recommendation for Right Zazen. He wrote Shobogenzo, Zazen-shin (Zazen Lancet), in which he said that Buddha Dharma is not transmitted unless Zazen is transmitted, noting right Zazen.


His Shobogenzo, Kokyo (Old Mirror) relates that the old mirror is the old Buddha, the round mirror, clear mirror, and the whole world. It tells about the old Buddhas, including anecdotes about Nangaku and Baso (polishing a potsherd to make a mirror), Eno (a clear mirror has nothing, much less dust). Polishing is practice, making perfect, cultivation as verification in right Zazen.


Dogen told of the Triple Hearts: Great, Mature, and Joyful Hearts. They are inseparable, and the Great Heart is essential to embrace all to become holy (wholly wholesome) harmony and happiness. He said if it is not with all, it is not Mahayana/Buddhism or the Bodhisattva Way (to save all first, self last). All errors come from the mini-max (taking mini as max) mistake (ex ego and eco).



October 26, 2019 C.E. Dharma talk
















2019年10月26日 法話






































The above pictures were taken and posted

by Mr. Koichi Okada on his FB

(Sharing permitted by him)





Posted in Mini Max Mistakes | Leave a comment

Dalai Lama suggests ending Tibetan reincarnation system



Dalai Lama suggests ending Tibetan reincarnation system
On Friday, His Holiness the Dalai Lama said that the Tibetan Buddhist system of recognizing reincarnate Buddhist teachers “may have had its day.”

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Realizing Universal Truth & Ethic:普遍的真理・倫理の実現


Good morning!



Did you see the renowned mid-fall full moon? The most famous haiku poet Basho made a poem:


The renowned moon,

                              I wandered around the pond

                              Throughout the whole night.


He might be wandering around the pond in a park, adoring the renowned bright beautiful full moon in the sky and in the pond alternately throughout the whole night. Throughout civilization (urbanization) of the original city states (citadels with walls) to modern nation states, citizens separated into insiders and outsiders, i.e., “others” like farmers, foreigners, flora and fauna, etc., waging wars, starting slavery, creating classes, encroaching on the environment.



Another famous haiku poet Issa, who well observed ordinary people, made a poem:


The renowned moon,

                              A baby cries for it to be

                              Taken and given to it.


The six decades’ record super typhoon claimed about a hundred casualties, banks breached, blackouts, water supply stopping, flooding with floating furniture piled up in parks, blocked traffic, rescued people in refuge centers, etc. Gandhi said, “Needs can be satisfied, but not desires.” We are like crying babies for the moon, never attaining the ends and dissatisfied. We’ve reached the moon and want to create a space force, but miseries are increasing on earth.



Dogen made a poem, sensing his passing away ten days ahead, perhaps with fatigue from his trip from Eiheiji in the deep mountains to the capital city of Kyoto, “walking above the clouds” as he noted:


Even in the autumn, when

                              I’d expect seeing it again,

                              I could not have slept

                              With the moon of tonight.


The perfectly round, without crescent, not concave or convex, full moon for him was the Buddha heart and life – limitless light, life, liberation, and love, calm and clear in nirvana and bodhi (awakening) and prajňā (prognosis), beautifully beaming, lighting limitlessly throughout time and space, illuminating the whole world of heaven and earth. He gave his last Dharma talk on the Eightfold Awakening (or Awareness) as the Buddha did as his last teaching.



On the way home after sitting, I saw the renowned full moon in front of me, and found cars driving eastbound to the city didn’t. So, I made a poem:


       Turning back, I saw

                              The renowned moon –

                              That is this life of all.


When we sit in Zazen, we are with the universal truth and ethic (Global Truth and Ethic): Principle: Truth: the Five Ss (Systemic, Sustainable, Saving, Safe, Simple); Ethic: the Five Ls (Law, Life, Liberation, Lielessness, Love); Practice:  For material flow: the Five Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Rearrange, Restore) and For information flow: Five As (Access, Assess, Agree, Act, Advice). Anyone can sit, see, serve the Dharma in nirvana, and save all by following this.


October 19, 2019 C.E. Dharma talk



Note: 1. The Eightfold Awakening or Awareness of a Great Person (Pali: mahā-purisa-bodhi/vitakka, Skt.: mahā-purṣa-bodhi/vitarka):


little desire (apiccha/apicchā),

contentment (santuṭṭha/santuṣṭa),

seclusion (from the secular world) (pavivitta/pravivitta),

striving (viriya/vīrya),

mindfulness (sati/smṛti),

concentration (samāhia),

prognosis (paňňā/prajňā),

no speculation (a-ppapaňca/a-prapaňca).


The last is translated as “no idle talk,” but the original words ap-papaňca/ a-prapaňca means no projection/expansion/ speculation (of the mind), thus no mental fabrication, i.e., nirvana (cf. the fourth stage of the Four Stages of Meditation, where there are no mental fabrications of conceptions, emotions, or volitions).


  1. The last four of the 5Ls are the Four Irrevocable Rights/Responsibilities of the Global Ethic, employed from the Five Precepts (their correspondences are):


Five Ls      Five Precepts         Four Irrevocable Rights/Responsibilities


Life             no killing                 non-violence and respect for life

Liberation    no stealing               solidarity and a just economic order

Lielessness  no lying                    tolerance and a life of truthfulness

Love            no sexual misdeed    equal rights and partnership between

men and women




仲秋の名月を見ましたか? 最も有名な俳人芭蕉はこの俳句を作りました:



























私達が坐禅する時、私達は普遍的真理と倫理(地球真理・’倫理)と共にあります:原則:真理5S (体系的、維持可能、節約救済、安全、単純)、倫理5L (法、命、自由、真実、慈愛)、実践:物質流5R(削減、再使用、再循環、再配慮、再生)、情報流5A(接近、評価、賛成、行動、告知)。誰でも坐り、涅槃において法を見て仕え、これに従って一切を救済できるのです。


2019共通年10月19日 法話


註:1.八大人覚・慮((Pali: mahā-purisa-bodhi/vitakka, Skt.: mahā-purṣa-bodhi/vitarka):

小欲  (apiccha/apicchā),

知足 (santuṭṭha/santuṣṭa),

離俗 (pavivitta/pravivitta),

精進 (viriya/vīrya),

専念 (sati/smṛti),








L      5戒      4取り消し不能権利・責任

生命                      不殺生                    非暴力と生命の尊重

自由                      不偸盗                    連帯と公正な経済

不偽                      不妄語                    寛容と真実の生活

愛情         不邪淫                    男女の平等権利と共同精神








The above picture was taken and sent by

Mr. Noriyuki Otsuka














The above pictures were taken by and shared in FB

Mr. Koichi Okada

(post permitted)










The above photo was taken by Mr. Masayoshi Hirasawa

and shared with Mr. Noriyuki Otsuka (and me)





Posted in Universal Ultimate Truth | Leave a comment

Solving Suffering: 苦を解く


Good morning!


Beautiful flowers at the altar represent natural, holy truth, goodness, and beauty. We have a silent, sunny Saturday morning with sitting, suddenly down to the 30s. The top news on TV in Japan and NPR on the way here was the six decades’ record super typhoon with banks collapsing, casualties, missing, injured, and the highest heavy rain warning. Japan has typhoons in three seasons due to global warming, though it had them only in September half century ago.


To reform our artificial pyramidal civilization (= urbanization, revolution) for 5 millennia for money, matter, and might with the fivefold calamity of delusion (of a separate self), bondage, discrimination, exploitation, and extermination, we had a natural life-Indranet culture (= cultivation/spiritual revolution) 2.5 millennia ago for life, heart, and harmony, with the fivefold bliss of awakening, freedom, equality, love, and peace. We must complete this paradigm shift.


Civilization is conquering others (exploiting nature, nation, etc.) for sin (karmic, unnatural separation, selfishness, suffering), but culture is conquering the self (cultivating spirit, system, etc.) for holiness (Dharmic natural wholly harmony, health, happiness). All problems and suffering comes from sinful (delusion of a separated self and its desire and divisiveness: craving and hatred) karma (physical, verbal, mental actions/function, habits, heredities).


The 12-limbed Interdependent Co-origination diagram shows this very clearly: Suffering comes from formations (past/present actions/functions) based on the two roots of nescience (no witness, of nirvana: no wind, of karma) and craving (desire/divisiveness, like/dislike), both sides (truth/ethic) of the Dharma (of I.C.) or karma based on the Triple poisons. A person with nothing is holy with holy things and a holy world. The treasure house opens for use/appreciation.


October 12, 2019 C.E. Dharma talk


Note. “Nothing/eventless is the noble/holy person” (Linchi, Lin-chi’s Record), who has good/holy things and a good/holy world. “A holy person has no self, therefore, has all as self.” “Dropping off the body and mind” is “(verified by) all dharmas,” (attaining the Dharma body). “Practice in such a way constantly, you will never fail to realize suchness. The treasure house will open by itself, and you will appreciate and use it at will.” (Dogen, A Universal Recommendation for the Right Zazen)












2019共通年10月12日 法話

































































The above pictures were taken and posted

on Mr. Koichi Okada’s FB

(posting here approved by him)








Posted in Paradigm shift | Leave a comment

Universal Ultimate Truth:普遍究極真理


Good morning!


We suddenly have crisp, clear, cool air, almost chilly. A common saying is: the autumn of the high sky and fat horses, befriending the lamplight (for reading). This is an opportune time to practice: cultivation/verification. I went through my translation of Dogen’s Genjō-kōan, Realizing Universal Truth, and Busshin retyped it. This first volume of Dogen’s Shōbōgenzō, Storage of the True Dharma Eye, originally a letter to his lay follower, introduces the essence/essentials of the Awakened Way.


It contains the famous passage: “To learn the Awakened Way is to learn the self…the traceless awakening is furthered on and on.” Awakening to universal truth is unifying the self and the Dharma of all dharmas; it is not like a mirror reflecting the moon, much less the moon separate from the mirror. Genjo-koan is Dharma-abhisamaya, Dharma-meeting. Shinjin-datsuraku, dropping off the body-minds of the self and others, is freedom from and of the body-mind.


Free-dom is priya-dhaman, beloved-domain, familiarizing and free/full functioning with dharmas, forms/norms (phenomena/laws). We cannot live departing from them, as fish and birds cannot depart from water and sky. As the need is great, the use is great. We must meet/act, cultivate/verify dharmas here/now, freely/fully functioning, not waiting for another place/time for exhaustively reaching the limit/end of them like water/sky. Each place/time has its absolute stage.


Shobogenzo is taken from a stock phrase: “shōbōgenzō nehan-myōshin” (exquisite heart of nirvana, storing the true dharma-eye). So, we must reach nirvana, no-wind (of karma) to attain the true dharma-eye. The true dharma-eye provides us with the truth/ethic of how to make a paradigm shift from the fivefold calamity of our artificial, unidirectional, pyramidal civilization (urbanization: sinful luxury) to the fivefold bliss of natural, cyclical, life-Indranet culture (cultivation: holy purity).


October 5, 2019 C.E. Dharma talk



Note: The fivefold calamities of civilization (urbanization: fight for money/matter/might) are delusion (separated self: sin: separation), bondage, discrimination, exploitation, and extermination. The fivefold blisses of culture (cultivation: share of holiness = wholly wholesome life/heart/harmony) are awakening, freedom, equality (in related/relative Interdependent Co-origination), love (friendship = together-ness from mit-tra, mitra: friend, cf. Mitra, Mithra, Mazda, Maitreya, etc.), and peace.













2019共通年10月5日 法話
































The above pictures were taken and posted

on Mr. Koichi Okada’s FB

(posting here approved by him)





Posted in Universal Ultimate Truth | Leave a comment

Seeing, Serving, Saving Sentients


Good morning!


The compassionate rain last night and this morning revived the life of all – we are now surrounded by abundant, refreshed green. Water maintains life forms and air supports life function. Great respiration/respite, mahā assāsa/āśvāsa, is nirvana. The four states are waking, dreaming, sound sleep, and the Fourth (Catrīya, Balanced, Tulya), nirvana, beyond karma (with which the other three).


The Dharma (norm/law) of all dharmas (forms/phenomena) applies to posture, breathing, and minds. Breath controls life: heart rate, blood pressure, etc. Good posture/breathing/mind makes good life. Breath is life (iki:息/生き, pāṇa/prāṇa). Zen makes the best use of this – best posture, breathing, and mental state bringing into nirvana, awakening, prognosis, etc., as in the Six Perfections, etc.


Buddhist practice of the Eightfold Holy Ways, Sevenfold Awakening Limbs, etc. (collectively called the Thirty-seven Way Items) in Theravada and the Six Perfections in Mahayana are for nirvana and awakening. The Eightfold Great Person’s Awakening/Awareness, Four Embracing Matters, etc., are applications of them, seeing, stilling karma, seeing, serving dharma, and saving all beings.


Nirvana is perfect rest in free, full function in limitless life, light, love, and liberation with holy, wholly wholesome, way and world. It is going back to the true life like tree (brain core, autonomous nervous) functions of breathing and metabolism, unlimited by (brain peripheral and surface) functions of karmic conceptions, emotions, and volitions as in the Fourfold Holy Life/Limitlessness.


September 29, 2019 C.E. Dharma talk




昨夜と今朝の慈雨が全ての命を甦らせてくれました―私達は今沢山の蘇生した緑に取り巻かれています。水は命の姿を保ち気は命の働きを支えます。大呼息(mahā assāsa/āśvāsa)は大安息で、涅槃です。四状態は覚醒、夢眠・熟睡・第四位(Catrīya, 均衡位, Tulya)、即ち業を超えた涅槃(他は業あり)です。






2019共通年9月29日  法話






























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Nirvana Necessary for New Norm:新規範には涅槃が必要


Good morning!


We have unusually hot, dry days, even after the equinox. I found honeydew vines almost dried out. Constant care is necessary for life, especially with abnormal weather and global warming. I hope you listened to Greta Thunberg’s speech at COP24. She said that your money is killing people and collapsing eco systems. People are like those blind ones feeling an elephant, losing sight of the whole picture, claiming to be right – “It’s money! It’s luxury!”


People must know that they are blind, unable to see the whole picture. Only when they admit that they are blind, can they start to listen to others or to feel other parts. Only when they start to listen to scientists or to see the other side of their life – the importance of life over money, of life systems over material gains, of their descendants to come over their private privileges, of all life forms over selfish purposes, etc.


The Buddha taught about the Fourfold Holy Abode/living/Limitlessness of compassion, sympathy, joy, and equanimity. The Four Stages of zen/meditation explain this well – equanimity is nirvana, freedom of mind, which gives us joy, sympathy for those with the Fourfold Leaks/Fluxes, compassion for those with the Five Coverings. Unless Limitless, we can’t be holy (wholly wholesome). Compassion and prognosis are two wings to fly freely.


Compassion is mettā, lit. friendship, derived from mitra, friend (cf. German mit, together in English). The Interdependent Co-origination tells that all phenomena are related and relative, thus all life forms are friends, and they need compassion and sympathy; as the Twelvefold I. C. shows they are in samsara and suffering. Mitra, Mithra, Mazda, Maitreya, Milu, Massiah, Messiah, et al., became the future saviors – everyone’s capacity to become friends in need.


September 28, 2019 C.E.


Note. Fourfold Limitless/immeasurable/Brahma-abode (Appamāṇa/apramāṇa/Brahma-vihāra) is friendship/compassion (mettā/maitrī), sympathy/commiseration (karuṇā), joy (muditā), and equanimity/renunciation/throwing away (upekkhā/upekṣā).






慈はメッター、ミトラ(ドイツ語mitは英語のwith: 共・友)に由来して字義は友情です。因縁生起は一切現象が関係し相対であることを告げ、一切衆生はこうして友であり、皆慈悲を必要としています、十二縁起が示すように皆輪廻と苦にあるからです。ミトラ・ミスラ・マズダ・みろく・弥勒・マシーア・メサイアなどは未来救済者になりましたが、誰でもが「必要の時の(友は真の)友」になる可能性を示しているのです。

2019共通年9月28日 法話

註:四無量・梵住 (Appamāṇa/apramāṇa/Brahma-vihāra) は友情・慈 (mettā/maitrī), 悲・同情(karuṇā), 喜 (muditā), and 寂・捨・放棄 (upekkhā/upekṣā)です。

















































Posted in Nirvana (windless: asankhata | Leave a comment

PLEASE SHARE: 共に涙なしで見れぬビデオ


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