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Self-appreciation Samadhi:自受用三昧


Good morning!


Today is the equinox, the middle of the five-day o-higan, yonder shore, identified as nirvana, the time of receiving spirits of ancestors, who are thought to be in nirvana. Equinox day is equal in daytime and nighttime. We say there is heat and chill up to o-higan. Until yesterday we had a spell of hot dry days, but rain yesterday and today brought cool air and abundant green leaves around us. We can now appreciate brilliant beautiful flowers on our altar.


Dogen described the path of the Awakened Way in his Genjo-koan, Realization of the Universal Truth, as follows: To learn the Awakened Way is to learn the self. To learn the self is to forget the self. To forget the self is to be verified by all dharmas. To be verified by all dharmas is to drop off the bodies and minds of one’s self and others’ selves. The trace of awakening is at rest and ceased. Traceless awakening is furthered on and on.”


I’ve been translating the Fukanzazengi-no Hanashi, Talk on the Universal Recommendation for Right Zazen, by Eko Hashimoto Roshi, who says that zazen is the King Samadhi practiced throughout life even after awakening. He also calls it ji-ju-u-zanmai, lit. self-receiving-using samādhi, which I translate as self-appreciating samādhi. The Buddha said there are two refuges: self and dharma. Self sits, sees, receives, uses, and becomes dharma, thus undefiled.


We are life forms like flowers, so appreciate them, use them like familiar furniture or meritorious medicine in our medicine chest to appreciate or to be appeased together with buddhas and ancestors. We ordinarily say “self and other,” but Dogen says one’s self and other’s selves. Other often turns to absolute other and even enemy to be slaughtered. If we actualize others’ selves like ourselves, we can’t commit sins of slaughtering, stealing, etc.”


September 21, 2019 C.E. Dharma talk


Note: I touched on the pictures below, taken and sent by Mr. Noriyuki Otsuka, showing both phases of the Pacific Ocean – in calmness on ordinary days and raging at typhoon time – a Peace Ocean and Surging Sea. The Pacific Ocean with its placid, pure, mirror-like surface can reflect the sun, stars, and scenes of skies and lands in clarity and calmness, like nirvana. The empty space in special sea situations stir small winds that grow into typhoons, hurricanes, hurakans, orkans, cyclones, etc., causing surging seas and a wrecked world, claiming casualties like the wind of karma. Sitting stills karma, sees the Dharma of all dharmas (Norm of forms, Law of phenomena, i.e., Dependent Co-origination), settles in the original calmness and clarity of it like the vast space of śūnya (suňňa, sifr, zifr, zero) before stirring and surge.









橋本恵光老師の「普勧坐禅儀の話」を翻訳してきましたが、老師は坐禅は悟りを得た後も一生実践する王三昧であると言われます。老師は又それを自受用三昧、文字通りでは自ら受け用いる三昧ですが、英語には自賞三昧(Self-appreciating Samadhi)と訳しています。仏陀は自洲と法洲の二洲があると言われました。自は坐し法を見、受け、用い、法になり、不染汚です。




2019共通年9月21日 法話































































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from Garyo

on her trip

on the path of peace

in Gubbio/ Umbria

with photos:



May your work of peace bear abundant fruit!



















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Wholly Wholesome Way World Wanted: 全体健全方途世界切望


Good morning!


After last night’s rain we feel crisp, cool, fall air with fresh green trees around us, as if shedding off all dust, changing yellowing leaves to green. We feel fresh also after sitting, as if shedding off all dust, like trees. We feel as if we go down deep into the ocean, below the surface with its waves and billows, becoming deeply rooted at the bottom, spreading all over the ocean like trees by sitting still.


When butterflies come, flowers bloom. When flowers bloom, butterflies come.” When we have woody and bushy surrounding with flowers, then butterflies, bees, birds, etc., indeed come. I saw abundant flowers blooming and extraordinary numbers of butterflies flying around them at the site of the remains of the brick building foundations of Jetavana Monastery.


The Buddha said, “The world is on fire!” You might have seen the pictures from space of the Amazon on fire. The Amazon is called the earth’s lungs, producing 20% of our oxygen, but our hunger for meat, projected to increase 20% in the coming decade, produces carbon dioxide through the burning of forests and methane by cows at the contributing factor of 25 times greater than CO2 for global warming.


The world on fire is causing more disasters, like drought, heavy rains, flooding, etc., all over the world. Hurricane Dorian is coming. Trump has suggested destroying hurricanes with atomic bombs, which shows his ignorance of nukes and nature. He wants a space force, while the world is ablaze and life systems are aghast out of breath. If we know our karma, we can change it for the better.


Where flowers bloom, butterflies come” because of life history. “When butterflies come, flowers bloom” because of evolution. They do so, “following the universal truth with no knowledge.” It is better if we know it. Knowing and doing must unite. We must follow the universal ethic to realize the Pure-land or Paradise in our hearts. Truth/ethic, mind/body, self/other, etc., must match holiness.


August 31, 2019 C.E. Dharma talk


Note: Jetavana Monastery was where the Buddha stayed most often for the rainy season retreat and the site at which the greatest number of his monastery sermons were delivered. Its name is the Monastery of the Food-giver-to-the-destitute at Jeta-forest. More details may please be referred to here:

















2019共通年8月31日 法話

































































The above pictures were taken

by Mr. Noriyuki Otsuka, 

Shimoda, Shizuoka, Japan




Posted in Wholly Wholesome Way/World | Leave a comment

Universal Life Truth: 普遍的生命真実


Good morning!

We have fresh flowers at the altar, crisp cool fall air, and whispering waterfall sounds. Hibiscus is called the endless or limitless flower (mugenka), as it continues blooming year round in tropical zones, and it has become national, state flowers. It is also called the Buddha heart flower (bussoge), as its style looks like a Buddha standing in a lotus. Remembering his life, the Buddha uttered, “The world is sweet and beautiful!”


Ryokan made a poem of “butterflies and flowers”:

          Flowers invite butterflies with no mind;

          Butterflies visit flowers with no mind;

          When flowers bloom, butterflies come;

          When butterflies come, flowers bloom;

          I do not know people, and

          People do not know me, either;

           Following the universal truth with no knowledge.


Dogen said, “When I love mountains, mountains love me.” When we love gardens, gardens love us. When we take care of gardens, gardens reveal their beauty, goodness, and truth. When we love flowers, flowers love us. When we offer flowers to the Buddha, flowers are with him and with us all, as bodhisattvas, to dedicate our thanks to the world of all life forms that have endowed and supported our life.


We’ve inherited plants’ photo sensors and developed it in different ways – human worlds are dominantly visual worlds, butterflies and birds can see flowers having nectar, while plants produce food and oxygen for us as well as for themselves. Neanderthals, sharing our ancestors, are said to have gone extinct due to cannibalism, consanguineous marriage, destruction by home sapiens, but they are actually living within us.


August 24, 2019C.E.  Dharma speech


Note 1. Bussoge is usually written 仏桑花, lit. Buddha mulberry flower, but I remember seeing 仏懆花,lit. Buddha chastity flower, thus the interpretation given above. In the southern island of Okinawa, people plant this in the graveyard as 後生花 guso-bana, lit. afterlife flower, to pray the deceased finds peace and happiness.


  1. Offering flowers to the Buddha is considered an expression of one’s vow to patiently endure in practicing the Awakened Way (cf. patience, one of the six perfections), as flowers bloom in severe environments and even after they have been cut from them.






          花無心招蝶    (花無心にして蝶を招き)

          蝶無心尋花    (蝶無心にして花を尋ぬ)

          花開時蝶来    (花開くとき蝶来たり)

          蝶来時花開    (蝶来るとき花開く)

          吾亦不知人    (吾もまた人を知らず)

          人亦不知吾    (人もまた吾を知らず)

          不知従帝側    (知らずして帝ののりに従ふ)



2019共通年8月24日 法話

註 1.ブッソウゲは通常仏桑花と書きますが、仏懆花と書いてあるのを見た憶えがありますので、上の解釈をしました。沖縄南部では後生花(グソウバナ)として死者の冥福を祈る為に墓に植えるそうです。


2019共通年8月24日  法話






































The above pictures were taken and sent

by Mr. Noriyuki Otuka

from Shimoda, Shizuoka, Japan





Posted in Dharma of Dependant Origination, Life | Leave a comment

Live Like Tree in Truth, Peace, Harmony: 樹の様に真実・平和・調和に生きよ



Good morning!


We have just heard the refreshing sound of rain falling on leaves. We have beautiful fresh flowers on the altar. The Buddha Dharma transmission was expressed in the koan of “Holding up a flower, smiling at it.” Asked “What was the meaning of the Patriarch’s coming from the West?” Joshu said, “The cypress tree in the garden.” He seemed to point out the great old tree in the garden of his monastery.


The Buddha Way was first expressed by the Bodhi tree – so-named because under it the Buddha was awakened – before the Dharma-wheel, his feet, or a statue of him. Tree and true came from the common root of dhṛi (enduring), the root of Dharma, the Norm of forms or the Law of phenomena, Interdependent Co-origination. Kings, et al., were amazed at the peace of his many disciples sitting all over the monastery precinct.

As shown in the Four Stages of Zen (chan, jhāna, dhyāna, meditation), Zazen, sitting Zen, stills karma (physical, verbal, mental: conceptions, emotions, volitions), settles us in nirvana, awakens us in truth, peace, and harmony, like trees, so we’re freed from samsara and suffering as in the 12-limbed Interdependent Co-origination, tasting amṛta, ambrosia of immortality, fearless in holy harmony, health, and happiness.

The human species as the culprit in the global problematique (global warming, mass extinction, etc.) must make a paradigm shift from the pyramidal civilization with its five calamities (delusion, bondage, discrimination, exploitation, destruction) to the life Indra-net culture with its fivefold blisses (awakening, freedom, equality, love, peace), every crystal ball reflecting all in holy truth, goodness, and beauty.


August 17, 2019 C.E. Dharma talk






仏道は法輪、仏足、仏像など以前最初は菩提樹で表されましたが、その樹の下で(仏陀:覚者が)悟り(菩提:覚醒)を開いたのでそう名付けられたのです。「樹(tree)」と「真実(true)」は法(dharma: Norm of forms: 諸法の法:縁起)の語源dhṛi (永続する)に由来します。王様などは僧院境内至る所多くの弟子達が坐っている平和に驚嘆しました。


禅(chan, jhāna, dhyāna, meditation)の四段階に示されるように坐禅は業(身口意:観念・感情・意志)を静め樹の様に涅槃・真理の覚醒・平和・調和に安住し、12支縁起にある様に輪廻と苦から自由になり、甘露、不死の神饌、を味わい聖(全体健全)な調和・健康・幸福の中に不畏となります。




2019共通年8月17日 法話













































































The above pictures were taken and sent by

Mr. Noriyuki Otsuka

from Shimoda, Shizuokaken, Japan

Posted in Unity with Universal Truth/Ethic | Leave a comment

Doom or Dawn:破滅か夜明か


Good morning!


We have a nice sunny summer morning after our sittings. Yesterday I saw a frog in my garden, and maybe another one as it was at a distance from the one I had seen a couple weeks ago. It has been a couple of decades since I’ve seen a toad in this garden. Amphibians are the most susceptible to environmental degradation and pollution. So, it is a good sign of reclaiming good ecology.


Essayst Yutaka Tatsuno said, “As I love rain so much, my ancestors must be frogs.” Modern science says that life evolves into different species to adapt to different environments. We inherit the same important characteristics through genes to live on land. We borrow our best visual sense from plants’ photo-sensors and use their photo-synthesis with the sun as our own life source.


Because of our advanced senses we are occupied by the sense world, developing the triple poisons that result in suffering, as found and taught by the Buddha in the 12-limbed Dependent Origination, not only in ourselves but for all living beings. The result is that we are only two minutes to midnight – destruction and doom of the one known life system – on the Doomsday Clock.


Our civilization with its five major players of nation, corporation, media, education, and religion, advances our Doomsday Clock, which ticks along with our collective karma kinetics. Stopping it is only possible through a paradigm shift to stilling karma, concrete individual and collective social power. Awakening and action of each and every one is an essential and eternal effect.


August 11, 2019 C.E. Dharma talk












2019共通年8月11日 法話























































Posted in One world, Paradigm shift | Leave a comment

Every Day: Fresh Good Day: 日々是新好日



Good morning!


We have gorgeous fresh flowers on the altar. The first koan is “Holding up a flower and smiling at it.” Anyone would smile at such beautiful flowers. Because life is one, we communicate life to life, heart to heart, and unwittingly smiling happens. We are moved by the wonder of the whole universe in its total space and time.


Flowers can bloom by the luck of good seeds, seasonal weather, and being saved from other species’ infestation. I have rather poor vegetable and fruit harvesting this year due to too much rain, heat waves, less input of labor and chemicals, and animal damage – sprouts and even well grown leaves and roots have been eaten, fruits carried away, etc.


Our practice of Zen or the Awakened Way is similar. Even with good aspiration, social situations or environmental entities may cause deviation or destruction. Cultivation may not be continued or concentrated. The Way Cycle of aspiration, cultivation, awakening, and nirvana may not be completed or continued for further cycles.


Our practice may become a mannerism, forgetting that every day and every moment is fresh and great. Zen mottos are “every day, a fresh day” and “every day, a good day.” We must put our utmost power into each moment and day to make it fresh, great, and good. Each moment and motivation is the pivot to turn our life and world.


August 3, 2019 C.E. Dharma talk











2019共通年8月3日 法話
























































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Two Wings to Fly Free: 自由に飛翔する為の両翼


Good morning!


Sesshin is embracing and touching the heart. We are usually drawn to the outside world, scarcely turning our heart inside itself. Thus, we are ensnared by the sense world and enslaved by our own karma, scarcely reflecting on it or researching the triple poisons, much less renouncing them. So, we remain as karma machines or robots, scarcely striving to change them.


The Buddha often recommended that we guard the doors of our sense organs lest we become enslaved and endangered by them. Turtles withdraw their heads and limbs inside their shells lest they become attacked and annihilated. They are contained and calm inside their hard shells and they are said to live ten thousand years. Embracing the heart is calming, samatha.


The Buddha taught us to observe the world, especially our bodies, feelings, minds, and dharmas, forms or phenomena, especially their impurity, suffering, impermanence, and selflessness against our desires for purity, pleasure, permanence, and selfishness, which are called the Four Mindful Stations. Touching the heart is observation, vipassanā.


Shi-kan, 止‐観,are samatha and vipassanā, are two wings of the practice of Zazen or the Awakened Way, leading to nirvāṇa, no-wind of karma, and bodhi, awakening, or prajňā, prognosis. The Buddha strove six years for awakening with them and was for months secluded in them; Bodhidharma is said to have practiced with them for nine years. We need them for life, as our karma is four billion years old and ever renewed.


July 27, 2019 C.E.









2019共通年7月27日 法話































Posted in sesshin, Shikan-taza (只管打坐), Zazen | Leave a comment

Ego to Eco:エゴからエコへ


Good morning!


As the waterfall pump sounded as though there were a lack of water, I checked and found the water level was far below that of the filter compartment. I cleaned the filters, removing the dirt that was in them and letting the water flow through more freely. Unnoticed, the filters had collected dirt, blocking the free flow of water.


While we enjoyed the waterfall and thought the muddy water was being cleared, the filters were collecting dirt, blocking the freer flow of water through them. If we did not use pump, the filters might have been cleaner. The purpose of filters really is not only to catch leaves, but also to collect dirt.


Our karma is just like filters, catching not only foreign matter, but also dirt, collecting the triple poisons. While enjoying the windfall and clearing the muddy windfall, karmas collect dirt, blocking the freer flow of wind through them. If we did not make our karma, our karma might have been cleaner.


Our karma consequences increase the triple poisons, blocking the free flow of truth, freedom, equality, love, and peace, creating pyramidal civilizations with delusion, bondage, discrimination, exploitation, destruction, climate change, mass extinction, and maybe the demise of the global life system.


July 13, 2019 C.E.











2019共通年7月20日 法話
























































The above pictures were taken and sent by

Mr. Noriyuki Otsuka, Shimoda, Japan




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