Self-appreciation Samadhi:自受用三昧


Good morning!


Today is the equinox, the middle of the five-day o-higan, yonder shore, identified as nirvana, the time of receiving spirits of ancestors, who are thought to be in nirvana. Equinox day is equal in daytime and nighttime. We say there is heat and chill up to o-higan. Until yesterday we had a spell of hot dry days, but rain yesterday and today brought cool air and abundant green leaves around us. We can now appreciate brilliant beautiful flowers on our altar.


Dogen described the path of the Awakened Way in his Genjo-koan, Realization of the Universal Truth, as follows: To learn the Awakened Way is to learn the self. To learn the self is to forget the self. To forget the self is to be verified by all dharmas. To be verified by all dharmas is to drop off the bodies and minds of one’s self and others’ selves. The trace of awakening is at rest and ceased. Traceless awakening is furthered on and on.”


I’ve been translating the Fukanzazengi-no Hanashi, Talk on the Universal Recommendation for Right Zazen, by Eko Hashimoto Roshi, who says that zazen is the King Samadhi practiced throughout life even after awakening. He also calls it ji-ju-u-zanmai, lit. self-receiving-using samādhi, which I translate as self-appreciating samādhi. The Buddha said there are two refuges: self and dharma. Self sits, sees, receives, uses, and becomes dharma, thus undefiled.


We are life forms like flowers, so appreciate them, use them like familiar furniture or meritorious medicine in our medicine chest to appreciate or to be appeased together with buddhas and ancestors. We ordinarily say “self and other,” but Dogen says one’s self and other’s selves. Other often turns to absolute other and even enemy to be slaughtered. If we actualize others’ selves like ourselves, we can’t commit sins of slaughtering, stealing, etc.”


September 21, 2019 C.E. Dharma talk


Note: I touched on the pictures below, taken and sent by Mr. Noriyuki Otsuka, showing both phases of the Pacific Ocean – in calmness on ordinary days and raging at typhoon time – a Peace Ocean and Surging Sea. The Pacific Ocean with its placid, pure, mirror-like surface can reflect the sun, stars, and scenes of skies and lands in clarity and calmness, like nirvana. The empty space in special sea situations stir small winds that grow into typhoons, hurricanes, hurakans, orkans, cyclones, etc., causing surging seas and a wrecked world, claiming casualties like the wind of karma. Sitting stills karma, sees the Dharma of all dharmas (Norm of forms, Law of phenomena, i.e., Dependent Co-origination), settles in the original calmness and clarity of it like the vast space of śūnya (suňňa, sifr, zifr, zero) before stirring and surge.









橋本恵光老師の「普勧坐禅儀の話」を翻訳してきましたが、老師は坐禅は悟りを得た後も一生実践する王三昧であると言われます。老師は又それを自受用三昧、文字通りでは自ら受け用いる三昧ですが、英語には自賞三昧(Self-appreciating Samadhi)と訳しています。仏陀は自洲と法洲の二洲があると言われました。自は坐し法を見、受け、用い、法になり、不染汚です。




2019共通年9月21日 法話































































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