Closer than ever: It is 100 seconds to midnight

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January 23, 2020

2020 Doomsday Clock

To: Leaders and citizens of the world

Re: Closer than ever: It is 100 seconds to midnight

Date: January 23, 2020

Humanity continues to face two simultaneous existential dangers—nuclear war and climate change—that are compounded by a threat multiplier, cyber-enabled information warfare, that undercuts society’s ability to respond. The international security situation is dire, not just because these threats exist, but because world leaders have allowed the international political infrastructure for managing them to erode. Read more.

Watch the press conference from the National Press Club in Washington, DC

See the Doomsday Clock timeline and past statements


Georgetown Town Hall: Can We Turn Back the Hands of the Doomsday Clock?

Members of The Elders Ban Ki-moon and Mary Robinson will join Bulletin president and CEO Rachel Bronson and Bulletin executive chair Jerry Brown for an event at Georgetown University at 4:00 pm EST to discuss the 2020 setting of the Doomsday Clock. Watch the event live on Facebook.


Mark your calendars for a Reddit AMA with Rachel Bronson and Daniel Holz

Join Bulletin president and CEO Rachel Bronson and Science and Security Board member Daniel Holz for a Reddit “Ask Me Anything” from 3-4 pm CST on Monday, January 27. Sponsored by the University of Chicago, you can join us live at to ask questions about the 2020 setting of the Doomsday Clock and anything you’ve always wanted to know about the Bulletin.

Help us reduce man-made threats to our existence.


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Posted in Wholly Wholesome Way/World | Leave a comment

Realizing Universal Dharma: 普遍法の実現


Good morning!


As most buildings were closed yesterday due to inclement weather and dangerous conditions, we also closed our center last night. This morning I saw two big boughs falling on our neighbor’s driveway, next to ours. If they had fallen on people, heavy injuries or even death might have happened. We don’t know what might happen to us the next moment.


Dogen said that birds and fish live their lives with air and water, using them as much as they need to, realizing universal truth, not waiting to realize their limits. We must live and realize the universal truth as much as we need to, not waiting to realize its ultimate limits. The universal ethic, however, must be awakened and acted upon in nirvana, no wind of karma.


Karma is the culprit in all problems and sufferings in this world. So, we must cease it to see its nature and function. Zen is to still karma, see the Dharma (truth/ethic), and serve and save all by realizing it. I forwarded my recent translation of the Fukanzazengi-no Hanashi, Commentary on the Universal Recommendation of the True Zazen, by Hashimoto Roshi.


Please read and realize the subtle suitable ways of it, using your right judgement with newly available information. Birds and fish can fly and swim by concentration and continuity, the two wings to fly or fins to swim freely and fully. Without them we can’t witness nirvana and prognosis to solve our problems and save ourselves and all from sufferings as Bodhisattvas.


January 19, 2020 C.E. Dharma talk













2020共通年1月18日 法話






Dharma World for All

Penland Lake in Oregon

Taken by Rev. Erin Daiho, Wisdom/Grace Forest Great Dharma







So cool! (hamming birds) (Click to see movies)




A whale swimming:




A girl dropped her phone, a whale picked and delivered it to her:




Majestic Manta:



Eagle flight:



Heaven on Earth: Birds & Fish in Spa (?)

Posted in Dharma | Leave a comment

Paradigm Shift from Karma to Dharma


Good morning!


After our sittings we have a serene morning! The world, however, is full of miseries. A Ukrainian passenger plane with 176 people on board was mistaken for an American missile and shot down by Iranian military forces four hours after Iran hit American bases in Iraq, in revenge for General Soleimani, et al., being killed by American forces. This shows the folly and savagery of human karma. When and how can we stop such miseries?


The Buddha said, “Enmity is never appeased by enmity, but by non-enmity. This is the eternal truth here.” If we stick to the karma of ego, I, and me, my, we can’t follow this advice and continue the endless tit for tat miseries as we’ve seen in abundant examples all over the world throughout history. This is the misery for all to lose our precious life, life resources, and rewards in holy harmony, health, and happiness for death in misery.


Only when we go beyond the karma of ego and me, or delusion and desire/divisiveness, can we stop the human miseries of bad karma. The Buddha clearly foresaw the destruction of the world due to the karma of the triple poisons (delusion, desire, divisiveness) and provided us with the way to still karma, see the Dharma of the dependent co-origination of all dharmas, thus neither ego nor me. We truly need his way.


Civilization, i.e., urbanization, created an artificial uni-directional pyramid system with the five calamities, precipitating a world brought to devastation and doom. This global crisis can only be solved by the paradigm shift of it to a natural cyclical Indra-net culture with the five blisses. For it we need more awakened people to share the Awakened Way in nirvana/awakening to save all from folly and savagery.


January 11, 2020 C.E. Dharma talk


Note 1. I talked about an NHK TV program, “White Bear Peace,” that I watched that morning. The zoo keeper Atsuhiro Takaichi had to find the appropriate milk with correct fat content, etc., for a newborn polar bear. He took her home, as her mother, herself raised in a zoo, could not nurse her. Every night for three months he secretly took the bear home to nurse and raise her with his family (daughter 8, son 6), to take care of her 24 hours a day, because his apartment prohibited keeping animals. They became one family, and separating after three months made them all sad. While training the bear to swim, he used her favorite milk. When he did not give milk, to bring her into the water and to swim longer, he was bitten. He hit at her nose to tell her not to do that, and watched to see if she understood, unlike a raccoon, who didn’t and tried to attack him before. She understood it was wrong to bite. Peace was cerebrated at the zoo on her 20th birthday with the family (Peace now included in Takaichi’s three generations) and other spectators. This story shows that we can live together with other species and that training is very important for living together in harmony, health, and happiness with others; if Peace had not been properly trained, she might have attacked him or others from her natural karma at any time. Vinaya, Discipline, one of the Three Baskets of Holy Scriptures, means disciplinary training (lit. vi- : parting, naya, leading/eye, separating from bad karma to lead to good one).


Note 2. Civilization is to fight for money, matter, and might, which can be resolved by resolving mammonism (capitalism), materialism, militarism, epitomized in nationalism, all combined and causing the century of nationalism and wars. Culture is to cultivate and contribute to the common values of holiness (wholly wholesome way world) of health (life, truth), harmony (goodness), and happiness (beauty), which can be retained by retaining cultivation/verification of karma (stilling/stopping bad karmas of the triple poisons of delusion, desire, divisiveness, and starting/strengthening good karmas of the triple learnings of morality, concentration, and prognosis). The paradigm shift can be done by shifting all resources – individual, social, and ecological – from civilization (mammonism, materialism, militarism, nationalism, etc.) to Indra-net culture (holiness, health, harmony, happiness: life, truth, goodness, beauty: philosophy, science, morality/ethic, art). We must incorporate this shift in our individual/social/ecological views, lives, programs, systems, institutions, budgets, etc.












2020共通年1月11日 法話









A. “White Bear Peace~Trace of “Life” Walked with the Family” Pics. w/ Videos

  1. Peace born:

2. Peace nap:









Posted in Dharma, Karma, Paradigm shift | Leave a comment

Human karma (triple poisons of delusion, desire, divisiveness) disclosed: Stop it to solve all problems!


Human karma (triple poisons of delusion, desire, divisiveness) disclosed: Stop it to solve all problems!


Iran shot down the Ukraine flight!


This was caused by Iran, U.S., allies of them, human institutions, individuals.


No reason, excuse, compensation can regain life lost!


Stop this folly/barbalism, by stilling karma (nirvana) and do paradigm shift by awakening therein:


paradigm shift:



Posted in Awakened Way (Buddhism), Paradigm shift | Leave a comment

Realizing Dharma (truth/ethic): 法(真理・倫理)を実現する


Good morning!


Holy happy new year! I received a card in which someone asked the Buddha how to become happy, the Buddha replying, “Remove ego and desire. Then, you are only happy.” He taught us that the Triple Poisons destroy the world and that the Triple Learnings save it. Anyone can sit still, stilling karma, seeing the Dharma, serving and saving the world.


A small child saw a thirsty plant and watered it with a cup. We know many different species of animals grow friendly together. As they grow older, they may be separated into different kingdoms due to their karmas – habit, heredity, institution, etc. Humans developed customs, conventions, symbolisms, and systems, becoming separated from the original Dharma world.


Thus, we created an artificial, uni-directional pyramid civilization with the fivefold calamity of delusion, bondage, discrimination, exploitation, and extermination, causing the global problematique that will lead to total extinction. We must reunite with the original, natural, cyclical Indra-net culture with the fivefold bliss of awakening, freedom, equality, love, and peace.


The Buddha lived the universal Dharma (truth/ethic) without the Triple Poisons and with the Triple Learning, like a jigsaw piece reuniting with its puzzle. We must know that our life is extravagant and live like him as much as possible, without selfish delusion, desire, and the divisiveness of nationalism, capitalism, militarism, racism, home-centrism, etc.


January 4, 2020 C.E. Dharma talk




聖なる幸せな新年でありますように! 私は一枚のカードを受け取りましたがそこには、ある人が仏陀にどうしたら幸せになれるかと尋ねると仏陀は我と欲を除けば、幸せだけと答えたとありました。彼は私達に三毒は世界を滅ぼし三学はそれを救うと教えました。誰でも静かに坐り、業を静め、法を見、世界に奉仕し救うことができます。








2020共通年1月4日 法話

















Proverb “ken en no naka, dog monkey relation” 

means “fighting relations,” but this is not.











dog concentration







Posted in Dharma | Leave a comment

Happy New Year in Holiness‼ : 聖性の中に幸福な新年を‼


Good morning!


We had dense fog early this morning. It’s now clearing and trees are showing up. Tree and true came from the same root, dhṝ (to endure or hold), the root of dharma. Trees can endure ten thousand years, truth forever. Trees are harmonious with air, water, earth, light, etc., giving us oxygen, shade, shelter, wood, genes, etc. We are all in the tree of life.


Dharma means form/thing/phenomenon (from harm) and norm/truth/law (from darm). We call a holding form “thing” and an enduring norm “truth.” The Buddha was awakened to the Dharma (law) of all dharmas (phenomena), i.e., Inter-dependent Co-origination (phenomena are inter-dependently co-originated on causes and conditions). We are all dharmas.


This form of sitting is called bus-shin-in, Buddha-heart-seal, which anyone can take to realize the Buddha-heart, like a seal. This is the ideal holding form to realize the enduring norm (truth/ethic), like a jigsaw puzzle piece fitting into the puzzle. Anyone can realize holy (wholly wholesome) harmony, health, and happiness with all, always, anywhere. We can be the Dharma.


To fit in this ideal form, we must learn from the Buddhas and Ancestors – how to cross the legs, align the backbone and head, etc., form the arms, hands, etc., wear clothing, keep the environment, etc. Constant and concentrated cultivation makes us fit into perfect posture and verify unsurpassed awakening in unconditioned peace, nirvana. Happy new year in holiness with all!


December 28, 2019 C.E. Dharma talk







Dharmaは(harmから)form: 形・物・現象と(darmから)norm: 規則・真理・法則を意味します。私達は保持する形を「物」、永続する規則を「真理」と呼びます。仏陀は諸法(現象)の法(法則)、即ち因縁生起(現象は原因・条件により相互依存・共同発生)に目覚めました。私達は皆諸法です。






2019共通年12月28日 法話

















Posted in Wholly Wholesome Way/World, Zazen | Leave a comment

Wholly Wholesome Way World: 全体健全な道の世界


Good morning!


We have a bright, serene, sunny morning on the winter solstice, the shortest daytime. We had the Buddha’s awakening day a fortnight ago and a new year will arrive soon. Time flies! All things change except for nirvana and the Dharma of Dependent Co-origination. The Buddha witnessed and shared them, calling them the “come and see” truth with all. Anyone can attain them.


Overlooking a fire along with new converts, formerly fire devotees, he said, “The world is on fire!” We are witnessing the global problematique of global warming, etc. All living beings have the Four or Eight Sufferings. It is said, “In short, the five aggregates are rampant.” They are forms, feelings, ideas, formations, and consciousness, originally those of an individual, and later of all.


He said, “Our eyes are on fire, our ears are on fire, our noses…, our tongues…, our bodies…, our minds are on fire.” This means that our sense bases, on fire, cause our problems in the world. This means our Triple Poisons of desire, divisiveness, and delusion, i.e. our bad karmas, cause our individual, social, and ecological problems, causing the eventual doom of the world.


The Dharma of D.C. tells us that we can change our karma, its consequences, and thus all problems. The solution lies in nirvana and awakening in it. This means we need to still our karma, see the Dharma, serve and save all. All religions aim at reunion with holiness (wholly wholesome way/world) from sin (separated sick self/system) in holy harmony, health, and happiness.


We can become holy, like fitting a jigsaw piece into a jigsaw puzzle or finding a crystal ball in the Indra-net, reflecting with all other crystal balls limitlessly. We must live in the holy Dharma of eco from the sinful karma of ego, changing our individual, social, and ecological systems, changing the Fivefold Calamities into the Fivefold Blisses to save ourselves and all others.


December 21, 2019 C.E. Dharma talk.


Note: Anyone can individually attain nirvana, no wind of karma, and awakening and prognosis there in limitless life, light, liberation, and love, tasting amrita, ambrosia of immortality, going beyond gain and loss, birth and death, self and other, etc. We must change our social system and ecological ethic from an artificial uni-directional pyramidal civilization (urbanization for money, matter, might) with its Fivefold Calamity (delusion, bondage, discrimination, exploitation, and extermination) to a natural, recycling, Indra-net culture (cultivation for health, heart, and harmony) with its Fivefold Bliss (awakening, freedom, equality, love, and peace), changing our egoistic economy, politics, society, and system (capitalism, nationalism, individualism, materialism, etc.). For more detailed discussion on this, please refer to the Paradigm Shift:












2019共通年12月21日 法話





















































































The above pictures were taken by Mr. Koichi Okada

and posted in his FB

(Posting here is permitted by him)






Posted in Wholly Wholesome Way/World | Leave a comment

Attaining Awakening in Nirvana: 涅槃で覚醒を得る




Attaining Awakening in Nirvana


Good morning!


Today is December 8, when Gotama became Buddha, Awakened One. All over the world Zen centers, temples, and monasteries celebrate it as Jōdōe, Attaining the Way Assembly, after seven intensive sesshin, embracing/touching heart, days. After his renunciation of household life at 29, he strived six years sometimes with hard penance, but eventually renouncing both mortification and pleasure, he settled in sitting, attaining nirvana and bodhi, awakening. He enjoyed it for many weeks.


He was awakened to the Dharma, Norm/Law, of all dharmas, forms/phenomena, i.e., Dependent Co-origination of all. He witnessed nirvana, no-wind of karma; recognized that all beings are karma-heirs, -owners, -machines, -refuged; and attained the way to still karma, see the Dharma, serve and save all by solid sitting and practical prognosis. He became sure in attaining the true way to solving all problems of self, samsara, suffering, etc., attaining complete freedom.


He saw that the world is deeply sunken in stored karma, difficult to liberate, and foresaw that the world would be destroyed by it, which developed into the Triple Poisons of desire, divisiveness, and delusion of Ego (I, Ich, Aham) and me (my, meine, mama)(”Beseech of Brahma” is his insight in it and determination to come out into the world for sharing its solution) . He provided antidotes these poisons with the Triple Learnings of sīla, samādhi, and prajňā, that is, morality, concentration, and prognosis. He was always with all, sharing all for forty-five years, from that time on traveling and spending no two nights in the same place.


Tokudo, Ordination, lit. Attaining Salvation, is to accept the Triple Treasures of the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha, the Triple Pure Vows, and the Ten Precepts (totaling Sixteen Precepts), joining the Buddhas and Ancestors family, living a life with the Buddha’s robes and bowls. The ordainees live as Bodhisattvas, vowing to save others first and themselves last, as Buddhas and Ancestors also lived in the Dharma, enjoying nirvana and bodhi, tasting amrita, ambrosia of immortality, in holy harmony and happiness.


December 8, 2019 C.E. Dharma talk













2019共通年12月8日 法話






















































The above pictures were taken

by Mr. Koichi Okada and posted in his FB

(Permissions are given to post here by him)




Posted in Bodhisattva way, Buddha: Shakya-muni/Sakiya-muni | Leave a comment

Hiking Low Austria/Greetings for Rohatsu Sesshin

Dear all,

For three days, I had been hiking in Lower Austria with my sisters. The place we hiked was less than 2 hours northwest of Vienna. I was in total awe of the beauty I found – realising, that I was looking for this beauty in Japan, recently in Italy and wherever climate allows for this kind of nature to emerge. Thick, green moss covered roots and granite boulders, waterfalls and little greeks were flowing through the landscape of forests and fields. Very often, thick fog prevented to see far, making the land even more mystical. I was constantly in awe (Staunen) and was realising that this feeling is for me sacredness.

I would like to share some photos I made with you, sending you with the impressions Rohatsu greetings.



















Posted in Holy: wholly wholesome: undefiled (vs. sinful: separated: selfish, Peace | Leave a comment

Mitra, Mithra, Miroku, Messiah, et al:ミトラ、ミスラ、ミロク、メシアなど


Good morning!


We have a bright winter morning in peace after sittings. The Awakened Way is in awakening, bodhi, and a wakeful way of life in unconditioned peace, nirvana. Awakening in nirvana is attained by stilling karma, settling in the Dharma-dhātu, Dharma-realm or matrix, yoni, like jigsaw pieces fitting into a jigsaw puzzle.


Dogen said, “Awakening is attained not by the mind, but by the body.” Awakening is witnessing the Dharma, dharma-abhisamaya, existential experience, in nirvana, not a simple intellectual understanding or enlightenment, flash of light. Nirvana is attained only in actual sitting, stilling karma as in the Four Stages of Zen.


The Buddha said that we can put on shoes in place of spreading leather all over the ground. We are now at two minutes to midnight, according to the Doomsday Clock, and individual awakening in peace can be instantly destroyed. Thus, we must work as bodhi-sattvas, awakening beings, to save all beyond selfish salvation.


All religions aim at reunifying with holiness (wholly wholesome way/world) from sin (selfish sick stress/suffering). They often become selfish, because they don’t experience/embody awakening/nirvana. Mitra, Mithra, Mazda, Massiah, Messiah, Maitreya, et al, true friends in need, need to witness nirvana/awakening.


November 16, 2019 C.E. Dharma talk













2019共通年11月16日 法話

































The above pictures were taken and posted in his FB

by Mr. Koichi Okada

(My posting them is permitted by him)




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