From Sick Sin to Healthy Holiness: 病患の罪悪から健康な聖性へ


Good morning!


We had chilly days recently, but the weather forecast is up to 52 today and 64 degrees tomorrow. The Dharma (Norm, Law) of all dharmas (forms, phenomena) is Dependent Co-origination, related and relative, as illustrated in the Indra-net, from the universe to the molecule, from macrocosm to microcosm. Normally it’s like a white heron in a snowfield, merging into one in harmony. Accidentally it happens like the corona virus in the life world, disturbing in disharmony.


We are usually in the wholly wholesome way world, but incidentally in the separate sick spreading system. Because of the Dharma of all dharmas, we must follow it to prevent and cure infected people. If we mistreat or manipulate the incident, the effect ripples to societies, economics, politics, pandemics, and panicking. The same is true with other individual, social, and ecological problems from epidemics to global warming, mass extinction, and nuclear holocaust.


Human problems, especially such as those mentioned above, are due to our karma, especially its triple poisons of delusion, desire, and divisiveness. The delusion of a separate Self, State, etc., is the fundamental sin (=separation against the Dharma) of Civilization (Urbanization), which should be shifted to Culture (Cultivation). This paradigm shift must be wholly wholesome in all human activities, shifting goals, resources, institutions, values, cultures, life styles, etc.


We can learn from the Buddha, who was awakened to the Dharma and no-self, foresaw the destruction of the world from selfishness, and lived the life of the Dharma, providing us with the way to avoid it. The essential practice is sitting in zen, seeing the Dharma, saving and serving all. We can become wholly wholesome with our immune system, insight, interaction, etc. Only practice makes perfect, able to use the two wings of concentration and continuity to fly freely.


February 29, 2020 C.E.  Dharma talk












2020共通年2月29日 法話





















Posted in dharma dhatu, Dharma of Dependant Origination | Leave a comment

Socially Engaged Buddhism on Climate Crisis Event 3/7

Please join:



Posted in Climate Crisis | Leave a comment

Helping Hands in Hands Help All: Indra-net Ideal

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Great Repose in Great Respite:偉大なる安息での偉大なる休息


Good morning!


Flowers in spring,

Cuckoo in summer,

    The moon in autumn,

                     Snow in winter, cool and clear.


                              The original face, Dogen


We had chilly weather these last few days, but there’s bright spring sunlight now. We’ve been having longer days since the winter solstice a couple months ago and we’ll have the spring equinox within a month, but we hardly noticed the longer daytime and warmth due to the globe’s night and chill. Some have said that the moon is more precious than the sun, because it shines in darkness.


Because we are shortsighted we mistake small things as great, like money, matter, and might, due to the triple poisons or karma. Since we have been in the dark night of nescience, we struggle and suffer in dreadful dreams and delusions. When we wake up from nightmares and nescience, we are relieved from them, knowing that there had been no need for dread and delusion.


That’s why we must find our original face, or true nature beyond karma conventions and convictions. A Zen master answered a question about the significance of Bodhidharma coming from west, saying “The cypress tree in the garden.” When we sit solid, we become holy (wholly wholesome) truth and peace in the Dharma world, like a tree, harmonious with all.


We find great respite (mahā assāsa, lit. great inhalation, intake, cf. aspiration) or nirvana, no wind of karma blowing us up and down, back and forth, unconditioned peace in solid sitting, unmoved by anything. When we are in busy daily life, we are pressed by worldly things, short-breathed, short-sighted, and short-circuited, missing the great natural abundance of life, light, liberation, and love.


February 22, 2020 C.E. Dharma talk
















私達は偉大なる安息(mahā assāsa文字通りでは偉大なる吸気・摂取、「志望」参照)、即ち、業風が私達を上下前後に吹き飛ばすことのない、涅槃、即ち、何物にも動じない堅固な坐で無条件の平安を見出します。私達は忙しい日常生活では、世俗的な事柄に迫られ、短い呼吸になり、近視的になり、短絡的になり、偉大な自然の命・光・自由・愛情の豊穣を見失っています。


2020共通年2月22日 法話








El universo refleja la grandeza de su gran estructura matemática como universal y todo cae en un poder Divino.















































Posted in Great Repose in Great Respite | Leave a comment

Whales Befriending with Humans

Magdalena Bay in Baja Peninsula

The Bay is 85 km long and not very deep. Therefore, the water is pretty warm and the bay sheltered. It was the right conditionfor grey whales to travel down from Alaska to give birth to their babies. However, the bay provided an easy catch for the whalehunting ships. Mothers and babies were slaughtered  during the birth time until 1937, when a whale protection policy started. It is said that during the whale hunting season, the water in the bay turned red.

In 1947, the whale hunting was forbidden. However, no whales came anymore into the bay. It happened in the 1970s, whena fisherman spotted a whale again. He was so excited that he immediately returned to the community and said, “The whales have forgiven us!” The fisherman were still afraid of the whales, as the mother whales attacked the ships to defend their babies, when they were hunted.

It took a while to build trust again. Now the fishermen are friends of the whales. They take people out to the bay and look for mothers and babies. The grey whales want to show their babies to the humans. They want to connect. We saw many mother whales with babies swimming around our boat, one was even swimming underneath. Sometimes, the mother lifts up the baby and shows it to the people in the boat to touch it. We were not so lucky. But it was very special. Enjoy!




Whale watchers from National Geographic with two grey whales

swimming around us





A grey whale breaching in Magdalena Bay.

A grey whale weights up to 40 tons and can reach 75 years of age





Grey whales use all the oxygen they breathe in

and can stay up to 20 minutes under water






A baby great whale looking at us


A mother with baby on the back







The past week I had been on the Baja Peninsula. The highlight of the staywas watching mother whales with their babies in Magdalena Bay. I would like to share some photos.

The first group of photos I send are photos from Playa del Amor, the most southern part of Baja.

The second group are photos I made in Magdalena Bay (posted above).



Playa del Amor







Rock formations at the Lover’s Beach

Unusual Rock formation

Resting Sea Lion

Top of the Montagna behind Playa del Amor

Rock formation on Playa del Amor

Pelican resting



Magdalena Bay is located in Mexico

Magdalena Bay in Baja Peninsula


Baja California Sur en México.svg

Posted in Friendship | Leave a comment

Unmoved (Acala)  Unconditioned: 不動(アチャラ)超業条件付け


Good morning!


    Flowers in spring.

     Cuckoo in summer.

         The moon in autumn.

Snow in winter,

Cool and clear.

                                                                             Original Face, Dogen


We have chilly weather, down to 10 degrees outside. We are cool and clear after zazen here. I watched a rebroadcast of an NHK program from about twenty years ago on Dr. Tetsu Nakamura, who dedicated his life to treating mainly leprosy patients in Pakistan for twenty years, then to digging wells and making a long canal to irrigate the desert for 600,000 people in Afghanistan for fifteen years. He was shot to death about two months ago by a fanatical group. He used to say “Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution protected me, having no enemies, while war and fighting was going on.”


Great people who work for the peaceful lives of people are sometimes killed by fanatical persons or groups, as in the cases of Gandhi, King, Lincoln, Jesus, Socrates, et al. Fanatics are short-sighted and short-circuited, sinful (separate, sick, selfish) slaughterers. They are actually cowardly criminals, fearing selfish loss and fighting in a criminal way. Religion means reunion (from Latin religare) with holiness (wholly wholesome way world) from sin (separated, sick, selfish system), coming from the survival instinct, the triple poisons of karma.


A Religion Revolution, harbinger of Spiritual Revolution, with the five blisses of awakening, freedom, equality, love, and peace, was the cure for the Civilization (Urbanization, from Latin civitas) Revolution of a pyramidal system with the five calamities of delusion, bondage, discrimination, exploitation, and extermination (classes, colonies, wars, slaves, etc.). The global crises of climate change, mass extinction, etc., require a paradigm shift from the latter to the former, urgently. Otherwise the global life system is doomed to demise.


In this perspective the former is like a great person for the peaceful life of all, and the latter a fanatic that assassinates a great person. The former developed a global heart with global organizations with a global truth/ethic. The latter developed city states to nation states, developing the scale of class, colonialism, war, etc. Great ones can have great hearts to embrace all without nationalism, militarism, etc. We can still karma, staying unmoved (acala) by anything. Small ones remain with small hearts, with the triple poisons, with weapons like fanatical cowardice.


February 15, 2020 C.E. Dharma talk.



Note 1. Dr. Tetsu Nakamura


  1. Paradigm Shift











外は零下11度まで下がる冷たい気候です。ここでは坐禅の後で清涼です。 私は、20年間パキスタンで来病患者治療に当たり、その後15年間アフガニスタンで井戸を掘り長い運河を創って60万人の為に砂漠を灌漑するのに人生を捧げた中村哲さんの、20年程前のNHK番組の再放送を見ました。彼は2カ月程前狂信者グループの銃撃で亡くなりました。彼は何時も「日本の憲法九条に守られて戦争と闘争があっても敵が居ない」と何時も言っていました。




精神革命の嚆矢である宗教革命は覚醒・自由・平等・博愛・平和の五福によって錯誤・束縛・差別・搾取・殺戮の五禍(階級、植民、戦争、奴隷など)のある文明(civilization: ラテン語のcivitas: cityに由来する都市化という意味)の治療をするものです。気候変動、大量絶滅などの地球危機は後者から前者への緊急な枠組転換を必要としています。そうしないと地球生命組織は崩壊への運命にあります。




2020共通年2月15日 法話

アフガニスタン 永久支援のために 中村哲 次世代へのプロジェクト


  1. 枠組転換 (Paradigm Shift):




(In English)









































Posted in Paradigm shift, Religion, Zazen | Leave a comment

Solution of Suffering


Good morning!


Hard is it to receive a human body, rare is it to meet the Buddha Dharma. By virtue of previous merits, we not only have received human bodies difficult to receive, but also have met the Buddha Dharma rarely met. We are in the best lives among various births and deaths and in the most blessed lives. We should not leave our dew-like lives to the mercy of the wind of impermanence, treating carelessly the most blessed lives.


Dogen, Shushogi, Significance of Cultivation-verification



Time flies. One and a half months have passed since New Year’s Day. The corona virus outbreak has swiftly spread globally. We don’t know when impermanence will overtake us. Sufferings are triple: individual, social, and environmental. To cope with them we have the triple pillars of the Awakened Way, Global Ethic, and Voluntary Simplicity in our center. These may roughly become the countermeasures to those, though they are all interconnected and integrally working.


The Awakened Way can solve all problems and sufferings: birth, sickness, aging, and death, which include not acquiring the desired, separating from the beloved, meeting with the hated, and karma kinetics. We can attain nirvana, no-wind of karma, and awakening in the Four Holy Truths, solving all problems and sufferings. We know we are karma machines, and work with them in nirvana, amrita, ambrosia of immortality, enjoying holy harmony, health, and happiness.


The Global Ethic is the new standard for the old ones of individualism, nationalism, racism, etc. The Awakened Way of the Dharma of Interdependent Co-origination in the Global Age will abolish the sinful (separate) Self, State, etc. with war, class, etc. against no killing, no stealing, no lying, and equal partnership of all. We must live as global villagers with the Five Blisses of awakening, freedom, equality, love, and peace. Truth and ethics are not two separate things, but one holiness.


Voluntary Simplicity is the new paradigm for the old ones of fighting for matter, might, and money with the Five Calamities of delusion, bondage, discrimination, exploitation, and extermination. Compounded complexity enslaves life confined and confused, losing true appreciation of abundant life and active living in holy (wholly wholesome) truth, goodness, beauty, and peace, which will save all life from devastation and doom by nukes, wars, global warming, mass extinction, etc.



February 8, 2020 C.E. Dharma talk




人身(にんしん)得(う)ること難(かた)し仏法値(お)うこと希(まれ)なり、今我等宿善(しゅくぜん)の助くるに依りて、已(すで)に受け難き人身を受けたるのみに非ず、遭い難き仏法に値(あ)い奉れり、 生死の中の善生(ぜんしょう)、最勝の生なるべし最勝の善身を徒(いたづら)にして 露命を無常の風に任すること勿れ。













2020共通年2月8日 法話













Image may contain: one or more people and flower















Animals and their friends.








Posted in Awakened Way (Buddhism), Global ethic, Paradigm shift, Voluntary simplicity | Leave a comment

Karma to Dharma: 業から法へ


Good morning!


We have a calm, clear world after our zazen. Before coming here, I watched a TV program on the Shimanto River, one of three “free-flowing rivers in Japan,” called “the last pure river.” It enjoys abundant and diverse living beings and ecological systems – a long span of brackish water, many meanderings with diverse kinds of streams in speed, depth, organisms, etc. Humans live harmoniously with it with skillful means, like using sinking bridges that flow with floodwaters.


Our cosmic river is a roughly fifteen billion year river with a four billion year life stream, which may be identified as the Dharma world. The human species stream is five million years, with five thousand years of civilization, which may be coined the karma world. This outgrew and overburdened that in the last fifty years. The coming five years may determine the fate of both, with runaway climate crises. At any moment a mishap, a man, or a country can destroy the global life system.


Human karma created civilization, with city states streaming into nation states with militarism, materialism, Mammonism, etc. A pyramidal civilization is now corrupting and collapsing the holy truth, goodness, and beauty of the Dharma world with the karma of the triple poisons of delusion, desire, and divisiveness, producing the five calamities of delusion, bondage, discrimination, exploitation, and extermination. Karma cognition and correction is the key to solve all problems and sufferings.


The Buddha recommended “mental orientation from the source,” the origin of the mind, karma, the triple poisons, etc., before which was nothing wrong, where there was only the Dharma world. He left the concrete correct course for it – sitting still, stilling karma, seeing the Dharma, saving and serving the Dharma world with the five blisses of awakening, freedom, equality, love, and peace, and with the triple learning of morality, concentration, and prognosis, enjoying the holy happy Dharma flow.


February 1, 2020 C.E. Dharma talk


Note 1. Shimanto River:

English Wiki:

JapaneseWiki :


  1. Sinking bridge sinking:


3.Detailed explanation on practicing Zen and Buddhism:


  1. Detailed explanation on Cosmic Calendar, Paradigm Shift, etc.”














2020共通年2月1日 法話



ウィキ :


  1. 沈下橋 沈下:




4. 宇宙カレンダー、枠組転換などの詳細説明:
























The picture below is taken and sent by Mr. Noriyuki Otsuka, who wrote:

“A very beautiful rainbow appeared the other day

The foreground  is apricot tree already blooming

– Japanes white-eyes and bulbuls sucking honey.

Nirvana world is realized.”












Posted in Dharma, Karma, Paradigm shift | Leave a comment

Doomsday Clock 100 Seconds to the End:終末時計は終末まで100秒


Good morning!


We have a quiet and serene morning after sittings. The Doomsday Clock was further advanced to the shortest ever 100 seconds to the end of the world. This is due especially to imminent nuclear war and the pressing climate crisis, with long-term ecological problems such as mass extinction caused by mankind.


This is due fundamentally to the triple poisons of desire, divisiveness, and delusion in karma, and the accelerated scale, speed, and specialization of our pyramidal civilization. Humans have survived and succeeded in this, as they are social animals, but they are now reversely affecting themselves and the world.


We must reverse this process with the triple learnings of morality, concentration, and prognosis, going to nirvana with deceleration in quality, value, and holiness of an Indra-net culture. Humans have fabricated and failed in this, as they are symbol manipulators, which created a separate Self, Society, State, Species, etc.


As we do this, we must follow the triple pillars of the Awakened Way, Global Ethic, and Voluntary Simplicity, following the Dharma of Dependent Co-origination, the 5 Ls, plain life, discarding the Five Calamities, and attaining the Five Blisses in nirvana, tasting amrita, ambrosia of immortality, becoming fearless.


January 25, 2020 C.E. Dharma talk.














2020共通年1月25日 法話



Note. 1. The Dharma of Dependent Co-origination teaches that all phenomena are inter-dependently co-originated on causes and conditions throughout space and time, thus there is no separate self-same self-sovereign Self, State, Species, etc., which means we must cooperate for a holy (wholly wholesome) way and world, not a sinful (separate sick) synergy and system.



We have a quiet and serene morning after sittings. The Doomsday Clock was further advanced to the shortest ever 100 seconds to the end of the world. This is due especially to imminent nuclear war and the pressing climate crisis, with long-term ecological problems such as mass extinction caused by mankind.




This is due fundamentally to the triple poisons of desire, divisiveness, and delusion in karma, and the accelerated scale, speed, and specialization of our pyramidal civilization. Humans have survived and succeeded in this, as they are social animals, but they are now reversely affecting themselves and the world.




We must reverse this process with the triple learnings of morality, concentration, and prognosis, going to nirvana with deceleration in quality, value, and holiness of an Indra-net culture. Humans have fabricated and failed in this, as they are symbol manipulators, which created a separate Self, Society, State, Species, etc.




As we do this, we must follow the triple pillars of the Awakened Way, Global Ethic, and Voluntary Simplicity, following the Dharma of Dependent Co-origination, the 5 Ls, plain life, discarding the Five Calamities, and attaining the Five Blisses in nirvana, tasting amrita, ambrosia of immortality, becoming fearless.




January 25, 2020 C.E. Dharma talk.




























2020共通年1月25日 法話






Note. 1. The Dharma of Dependent Co-origination teaches that all phenomena are inter-dependently co-originated on causes and conditions throughout space and time, thus there is no separate self-same self-sovereign Self, State, Species, etc., which means we must cooperate for a holy (wholly wholesome) way and world, not a sinful (separate sick) synergy and system.


  1. The Global Ethic is based on the Five Precepts of no killing, no stealing, no lying, no misuse of intoxicants, and no sexual misconduct, the last of which was reinterpreted into an equal partnership between men and women. These can be expressed as the Five Ls – Law (Universal Law or Dharma of Dependent Co-origination), Life, Liberation, Lielessness, Love.  A more detailed application of this is the Five Rs (in material flow) -Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Rearrange, Restore – and the Five As (in information flow) – Access, Assess, Agree, Act, Advise.


  1. Little desire is the first item in the Eightfold Great Person’s Awakening advised by the Buddha, Dogen, et al., as their last teachings, which will solve our global problems, of all mass production, consumption, and wasting, destroying ecological systems. If we follow their advice as much as they actually lived, we can solve our global problematique. The eight items are as follows:


Eightfold Awarenesses / Awakenings of Great Persons (Pali/Sanskrit: Mahā-purisa-vitakka/-bodhi/mahā-puruṣa-vitarka/-bodhi):


  1. little desire (appiccha/appicchā)
  2. contentment (santuṭṭha/santuṣṭa)
  3. seclusion (pavivitta/pravivitta)
  4. striving (viriya)
  5. mindfulness (sati/smṛti)
  6. concentration (samāhia)
  7. prognosis (paňňā/prajňā)
  8. no speculation (appapaňca/aprapaňca)


  1. Symbol manipulator is one of the definitions of humans proposed by Ernst Alfred Cassirer (others: fabricating animal: homo faber, social animal: homo sociale, playing animal: homo ludens, etc.), well presenting that humans are skilled in using symbols, creating languages, myths, arts, religions, histories, sciences, etc., criticizing nationalism. Humans have been misled by nationalism, creating a century of “nationalism and wars,” now becoming the most imminent danger of doomsday. Good introductions to his thoughts are “An Essay on Man,” and “The Myth of the State.”













2020共通年1月25日 法話






  1. 小欲
  2. 知足
  3. 離俗
  4. 精進
  5. 専念
  6. 集中(三昧)
  7. 智慧(般若)
  8. 不妄想(不戯論)






Yellow - Vögel und Schmetterlinge - #Schmetterlinge #und #Vögel #Yellow







Dolphin out for a sunset swim

















Pensée certitude confiance comportement autorité environnement Personnalité motivation Conscience Médiation- Coaching séduction








Peveril Point, Swanage (UK)









Sunset Beach ** Melbourne, Victoria, Australia - I don't have to travel far for this view. 2 minutes down the road ;)



The following picture of cherry blooming is taken and sent

by Mr. Noriyuki Otsuka, Shimoda, Shizuoka, Japan

(One month earlier than average year)










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Please Sign “No Nuke Appeal” : 核廃絶署名

World Buddhist Federation, Japan support this:
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