Good morning!
Flowers in spring.
Cuckoo in summer.
The moon in autumn.
Snow in winter,
Cool and clear.
Original Face, Dogen
We have chilly weather, down to 10 degrees outside. We are cool and clear after zazen here. I watched a rebroadcast of an NHK program from about twenty years ago on Dr. Tetsu Nakamura, who dedicated his life to treating mainly leprosy patients in Pakistan for twenty years, then to digging wells and making a long canal to irrigate the desert for 600,000 people in Afghanistan for fifteen years. He was shot to death about two months ago by a fanatical group. He used to say “Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution protected me, having no enemies, while war and fighting was going on.”
Great people who work for the peaceful lives of people are sometimes killed by fanatical persons or groups, as in the cases of Gandhi, King, Lincoln, Jesus, Socrates, et al. Fanatics are short-sighted and short-circuited, sinful (separate, sick, selfish) slaughterers. They are actually cowardly criminals, fearing selfish loss and fighting in a criminal way. Religion means reunion (from Latin religare) with holiness (wholly wholesome way world) from sin (separated, sick, selfish system), coming from the survival instinct, the triple poisons of karma.
A Religion Revolution, harbinger of Spiritual Revolution, with the five blisses of awakening, freedom, equality, love, and peace, was the cure for the Civilization (Urbanization, from Latin civitas) Revolution of a pyramidal system with the five calamities of delusion, bondage, discrimination, exploitation, and extermination (classes, colonies, wars, slaves, etc.). The global crises of climate change, mass extinction, etc., require a paradigm shift from the latter to the former, urgently. Otherwise the global life system is doomed to demise.
In this perspective the former is like a great person for the peaceful life of all, and the latter a fanatic that assassinates a great person. The former developed a global heart with global organizations with a global truth/ethic. The latter developed city states to nation states, developing the scale of class, colonialism, war, etc. Great ones can have great hearts to embrace all without nationalism, militarism, etc. We can still karma, staying unmoved (acala) by anything. Small ones remain with small hearts, with the triple poisons, with weapons like fanatical cowardice.
February 15, 2020 C.E. Dharma talk.
Note 1. Dr. Tetsu Nakamura
- Paradigm Shift
外は零下11度まで下がる冷たい気候です。ここでは坐禅の後で清涼です。 私は、20年間パキスタンで来病患者治療に当たり、その後15年間アフガニスタンで井戸を掘り長い運河を創って60万人の為に砂漠を灌漑するのに人生を捧げた中村哲さんの、20年程前のNHK番組の再放送を見ました。彼は2カ月程前狂信者グループの銃撃で亡くなりました。彼は何時も「日本の憲法九条に守られて戦争と闘争があっても敵が居ない」と何時も言っていました。
精神革命の嚆矢である宗教革命は覚醒・自由・平等・博愛・平和の五福によって錯誤・束縛・差別・搾取・殺戮の五禍(階級、植民、戦争、奴隷など)のある文明(civilization: ラテン語のcivitas: cityに由来する都市化という意味)の治療をするものです。気候変動、大量絶滅などの地球危機は後者から前者への緊急な枠組転換を必要としています。そうしないと地球生命組織は崩壊への運命にあります。
2020共通年2月15日 法話
アフガニスタン 永久支援のために 中村哲 次世代へのプロジェクト
- 枠組転換 (Paradigm Shift):
(In English)