Category Archives: Dogen

Renowned Mid-Autumn Full Moon

  I saw the beautiful bright full moon above city skyline earlier on the way back home from zazen. The following two pictures of the full moon getting hazier are taken now (about 22:22 in St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.A.):   … Continue reading

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Mindfulness Day Event: Movie (How to Cook Your Life) & Discussion

Please come and see “How to Cook Your Life” based on Dogen’s “Tenzo-kyōkun” (Lesson for Chief Cook Monk).     Those who can not come and see it may appreciate it here:  

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Dogen’s Doei (道元道詠): Poems in the Way, 19

  Poem made on “the storage of the right dharma eye”   A small boat being discarded, Not tied by wind, pulled y waves, The moon is the very realm Of the middle of the night.     Shōbōgenzō-wo eizu: … Continue reading

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Dogen’s Doei (道元道詠): Poems in the Way, 18

  Poem made on “going,standing, sitting, and lying down:   Not aware of protecting, But not useless is The scarecrow standing In the paddy in mountains.     Gyō-jū-za-ga-wo eizu   Mamorutomo Oboenu nagara Oyamada-no Itazura-naran Kagashi-nari-keri     詠行住坐臥 … Continue reading

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Dogen’s Doei (道元道詠): Poems in the Way, 17

  Poem made on “the mind being the Buddhs”:   Indiscernible whether Mandarin ducks or seagulls Are floating up and down Among the rising waves.     Sokushin sokubutsu-wo eizu   Oshidori-ka Kamome-to mo mata Mie-wakanu Tateru nami-ma-ni Uki-shizumu-kana   … Continue reading

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Dogen’s Doei (道元道詠): Poems in the Way, 15

  Poem made on “the mind arising in no abiding”:   Waterfowls come and go Leaving no traces behind, And yet they do not forget The path they pass.   Ou-mu-sho-jū-ni-shō-go-shin-wo eizu   Mizutori-no Yukumo kaerumo Ato taete Saredomo michi-wa … Continue reading

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Dogen’s Doei (道元道詠): Poems in the Way, 14

  Poem made on “the original face”;   Flowers in spring, Cuckoos in summer, The moon in autumn, Snow in winter, Cool and clear.   Honrai-no-menmoku-wo eizu   Haru-wa hana Natsu hototogisu Aki-wa tsuki Fuyu yuki saete Suzushikarikeri   詠本来面目 … Continue reading

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Dogen’s Doei (道元道詠): Poems in the Way, 13

  Poems made on the first born body by parents:   Province in the deep mountain Being sought and entered Is the original capital city I’ve lived with familiarity.   Fubo-sho-shoshin-wo eizu   Tazune-iru Miyamano oku-no Sato-zo moto Ware suminareshi … Continue reading

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Dogen’s Doei (道元道詠): Poems in the Way, 12

    Poem made on “not passing twelve hours in vain”:   Forty some years Passed by were ways Of the rabbit-raven In the great sky.   Jūniji-chū munashiku sugosazu-wo eizu   Suginikeru Yosoji amari-wa Oozora-no Uto-no Michi-ni-zo airikeru   … Continue reading

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Dogen’s Doei (道元道詠): Poems in the Way, 11

    Poem made on “the awakening in the Way by seeing peach flowers”:   The blossoms of peach trees Have bloomed in the spring breeze Leaving behind no doubts Even to twigs and leaves.   Tōka-godō-wo eizu   Harukaze-ni … Continue reading

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