Tag Archives: karma to dharma

Penetrating Pure Peace Prognosis

Good evening!   This drizzling may shift soon to sleet or snow. All things are impermanent, uncontrollable, and selfless or no self-sameness, self-sovereignty, and self-substance (triple marks of dharmas).   When we sit and stop our delusion, desire, and divisiveness in this truth, we can settle in nirvana, unconditioned peace. These four of impermanence, suffering, selflessness, and nirvana are called the four dharma seals.   But, nirvana is attained only by constant concentrated cultivation and verification of sitting, stopping karmas, seeing the dharmas, and settle in the penetrating pure peace and prognosis.   2/26/13        

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Making Mind from Mother Nature

Good morning!   The temperature is now 80 degrees and going up to 99, with a heat index of 106. Of course, every one feels the heat wave, but few deal with global warming.   The Buddha spoke of “making … Continue reading

Posted in Buddhism, Civilization, Culture, Ecology, Global ethic, Global problems, Religion, System, Voluntary simplicity, Zen | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment