Tag Archives: nirvana

Crystal Clear

Good evening! We just heard the beautiful bell sound appearing and disappearing, and we know that all growth decays, and birth ends in death. All phenomena and formations are impermanent. We heard that Ed has been hospitalized due to a … Continue reading

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Karma World & Dharma World

Good morning! We have a warm atmosphere impregnated with moisture, so we may have rain. We cannot see the moon now, with the clouds. Last night we could see the beautiful, bright, full moon. When we see the moon with … Continue reading

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Clear Crystal

Good evening! On the way here I heard that the temperature was 80 degrees. It must, then, have gone higher in the daytime. We have a very warm, fine day with moistened air. The moon is going to be beautiful, … Continue reading

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Wholly Wholesome

Good morning! On the way here I heard the weather forecast telling us of a summer-like day, with the temperature going up to 76 degrees, just days after having a snow-white world. We can now see the moon approaching fullness, … Continue reading

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Sitting Still

Good evening! We have now the beautiful bright moon in the sky. When we see this planet from the moon, it looks like the moon hanging in the air. Our life is hanging in the air like the sword of … Continue reading

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Unconditioned Peace – Unsurpassed Awakening

Good evening! We had a beautiful, bright sunny day today, with plants budding, burgeoning, and sprouting. I saw a pretty white star magnolia blooming in full size on a branch I had taken in during the chilly weather and put … Continue reading

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Storm to Stillness

A storm and tornado hit upon us, Leaving trees, branches, fallen, Houses blown and shuttered, Thousands of homes blacked out. I came here to my old home, No one here to help or be with. The past has passed like … Continue reading

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Good morning! After our sittings, we have a very peaceful world inside and out. We are very fortunate that we are walking in the Awakened Way and have the concrete practice to attain it. Zazen is the essential way and … Continue reading

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Moon Mundus

Good morning! We now have the beautiful bright full moon high in the sky, lone and round, unblemished and unbound by clouds and storms. If we take the moon as matter, we just forego and forget it. If we take … Continue reading

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Mind Moon (心月)

Good morning! Sometimes we miss the full moon. But we always see the morning star in the morning. The morning star tells us it is the dawning of daytime. It becomes the evening star, telling us of the nightfall of … Continue reading

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