Avoiding Nuclear Holocaust: Four Holy Truths: 核ホロコーストを避ける:四聖諦

Avoiding Nuclear Holocaust: Four Holy Truths


Putin’s war on Ukraine, with the threat of nuclear bombs, endangers the world, making World War III and nuclear holocaust possible. The U.N. cannot stop it, due to the veto power held by its five permanent security council members, and to the very few nations that support Russia. Thus, tens of millions of people have been ousted from their homes and homeland; hundreds of thousands have been killed, and many more have been maimed, tortured, raped, deported, abducted, etc.


The causes are the karmic triple poisons of desire, divisiveness, and delusion, have developed into individual ones (fame and fortune), social ones (nationalism, militarism, mammonism, dictatorships, and pyramidal systems), and environmental ones (greed for natural resources, etc.). The five major players of the modern world – states, corporations, media, religion, and education – expand these triple poisons and their resultant effects (war, nukes, climate change, mass extinction, etc.).


The solutions lie in stopping the triple poisons and their resultant systems and synergies. Individuals must awaken and see that they are karma-machines with the triple poisons, then still their karma, settle in nirvana (no-wind, of karma), see the Dharma (Law/phenomena) of Dependent Co-origination, and serve and save all by reforming the present social systems and redirecting their synergies. We need to go beyond nationalism to globalism (global governance, etc.), and to a life system.


The concrete ways to solutions include analyzing the four holy truths of our problems, causes, solutions, and ways of solving them (the eight holy ways of right view, thinking, speech, action, livelihood, striving, mindfulness, and concentration) and applying these in our lives. We must decry the lawlessness and immorality of war, nukes, dictatorships, militarism, etc., and devote ourselves to working with others, living in holy (wholly wholesome) harmony, health, and happiness.


August 19, 2023 C.E.



  1. The Four Holy Truths are the truth of suffering (problem), its cause, cessation of the cause, and way of cessation. They are similar to the medical prognoses of sickness, its cause, its cure, and its curing, but wider in perspective and application.


  1. The United Nations needs to reform its Security Council, especially its veto system, to avoid it, adopting majority rule in its General Assembly.


  1. The five major players in the modern world are dependent on their components, surroundings, and their interactions in space and time, thus changing and changeable, fictitious bodies agreed upon by people’s thoughts and beliefs, cf. Ernst Cassirer’s The Myth of the State.


  1. War, arsenal, nuke, etc. are due to the delusive belief in “the myth of the state.” The sovereignty of a state is succeeding the superstition of the sovereignty (=absolute power given by God) of a king, which is wrong from the truth of Dependent Co-origination, causality law, and from the global view.
  2. Wars, nukes, climate change, mass extinction, discrimination, poverty, etc. are typical of the global problematique, interrelated problems, which create global sufferings. Wars and nukes are hampering the solutions to other grave sufferings. Resources (human, natural, etc.) used by them should be converted to the solutions to other problems and sufferings.


6. To avoid nuclear holocaust, nuclear weapons-holding nations should declare non-first use of nuclear weapons, strive to decrease the number of nuclear weapons (endeavoring in the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty), and attend as observers at, and then join the U.N. Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. People holding power may want to hold onto nukes, enhancing their power position, but masses of people, as individual and organizations, must move to not let them do so. This is the most important and improving power in the progress of human history.


7. Mankind must move from tribal, regional, and national communities to a global one, and create a global governance (such as a world federation, NGOs, NPOs, people’s organizations, communities, etc., and the means for their cooperation and coordination) to avoid nuclear holocaust, and anti-war institutions (advancing and going beyond “the century of nationalism and war”) with mass movements all over the world. This will lead, hopefully, to a more natural, cyclical life Indra-net culture (going beyond the present artificial, unidirectional pyramidal civilization).


8. See the modern world federalist view on abolishing nukes and nuclear holocaust:




9. See a paradigm shift from the artificial, unidirectional pyramidal civilization for money, matter, and might with the five calamities (delusion, bondage, discrimination, exploitation, and destruction) to the life Indra-net culture for life, heart, and harmony with the five blisses (awakening, freedom, equality, friendship, and peace):




10. “The Dharma (Norm/Law/Truth/Ethic) of all dharmas (forms/phenomena/ truths/ethics)” is Dependent Co-origination, i.e., all phenomena are interdependently co-originated on limitless causes and conditions. This means that we, humans, are interrelated with other beings (other species, elements, stars, etc.), and relatives to each other, and that we must therefore live together harmoniously and strive to make a wholly wholesome world to become harmonious, healthy and happy.















  1. 四聖諦は苦(問題)、その原因、原因の停止、停止の方法の真理である。これらは医学の処方、病気、原因、治癒、治療に似ているがそれよりも視野と適用が広い。
  2. 国連はその安全保障理事会、特にその拒否権、を止め、その総会の多数決を採用する必要がある。
  3. 現代世界における五主要行動体は時間・空間においてその構成員、周囲事情や相互の関わり方に依存しているので、変化し変更し得るし、人々の思想や信仰による世間合意による仮構体であるー参照:エルンスト・カッシラー「国家の神話」。
  4. 戦争、軍備、核などは「国家の神話」の妄信である。国家の主権は王様の(神が与えた絶対権力=)主権という迷信を引き継いだものであり、縁起や因果律の真理や地球的観点からは誤りである。
  5. 戦争、核、気候変動、大量絶滅、差別、貧困等は地球問題群、相関する諸問題、の典型的なものであり、これらは地球的苦悩を創っている。戦争と核は他の重大な苦悩の解決を妨げている。これらに使われる諸資源(人的、自然的等)は他の問題と苦悩の解決に転換されなければならない。
  6. 核ホロコーストを避けるには、核兵器所有国が核兵器の先制不使用を宣言し、(核不拡散条約を推進努力して)核兵器の数を減らし、国連核兵器禁止条約にオブザーバーとして参加し、更にはそれに参加すべきである。権力の座にある者達は、自らの権力の座を強化する為に、核に固執するかもしれないが、大衆は、個人としても組織としても、彼らがそうしないように動かなければならない、それは人間の歴史での最も重要で改善の力である。
  7. (「国家主義と戦争の世紀」を超え前進する為)世界中で大衆運動で反戦組織と協働し、核ホロコーストを避け、人類は部族、地方、国家の共同体から、地球のそれに移行し、(世界連邦、非政府組織、非営利組織、人々の組織、共同体、組合、連携など)地球管理を創り、(前進して「国家主義と戦争の世紀」を超え)反戦気候を創らなければならない。これは、望むらくは、(現在の人工的、一方向的金字塔文明を)もっと自然的で循環的な命帝網文化に導くであろう。
  8. 核と核ホロコーストを避ける為の現代の世界連邦論者の見解を参照されたい:http://missourizencenter.org/mzcherenow/?p=15029
  9. 五禍(迷妄、束縛、差別、搾取、破戒)を伴う金・物・力を求める人工的、一方向的金字塔文明から五福(覚醒、自由、平等、友愛、平和)を伴う命・心・和の自然的、循環的命帝網文化への枠組転換については下記を参照されたい:https://heiwasekai.wordpress.com/2018/01/20/%e3%80%8c%e6%9e%a0%e7%b5%84%e8%bb%a2%e6%8f%9b%e3%80%8d%ef%bc%9aparadigm-shift/?fbclid=IwAR2PEo9t4YwkwTSo4QRdVseqW08HeASD7orrenbOQLh181s72MAbV-WxkuM
  10. 「諸法(dharma: form/phenomena/truth/ethic)の法(Dharma: Norm/Law/Truth/Ethic)」は縁起、即ち、一切現象は無量の原因と条件により因縁生起するということである。これは、私達、人間、は他の存在(他種、元素、星など)と相関し互いに相対であり、だから、共に調和して生き、調和的、健康、幸福になる為に全体健全な世界を作らなければならないということを意味する。






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Live Limitless Life: Triple Learnings 無量寿を生きよ:三学


Live Limitless Life: Triple Learnings


The Buddha, Awakened One, illustrated the rarity and value of human life and its awakened way by saying that it is more rare and valuable than a blind turtle living at the bottom of the ocean, coming up to the surface once in a hundred years, and  sticking its head into a hole in a floating log. How can we live our precious life in the best way possible in a world of impermanence and suffering?


He made an example of his life, cultivating the Triple Learnings of morality, concentration, and prognosis, and verifying the Four Limitlessnesses of friendship, compassion, joy, and equanimity. He knew that all beings are karma-born, -heirs, -owners, -machines, and -refuged, and that we must cultivate ourselves and take refuge in good karma, avoiding bad karma in our will, emotion, and intelligence.


Good karma in our will, emotion, and intelligence are cultivated in the Triple Learnings of morality (sīla), concentration (samādhi), and prognosis (prajñā). Sīla is the pillar/backbone that makes a house/body stand firmly and function well. Samādhi stills and stabilizes our bodies and minds. Prajñā provides profound insight and wide perspective in truth and ethic, the bases for sīla and samādhi.


Prajñā, based on the awakening of the Dharma of all dharmas, i.e., Dependent  Co-origination, prognosticates truth, goodness, beauty, and holiness (wholly wholesomeness) in cultivating our karma in the limitlessly interdependent world, providing limitless friendship and compassion. Samādhi and prajñā provides limitless joy and equanimity beyond karma kinetics and ken.


August 12, 2023 C.E.



  1. The blind turtle represents the blind life of karmic existence, and the ocean the vast and violent waves of the suffering world. It would be almost impossible for the turtle to find and fit its head into a small hole of an aimlessly floating log, and encountering the Awakened Way and living it within the limitless life world is also this way.


  1. The Dharma (Norm/Law) of all dharmas (forms/phenomena) is Dependent Co-origination, i.e., all phenomena are interdependently co-originating on limitless causes and conditions throughout time and space. So, all phenomena are related and relative, changing and changeable.


  1. The life system is in a limitlessly interdependent and interrelated system through limitless space and time. If we can acknowledge and activate it, we can function as limitless life, light, liberation, and love, like the crystal balls of the Indra-net, making it holy (wholly wholesome), harmonious, healthy, and happy, calm and clear, collectively and continuously.


  1. Sīla/śīla is to cultivate and conform to the Dharma of our life functions in will, emotion, intelligence (expressed in bodily, verbal, and mental forms), concretely in the Five/Ten Precepts (Sīla/śīla: backbone: cultivated character):


Five Precepts:

No killing, stealing, sexual misconduct, lying, intoxicants (the first four, then all five, became the bases of the Declaration toward a Global Ethic, issued by the Parliament of the World’s Religions in 1993 in Chicago).


Ten Precepts:

Physical: No killing, stealing, sexual misconduct

Verbal: No lying, eccentric words, abuse, double tongue

Mental: No desire, divisiveness, delusion


  1. Samādhi is essential to go beyond karma (especially its Triple Poisons of desire, divisiveness, and delusion) and settle in nirvana (by sitting still, stilling karma, settling in nirvana, seeing the Dharma/dharmas/Dharma world, and serving and saving all), within which paññā/prajñā can function.


  1. Paññā/prajñā provides profound insight and holy perspective, not only prognostication’s after-care, but precautions beyond the partialities, preconceptions, and preoccupations of karma.








知情意の善業は戒定恵(sīla, samādhi, prajñā)の三学によって修養されます。戒(sīla)は家・身を強固にし機能するようにする柱・背骨です。定 (samādhi)は私達の心身を静止し安定させます。恵 (prajñā)は戒・定の基盤となる真理・倫理における深甚の洞察と広大な視野を提供します。

































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The Rosengarten in the Dolomites, by Garyo

The Rosengarten in the Dolomites

The magic started already in Brixen, a town near the Dolomites in South Tyrol. There, we saw on the ceiling of the cloister beside the dome a depiction of the first elephant crossing the Alps in 1551. Soliman was a present for archduke Maximilian. Soon after his arrival in Vienna, he died.





Medieval cloister





Obviously, the artist never saw an elephant and depicted it from a description he heard – a very charming picture.

Our travel back in time continued in Bozen with the visit to the iceman Ötzi, a frozen mummy dating back 5300 years. His well preserved body glittered from the thin sheet of ice when we peeked through a glass window into the room where he is resting. His body shows black markings of acupuncture points, a fascinating discovery for the history of medicine. Besides an axe, knife, arrows, grass blankets, a container of hot coals to make fire in minutes and other things, he carried with him a grain of Einkorn wheat and a seed of blackthorn. Blackthorn is very high in Vitamin C.







One shoe was totally preserved and consisted of fur, grass and leather strings. It protected him well from the icy cold.

Ötzi was murdered from behind by an arrow in the left shoulder. A deep cut in his right hand showed that 24 hours before his death he was involved in a fight. Ötzi is a treasure for historical research.





We stayed in a little village called Tiers. The hotel was located beside a church with a lovely cemetery surrounding it. Each single grave was a beautiful flower garden and showed care and love. The crosses are directed towards the peaks of the Rosengarten, now in thick clouds.





In the background, you see the Dolomite mountains of the Rosengarten. The photo was taken in the evening, when the rocks glow in a reddish color. The name “Rosengarten” refers to the legend of the dwarf king Laurin. It was said that he lived in a palace of gold and jewels inside the mountain and had a rose garden outside. After he was imprisoned because he stole a beautiful woman, he cursed the mountain, so nobody could see the rose garden again. However, he forgot to mention the time of sunsets – ever since then the peaks of this mountain range glow in the evening like red roses.



The area of the Dolomites is full of magic. You can only be in awe of the beauty. On one of my hikes, I went to the Grasleiten Huette (2165m). I always like to have the destination of a mountain hut on my hike.





Path to the Grasleitenhütte

Many hiking trails lead through gorgeous landscapes, crossing alpine meadows with grazing horses, cattle, goats and sheep and go high up to the rocky peaks.






The animals are used to hikers and are not bothered by them.





A very seldom and gorgeous Colombine




A plant producing these fine, transparent webs of seed





Lake on the “Whunleger”





It is said that the land forms people and this is very visible in this area. The land is full of history and stories and these stories are still told today. I was fascinated by the many wood carvings I saw in the forest. Like in the Middle Ages, the artists are not known. The forest is full of dragons, spirits and other creatures.





A railing with the head of a fierce dragon




Head of dragon




A powerful dragon was created from this twisted tree trunk and made into a comfortable bench.






More Tree spirits




The playfulness was intriguing





On the way down to the village, I passed this ancient mound, the “Thalerbühel”. The people of the Iron Age (600-400 BC) flattened the mound and celebrated their fire rituals on the top.





A tunnel like walkway, one of many, leads down to the village.




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Source of Suffering: Triple Poisons 苦の源:三毒

Source of Suffering: Triple Poisons

We have the four inevitable sufferings of birth, aging, sickness, and death, and also eight, adding to these the four common ones of parting with the beloved, meeting with the hated, not attaining the desired, and, in short, the sufferings that arise from the five aggregates of form, feeling, idea, formation, and consciousness. Now the world has the global problematique – the interrelated problems of war, climate change, mass extinction, nuclear holocaust, etc.

The cause is human karma, containing the triple poisons of desire, divisiveness, and delusion (of self). Humans are characterized by their use of symbolism of the five Ss (of Self, Society, Status, Species, and Symbolism). The global problematique is dependent on the five Ss, especially Self, State, Symbolism of languages, myths, states, sciences, and technologies, poisoned by selfishness.

The Buddha, Awakened One, was awakened to the Dharma (Norm/Law) of all dharmas (forms/phenomena): the Dependent Co-origination on causes and conditions, i.e., all are related and relative. He was also awakened to the reality of all beings as karma-born, -heirs, -owners, -machines, and -refuged. Trees are truthful, harmonious, and lasting, but humans are not, due to their karmic evolution.

The Buddha provided the solution to suffering in stilling karma, seeing the Dharma, serving and saving all in the practice of the Triple Learnings of morality, concentration, and prognosis, the Triple Collective Pure Precepts of embracing all beings, all good dharmas, all prohibitory precepts, etc., to stop limited views and actions to attain limitless life, light, liberation, and love, like trees, in holy harmony, health, and happiness.

July 29, 2023 C.E.


  1. The twelve-limbed Dependent Co-origination (bhava-cakka/bhava-cakra, becoming wheel) illustrates how our life goes with the five aggregates (originally identifying and analyzing so-called “self,” later “world”) resulting in suffering due to the triple poisons.
  1. The solution of the global problematique requires the global ethic (issued by the Parliament of the World’s Religions in Chicago in 1993 with more than seven thousand people from all religions and from all over the world attending), which is based on the Five Precepts (and the fundamental common elements in the Ten Precepts, the Ten Commandments, etc.).
  1. Ernst Cassirer defined humans as homo symbolicum in his Philosophy of Symbolism, its summary An Essay on Man, where humans are described as skillful in handling the symbolisms of language, myth, religion, art, science, history, etc. The Myth of the State is important to know how states operate.
  1. The Five Ss are the representations of Francisco Bacon’s Four Idola (cave, agora, theatre, species) in Self, Society, Status, and Species, plus Cassirer’s Symbolism.
  1. Buddhist philosophy and practice are based on this fundamental Dharma of the Dependent Co-origination of all dharmas, which is similar to the fundamental law of Causality, but wider, including and stressing the subject, and deeper, including the whole universe, evolution, and depth of existence. Our life is limitless, far beyond our small shallow views of our life. Our ordinary life is usually small and shallow compared to the true universal life in the Dharma world. So, we make our true limitlessly related life into false, limited, separate lives due to our karmic views and actions.
  1. Karmic views and actions are limited, like those born blind who groped only a part of a huge elephant and fought for their partial findings as being the only right ones. Karma has developed through four billion years of evolution, essentially on the self-survival instinct, magnified by human civilizations, the artificial pyramidal system, fighting for money, matter, and might with the five calamities (delusion, bondage, discrimination, exploitation, and destruction).
  1. A paradigm shift from our artificial, unilateral pyramidal civilization to a natural, cyclical Indra-net life culture for sharing life, heart, and harmony with the five blisses (awakening, freedom, equality, friendship, and peace) is essential to solve the global problematique. Culture is the cultivation of our potential in truth, goodness, beauty, and holiness.
  1. Our coarse views are limited by the short, shallow, small self, like seeing only the apparent competition among plants above ground, but subtle scientific findings show that under the ground micro-organisms connect their root systems to cooperate in nutritional exchange, etc. Micro-organisms help plants and animals, enabling them to go over the land, develop their life functions, create fantastic flora and fauna, and interact with the universe throughout time and space.
  1. Our life is limitless dependent co-origination and co-operation, thus great limitlessness, but due to karmic limited views and actions, we make it limited, small, and shallow in suffering.
  1. The key practice of sitting still is to still karma, settle in nirvana (nir-vāṇa = ni-vāta: no-wind, of karma), seeing the Dharma, serving and saving all. The Four Limitlessnesses (Brahma-abodes) are friendship, compassion, joy, and equanimity (upekkhā/upekṣā, lit. throwing away, the triple poisons).
  1. Friendship (mettā/maitṝ) is future saviors in universal religions (intended to mean everyone’s potential to become the true friend in need of all, cf. Friend: Mitra, Mithra, Mazda, Maitreya, Milu, Miroku, Massiah, Messiah).
  1. Sitting still makes one calm and clear, as a bowl settling down makes the water inside of it become calm and clear, reflecting the world. Constant cultivation of still sitting leads from calming (samatha/śamatha) and observation (vipassanā/vipaśyanā), nirvana and awakening (bodhi), witnessing the of truth world (Dhamma/Dharma-dhātu), and becoming the truth body (Dhamma/Dharma-kāya).
  1. The Buddha Gotama was idealized as Maitreya (Friendship) Buddha, World/sound-observation (Awalokita-svara)/(Avalokita-īśvara) (cf. Gotama “looked down with compassion”) Bodhisattvabo, Limitless Life Buddha (Amita-āyus)/Limitless Light Buddha (Amita-ābha), et al.
  1. Dogen mentioned that without cultivation, there is no verification, and that cultivation and verification are one. This applies exactly, especially clearly, in sitting and nirvana/awakening. Cultivation of the self-refuge and Dharm-refuge makes verification of the Dharma-body, witnessing the Dharma-world. Practice makes perfect, not idealizing and alienating one’s own Buddha-nature or Buddhahood and Dharma-reality (Dharma-tathatā).
  1. Suffering is, in short, the “rampant rising of the five aggregates (karma),” which is Dependent Co-origination. Nirvana is the stilling or cessation of it, i.e., Dependent Cessation or liberation/emancipation (mokkha/mokṣa, vimokkha/vimokṣa, vimutti/vimukti) from it (compared to a cicada shedding its shell, the bottom of the pail broken, etc.). Nirvana is the “Great Repose (Mahā-assasa/Mahā-aśvāsa, lit. Great Exhalation),” the “Utmost Comfort,” “Paradise,” “Pure-land,” etc. (the state of the mind-world, not a place in the west, etc.).





原因は人間の貪瞋(我の)痴の三毒を含む業です。人間は五S(Self, Society, Status, Species, Symbolism:自我、社会、地位、種族、象徴)の象徴の使用を特徴としています。地球問題群は五S, 特に自己中心に毒された言語、神話、国家、科学、技術の自我、国家、象徴に依存しています。





  1. 十二支縁起(bhava-cakka/bhava-cakra生成輪、輪廻輪)は(元来は所謂「自己」後に世界を同定し分析する為の)五蘊と共に、三毒の故に苦に成る私達の生がどのように展開するかを例示したものです。
  2. 地球問題群は(1993年シカゴで世界中から諸宗教の七千人を超える人々が集まった世界宗教会議により発出された)地球倫理を必要としますが、これは五戒(と仏教他の十戒の基本的共通要素)に基づいたものです。
  3. エルンスト・カッシラーは人間を言語、神話、宗教、芸術、科学、歴史などの象徴を巧く操るものであるとする「象徴の哲学」やその要約である「人間」等で「象徴人間」と定義しました。「国家の神話」は諸国家がどのように機能するかを知るのに重要です。
  4. 五Sはフランシス・ベーコンの四イドラ(洞窟、広場、劇場、種族)の代表しカッシラーの象徴を加えたものです。
  5. 仏教の哲学と実践はこの諸法の法である縁起の根本法に基づいていますが、これは因果(律)の根本法と同様ですが、更に深く(客体だけでなく、むしろ)主体を含み強調しており(三毒の対処など)、更に深く、一切宇宙、新化、存在の深淵まで含みます。私達の生活は法界の普遍的生命より通常は小さく、浅いのです。だから私達は真の無限に関連する生命を私達の業の見解と行動で誤った、限られた、分離した署生活にしているのです。
  6. 業の見解と行動は、生まれつき盲目の者達が巨大な象の一部を撫でて自分たちの部分的発見を唯一の正しいものであるとお互いに争ったように、限られたものです。業は四十億年の新化により、本質的には自己保存の本能により、さらに金・物・力の奪い合いにより五禍(愚痴、束縛、差別、搾取、破戒)をもつ人工的金字塔組織により拡張されたものです。
  7. 私達の人工的で一方向の金字塔文明から命・心・和の分かち合いによる五福(覚醒、自由、平等、友情、平和)をもつ自然的で循環的な命帝網文化への枠組転換が地球問題群を解決する為には必須です。文化は私達の真善美聖における潜在能力を修養することです。
  8. 私達の粗大な見解は、地上の植物間に見かけ上競争があると見て、短く浅く小さな我により限られていますが、微細な科学的発見は地下に微細生物がその根の組織を繋ぎ栄養交換などで協力させているのです。微細生物は植物、動物を助け、それらが陸上に上がりその生命機能を発展させ、驚異的な植物相、動物相を創造し、時空を通して受注と相互交流するのです。
  9. 私達の生命は無限の縁起と協力であり、こうして偉大な無限ですが、業による限られた見解と行動により私達はそれを限られた、小さく浅いものにして苦しんでいるのです。
  10. 鍵となる静坐の実践は業を静め、涅槃(nir-vāṇa = ni-vāta: no-wind, 無風、業風の)に安住し、法を見、一切に奉仕し救済するのです。四無量(四梵住)は慈(愛:友情:与楽)悲(泯:抜苦)喜捨(upekkhā/upekṣā)です。
  11. 友情 (mettā/maitṝ)は諸普遍宗教では未来の救済者です(が、誰でもが一切の必要の時の真の友になる可能性を意図したものです。参考: トモ(共・友):Mitra, Mithra, Mazda, Maitreya, Milu, Miroku, Massiah, Messiah).
  12. 静坐は、椀が安住するとその中の水が静謐に透明になり世界を映すように、人を静謐に明澄にします。静坐の常時の修行は止(止静)(samatha/śamatha) と観(観法) (vipassanā/vipaśyanā), 涅槃と覚醒 (bodhi), に導き法界 (Dhamma/Dharma-dhātu:真理世界)を直証し,法身 (Dhamma/Dharma-kāya:真実身)になります。
  13. ゴータマ・ブッダ(仏:仏陀)は弥勒(友情)仏、観音(観世音菩薩:Awalokita-svara/Avalokita-īśvara:観自在菩薩、阿弥陀仏(無量寿仏:Amita-āyus/Amita-ābha無量光仏)などに理想化されました。
  14. 道元は修なくば証なし、修証一如と言いました。これは坐と涅槃・覚醒に正に、特に明瞭です。自洲法洲の修行は法身を証明し、法界を直証します。自らの仏性、法性を観念化や疎外せずにする実践が完成になります。
  15. 苦は、要するに、「(業である)五蘊盛苦」であり縁起(因縁生起)です。涅槃はその止静すなわち寂滅です、即ち、(蝉脱、桶底打破などに例えられる)その縁滅(因縁消滅)、即ち解脱・解放 (mokkha/mokṣa, vimokkha/vimokṣa, vimutti/vimukti)です。涅槃は「偉大な休息(Mahā-assasa/Mahā-aśvāsa)」、「大安楽」、「極楽」、「浄土」等です(心‐界の状態で、西方などにある場所ではありません)。


















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Holiness Is Essence: Triple Collective Pure Precepts: 聖(全体健全)が本質:三聚浄戒


Holiness Is Essence: Triple Collective Pure Precepts


Boddhi-sattvas, awakening beings, take the Sixteen Precepts consisting of the Triple Treasures, the Triple Collective Pure Precepts, and the Ten Grave Prohibitory Precepts. The Triple Collective Pure Precepts are unique in embracing all prohibitory precepts, all good dharmas, and all beings.

These are reflections and restatements of the Four Universal Vows to save living beings, however numberless they are; to abolish defilements, however inexhaustible they are; to learn dharmas, however boundless they are; and to achieve the Awakened Way, however unsurpassable it is.

These are the reflections and resume of the Common Teachings of All/Seven Buddhas to do no wrong actions, to do good actions, and to purify one’s own mind (citta, lit. accumulated, karma), because these are to still karma, settle in nirvana, and see the Dharma, severing self-centeredness.

The Brahma’s Beseech Scripture says that the Buddha observed that the world is destined to perish, unless he strives to share the Awakened Way with all, which is vowing to save all beings as a bodhisattva, as an awakening being (originally meant to attain awakening personally, but now awakening with all).

July 18, 2023 C.E.


  1. To Embrace and save all living beings is the truly unique, universal aspiration of bodhisattvas (the word originally meant those who aim at awakening, but after Buddha Gotama’s activation of awakening to the Dharma of Dependent Co-origination, those who live awakening as the Gotama lived, with all, to put it into action).
  2. Religions aimed to reunite (from Latin religare) with the holy (wholly wholesome), but the whole has been limited to the size of religious views (churches, clans, tribes, races, etc.), not all humans and living beings, etc., due to the rule of deities, Dei, Deva, Dao, etc. If it is not holy, like fundamentalism, nationalism, etc., it is not true religion, but sinful (sick, selfish: sin = separation, cf. asunder, sundry).
  1. Dogen said, “If not with all, it is not the Awakened Way, not the Great Vehicle. The Buddha told the story of King Mirror letting people who were born blind feel a great elephant and report what they found. They claimed their partial views (it’s like a snake, a hose, a pillar, a wall, etc.) were true, and they fought for their views. Humans are doing the same with their limited views and actions, creating the global problematique – interrelated global problems such as war, global warming, nuclear holocaust, etc.
  1. Bodhisattva Gotama (who aimed awakening personally) became the Buddha (Awakened One in the Dharma of Dependent Co-origination) and became a Bodhisattva (who is awakening together with all by the true understanding of the Dharma). Praty-eka (Sanskrit meaning Per-one/Pacceka in Pali) Buddha is misinterpreted (as Praty-aya, Per-coming/Paccaya: Dependent) as the Buddha who become awakened to the Dharma of Dependent Co-origination. If so, what is the difference between Buddha and Pratyeka Buddha? Pratyeka Buddha means Personal (Individualistic) Buddha, not going into the world to share the deeper significance of the Dharma of Dependent Co-origination.
  1. The Seven Buddhas’ Common Teaching is in the Dhammapada 183 – 185:

          Sabba pāpassa akaraṇaṃ, kusalassa upasampadā,

          Sacitta pariyodapanaṃ, etaṃ Buddhāna sāsanaṃ.

The Dhammapada 183

  1. Citta (will, volition, lit. accumulated, of karma) can be purified (calmed/cleared) by stilling karma, settling in nirvana, and seeing the Dharma, like water in a bowl becomes calm and clear, reflecting the world as it is, by the bowl becoming still.
  1. Pailutien, a famous poet who practiced meditation, honorarily visited Rev. Daolin (nicknamed Rev. Bird-nest, because he sat in meditation atop a tree), who was living in his newly appointed state, and finding him high above the ground, unwittingly shouted, “You are in danger!”

Daolin said, “YOU are in danger!”

Pailutien said, “I’m the newly appointed governor here with no danger.”

Daolin said, “Delusion is burning like firewood – why not in danger?”

Pailutien said, “What, then, is the Buddha’s teaching?”

Daolin said, “No wrong doing, Doing Good!”

Pailutien, “Such is known even by a child of three.”

Daolin, “Even if a child of three may know it, even an old man of eighty can’t do it.”







  1.  一切衆生を摂受するとは真に特異な普遍的な菩薩(原初は覚りを追求する者の意味でしたが、ゴータマ・ブッダが諸法の法の覚りを実践した後はゴータマが一切と共に生きたように、それを実践する者達の意味になりました)、覚りを生きる者達、の願です。

2.  宗教(religion)は聖(holy = wholly wholesome:全体健全)に再結合する(ラテン語religare)ことを目指したのですがその全体は、諸神格(太陽神のような自然神など)、神(原意は光)、道などの支配領域のため宗教的諸見解の大きさに制限されて来て、一切人類、一切衆生などではありませんでした、原理主義、国家主義などのように、聖でなければ真の宗教ではなく、罪(病的、自己中心的、罪=分離、参考: sin = separation, cf. asunder, sundry)です。

3.  道元は「一切でなければ覚道ではない、大乗ではない」と言いました。ブッダは鏡面王が生まれつき盲目の者達に大象に触らせて分かったところを報告させました。彼らは(蛇、ホース、柱、壁などと)部分見を正しと主張し自らの見解の為に争い合いました。人間達は自らの限られた見解と行動で、地球問題群―戦争、地球温暖化、核ホロコーストのような相互に関連する諸問題―で同じようにしています。

4.  菩薩としてのゴータマ(個人的覚りを目的とした)は(縁起の法に目覚めたブッダ(覚者)となり(法の真の理解によって一切と共に覚るという)菩薩になりました。個人的ブッダ(Praty-eka :Sanskrit meaning Per-one/Pacceka :Pali) は (縁:: Praty-aya, Per-coming/Paccaya: Dependent: Pali)と混同され(縁起を理解する者として)縁覚と誤訳されています。もしそうなら、覚者と縁覚の違いはどこにあるのでしょうか?独覚(とも訳される)とは個人的(自己中心的)ブッダで、縁起の法のより深い意義を共有するために世界と共にある者ではありません。

5.  七仏通戒偈は法句経183(-185)にあります:

Sabba pāpassa akaraṇaṃ, kusalassa upasampadā,

Sacitta pariyodapanaṃ, etaṃ Buddhāna sāsanaṃ.



6.  「自浄其意」の意は意志(意欲)(citta原意は累積、業の累積)が本来の意味で、意は通常manas (思考)の訳語。累積業である意欲は業を静め、涅槃(止業)に安住し、法を見ることにより、お椀の水がお椀が静止すれば水は静かに透明になり、世界をありのままに映すように、浄化できます。

7.  有名な詩人であり瞑想を実践していた白楽天は、地方長官として赴任した地にいる鳥窼尊者道林を表敬訪問しましたが、地上高くいるのを見て思わず「危ないぞ!」と言いました。





























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Triple Characteristics: 三相

Triple Characteristics


The Buddha (Awakened One) was awakened to the truth that phenomena are dependently originated on limitless causes and conditions; this truth is called the Dharma (Norm/Law) of all dharmas (form/phenomena). All the Buddhist theories and practices are derived from this.


The Buddha clarified the Triple Characteristics of phenomena, which are: 1. All formations (saṅkhāra, creations) are impermanent. 2. All dharmas are selfless. 3. All are suffering. Due to limitless causes and conditions, phenomena are endlessly changing, i.e., impermanent and beyond anyone’s complete control.


We want, pursue, and attain happiness, but impermanence and the selfless nature of phenomena eventually result in suffering (du-kha, wrong-going, dissatisfaction). The Buddha taught that there is a way out of it. That is to go beyond attachment .


The Four Dharma Seals put these essential points: 1. All formations are impermanent. 2. All dharmas are selfless. 3. All are suffering. 4. Nirvana is stilling. Stilling/quietude is actually the cessation of creations or actions (physical, verbal, mental, past, and present: formations: saṅkhāra).


July 7, 2023 C.E.



  1. Dependent Co-origination (paṭicca-samuppāda/pratītya-samutpāda) is said to be “the Dharma (Norm/Law) of all dharmas (forms/phenomena).” Its simplest form is “when this is, that is: when this originates, that originates,” etc. The most famous, well-known form is the Twelve-limbed Dependent Co-origination, called the “Becoming Wheel (Bhava-cakka/Bhava-cakra),” telling how we become conscious, and about living, suffering, etc.
  1. Saṅkhāra in the Twelve-limbed Dependent Co-origination is always noted as the triple actions in past and present, and the prime mover of our functions (our psycho-physical functions/becoming: actions/habits/heredities: karma), as the ordinary meaning of it, created things and perfection, do not apply here.
  1. Attachment (taṅhā, thirst) and nescience (a-vidyā, lit. no-witness, of nirvana, cf. Latin video/videre) are the two roots of suffering. No witness of nirvana is said to be the long night of nescience, because we as moving animals seldom sit still, still karma, and see the Dharma due to lack of nirvana (no-wind, of karma).
  1. The fundamental delusion of ego, which includes divisiveness (of self and other) and desire (attachment), are together called the Triple Poisons, which poison our lives: individual, social, and ecological.
  1. Thus, stilling karma, cessation of formations, becomes the key, core practice to reach profound prognosis, pure peace, and perfect prosperity, which comes from the holy (wholly wholesome) harmony, health, and happiness of all.
  1. Religion is reunion (from Latin, religare) with holiness (wholesome whole) from sin (sick selfishness, from separation, cf. asunder, sundry). Dogen said that if not all (holy), it is neither Mahayana (Great Vehicle) nor Buddhism (Awakened Way).
  1. The Four Dharma Seals (Cattāro Dharma-uddānā/mudrā) are:
  2. All creations are impermanent.(sabbe saṅkhārā aniccā/sarvā samskārā antyā
  3. All dharmas are selfless.sabbe dhammā anattā/sarvā dharmā anātmā
  4. All creations are suffering.(sabbe saṅkhārā dukkhā/sarvā samskārā dukkhā
  5. Nirvana is cessation.santaṁ nibbānaṁ/śāntam nirvāṇaṁ
  1. The Buddha Dharma is the teaching of the Buddha for anyone to become Buddha (Awakened One) by simple sitting still, stilling karma, settling in nirvana, and seeing the Dharma. Karma, however, with its Triple Poisons due to the survival instinct, is so strong due to the long life history of four billion years. Thus, the constant, continuous cultivation is the essential practice. Only practice makes perfect.







私達は幸福を望み、追い求め、達成しますが、諸現象の無常と無我(無主宰)により究極的に苦 (du-kha, wrong-going, 不満)に帰結します。ブッダはそれを避ける方法があると教えました。それは執着 (taṅhā, 文字通りには渇き) と無明 (a-vidyā, 文字通りには無直証、涅槃の)を超えることです。


四法印はこれらの本質的な点を述べています:1.諸行無常、2.諸法無我、3.一切皆苦、4.涅槃寂静(santaṁ nibbānaṁ/śānta nirvāṇa)。寂静止はじsっさいには造作すなわち業(過去現在の身口意三業:行:saṅkhāra)です。




  • 縁起(因縁生起の略)(paṭicca-samuppāda/pratītya-samutpāda)は諸法の法」と言われています。その最も簡単な形は「これある時かれあり、これ生ずる時、かれ生ず」などと表されます。最も有名で良く知られた形は十二支縁起で、「生成の輪」と呼ばれ、私達が意識的に成り、生き、苦しむように成ることを述べています。
  • 十二支縁起にあるsaṅkhāra(伝統的には行と翻訳)は常に過去・現在の(身口意)三業と注記され、私達の機能(心身機能/生成:行為/習慣/遺伝:業)の主要動因ですが、その普通の意味、被造物や完成、がここでは当てはまらないからです。
  • 執着 (taṅhā文字通りには渇き) と無明 (a-vidyā字義通りには無直証、涅槃の、参考:ラテン語video/videre) は苦の二根です。涅槃の無直証は無明長夜と言われますが、それは私達動物は殆ど静かに坐り、業を静め、涅槃(無風、業の)を(直証することを)欠如しているためです。
  • 我の根本迷妄、これは(自他)差別を含みますが、と貪欲は纏めて(貪瞋痴の)三毒と呼ばれていますが、これらは個人、社会、生態での私達の生活を毒しています。
  • こういう訳で、業を静め、行を止めることは深甚な般若(診断)、純粋な平和、完全な繁栄に達する為の鍵となり、中核の実践となりますが、これにより一切の聖(全体健全)なる調和、健康、幸福が可能となります。
  • 宗教(religion)とは罪(病患我利、sinは離別、参照:asunder, sundry)から聖(健全全体)に再結合(ラテン語religareに由来)することです。道元は「一切(聖)でなければ大乗でも仏道(覚道)でもない」と言いました。
  • 四法印(Cattāro Dharma-uddānā/mudrā)は下記の通りです:
  1. 諸行無常(sabbe saṅkhārā aniccā/sarvā samskārā antyā
  2. 諸法無我(sabbe dhammā anattā/sarvā dharmā anātmā
  3. 諸行皆苦(sabbe saṅkhārā dukkhā/sarvā samskārā dukkhā
  4. 涅槃寂静(santaṁ nibbānaṁ/śāntam nirvāṇaṁ
  • 仏法はブッダの、誰でもがブッダ(覚者)になる教えですが、それは単純な静坐、止業、住涅槃、見法によって可能です。業は、しかしながら、四十億年の長い生命の歴史の故に生存本能による三毒と共に非情に強いのです。その為、常に、継続的に修養することが必須の実践法です。実践によってのみ完成できるのです。

























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Triple Learnings: 三学

Our suffering comes from not awakening because we are karma-owners, and from not cultivating the right way or the Awakened Way. Our karma (action/habit/heredity) is instilled with the Triple Poisons of desire, divisiveness, and delusion. These create the selfish self-survival instinct, which is enhanced through a long process of evolution and involution from the holy (wholly wholesome) Dharma (Norm/Form: truth/ethic before/beyond the Triple Poisons).

All Buddhists (awakened ones and awakening ones) cultivate the Triple Learnings of morality, concentration, and prognosis. Morality is to observe the Five Precepts (no killing, stealing, lying, sexual misconduct, or intoxicants) or the Ten Precepts in our physical, verbal, and mental karmas. The last three of the Ten Precepts are to stop the Triple Poisons, which lead to our physical/verbal actions. The Five Precepts were employed as the Global Ethic.

If we observe these precepts, we (individually, socially, ecologically) can be holy, harmonious, healthy, and happy. Concentration (samādhi) consists of the four zen (jhāna/dhyāna) stages and four/five attainments (samāpatti). Still sitting stills karma, sets in concentration, settles in nirvana, sees the Dharma, serves and saves all. The right Dharma eye stored in the exquisite heart of nirvana opens, enabling free, full function beyond boundaries and bondages.

Prognosis proves the Dharma of all dharmas: dependent co-origination, the Four Holy Truths, etc. (Seeing Way) and provides skillful means: the Six Perfections, the Seven Awakening Limbs, the Eight Holy Ways, etc. (Cultivating Way). Thus, we can live together as friends in need, in peace and prosperity. A billion years of karma requires constant cultivation of the Triple Learnings. Only practice of continuous cultivation and verification makes perfect.

June 23, 2023 C.E.


  1. The Buddha discovered and defined that all beings are karma-born, -heirs, -owners, -machines, and -refuged. We usually function as karma-machines like robots conditioned by the body-mind systems and situations surrounding, but we can take refuge in good karma, avoiding bad karma by reconditioning.
  1. The Triple Poisons of karma can be corrected by the Two Ways of seeing and cultivating our karma. The Triple Learnings can counteract and correct the Triple Poisons by stopping, stilling, seeing, and severing bad karma physically, verbally, and mentally by the Five Precepts, the Ten Precepts, etc.
  1. Zen-jō (zen-concentration: jhāna/dhyāna-samādhi) is the core component of the Triple Learnings, as it includes and integrates morality (sīla/śīla) and prognosis (paññā/prajñā) in itself.


  1. Paññā/prajñā is translated with its cognate prognosis, as essentially it can function with this meaning from the realm of medicine (sickness, its causes, cessation of its causes, method to cease its causes), with the Four Holy Truths, but it also has a wider and deeper meanings, as in the realms of wisdom, insight, etc.


  1. The Declaration toward a Global Ethic, issued by the Parliament of the World’s Religions in Chicago in 1993, employed the first four of the Five Precepts (also of the Ten Precepts, and the items in common with the Ten Commandments), and later a fifth item was added for the solution of ecological problems.


  1. The Two Ways of seeing and cultivation of the Triple Learnings can free anyone from the Triple Poisons of karma kinetics, for the free, full functioning of all (oneself and others throughout space and time), and for appreciation and application by all for holy (wholly wholesome) harmony, health, and happiness.





もし私達はこれらを守れば、個人的、社会的、生態的に聖、調和、健康、幸福になります。定 (samādhi)は四禅 (jhāna/dhyāna) 階梯と四・五定(samāpatti) で構成されています。静坐は業を静め、定に入り、涅槃に住し、法を見、一切に奉仕・救済します。正法眼蔵涅槃妙心(涅槃の妙心に蔵される正法眼)は限界と束縛を超えて自由で十全な機能を開きます。






3.禅定 (zen-concentration: jhāna/dhyāna-samādhi)は、戒 (sīla/śīla)と恵(paññā/prajñā)を含み統合するので三学の鍵となる核の要素です。

4.般若 (paññā/prajñā)は同語源の、(病気、その原因、その原因の停止、その原因の停止方法という) 医学領域のこの意味で本質的に機能し得るので、prognosisと訳されますが、智慧、洞察などの領域でのより広く深い意味も持っています。







Black-eyed Susan












Tiger lily














Ice plant





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Triple Treasures/Refuges

Our suffering comes from not realizing the Dharma (Norm: Law: Holy truth/ethic), because our perspective and practice are partial, like those of the born blind feeling an elephant and then arguing and even fighting, convinced that their partial views are the holy (wholly wholesome) truths and even the sole and absolute truths.

The Buddha was awakened to the Dharma of all dharmas (forms: phenomena), i.e., Dependent Co-origination on causes and conditions. He not only witnessed (abhisamaya) and became awakened (buddha), but he activated this reality as a bodhisattva (awakening being) together with all in cultivation (bhāvanā) and verification (vidyā: witness).

He practiced Zen (jhāna/dhyāna, meditation) and concentration (samādhi), stilling the karma of the triple poisons, settling in nirvana, seeing the Dharma, serving and saving all with prognosis (pañāā/prajñā: hannya), together with the community (saṅgha). He lived the Dharma life, i.e., the ultimate Sangha life, with all.

The Buddha realized Dharma world, Sangha of all. So, the Triple Treasures are not three separate things, but one. To take refuge in the Triple Treasures is to live the Buddha’s life, realizing the Dharma and sharing the Sangha of all as true friends in need, repaying the grace of all – Triple Treasures, parents, ancestors, relatives, people, ecology, etc.

June 14, 2023 C.E.


  1. Dharma means Norm (from darma)/Form (from harm), i.e., Law/phenomena (The law of all phenomena), i.e., truth/ethic. The Buddha was awakened and activated the Dharma of Dependent Co-origination, that is, the Law of all phenomena dependently originated on limitless causes and conditions. The Buddha was constantly awakened and activated it throughout his life, (sīla/śīla), concentration (samādhi), and prognosis (paññā/prajñā:hannya) to overcome the Triple Poisons (desire, divisiveness, and delusion) of karma. sharing the Triple Learnings of morality (sīla/śīla), concentration (samādhi), and prognosis (paññā/prajñā:hannya) to overcome the Triple Poisons (desire, divisiveness, and delusion) of karma.
  2.  The Buddha was awakened from the long night of nescience (a-vidyā: no witness of nirvana/bodhi: awakening) and activated the Dharma through his daily practice of zen-samādhi, stilling karma, settling in nir-vāṇa (no wind, of karma), seeing Dharma, serving and saving all. His life was spent in constant cultivation and verification of his own life and of others’ lives.
  3. The Buddha said that all living beings are karma (action, habit, heredity)-born, -heirs, -owners, -machines, and -refuged, that is, we often function as karma-machines like robots driven by the body/mind, chemicals/environments, etc., but we can take refuge in good karma, avoiding bad karma.
  4. The essential and core practice of sitting still (za-zen), which anyone can do, is stilling karma, settling in nirvana, and seeing dharmas and the Dharma. This practice is the key to open the door of the limitless treasure house, shifting from the karma realm to the Dharma realm, in nirvana/awakening, appreciating the treasures at will with prognosis. Our karma has the history of four billion years evolution/devolution, thus requires constant practice of this. Only practice makes perfect with the constant and continuing cultivation
  1. The Triple Treasures are usually interpreted as the Buddha, his Dharma (teaching), and his Sangha (communities of renunciant men/women and lay men/women, called the Four Assemblies). There are other interpretations, but the Buddha lived the Dharma with the Sangha of all after his awakening.  The Triple Refuges are to make Triple Treasures. The true treasures are not outside oneself nor appreciated without cultivation and verification, but only when internalized and integrated in time and space. Otherwise, they are neither real treasures nor treasured intimately and infinitely.
  2. Sangha is usually interpreted as composed of the Four Assemblies of renunciant men and women and lay men and women. There are actually two saṅghas: the first is witnessed locally, and the second is that in the four directions (universal). The Dharma world of limitlessly interdependent phenomena is beyond human communities, and extends and includes all: animals, plants, mountains, oceans, space, stars, etc.
  3. The Buddhist view of no-self (an-attan/an-ātman) does not mean that there is no bodmind complex, but that there is no “self-same, self-sovereign, self-substance” (common, but blind, view like that of the born blind), but a constant flow that constantly changes, beyond individual control; these dynamic phenomena, in the limitless matrix of time and space, are part and parcel of the Dharma world. The former is called Conventional Truth (Truth by common agreement: sammutti-sacca/sanmati-satya, samvṛitt-satya: covered truth is mistranslation of Sanskrit from Pali) and the latter is called the Ultimate Truth (paramattha-sacca/paramārtha-satya: lit. truth in the ultimate sense).  Karma makes the karmic body/mind the Triple Poisons, but the key practice, zazen, stills them with the Triple Learnings making a transformation from the karma body to the Dharma body, from limited ego to limitless life in nirvana/awakening with prognosis.  Thus, we can attain free and full function leading to holy (wholly wholesome) harmony, health, and happiness.

June 14, 2023 C.E.








1.法(Dharma)は規定(Norm, darmより)・形態(form, harmより)、即ち、法・現象(諸法の法)、真理・倫理を意味します。ブッダは縁起の法、即ち、無量の原因・条件により縁起した一切現象の法に覚醒しました。ブッダは業の三毒(貪瞋痴)を克服する戒 (sīla/śīla) 定 (samādhi) 慧 (paññā/prajñā:hannya) の三学を共有して、一生を常にそれに覚醒し実践しました。

2.  ブッダは無明長夜から目覚め禅定で、業を静め、涅槃に安住し、法を見、一切に奉仕し救済して法を実践しました。彼は常に自らの生活と他者の生活で修行と覚証で過ごしました。

3.  ブッダは一切の生物は業(行為・習慣・遺伝)—誕生者、‐相続者、‐所有者、‐機械であり、‐依拠者であると言いました、即ち、私たちは屡々心・身、化学物質・諸環境などによりロボットのように業機械として機能するが、悪業を廃し善業に依拠できるということです。

4.  誰でも出来る静坐(坐禅)の本質的で核心的実践は業を静め、涅槃に安住し、諸法(諸現象)とその法(法則)を見るのです。

5.  三宝は通常仏(ブッダ)、法(仏の教え)、僧(僧伽の略:その出家男・女、在家男・女の四衆と言われる共同体)と解釈されています。その他の解釈もありますが、ブッダは覚醒の後は一切の僧伽と共に法を生きました。三帰依は三宝を作ります。真実の宝は自分の外にあるのでも習修と覚証なしに味わえるものでもなく、時空に内化され統合された時にのみ味わえるものです。それ以外には真実の宝でも親密に無限に味わえるものでもありません。

6.  僧伽は通常出家男・女、在家男・女の四衆であると解釈されています。実際には二種類の僧伽があるとされ、第一は地区の現前僧伽、第二には四方(普遍的)僧伽です。無限に相互依存する現象の法界は人間の共同体を超えて一切:動物、植物、山、海、宇宙、星宿などを含みます。

7.  仏教の無我観は心身複合体が無いということではなく、「自己同一、自己主宰、自己実体(実体我)」(生まれつき盲目のそれの様な、普通だが、盲目的見方)ではなく、常に変化する常時の流動であり、個の支配を超えていること、時空の無限のマトリックスであるこれらの道程現象であり、法界の不可分の一部であるということです。前者は俗諦(世俗真理:)、後者は真諦(究極真理:)と呼ばれます。業は業の心身を三毒にしますが、鍵となる実践、坐禅、は三学でそれを業身から法身に変え、限界ある我から涅槃/覚醒において般若で無限の命に転換します。こうして、私達は聖(全体健全)なる調和、健康、そして幸福に導く自由で十全な機能を獲得できるのです。





Tiger lily





Cosmos and Scabiosa













Shasta daisy


























.Coreopsis Zagreb










Japanese maple





The above pictures were taken by Erin in Washington State and by Rosan in Missouri State.




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How to Abolish Nukes, Wars, etc.:如何にして核・戦争等を廃止するか

The Doomsday Clock is the closest, 90 seconds, it has ever been to doom due to nukes, wars, climate change, mass extinctions, etc. The world is expanding militarization with nuclear weapons, making it difficult to solve other problems due to Putin’s war on Ukraine, violating the U.N. charter, etc. All problems and sufferings are due to mini-max mistakes (taking mini as max) and wrong actions based on them.

The fundamental cause is human karma with the triple poisons of desire, divisiveness, and delusion. The primary one is the delusion of a self separated from the synthetic system (the world community, global life system, etc.). The system is in Dependent Co-origination, the Dharma (norm/law) of all dharmas (forms/phenomena), where all are related and relative. The global problematique is due to the delusion of ego in the Dharma of eco.

So, ego (I/self) and me (my/self’s) is provisional (no self-same, self-sovereign) and fictitious in the Dharma (Law/Truth) World. The idea of a sovereign state is a misconception borrowed from a sovereign king and kingdom. Dictators and despots behave as kings and dictate people to patriotism.  The holy (wholly wholesome) harmony must go beyond these delusions to follow the more universal law of the total system of the globe.

We must go beyond ego and “my” nation to the synthetic system of our world and globe, observing the Dharma (truth/ethic) of life’s realities/rights (Five Precepts) and their applications (Global Ethic). We must go beyond the U.N. to the World Federation of humans and further to the Global Community of life. Then, we can go beyond “the century of nationalism and war,” nukes, climate change, mass extinctions, and individual, social, and global problems.


1. We must first be awakened to the truth that we are all karma machines, bound by old karma (actions, habits, heredities), as the Buddha said that all beings are karma-born, -heirs, owners, -machines, and -refuged. The last is important: to take refuge in good karma, avoiding bad karma, to improve ourselves and our societies and environment.

2. We must have ever-renewed awakening and awakened actions, rational and scientific knowledge and actions, perspectives, and lifestyles, etc. We must go beyond the egocentric, homo-centric biases, sectionalisms, and superstitions of the five shackles of self, society, status, species, and symbolism.

3. The Buddha analyzed the self as the five aggregates of form, feeling, idea, action, and consciousness and found it has no self-same, self-sovereign, self-substance. Francis Bacon detected the four idola (idols) of cave, agora, theatre, and species, of which the five shackles are made in humans.

4. Ernst Cassirer defined humans as symbolic animal (homo symbolicum) creating myths, languages, arts, history, and sciences, and described “(city/nation) states” as man-made symbols, with symbols to enhance them, in his An Essay on Man, Philosophy of Symbolic Forms, The Myth of the State, etc.

5. We must know that we are like the born-blind groping for an elephant, fighting for limited partial views, never having had the total view of an elephant. The primary reason for our limited view and action is due to seeing the world from self-centered perspectives and priorities.

6. “Global problematique” means the mutually interrelated global problems of climate change, mass extinction, war, nukes, nationalism, dictatorship, etc., individually, socially, culturally, economically, environmentally, etc. That’s why we need the holistic (wholly wholesome) perspective and prescriptions to solve problems.

7. Wars, nukes, climate change, mass extinctions, etc., are from our bad karma, to be changed to good karma. We must find a way to use our resources wisely, avoiding the bad habits of egoism (I, my, me, mine) and adopting good actions for ecology (life, life system, lifestyle, life sharing). We must make the paradigm shift from ego to eco, karma to Dharma, sin (separated sickness) to holiness (wholly wholesome), etc.

8. As for the World Federation, we posted a good lecture on our blog:


9. As for the wider perspective of the synthetic system, here is a good example of our life and world history:


     English: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mKu5dIns4c&t=2426s

10. Anyone can sit still, still karma, settle in nirvana (karma stilled), see the Dharma, and serve/save all, by becoming “a friend in need,” realizing one’s potential of becoming Mitra (Friend, from mit/with), Mithra, Mazda, Maitreya, Milu, Miroku, Messiah, et al, as a future savior, an ideal figure, in universal religions.


















    English: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mKu5dIns4c&t=2426s











Yellow flag iris











Great Pyrenee




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Method to Abolish Nukes: 核廃絶の方法

How a World Federation Would Eliminate Nuclear Weapons
(Talk sponsored by the St. Louis Chapter, Citizens for Global Solutions,
May 7, 2023)
By Lawrence S. Wittner

From the standpoint of human survival in the nuclear age, I have some bad
news and some good news for you today. The bad news is that a new nuclear arms
race is underway. The good news is that it’s still possible to do something about it.

Let’s start with a little historical background. The first nuclear arms race
began among the major combatants during World War II, as they scrambled to
build a powerful new weapon that would help them win the war. After the U.S.
government illustrated the feasibility of developing nuclear weapons, as well as
their vast destructiveness through the atomic bombing of two Japanese cities, the
arms race rapidly accelerated. The governments of the major powers, conducting
nearly 2,000 nuclear tests, many in the atmosphere, developed atomic bombs,
vastly more destructive H-bombs, ballistic missiles, and ballistic missiles with
multiple warheads. They not only threatened to use these nuclear weapons during
the Cold War, but came close to doing so on numerous occasions, either
deliberately or by accident.

But people around the world found nuclear war a very unappealing prospect.
A massive nuclear disarmament movement developed in many countries, including
in the United States (where organizations such as the National Committee for a
Sane Nuclear Policy and the Nuclear Weapons Freeze Campaign flourished). This
movement drew strong support from a restive public, and, gradually, began to
force reluctant governments to roll back the nuclear menace. The result was
banning nuclear testing in the atmosphere, curbing nuclear proliferation, limiting
development of some kinds of nuclear weapons, and fostering substantial nuclear
disarmament. From the 1980s to today, the number of nuclear weapons in the
world has sharply decreased, from 70,000 to roughly 13,000. Best of all, with
nuclear weapons stigmatized, nuclear war was averted.

Even so, in recent decades, the nuclear disarmament movement has declined,
new conflicts among major powers have emerged, government leaders have
revived public threats of nuclear war, and a new nuclear arms race has begun.

Let’s take a look at what has been happening in the United States. Barack
Obama, ascending to the presidency in 2009 – and in line with his role as a student
antinuclear activist in the 1980s — made a dramatic attempt to rally the planet
behind the goal of building a nuclear weapons-free world. But neither Republican
nor Russian leaders liked the idea. Consequently, the best Obama could do was to
secure the last of the major nuclear disarmament treaties, the New START Treaty
with Russia (signed in early 2010). And even that treaty came at a heavy price –
an agreement with Senate Republicans, whose support was necessary to secure
treaty ratification, to back a U.S. nuclear weapons “modernization” program.

After Donald Trump’s 2016 election victory, nuclear disarmament
agreements were abandoned and the new nuclear arms race surged forward.
Trump removed the United States from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces
Treaty, the Iran nuclear agreement, and the Open Skies Treaty. “Let it be an arms
race,” Trump declared. “We will outmatch them at every pass and outlast them
all.” Consequently, he expanded the U.S. nuclear “modernization” plan to a $1.7
trillion nuclear extravaganza.

This “modernization” plan – thus far continued by the Biden administration –
– involves reconstruction of the entire U.S. nuclear weapons complex over the next
three decades. It will rebuild each leg of the U.S. nuclear triad and its
accompanying infrastructure. Among its goals are creating a new class of ballistic
missile submarines, new silo-based intercontinental ballistic missiles, a new
nuclear cruise missile, a new stealth long-range strike bomber, and accompanying
nuclear warheads for each delivery system.

The new, land-based ICBM (sometimes called the “Money Pit Missile,” as it
will cost $264 billion) is regarded as particularly dangerous, for it provides an
easy, fixed target for an enemy, meaning that its operators will be faced with a
rapid decision to “use it or lose it.” Another potentially destabilizing nuclear
weapon, recently added to the U.S. “modernization” agenda, is the hypersonic
missile, which travels more than five times the speed of sound and, also, is better
able than its predecessors to evade missile defenses.

Although the U.S. nuclear buildup (currently costing nearly $51 billion per
year) is the most expensive of the nine nuclear powers, all the nuclear powers are
either developing or deploying new nuclear weapons systems or have announced
their intention to do so.

The Russian government, which currently possesses a larger nuclear arsenal
than its U.S. counterpart (about 6,000 nuclear warheads, compared to about 5,400
for the United States), is midway through a decades-long modernization of its own
nuclear forces, replacing older weapons with a multiplicity of newer ones. Among
the newer nuclear weapons Russia now possesses is the hypersonic missile, which
President Vladimir Putin has boasted can bypass missile defense systems and hit
almost any point on the planet. Indeed, the Russian president has touted several
new Russian nuclear weapons systems as ahead of their time. “Our equipment
must be better than the world’s best if we want to come out as the winner,” he

Although China has provided little public information on its nuclear forces,
the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists estimates that China has about 350 nuclear
warheads deployed on land-based ballistic missiles, sea-based ballistic missiles,
and bombers. Its ICBMs have the ability to strike the U.S. mainland with
devastating force. Furthermore, China is in the middle of a very significant
modernization and expansion of its nuclear arsenal, with the Pentagon warning of a
quadrupling of Chinese nuclear forces by 2035. In 2014, China began testing
hypersonic missiles, which have reached an advanced stage of development.
Other nuclear powers are also upgrading their nuclear arsenals. Britain has
scuttled its policy of reducing the size of its nuclear force and has raised its
planned ceiling for nuclear weapons by 40 percent. Israel is expanding its major
nuclear weapons facility. France is modernizing its nuclear forces. India and
Pakistan are increasing the size of their nuclear arsenals, as is North Korea, which
is also increasing the range of its ballistic missiles.

All told, in 2021 (the last year for which statistics seem to be available) the
nine nuclear powers spent a record $82.4 billion on enhancing their nuclear
arsenals and there is every indication that they will be accelerating this nuclear
weapons build-up in future decades.

Naturally, this international scramble for more devastating nuclear weapons
doesn’t leave much room for nuclear disarmament. Indeed, the nuclear powers
have already discarded most nuclear constraints that were previously negotiated.
As for the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, the nuclear powers
have vigorously opposed it. They not only boycotted the 2017 UN conference at
which it was adopted, but pressed other nations to spurn the gathering. In
subsequent years, none of the nuclear powers has signed the treaty or indicated any
sympathy with it.

Does this new nuclear arms race mean that a nuclear war is becoming more
likely? Well, yes. As we speak, nuclear-armed nations are engaged in intense
military confrontations with one another – Russia with the United States (plus
Britain, and France), India with Pakistan, and China with the United States. These
confrontations could easily escalate into conventional war and, then, nuclear war.
Only a few years ago, America’s Donald Trump and North Korea’s Kim Jong Un
publicly issued threats of nuclear war against one another’s nations, promising to
completely destroy them. Trump also publicly threatened to destroy Iran through
nuclear war. On numerous occasions, Vladimir Putin has threatened nuclear war
against any nation that interferes with his invasion and occupation of Ukraine.
And then, of course, there are the numerous possibilities for an accidental
nuclear war, set off by a mistake, a minor military incident, a terrorist attack, or a
rogue military commander. The editors of the authoritative Bulletin of the Atomic
Scientists, which have been keeping track of the likelihood of a nuclear holocaust
since 1946 with a Doomsday Clock, have moved the clock’s hands to 90 seconds
to midnight – the most dangerous setting in its history.

Why, you might well ask, do nations continue to prepare for nuclear war, a
potentially disastrous – even suicidal – action?

One reason is that militaristic behavior and the weapons accompanying it are
inspired by an inflamed nationalism. The belief in the superiority of one’s own
nation, shared by people in many lands, is played upon by demagogues like
Trump, who talk glibly of “America First” and send their audiences into rapturous
chants of “USA, USA.” Putin has also used inflamed nationalist rhetoric and
themes to solidify his power in Russia and to justify military intervention in
neighboring Ukraine. In these circumstances, citizens of powerful nations slip
easily into what US Senator J.W. Fulbright once called “the arrogance of power”—
the assumption that their country should play a dominant role in world
affairs. Little wonder, then, that many members of Congress, although skeptical of
the necessity for rising military budgets, tamely vote for them lest they be
portrayed as “soft on defense.”

Another significant factor behind the nuclear arms race is the influence of
corporate defense contractors – or, as they were called during the 1930s, “the
Merchants of Death.” These private companies work hard to ensure that the U.S.
military budget—and thus their income—keeps rising. Over the past two decades,
U.S. weapons makers have spent $2.5 billion on lobbying, employing over 700
lobbyists per year to sell new, immensely expensive high-tech missiles, warplanes,
warships, and other implements of destruction to the US government. Most of
these corporate lobbyists have moved through a revolving door of jobs at the
Pentagon, the National Security Council, Congress, and key government
agencies. Indeed, four of the past five U.S. Secretaries of Defense have come from
one of the top five arms contractors. Military contractors also copiously fund
major think tanks and, of course, make very substantial contributions to friendly

Such investments have paid off handsomely, enabling military contractors to
rake in roughly half of the Pentagon’s lavish annual spending. Since Fiscal Year
2001, U.S. weapons manufacturers have secured $4.4 trillion in US government
contracts, with a quarter to a third of all Pentagon contracts in recent years going to
just five major weapons companies: Lockheed Martin, Boeing, General Dynamics,
Raytheon, and Northrop Grumman. In Fiscal 2020, Lockheed Martin alone
received $75 billion from the Pentagon.

The Merchants of Death operate similarly and successfully in other nations,
too, with the military industry’s 100 largest companies around the world drawing
$592 billion in sales of arms and military services during 2021. Although U.S.
firms accounted for about half of this total, the other 50 percent went to firms in
China, Russia, an array of European nations, South Korea, Israel, Japan, and India.
Sales by Chinese weapons firms alone reached $136 billion in 2021.

Even though the nuclear weapons sales of corporate weapons contractors
comprise only a fraction of their total military sales, it is nonetheless substantial.
Annual corporate nuclear weapons sales hit $73 billion in 2020, and are predicted
to surpass $126 billion by 2030.

The most justifiable – and most influential — reason for supporting the
maintenance of a nuclear arsenal lies in the absence of international security. After
all, it has been and remains a dangerous world, and for thousands of years, nations
(and before the existence of nations, rival territories) have protected themselves
from aggression by wielding military might. Unwilling to break loose from this
traditional paradigm, many people and governments continue to rely upon
powerful weapons to help safeguard their national security.

The United Nations, of course, was created in the aftermath of the vast
devastation of World War II in the hope of providing security against international
aggression. But, as history has demonstrated, it is not strong enough to safeguard
national security – largely because the most powerful nations, fearing that
significant power in the hands of the United Nations would diminish their own
influence over world affairs, have deliberately kept the world organization weak.
Thus, for example, the UN Security Council, which is technically in charge of
maintaining international security, can be blocked from taking action by a veto cast
by any one of the following governments: the United States, Russia, China,
Britain, and France. And these governments have used the veto on numerous
occasions – most recently, when Russia simply vetoed Security Council resolutions
condemning its invasion of Ukraine and calling for Russia’s withdrawal from that
land. As a result, many people, although aware of nuclear dangers and appalled at
the thought of nuclear war, reluctantly accept the existence of nuclear weapons as
the price of preserving their nation’s security against external aggression.

These factors – nationalism, self-interested military contractors, and the
absence of international security — have provided support to the nuclear arms race
in the past and, if they persist, will continue to bolster it in the future.

As we consider the future, it’s worth taking a look at the Biden
administration and its approach to nuclear weapons.

Unlike his predecessor in the White House, Joseph Biden has a long history
of supporting nuclear arms control and disarmament measures, including all of
those adopted during his decades in Congress. As vice president, he backed the
New Start Treaty, the U.S.-Iran nuclear agreement, and Barack Obama’s call for a
nuclear weapons-free world. As a 2020 presidential candidate, he declared: “The
United States does not need new nuclear weapons. Our current arsenal of weapons
. . . is sufficient to meet our deterrence and alliance requirements.”

Furthermore, he has made statements that point toward the establishment of
a “no first use” policy for U.S. nuclear weapons. As vice president, he declared
that it would be “hard to envision a plausible scenario in which the first use of
nuclear weapons by the United States would be necessary. Or make sense.”

Unfortunately, though, during Biden’s presidency, there have been no major
gains for nuclear arms control and disarmament. Yes, Biden quickly called for the
renewal of the U.S.-Russia New Start Treaty that Trump had previously allowed to
wither on the vine, and Putin quickly accepted. And the Biden administration
began lengthy, difficult negotiations with the government of Iran for a revival of
the Iran nuclear agreement.

But things have gone downhill ever since. The negotiations with Iran
bogged down and have yet to produce anything of substance. At the tenth nuclear
Nonproliferation Treaty review conference in August 2022, the delegates from
participatiang nations could not even agree on a document indicating the outcome
of the conclave. That fall, North Korea conducted a flurry of missile tests that,
according to its state news agency, simulated showering South Korea with tactical
nuclear weapons.

In late October 2022, the Biden administration released its long-awaited
Nuclear Posture Review, which explicitly rejected policies of no-first-use and solepurpose-
use policies. Continuing to emphasize the centrality of nuclear deterrence
in national security policy, the Nuclear Posture Review declared that the U.S.
government was “committed to modernizing its nuclear forces, nuclear command,
control, and communications system, and production and support infrastructure.”
This nuclear weapons buildup is well-funded, as Congress passed legislation
providing substantially more funding for it than was requested in the Nuclear
Posture Review.

In this context, no new nuclear arms control or disarmament agreements are
on the horizon.

A key factor that has stymied – and will continue to stymie — almost any
nuclear disarmament action by the Biden administration is the Russian military
invasion of Ukraine. That act of military aggression, which violates Article 2 of
the UN charter, immensely strengthens the hands of nuclear hawks, who argue
that, in these circumstances, the only guarantee of national security lies in a nuclear
buildup – and certainly not in nuclear disarmament. They can point to the fact that
Russia has more nuclear weapons than any other nation, that it is busily engaged in
building new and more dangerous models, and that, during its conquest of Ukraine,
Russia has threatened nuclear war against nations that get in its way and placed its
nuclear forces on high alert. Furthermore, in accord with the Budapest
Memorandum of 1994, Ukraine handed over its nuclear weapons to Russia in
exchange for recognition of its sovereignty and territorial integrity by that nation.
Also, of course, this February the Russian government suspended its participation
in the New Start Treaty.

Given these factors, recent events do not provide a promising political
environment for nuclear arms control and disarmament action by the U.S.

Moreover, there are also no signs of interest among the governments of the
other nuclear powers in bringing the new nuclear arms race to an end. Where there
is pressure for halting the march to nuclear catastrophe, it is coming from the many
non-nuclear nations, from officials of the United Nations, and from the peace

In these dangerous, unpromising circumstances, what can be done? Peace
and disarmament groups have adopted a variety of approaches. Some oppose
specific weapons systems. Some call for the adoption of a “no first use” policy.
Some have gotten behind the Back from the Brink campaign organized by
Physicians for Social Responsibility.

These are all admirable campaigns. But there are very serious obstacles, as I
have suggested. Also, the public – whose hearts are for the most part in the right
place but whose minds are easily muddled or distracted — is probably confused by
the variety of approaches promoted by different groups.
So let me suggest to you a simultaneous two-track approach that could lead
to the abolition of nuclear weapons.

The first track involves mobilizing the world public around securing
agreements for nuclear arms control and disarmament by the nuclear powers. The
rationale is that creating new nuclear weapons heightens nuclear dangers, wastes
immense amounts of money, and does not add anything useful in the quest for
national or international security.

If this first track sounds vaguely familiar, that is because it describes the
approach of the Nuclear Weapons Freeze Campaign of the 1980s. The Freeze,
created by Randy Forsberg and promoted by virtually all U.S. peace and
disarmament groups of the era, was remarkably successful. At a time when
governments around the world were engaged in an immensely dangerous nuclear
arms race, the Freeze campaign inspired a massive mobilization of antinuclear
activism in the United States and drew the support of 70 percent or more of the
American public. Abroad, similar groups with a nuclear disarmament message
also built an amazingly large, powerful, and popular movement. The result was
that hawkish governments were forced to abandon their nuclear ambitions and
accept measures for nuclear arms control and disarmament.

I spent many years researching this remarkable process of nuclear deescalation
– plowing through the once secret files of the nuclear powers and
interviewing top officials of governments and peace groups alike. Then I pulled
this material together in my scholarly trilogy, The Struggle Against the Bomb (and,
later, in an abbreviated version, Confronting the Bomb). And, although I do not
have the time today to prove it, I can assure you that government officials really
did quail before the power of worldwide public pressure.

Even so, although this massive public uprising did, temporarily, stop the
nuclear arms race and secure a considerable degree of nuclear disarmament, it did
not finish the job. And that is why a second track, to be implemented
simultaneously with the first, is vital.

The second track toward a nuclear-free world involves the strengthening of
global governance. As we have seen, a key reason many people and governments
cling to nuclear weapons is their desire for national security in an anarchic and
dangerous world. But what if global governance were strengthened to the extent
that it could provide national security? What if the United Nations, itself a major
step toward collective action among nations, were granted enhanced power so that
it could enforce international law, prevent international aggression, and guarantee
treaty commitments – including commitments for nuclear disarmament? After all,
nuclear weapons, like other weapons, have emerged in the context of unrestrained
international conflict. But if the United Nations were strengthened into a genuine
federation of nations, the motor force and rationale for the existence of nuclear
weapons would be undermined substantially. Policymakers and the overwhelming
majority of people would conclude that, with national security finally guaranteed,
nuclear weapons are unnecessary.

Aside from undermining the national security rationale for weapons
buildups, a global federation of nations would have the legitimacy and power to
ensure the actual abolition of nuclear weapons. No longer would nations be able to
disregard international treaties they didn’t like. Instead, once adopted, nuclear
disarmament laws (presumably passed by a majority vote in the legislature of the
world federation) would be enforced by the federation. Under these laws, the
world federation would presumably have the authority to inspect nuclear facilities,
block the development of new nuclear weapons, and reduce and eliminate nuclear

Let me give you an example of the advantage of a world federation in
securing a nuclear weapons-free world. At a conference organized by the United
Nations in 2017, 122 nations voted for the adoption of the UN Treaty on the
Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, which bans producing, testing, acquiring,
possessing, stockpiling, transferring, and using or threatening the use of nuclear
weapons. Having been ratified by the necessary 50 nations, the treaty went into
force in January 2021, and thus far has been signed by 92 nations and ratified by
68 of them. But the treaty is only binding on nations that have voted to become
parties to it and, thus far, as I have mentioned, that does not include any of the
nuclear-armed nations. As a result, the treaty has little practical effect. With a
world federation, however, participating in such an international agreement would
no longer be purely voluntary, for the agreement would take the form of world law.
Furthermore, the law’s universality would not only lead to worldwide
disarmament, but offset fears that nations complying with the provisions of the
treaty would be attacked by nations that refused to abide by it.

Although creating a world federation might sound utopian, the breakdown of
international security, as shown by the Russian invasion and occupation of
Ukraine, provides an opportunity for some new thinking about international
relations. Just as the disaster of the First World War led to the establishment of the
League of Nations, and the even greater slaughter of the Second World War led to
the creation of the United Nations, the current crisis, plus the spiraling nuclear
arms race and threat of nuclear war that hang over it like a deadly shroud, has
possibilities for moving public opinion and policymakers toward support for a
much stronger international security system.

I am suggesting, then, that there is an important connection between building
a world federation and building a nuclear weapons-free world. It should not
surprise us that people like Albert Einstein, Norman Cousins, Linus Pauling, H.G.
Wells, Bertrand Russell, and many others were drawn to both causes in the past.
How far either cause will advance in the future might well depend on current
activists for nuclear disarmament and activists for world government recognizing
the need to work together toward creating a safer, more secure world.












現在のところ、ロシア政府は米国よりも多くの核兵器を保有しており(約6,000発の核弾頭を保有しており、米国は約5,400発)、自国の核戦力を数十年にわたって近代化しており、古い兵器を多様な新しい兵器で置き換えています。ロシアが現在保有している新たな核兵器の中には、超音速ミサイルも含まれており、ウラジーミル・プーチン大統領は、このミサイルがミサイル防衛システムを迂回して地球上のどこにでも命中することができると自慢しています。実際、ロシアの大統領はいくつかの新たなロシアの核兵器システムを時代先取りだと自賛しています。「私たちの装備は、勝者となるためには世界最高のものでなければならない」と彼は説明しています。 中国は核兵器に関する公開情報をほとんど提供していませんが、Bulletin of the Atomic Scientistsによる推定では、中国は陸上ベースの弾道ミサイル、海上ベースの弾道ミサイル、および爆撃機に約350個の核弾頭を展開しています。そのICBMは、壊滅的な威力で米国本土を攻撃する能力を持っています。さらに、中国は非常に重要な核兵器の近代化と拡大を進めており、ペンタゴンは2035年までに中国の核兵力が4倍に増える可能性を警告しています。中国は2014年に超音速ミサイルのテストを開始し、開発は進んでいます。 他の核保有国も自らの核兵器を近代化しています。イギリスは核軍事力の縮小政策を撤回し、核兵器の予定数を40%増やしました。イスラエルは主要な核兵器施設を拡大しています。フランスは核兵力の近代化を進めています。インドとパキスタンは核軍事力を増強しており、北朝鮮もミサイルの射程を拡大しています。 2021年(統計が利用可能な最後の年)には、9つの核保有国は核兵器の強化に824億ドルを費やし、将来の数十年にわたってこの核兵器の増強を加速させる兆候があります。



そして、もちろん、誤解や小さな軍事的な出来事、テロ攻撃、反逆的な軍の指揮官によって引き起こされる、偶発的な核戦争の数々の可能性があります。原子科学者の権威ある『Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists』の編集者たちは、1946年以来核戦争の可能性を監視している「終末時計(Doomsday Clock)」の針を、史上最も危険な設定である「真夜中から90秒前」に移動させました。



核軍備競争の背後にあるもう1つの重要な要因は、企業の防衛請負業者の影響力です。1930年代には「死の商人(Merchants of Death)」と呼ばれたような民間企業であり、彼らは米国の軍事予算、そして彼らの収入が増加し続けるように、一生懸命働いています。過去20年間で、米国の兵器メーカーはロビイングに25億ドルを費やし、年間700人以上のロビイストを雇い、米国政府に新しい非常に高価なハイテクミサイル、戦闘機、戦艦、および他の破壊の道具を売り込んでいます。これらの企業のロビイストのほとんどは、国防総省、国家安全保障会議、議会、および重要な政府機関の仕事の間を往復してきました。実際、過去5人の米国国防長官のうち4人が、トップ5の兵器請負業者の1社出身でした。軍事請負業者はまた、主要なシンクタンクに寛大な資金提供をし、もちろん友好的な政治家に非常に大きな寄付をしています。












2022年10月下旬、バイデン政権は待ち望まれた核戦略見直し(Nuclear Posture Review)を発表しました。その中で、先制不使用と唯一目的使用との政策を明示的に拒否しました。国家安全保障政策における核抑止の中心性を強調し続けながら、核戦略見直しは、アメリカ政府が「核兵器部隊、核司令統制、通信システム、および生産・支援インフラの近代化にコミットする」と宣言しました。この核兵器の増強は、米国議会が核戦略見直しで要求されたよりも遥かに多額の資金を提供する法律を可決したため、資金面で十分な支援を受けています。





この危険で有望ではない状況で、私達に何ができるのでしょうか?平和と軍縮のグループはさまざまなアプローチを採用しています。一部は特定の兵器システムに反対しています。一部は「先制不使用」政策の採用を求めています。一部は社会的責任の為の物理学者達に組織された「Back from the Brink(瀬戸際退歩)」キャンペーンを支持しています。












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