Tag Archives: unsurpassed awakening

Practice Perfects

Good morning! Aspiration and action witness unsurpassed awakening and unconditioned peace. Unsurpassed awakening attests the dharma (norm) of dependent origination that all phenomena originate depending on causes and conditions. It verifies that samsara and sufferings originate depending on delusions and … Continue reading

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Wholly Wholesome Way

Good evening! Sitting in zen is stilling all karmas (physical/psychological: volitional/emotional/conceptual actions and action results). It is to stop ego-centeredness and become holy (wholly wholesome). It is the holy (hagia, ariya, ârya, omni: wholly) way to know and act. The … Continue reading

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Emancipation (Mukti, Mutti, Vimukti, Vimokha)

Good evening! From June 1 in Japan people altogether change their dark heavy robes to bright light clothes (called koromo-gae, 衣替え). This makes them feel light and cool. We already can hear the strong sounds of cicadas. Basho made the … Continue reading

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Praxis Perfection

Good evening!   By the truth or law of dependent origination, all things change. Humans increase and experience this flow as ups and downs, gains and losses, and births and deaths. Thus they must suffer more in samsara, constant flow, … Continue reading

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Saving All

Good evening!   Dogen said,   “To learn the Awakened Way is learn the self. To learn the self is to forget the self. To forget the self is be verified by all dharma. To be verified by all dharmas … Continue reading

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Samsara Suffering and Samadhi Satisfaction

Good morning!   Through the open windows we can hear the sound of busily racing cars, birds’ singing, and the water falling.   Our life is like the constant flow of cars and currents, constantly flowing with ups and downs, … Continue reading

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Right Form Is Right Norm

Good evening! Even though we’ve had a long, long spell of rain, still it seems to continue. We have a quiet clear world when we sit. Now we encounter heavenly turmoil and earthly turbulences. To see and solve human-created nuclear … Continue reading

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Spring Sense

Good evening! It’s said that a moment in a spring evening is worth a thousand pieces of gold (???????). Why is this so? This is the time when all things are in harmony, neither chilly nor hot, after the winter … Continue reading

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Self Suffering

Good evening! We’re having a nice moment on a spring evening, which is said to be worth a thousand pieces of gold – priceless. I visited Ed, who recently had a stroke, in the hospital. When I visited him, he … Continue reading

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Clear Crystal

Good morning! We have a nice, quiet Saturday morning with bright sunshine. This is the first day of ohigan ?????in Japan, the spring equinox. Ohigan means yonder shore, which stands for nirvana, unconditioned peace beyond billows and torrents. Like the … Continue reading

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