Wholly Wholesome World Way


Good morning!


We have sesshin, touching or embracing the mind, today. Yesterday I watched a program titled How the Mind Is Born – Resonance Between Brain Science and Buddhism, by Dr. Takao Asano, brain surgeon, and Rev. Issho Fujita, head of the Soto International Center. Dr. Asano’s point is the identity of the birth of the mind with the burning of the brain – five aggregates, six sense bases, and the triple poisons. He said that the Ablaze Scripture, Âdditta Sutta, is the precedent of modern neuroscience.


The Scripture says, “The world is ablaze. Eyes are ablaze; ears are ablaze, …, mind is ablaze. Blazes of the five aggregates make the mind ablaze.” The world is now ablaze with global warming, wild fires, gun fires, nuclear fires, mass extinction fires, caused by blazing human eyes, ears, noses, tongues, and minds, with blazing delusions, desires, and divisiveness. Blazing in this city, this country, or this globe may happen by the blazing of nuclear warheads at a hair trigger alert, or nuclear power plants any time.


The blazing of forms, the conjunction of sense organs and objects, causes feeling, ideas, formations, and consciousness. The last emerges when the previous ones blaze subconsciously (global attracter circuiting, formed in 0.5 second) calmed (0.1 second after the attracter formed, called shift or gestalt formation), based on the theory of Walter J. Freeman. He thought that the mind is bound up in this process tightly, and that unlearning is necessary to free it. Dr. Asano said that Zen is good for this purpose.


Calming is necessary for the shift from unconsciousness to consciousness, where one becomes conscious of unconscious action and changes the course of action, where one’s free choice can be made. Dr. Asano said that the mental experiment of keeping the brain alive in alcohol is nonsense, because it can live only with the total nerve system, with the whole system embodied in the world. Calming karma and shifting to dharma in nirvana is calming and shifting the world into awakening in the dharma in nirvana.




Note: The stimulus and blazing at the front five sense organs (eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and body) first enters into hippocampus, the circulates around the limpic system, and then forming the global attracter is automatically and autonomously formed around the limbic system in 0.5 seconds subconsciously, circuiting and communicating with other areas of the brain or the five aggregates of form, feeling, ideas, formations, and consciousness every 0.1 second after the global attracter has been formed.  The shift from unconsciousness to consciousness takes place and consciousness emerges in this process, when it is calmed (like lighting – of an electric bulb). This may be the shift from hot fire (burning: commotion: emotion like rippling bubbling water in a bowl) to cool light (illumination: calming: awareness: insight like calming and clearing in it: mirror). Consciousness has eight layers of the front five (eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body: cakṣuvijňāna, etc.), the sixth mind (manas), the seventh mind consciousness (mano-vijňāna), and the eighth store consciousness (ālaya-vijňāna, when this is transformed, it is called mirror-consciousness, ādarṣa-vijňāna).






Jaku Jaku, Serenity in Sereneness

(Shadow and light on the shōji, paper screen, sliding door)












Bihada, Beautiful Skin


The above photos were sent by Mr. Noriyuki Otsuka,

now shown at the Photo Exhibition in the lobby of Shimoda City Cultural Hall




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Jerusalem by Garyo




It would take less than two hours to drive from Amman to Jerusalem without the stop at the bordercrossing of the King Hussein bridge. I was warned by Lorenz. With aggressive  interrogation, he once was kept  for six hours at the Israeli border. I was lucky – nobody asked me anything, I just had to wait one hour for my passport to be cleared. Nevertheless, crossing the border is a confusing experience.

I met my sister Christi in the Austrian Hospice, where we stayed for four nights.

The Hospice is located directly at the Via Dolorosa in the Old Town.





Austrian Hospice


The view from the rooftop of the Austrian Hospice is spectacular!





To the left is the 8th century Muslim Dome of the Rock. The place is sacred for Jews, Christians and Muslims.  King Solomon built the first Jewish temple over the sacred rock in 960 BC.

Herodes built the second temple, bigger and more luxurious. It is said that the walls were covered with gold. Jesus came to this temple to pray. The Muslims believe that Mohammed ascended to Heaven to meet Allah from the rock. All three religions feel entitled to own this spot.






Our favorite place was a cafe opposite the Hospice, from where we watched the life on the street. Often up to 12 young heavily armed policemen stood at the corner and watched the crossing between Via Dolorosa and  Hogai street. One time, a young Palestinian was pulled out of the crowed walking the street and searched with his body turned towards the wall and with his hands up. Nothing could be found.













A Christian believer carrying the cross on the Via Dolorosa, the street where Christ was believed to have carried the cross.  We have heard that crosses like that were rented from a Palestinian.










The Hospice is located near the Damascus Gate










I never have experienced a town like Jerusalem.  The walled-in city with 8 gates was breathing out history from every corner.  Narrow covered streets were filled with smells of herbs, bakery, sweets and incense.  The ringing of church bells, the call of the Muezzin and the singing and praying of Christian pilgrims walking on the Via Dolorosa all had space, together with the early morning call of a cock near our window.  However, on nearly every corner Israeli soldiers were located, dominating and controlling the town with the power of their weapons.  A dangerous calmness filled the streets. I could feel the pinned up emotions of the suppressed population. Often, we talked with locals about a solution to this situation. I came to the conclusion that only a world government giving each group equal rights could solve the problem. Will it ever happen?

We walked a lot. However, this time I hardly took photos. There were too many attention grabbing details, so many interesting sites, people, situations.






One of many Suqs (shopping streets) in the Old Town of Jerusalem.  Many Suqs were covered with a vaulted ceiling protecting the people from the sun.





The visitors could only be in the outer vicinity of the Dome of the Rock for a short time. I had to wrap the scarf around my dress in order to hide my lower legs. A kind visitor was lending me his scarf to cover my shoulders.










We stayed in Jerusalem during the time of the Jewish New Year.  Many traditionally dressed Jews with fur hats, clothed in white or dressed in a black suit with black hat and two curdles dangling down from the belt rushed to the Western wall to pray and celebrate the New Year. We could only go to the right of the Wall, the place of the women. The left side is reserved for men. It was amazing to see the almost trance like states of Jewish men praying, dancing and singing.

In Jordan as well as in Jerusalem mythological stories as well as religious ones all are connected with a specific place.  In Amman, for example, the Roman temple of Hercules is connected to the story of the birth place of Hercules. In Jerusalem, the story of Jesus is always connected to a special place. This goes back to Empress Helena, the mother of the Roman emperor Constantine, who came to Jerusalem at the beginning of the 4th century in search for the most important places of Christianity.




Garden of Gethsemane with 2000 year old olive trees






Church of Holy Sepulchre is the holiest site of Christianity. Over the place where Jesus is thought to be crucified and buried in a tomb, emperor Constantine  built the first church. The recent church dates back to the 11th century. Many pilgrims touch the stone slab were Christ’s body is said to have been placed after his crucifixion.





Crosses in the Church of the  Holy Sepulchre made by the Crusaders who ruled the city for nearly 200 years (1099 – 1291). It was a gruesome history.



After two full days in Jerusalem, we took a bus to Bethlehem and a taxi to Jericho. On our way to Jericho, we saw many fortified Jewish settlements in the Palestinian areas.  377,000 Jewish settlers live in the occupied area. They isolate the Palestinian towns and force the Palestinians to  live in very crowded areas. Palestinians do not get permits to build new houses and if they build, they are bulldozed down.  This policy works as a slow depopulation of the Palestinian people. Many Israelis are upset about this behavior too. The Israeli organisation “Breaking the Silence” collects stories told by Israeli soldiers in order to uncover the unjust and gruesome behavior of the Israeli government. For centuries justice was a major topic of the people living in this area.  Hopefully, these voices will be heard  and peaceful change will occur.


In Jericho, we saw the ruins of the first Western town built 10 000 years ago. High in the cliffs above the town, Jesus is said to have fasted for 40 days. We visited the cave were he fasted and – as the story tells -was tempted by the devil. A monastery is built around this cave like a pigeon loft.








A walkway connecting the different parts of the monastery













We enjoyed fresh orange and pomegranate juice in the cafe Sultan high up on the cliffs.


All the time, strict regulations had to be followed, starting already at breakfast. In the Hospice, a table for breakfast was assigned to us and we could not change it. The breakfast room was in the cellar and very hot and sticky. We wanted to take the breakfast up to the beautiful garden, but it was not allowed. These rules are insignificant ones, but typical for Jerusalem and surroundings. Strict, narrow visiting times, strict rules on how to dress were often enforced. When we wanted to visit the winter palace of Herodes (Herodium) in early afternoon, the Jewish guard told us that the site was closed because of the Jewish New Year. The Palestinian area is divided into three zones,  A,B,C, depending who controls the area. The Herodium is under Israeli control.

We visited the birthplace of Jesus in Bethlehem, translated as the House of Bread. Underneath the Church of Nativity, a crypt (cave)  is dedicated to the birthplace of Jesus. Many pilgrims kneel down and touch the glass protecting the exact spot where Jesus is said to have been born.




Reported spot where Jesus  was born



Now that I have been in Jerusalem and surroundings for a few days and witnessed people of the different religions expressing their faith deeply, committed and convinced that their beliefs are right, it made me think about the word religion itself. In Wikipedia I found that originally, the word  derives from RE, meaning “again” and from LIGO meaning “bind, connect”.  For me, it is reconnecting with something above right and wrong, something that is integrating all different forces into a unity. It seems to me that this is the only way to real peace in Jerusalem.






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Dana Biosphere Reserve by Garyo




Two hours south of Amman and close to King’s Highway lies the Dana Biosphere Reserve. My son Lorenz and his wife Ale joined us for a two day hiking experience.










For the Wadi Dana trail (16km), we started in the almost abadoned 15th century village of Dana (1700 m), and walked down  to Feynan Ecolodge (50 m below sea level). At the start, heavy  mist covered the valley, wonderful relief from the burning sun.






Birds were chirping, a sound not so common anymore in Jordan. The area is home to 180 species of birds and 600 species of plants. Mammals like ibex, foxes and wolves live here.










Having lunch under a shady tree



The area of the preserve is rich in copper. 6000 years ago, copper mining started in the valley. Over 100 archeological sites document this history. The Jordan government does not allow copper mining anymore.














A taxi picked us up from Feynan Ecolodge. We were told that it is a two hour car drive to come  back to Dana Guesthouse, the place we were staying overnight.






Feynan Ecolodge, reachable only by 4WD



However, the car soon had a problem. It only  could only drive in the 4th gear without stopping. This worked OK in the Wadi Araba, the flat desert although there was no airconditioning and it was very hot. But as soon as we started to climb up to Dana, the car completely broke down. We had to get out and wait for a replacement.














With a sip of Whiskey, we enjoyed the sunset and the view to the Dead Sea. It took almost an hour for the next taxi to arrive.

The next day, we decided to hike the Al Ghuweir trail, a trail leading along a riverbed and through a Siq. Lorenz drove with his 4WD from Shobak castle down a windy, steep road to the entrance of the trail.












Soon the trail narrowed into the Siq. The shade was such a relief from yesterday!






















We were prepared to swim through part of  the Siq, but there was no water at all. At one point, a rope was leading over a rock to the lower part. The place was described as the “waterfall”. Anna-Sophie climbed down and went farther into the Siq.






We had lunch and ate for desert a melted Austrian Zotter chocolate. Yummy!







In the evening, we picked up my car at the Shobak visitor center. After we drank tea with mint and sugar, the people of the visitor center showed us typical Bedouine objects.









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Wadi Rum by Garyo



Wadi Rum, the biggest Wadi in Jordan, is located in the south of Jordan and dedicated as a World Heritage site. Because of it’s beauty, Anna-Sophie wanted to do some hiking in it. We were picked up by Obeid at the visitor center, a Bedouine owning the Bedouine Life Camp. We spent two nights in his camp, a wonderful experience!


We slept outside our tent under the bright milky way and the Andromeda galaxy. Our dinner called Zarb was prepared in a cooking pit. For centuries, the Bedouines cooked their food underground in earthen ovens.








Obeid inviting us to dinner


A year ago, I had a very unpleasant experience on a camel ride. The camel threw me off. In order to overcome my fear of camels, I decided to ride a camel again. We started at 6 am in the morning, just before sunrise.




This time, an experienced Bedouine was  leading the group of camels, which were connected by a rope. They were calm. Anna-Sophie was riding on a mother camel with the baby




trotting close by


We hiked through a wadi close to the visitor center. The newly married son of Obeid was our guide. It was hard to walk in the sand, the sand was constantly filling my shoes. When it was cooler, I took off my shoes and walked barefoot. It is not the Bedouine way!














Wadi Rum, also known as the Valley of the Moon,  is 278 sq mi. One has to use a camel or 4-wheel drive to get around.





Obeid’ s son was driving us to different places.





















At the place where the movie of Lawrence of Arabia was filmed in 1962, we stopped for tea. Down below you see Obeid’s son.














We also saw Nabatean petroglyphs and the place where Lawrence of Arabia lived for a while.
















This travelogue with pictures is contributed by Garyo

who contributed many others in this site.

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From Adharma Karma to Dharma Nirvana


Good morning!


We have a bright beautiful morning with crisp cool air at the time of the equinox, neither hot nor chilly, higan, nirvana, beyond vicissitudes. We had good news of the Nobel Prize being awarded to ICAN, the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, a couple days ago. ICAN was encouraged by the hibakushas, nuclear survivors, who got over five million signatures to ban nukes. They want to get hundreds of thousand of signers to realize it.


All living beings are on the brink of nuclear war and winter, two and half minutes before the end of the world according to the Doomsday Clock, especially when North Korea and the U.S. are threatening each other with nuclear weapons. This is the most urgent and greatest danger for all living beings. Global warming, mass extinction, etc., are also threatening. If we continue this trend, we cannot continue.


Following this news was the Nobel Prize Committee’s announcement of its literature prize for Kazuo Ishiguro, a Japanese English, who said at his interview that his work is mostly derived from Japanese heart, and that his works would contribute to peace. I think the heart of Japan is peace and harmony as expressed in Shotoku Taishi’s Seventeen Article Constitution and the Peace Constitution, which declares that Japan renounces wars and weapons.


The heart of Japan derives from the Heart of Perfection of Prognosis, the Heart Sutra, and Buddhist ideals based on nirvana, no-wind of karma, and the prognosis gained in it. Anyone, regardless of age, gender, race, etc., can attain theses things with sitting still, stilling karma, seeing dharma, serving, and saving all. Seeing dharma is setting physical, verbal, and mental forms (dharmas), systems, societies, and star systems according to the truth/law (Dharma).




Note 1: Prince Regent Shotoku’s Seventeen Article Constitution (604 C.E.) is unique in the prognosis of human nature and prescribing for it. It says, “Harmony is holy (respectable)” (1st article), “respect the Triple Treasure of the Awakened, the Dharma, and the Sangha” (2nd article), because “we are all commoners” (6th article). Commoners (bompu is the translation of the Pali putthu-jana; its Sanskrit translations are pṛthag-jana, separately born, and pṛthu-jana, mass births) are karma-heirs, -owners, -machines, and -refuged, thus need to cultivate to decrease bad karmas and increase good karmas in the Awakened Way in nirvana and awakening-prognosis. This constitution is the first one with fundamental codes of conduct to cultivate human nature and contribute to all beings with the Ten Precepts (no killing, no stealing, no falsehood – similar to the Ten Commandments, but not commandments, rather lessons to learn for leading life according to them), etc. The Code of Humrabi (1754 B.C.E.) relates to family relations, social relations, and business relations such as “an eye for an eye” (Gandhi said this would make the whole world blind) in the karma world. The Constitution of the U.S (1789 C.E.) was originally only about the government, later added with the restrictions of the government on individuals, also in the karma world.


Note 2: The following pictures were recently sent by Mr. Noriyuki Otsuka, photo contributor to our site, living in Izu, Japan:







Sui-fuyo, drunken hibiscus, changing color from white to pink, as if drunken

Fuyo stands for lotus, mizu-fuyo, water fuyo

Kusa fuyo, American hibiscus or rose mallow is called kusa-fuyo, herbal lotus

Mukuge, rose of Sharon, tree hibiscus, is close and can be grafted.

Bidanashi, cloth from its fiber , is used for summer wear.


Japanese Seji, common sage or garden sage, is a part of a larger family of sage, salvia,

came from French sauge

Blue sage


Kobana lantana, small flower lantana



Andesu-no-otome, Andean girl, hana-senna, senna flower, Cassia corymbosa (Senna corymbosa) 




Shichihenge, lit. seven transformation, lantana, is due to its varied flower colors

and its color changes in time.



No-botan, wild peony (paeonia suffruticosa), malastomataceae or melastomaceae)



Tamasudare ball screen, Zephyranthes, West-wind flower, is also called rain-lily

due to its blooming at rain moistening its bulbs.



Kikyo, platycondon grandiflorus, balloon flower




Tougarashi, Capcium, pepper (green pepper, red pepper, etc., were mistakenly called pepper, piper nigrum, black pepper, due to the Columbus’s mistaking of America as India and taking them as peppers, but they are actually different species. Sweet kinds, amamishu, sweet kinds, amami-togarashi, sweet peppers, or karā-togarashi, colored peppers, like pīman, piment (Fr.) pimento (Sp.), paprica, are named differently, thought called bell pepper also in English, but they are in the same species.)

 . .


Posted in Dharma, Nirvana (windless: asankhata | Leave a comment

Between Petra and Wadi Rum by Garyo




It would take 6 days of hiking from Petra to Wadi Rum. Anna-Sophie and I hiked part of the trek for one day. We started in an area where heavy fighting took place between Israel and Jordan in 1967. A cemetery of fallen soldiers was speaking of this






We hiked down into a wadi with hardly any path visible. The uneven ground was scattered with many rocks and boulders and required utter attention. Our Bedouine guide Yusuf was looking for a dry stick for me to use as a staff. It helped. He could not speak English, but pointed to many interesting sites and plants.


























In the middle of nowhere, a Beduine family guarding their goats invited us for tea. They were extremely nice and welcoming. When I asked if I can take a photo, they posed with their weapons.



















Farther down the valley, we passed some places with water still in the creek.






Our host picked us up in the evening. He prepared  a typical Jordanian meal for us consisting of pieces of lamb, tomatoes, onion, potatoe, garlic and coreander. It was delicious!


This travelogue with pictures is contributed by Garyo

who contributed many others in this site.

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Three Days Hiking in Petra and Surroundings by Garyo


Dear friends,

This September, I was hiking in Jordan and visited Jerusalem, Jericho and Bethlehem. I would love to share my experiences and impressions with you. I hope you enjoy the virtual hike in this beautiful part of the world.

Gassho, Garyo





The area my daughter Anna-Sophie and I are hiking in is the cradle of Western civilization.  9000 years ago, people started to cultivate the land and domesticate plants and animals. The land was fertile with lots of trees and water.  Now it is desert caused by constant exploitation of the resources.



Bayda, a Neolithic settlement near Little Petra



The settlement is as old as Jericho and is considered one of the earliest farming settlements in the Middle East.




A Neolithic house


At nearly 40 degree Celsius, this house had a fresh breeze and felt cool.

For three days, Anna-Sophie and I hiked different trails in Petra and Little Petra. In Little Petra, our Beduine guide Khaleb showed us many over 2000 year old water cisterns carved into the rock, water canals and tombs. They were done by the Nabateans.













We walked through narrow passages, over ancient stairs and steep smooth rocks. The red sand stone reminded us of Arizona. Our  guide showed us a carob tree. The dried pods, also known as St. John’s bread, tasted delicious!

In the photo below, you see a Bedouine who had used the traditional eye make up called Kohl to protect his eyes from ailment. Kohl is made by grinding a mineral called stibnite. It is the same the Egyptians used.












Siq into Petra













Petra is one of the Seven Wonders of the World and was founded about 312 B.C. The city declined when the Nabateans lived under Roman rules, mainly because the main commercial routes became sea-based. However, the latest research shows that the final abandonment of the city happened by a big flash flood.  Buildings and the water system were destroyed. Many meters of white sand from the nearby mountains still are covering the ancient Roman road. The last inhabitants left the city in 551 AD after a major earthquake destroyed the rest.


In the evening, we walked up to the monastery and continued the path in the direction of Little Petra. Our host, Shady, waited for us at the road that hardly can be called a road – luckily, he had four wheel drive.







Anna- Sophie, fascinated by a white blooming flower






Over centuries, the area was invaded by different peoples- Romans, Crusaders, Saladin, Mamluks  and Osmans. Each civilization left a footprint. We were told that the most destructive footprint for the environment was done by the Osmans who cut all the trees down in order to build a railway. This lead to the desertification of the land.

We visited Shobak Castle, built by the crusaders. The whole area is called Shobak meaning forest. Only a few trees are left. A tunnel with 365 stairs cut into the rock led down to a well. At the end, we had climb up an about 10 m vertical shaft to the surface. The well still had water.



Shobak castle with visitor center in the front




















Anna-Sophie climbing out of the deep shaft




This travelogue with pictures is contributed by Garyo

who contributed many others in this site.



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Nirvana-Awakening for All


Good morning!


A week after the equinox, higan, yonder shore, nirvana, we have weather neither hot nor chilly due to global warming. The Buddha said that the limit of the world is not reached by walking. Nirvana is reached by sitting. Nirvana is beyond global warming and nuclear winter, reaching the yonder shore beyond a surging sea of suffering and the kinetics ken of karma.


About a week later we can appreciate the renowned full moon of mid-autumn. The full moon represents the bright beautiful Buddha heart, clear and cool. Just before he entered pari-nirvana, complete nirvana, Dogen made a poem on the 15th of August (lunar calendar):


Even in the autumn, when

I’d expect to see it again,

I could not have slept

With the moon of tonight.


He left us the Fukanzazengi, Universal Recommendation for True Zazen, saying, “You should not be concerned whether you are a person of lofty intellect or lowly foolishness, nor discriminated as being a sharp person or a dull one. If you strive singlemindedly, that itself is the realization of the Way.” This is the universal way for nirvana/bodhi, awakening, for all.






























































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Adharma to Dharma


Good morning,


We have a bright beautiful equinox day, which is identified as higan, yonder shore or nirvana, for which we are sitting our sesshin today. We say there is heat and chill only up until higan, but we have summer heat due to global warming. This is an-ṛta, unseasonable or unnatural, a-dharma. Dharma is form, phenomenon, nature, from the root, dhṛ, enduring. The Buddha was said to be awakened seeing the morning star, which suggests the dawning of the world. He found the regularity of the seasons and the law of interdependent co-origination, called the Dharma of all dharmas (Norm of all forms). He discovered that the perceived world is interdependently co-originated on the sense organs and objects, which depends on our karmas (past, present, physical, verbal, and mental).


The true dharmas, saddharma (from sat-dharma, existent dharma), are enduring and sustainable dharmas. Global warming, war, nuclear weapons, mass extinction, etc. are unnatural, unsustainable, unsystemic phenomena caused by human karma. Self, society, state, species, and symbolism are idola, idols, unnatural, unsustainable, unsystemic, and produce adharma, unsystemic, unethical fictions made by psychosomatic symbolism, karma. When we still physical, verbal, and mental karma in sitting, we witness nirvana, no-wind of karma, and become awakened to the truth/law of interdependent co-origination, and reorder adharma to dharma, truthful, peaceful, beautiful, moral, systemic, and sustainable. If we continue our karma kinetics going forward, we with all beings cannot continue.


Hashimoto Roshi commented on the Fukanzazengi that stilling heart, mind, and consciousness in Zazen is like deadly exhausted travelers, long and extremely troubled by discriminating ideas, staying in comfort at an inn. We can be freed from karma (nirvana) and function freely and fully in nirvana and bodhi, awakening. This is the essence of the Awakened Way, and it is essential to reorder the Dark World in its Deluded Way from adharma to dharma. This is the great paradigm shift from sin (= separation: self, etc.) to holiness (= wholly wholesome way world), realizing harmony, health, and happiness. This enduring principle and practice was put into the Fourfold Holy Truth and the Eightfold Holy Way for each and every person to easily understand and effectively put into practice.


There has been an ominous ongoing exchange of threats of nuclear war and nations’ destruction by the national leaders (? dictators) at the U.N. On the other hand there was the establishment of the nuclear weapons ban by 122 countries on 7/7/17 and already 50 countries have signed to officially make it effective to start. There were big nation’s threats to small countries not to sign. No one wants nuclear weapons except dictators and death merchants, much less nuclear wars, which lead to nuclear winter with no survivors. To save all beings, as we recite every morning, we must practice the Awakened Way and share it with all beings. “Only truth wins.” This sitting in peace, truth, goodness, and beauty is good for all always. So, please continue your practice to contribute to the new world of harmony and happiness!














































































































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Karma Kinetic to Dharma Dynamic


Good morning!


We have a beautiful bright Saturday morning, especially after sittings and service. We have, however, a lot of dark news in the world – climate change, mass extinction, racism, and nationalism with possible nuclear wars at any time. Despite Cassini with its long space travel of twenty years, we have more than 10% of the global population in hunger. It seeks to find if there is life on Saturn, but we don’t know what life is or how to live here now.


Because of our karma cogs, the dharma domain is in disarray, doomed to destruction. If karma cogs are defective or departing from the dharma dynamics, the dharma domain is destroyed and doomed. If any cog or piece is out of order or out of machinery or its jigsaw puzzle board, the machine or the system becomes deficient and disastrous. That’s why the Great Way or Awakened Way must be with all in perfect prognosis and practice.


The Fukanzazengi says that the root of the Way is perfectly penetrating, free, dustless, and here now. The Dharma penetrates all without karma dust, functioning freely and fully, right where we are. When karma stills in still sitting, dharmas develop and the Dharma dawns in nirvana, no wind of karmas. The treasure house of dharmas opens by itself, and we can appreciate and use it at will with limitless life, light, liberation, and love.


We must know that all problems come from the karma (action, habit, heredity) of sin (separation, separated self, society, states, species, and symbolism) and that we must still it to see and settle in dharmas/Dharma, and serve and save all in a holy (wholly wholesome) way and world. Each and every person must aspire to achieve this, actualizing this here now constantly, conquering karma conditioning continuously, above all karma matters.

















































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