Pandemic Suffering to Paradigm Shift:全人類的伝染病苦で枠組転換を


Good morning!


We have here a peaceful and beautiful spring day, but the pandemic is still ravaging the world, infecting more than 3.2 million people, claiming more than 230 thousand deaths so far. I forwarded an article that New Zealand has succeeded in blocking it with quick, decisive measures, locking down the whole country except for essential life-keeping activities, making rational, scientific decisions for life over money, heart over matter, and harmony over might.


Dr. Shin’ichi Fukuoka, a biologist, and his friend, a mathematician, talked about terminating the virus in two weeks by providing food to all families, keeping social distancing, eventually achieving survival by immune power or death by the virus. If we dedicated $10 per person per day to all people around the world, it would become about $1 trillion, about half of the world’s military budget, which is usually about 5% of the annual national budget, making the amount minimal.


If the world is one of humankind, the virus outbreak could be honestly detected, dealt with, and contained in various localities with global cooperation, rather than rivalry among nations, keeping the cost of life, resources, hearts, and harmony to the minimum and saving all life activities in rest of the world. The pandemic, killing more than war, etc., must be well prepared for with necessary life support systems of institutions, instruments, insurance, etc., in case of new outbreaks.


The world is one in pandemic or other problems of the global problematique. It requires a paradigm shift from a pyramidal civilization to a cyclical life Indra-net culture, well prepared on a global scale and a lifestyle shift from unconscious karma with the Triple Poisons to conscious Dharma with the Triple Learnings. For such a shift let’s practice the Eightfold Great Person’s Awakening, encouraging our Triple Pillars of the Awakened Way, Global Ethic, and Voluntary Simplicity.


May 2, 2020 C.E. Dharma talk













2020共通年5月2日 法話
















Urn Orchid

Shiran in Japanese means purple orchid (white one in the backside)

Places of origin in Japan, Taiwan, China

Its bulbs are used to stop bleeding, etc. in Chinese medicine


























Gazania, belonging to mum, place of origin in South America




The above pictures were taken recently and sent by Mr. Noriyuki Otsuka,

Shimoda, Japan

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