Sitting & Samu: 坐禅と作務


Good morning!


Last week we talked about the Two Ways of Seeing and Cultivation. The Two Ways of Cultivation in the Zen Tradition are Sitting and Samu (Work, lit. Doing Duties). In Theravada Buddhism, renouncers and lay people exchange Dharma donation and Faith donation to support the Pure/Poor Way (vissuddhi magga/hindo: 貧道) of life. India had a long tradition of supporting strivers (samanas/śramaṇas) and Brahmanas.


In China, however, renouncers were persecuted by some Emperors, and so had to flee to the mountains in order to support themselves. Thus their practice included sitting and samu to maintain their life. Hyakujo Ekai created the oldest Purity Codes, the remnants of which and monastic rules  were collected in the Zen Monastery Purity Codes (Zen-en Shingi) of Choro Soseki to regulate production, maintenance, living, etc.


Hyakujo said, “A day of no work, a day of no eating.” Due to his old age – he lived to 95 – his disciples had hidden his farming tools make him rest, and he said this while refusing to take food. So samu became an essential practice in Zen monasteries, in addition to sitting, to continue and concentrate to develop and achieve nirvana and prognosis, learning how to live and run things in holy truth, goodness, and beauty.


Mahayana Buddhism is the bodhisattva way, “vowing to save others first and oneself last,” going with all always. The Awakened Way must go along with the karma world, with nirvana (unmoved by karma), and with bodhi, awakening, providing prognosis for seeing and solving all problems and sufferings. Sitting and samu are thus the essential way to enable practitioners to provide skillful means and ends.


May 11, 2019 C.E.


Note 1. Hyakujo Shingi (清規) by Hyakujo Ekai (百丈懐海:749– 814)

Note 2. Zen’en Shingi (禅苑清規) by Choro Soseki (長蘆宗賾: b./d. dates unknown, resided at Kosai Zen’in: 1102~1105)





先週私達は見道と修道の二道について話しました。禅の伝統では修道の二道は坐禅と作務(作業、字義通りには義務を行う)です。上座仏教では出家者と在家者は法施と生活の清浄道/貧道を支える為の信施を交換します。インドでは修行者(沙門:Pali: samana, Skt.: śramaṇa:努力者の音訳)とバラモンを支える長い伝統がありました。








2019共通年5月11日  法話


註1.百丈懐海(749– 814)による百丈清規

註2.長蘆宗賾(生死年不明だが1102~1105洪済禅院に住持) による禅苑清規







Mr. Otsuka’s garden facing the street







君子蘭/clivia nobilis















ジャーマンアイリス・German iris










三寸あやめ/iris sanguinea





紫蘭/ bletilla striata












リアトリスと三寸あやめ/liatris & iris sanguinea










極楽鳥/bird or paradise/strelitzia










マーガレット/Marguerite/Paris daisy






















Mr. Otsuka’s front garden facing the street

leading to downtown and Pacific Ocean

Passers-by enjoy beautiful flowers.






Pacific Ocean


The above pictures were taken and sent from Japan

by Mr. Noriyuki Otsuka in Shimoda, Shizuoka




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Two Ways


Good morning!


Dogen said, “There is a supreme, unconditioned, exquisite art for all Buddhas and Tathagatas in the person to person single transmission of the exquisite Dharma to witness unsurpassed awakening (bodhi). The reason one Buddha can bestow on another without distortion is that Self-appreciating Samadhi is its standard. In disporting in this Samadhi, entering Zen in straight sitting is the right gate. Even if this Dharma is abundantly endowed upon each person, unless cultivated, it is not developed; unless witnessed, it is not yet attained.”


There are Two Ways of Seeing and Cultivating in the Awakened Way. The Seeing Way is seeing the One Dharma of Dependent Origination. The Cultivating Way is the Triple Learning of Morality (sīla/śīla), Concentration (samādhi), and Prognosis (paňňā/prajňā). The Triple Learning is founded on and included in Concentration, called the Samadhi limbs (mindfulness, striving, and concentration). Zen in still sitting is the unconditioning art of stilling karma, settling in nirvana (unconditioned peace), and seeing the Dharma (unsurpassed awakening).


The Two Ways of Seeing and Cultivating are two wings or wheels to fly or to advance; neither should be dismissed. Seeing (vipassanā/vipaśyanā) and Stilling (samatha/śamatha) are parallel and providing to awakening (bodhi) and nirvana; neither should be dispensed of. Stilling in sitting to nirvana is the essential inevitable cultivation or practice in stilling karma and witnessing nirvana, wherein one can be awakened to no self, suňňtā/śūnyatā, etc., and develop prognosis, insight, wisdom, etc. The popular Mindfulness movement developed from Seeing needs nirvana as well.


Stilling is in still sitting, stilling karma, and Seeing (dassana/darṣaṇa) or Insight is in nirvana, unconditioned by karma. That’s why Dogen said that without cultivation (修, shū: practice, of sitting), it is not developed, and without verification (証, sho: witnessing nirvana), it is not attained: they are two inseparable sides of the same coin (修証一如, shusho-ichinyo : unity of practice and witnessing). Thus only practice makes perfect, through continuity and concentration – two inseparable wings or wheels to fly free and fare forward in nirvana and bodhi (awakening).

May 4, 2019 C.E.








見道と修道の二道はどちらも不可欠の飛翔あるいは前進の為の二翼あるいは二輪です。これらは観(vipassanā/vipaśyanā) と止(samatha/śamatha) と並行し覚醒(bodhi:菩提)と涅槃を提供し、どちらも不可欠です。涅槃に至る坐による静止は業を静止し涅槃を確証するには必須不可欠の修行即ち実践であり、ここに無我・空(suňňtā/śūnyatā)等に覚醒し般若・洞察・智恵などを発展させます。観(vipassanā)から発展した人気のマインドフルネス運動は涅槃も必要とします。


止は静坐で業を静止することにあり観或いは見(dassana/daraa) 或いは洞察は業の条件付けを無くした涅槃の中にあります。だから道元は修(坐の修行)無ければ(止)の発展無く、証(涅槃の確証)無ければ(成道)は得られないと言ったのであり、これらは同一貨幣の不可分の両面(修証一如)なのです。だから、涅槃と菩提(覚醒・般若の智慧)に飛翔し前進する不可分の二翼或いは二輪である継続と集中による修(実践)によってのみ証(完成)があるのです。


2019共通年5月4日 法話
















































































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AMERICAN SUTRA: A Story of Faith and Freedom in the Second World War

Prof. Duncan Williams:

AMERICAN SUTRA: A Story of Faith and Freedom in the Second World War

On Friday afternoon, May 3rd, Professor Duncan Ryuken Williams of USC will offer a dharma talk and conversation with Hozan Alan Senauke at Berkeley Zen Center, based on his remarkable new book, American Sutra. This groundbreaking history, just released by Harvard University Press, tells the little-known story of how, in one of our country’s darkest hours, Japanese Americans fought to defend their faith and preserve religious freedom. The mass incarceration of Japanese Americans during World War II is not only a tale of injustice; it is a moving story of faith. In this path-breaking account, Prof. Williams reveals how, even as they were stripped of their homes and imprisoned in camps, Japanese American Buddhists launched one of the most inspiring defenses of religious freedom in our nation’s history, insisting that they could be both Buddhist and American.

See the book and project’s website for more information:

Time: 5:40pm

Berkeley Zen Center—1933 Russell Street, Berkeley, CA 94703

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Four Holy Truths: 四聖諦


Good morning!


After series of rainy days, we are now surrounded by abundant green. We have our regular sesshin, embracing and touching the heart (coeur, 摂心/接心), core of our existence. I had back pain before sitting, but now it’s gone. Choshin (調身ordering posture), chosoku (調息ordering breath), and choshin (調心ordering heart) make the whole system holy (wholly wholesome), coordinating organs, circulation, secretion, etc.


The Four Holy (Pali/Skt.: ariya/ārya: hagia: Greek) Truths are wholly wholesome truths/beings (sat). The first truth is suffering (duk-kha: wrong going, going against desire). The four sufferings are birth, sickness, aging, and death, inevitable for all living beings. The eight sufferings are these plus not getting the desired, parting with the loved, meeting with the hated – in short, the five aggregates rampant.


The second truth is the cause of suffering, identified with craving (taṅhā, lit. thirst, like drinking sea water at a shipwreck, which makes one thirstier). The karma (action/habit/heredity) through some forty billion years of evolution has made living beings follow survival instincts, as scientists even see selfish genes, especially in humans with advanced brains and bodies, languages and tools, sciences and technologies.


The third truth is cessation of the cause of suffering, identified with nirvana, cessation of karma. Practically, it is shown in the Four Stages of Meditation (Zen, Chan, Jhāna, Dhyāna: Japanese, Chinese, Pali, Skt.), stilling karma (physical, verbal, and mental: conceptions, emotions, volitions), witnessing nirvana and the new existential truth (ultimate truth) beyond conventional truth in karma in still sitting.


The fourth truth is usually identified with the Eightfold Holy Ways/Paths of right view, thinking, speech, action, livelihood, mindfulness, striving, and concentration (samādhi). This is meant for lay practitioners with livelihoods, adapting the Seven Awakening Limbs for renouncers of household life.  “The Thirty-seven Ways/Paths,” except for the Eightfold Holy Ways, are of meditation (Zen samādhi) in nirvana/bodhi (awakening).

April 28, 2019 C.E.






四聖(パーリ語/梵語: アリヤ/アーリヤariya/ārya: hagiaハギア:ギリシャ語:holyホーリー:英語)諦は全体健全な真理/存在です。第一の真実は苦(duk-kha: 悪くなる:願望に反する)です。四苦は一切の生物にとっては避けられない生老病死です。八苦はこれらに求不得苦・愛別離苦・怨憎会苦・略して五蘊盛苦を加えたものです。




第三の真実は苦の原因の消滅で、業の消滅である涅槃と同一視されています。実際には禅の四段階(四禅:日本語禅ゼンは中国語チャン:パーリ語・梵語:Jhāna, Dhyānaの音訳)で示されますが、業(身口意三業:意の観念・感情・意欲)を静めることで、静坐により涅槃に達して、業による俗諦を超えた新しい実存真理(究極真理:真諦:第一義諦:勝義諦)を実証すること。


第四の真実は正見・正思・正語・正行・正命・正念・正精進・正定(三昧:samādhiの八聖道と同一視されています。これは在家生活を放棄した出家者の為の七覚支を適用して正命(正しい生業:なりわい)を加ええ在家修行者に向けたものです。八聖道を除いた所謂「三十七道品(七覚支など)」は涅槃・菩提(覚醒)にある禅定(Zen samādhi)についてのものです。


2019共通年4月28日 法話





















































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Grieving for Sri Lanka: NO HARMING!


Grieving for Sri Lanka


Hatred never ceases through hatred 
It ceases only through love.
This is an eternal law.

                                                              —Dhammapada, verse 5


Our deepest compassion and sympathy goes out to the victims of Easter Sunday bombings across Sri Lanka, to their families, and to an entire nation in grief. The world is grieving with you. More than 350 people have been killed, with 500 more injured. We wonder what it will take for people to learn that differences and conflicts are never resolved by cascading violence?

              Regardless of who is held responsible for these atrocities, our concern is based on compassion for all whose lives have been torn apart by these acts of extreme violence and by our unshakeable opposition to all forms of hatred, murder and terror. Our nonviolent stand does not arise from any one religious tradition, but from a universal awareness that life is precious to all.

              As western Buddhist practitioners, teachers, and clergy, we depend on the Buddha’s ancient teachings on non-violence and love even in time of fear and uncertainty. Of course, we wish to see those responsible for these bombings held accountable in courts of law. At the same time, we urge the leaders of all faith communities in Sri Lanka and around the world to guide their congregations with wisdom and compassion in breaking the chains of violence here and now.


—Rev. Hozan Alan Senauke

for Clear View Project

and Buddhist Humanitarian Project

23 April 2019



Comment: No Harming/Killing is the first principle of all religion’s ethics, and the Global Ethic declared by the Parliament of the World’s Religions in Chicago in 1993, with more than seven thousands participants from all religions of the world. 

Muhammad said, “Killing one human is killing all humanity.” Muslims should observe this and let all Muslims observe this. Those who kill are not Muslims, in whatever names or beliefs they may claim or hold.

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Archie, 5 yrs, and Farra, 1 yr old Zazen













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Triple Learning:三学


Good morning!


In the morning sunlight we are now surrounded by many flowers – redbuds, lilacs, crabapples, wisteria, azaleas, dogwood, cherries, etc. The Buddha held up a flower, and Mahakashyapa smiled. We appreciate holy truth, goodness, and beauty there. Plants (still lives) live in holiness, wholly wholesome. Animals (moving lives) are separated from the earth, needing food from others.


Humans developed brains and hands, science and technology, becoming further separated from nature, and now we have created crises such as global warming, mass extinction, and maybe even nuclear winter. Sin, a separated sickness from nature, must be avoided to reunify with holiness, which is the task of religion (from religare: reunion).


All Buddhists treasure and take refuge in the Triple Treasures, the Refuges of Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha, for holy truth, goodness, and beauty. All Buddhists learn the Triple Learning of morality, concentration, and prognosis (sīla, samādhi, and prajňā) to reunify our volitions, emotions, and intelligence in holiness.


All Buddhist observe the Five Precepts, the first four of which became the Global Ethic. No killing is the most important morality, as nothing can be done without life. No stealing is to assure material order for life. No lying is to assure social order. No sexual misconduct is to assure gender and generation order.


Zen-jō (jhāna-samādhi) is the essential and encompassing practice to still karma (in nirvana, no wind of karma) with its Triple Poisons (desire, divisiveness, delusion) and to reunify with holiness, inclusive of morality and prognosis. Without this, karma is neither realized nor transcended.


Awakening is possible by witnessing nirvana. Prognosis is to prognosticate all problems for solutions, reunifying in holiness in nirvana. The Awakened Way goes on with the constant and concentrated practice of zen-jō in nirvana and awakening, assuring and advancing morality and prognosis in holiness.


April 20, 2019 C.E. Dharma talk









人間は脳と手、科学と技術を発展させて、更に自然から離れて、今や地球温暖化、大量絶滅、更には核の冬さえ有り得る危機を創り出しました。罪、自然からの分離病患、は聖性に帰一(再合一)して避けなければなりませんが、それが宗教(ラテン語religare: 帰一:再合一)の課題です。


仏教徒は全て聖なる真善美の為に仏法僧の三宝を宝物とし、仏法僧の三帰に帰依します。仏教徒は全て知情意を聖性に帰一する為に戒定慧(sīla, samādhi, and prajňā)の三学を学習します。






2019共通年4月20日 法話




























































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Practice Way Cycle


Good morning!


We are now surrounded by flowers. We have fresh flowers at the altar. I was reluctant to sweep the garden when asked to do so as a child. But I was delighted to clean, if it was initiated by my own accord. Aspiration is the initiative to do and become holy.


We aspired to practice and so have cultivation, awakening, and nirvana now. The Way Cycle of Sustained Practice – aspiration, cultivation, awakening, and nirvana – goes on each moment, every day, ever on in time and space.


The single redbud tree at the southeast corner of our garden spread its seeds, some transplanted, and we see many now. Holy truth, goodness, and beauty spread with the Triple Treasure of Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha all over the world.


“Year after year flowers remain the same, but humans do not remain the same.” Flower trees may survive hundreds of years, while humans seldom survive one hundred. Actually, flowers with their sizes, spheres, and surroundings, change too.


“The Blue Mountain constantly takes steps.” Mountains change in seasons, years, with their flora, fauna, forms, and formations, even flattening. The Way Cycle goes on with all all over the world for the more holy truth, goodness, and beauty.


April 13. 2019 C.E. Dharma Talk




私達は今花々に取り巻かれています。祭壇には新鮮な花が供えてあります。子供の頃庭を掃くように言われると嫌でした。しかし自分の心からしたいと思うと、清掃するのは喜びでした。発心とは自ら聖 (全体健全)に為したい成りたいと願うことです。










2019共通年4月13日 法話












































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Triple Treasure


Good morning!


We can now enjoy a lot of flowers – daffodils, magnolias (木蓮: tree lotus), forsythia, cherries, quince, etc. April 8 is celebrated as the Flower Festival, the Buddha’s birthday. Without the Buddha (Awakened), we can’t have his Dharma (norm/form, law/phenomena) and Sangha (Community), the Triple Treasure.


Because of his Dharma, we know the Dharma (norm/law) of all dharmas (forms/phenomena), Interdependent Co-origination, i.e., that all phenomena are co-originated on causes and conditions. Anyone can apply it in all problems and solve all sufferings in principle and practice, living the awakened way in nirvana.


Without Sangha, no one could transmit his Dharma, much less treasure it and take refuge in it, far less actually appreciate it. Because of the Sangha, we can know that all living beings are karma-machines, etc., and can transcend karma by cultivating and attaining awakening in nirvana by the Fourfold Applications.


Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha are also called the Triple Refuge. All beings can take refuges in them to solve individual, social, and environmental problems and sufferings in truth/ethic. Anyone can realize limitless light, liberation, love, and life in holiness, wholesome whole, in time and space. They are the true treasures.

































































































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Desert Greening and Flowering

Garyo’s mail and photos shared below:

Yesterday, I was at Bartlett lake near Phoenix hearing that the desert is in exceptional bloom – and it was spectacular! I never have seen the desert so green and colorful! The air was filled with a sweet smell, bees were humming, birds chirping – so beautiful. Unfortunately, I did not take my camera, but made many photos with my iPhone. I would like to share the beauty with you (maybe, you also want to post it on your blog).

It reminded me of your saying “when flowers bloom, butterflies come”. The desert is full of seeds and when the conditions are right and there is enough water and warmth, the desert turns into pure beauty. It is said that it did not happen since 100 years.

Most of the flowers I did not know. However, there were some I could name – I wrote it underneath the photo.








Globemallow with Bartlett lake in the background





Lupine and Mexican Poppy
Mexican Poppy
Mexican Poppy and Saguaro Cactus
Lupine, Mexican Poppy  and Exserted Indian Paintbrush
Banana  Yucca?
Arizona Scarlet Bugler (red) with Mexican Poppy,
Lupine and Phacelia (blue flowers in the back)
Lupine and blooming Ocotillo Cactus in the background
Desert Chicory
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