Source of Suffering: 苦の源


A few weeks ago I dug out about a hundred star clematis saplings from the zen center garden. I saw that more are coming yesterday. Decades ago I saw it blooming on a nearby electric post support line and I wanted one. Later I got it and planted. Now it has become nuisance, spreading out of hand.


Buddhism says that the source of suffering is craving. The original word for it is taṅhā (lit. thirst, like drinking sea water while shipwrecked, even if it makes more thirst). It is one of the Triple Poisons (desire, divisiveness, delusion), poisoning life. The delusion of self becomes survival instinct and develops into the other two.


Humans invented language, which strengthens “I, my, me, mine,” with its constant use, memory, substantiation, etc. Humans developed civilizations, seeking more money, matter, and might, which are causing wars, nukes, global warming, mass extinction, etc., troubling all life systems out of hand.


The Buddha said that when we possess houses, we have dust, leaks, etc., causing troubles. If we possess “self,” “world,” we suffer from samsara, shift in suffering in sickness, birth, aging and death, gain and loss, etc. When we sit still, karma stills (nirvana) the Triple Poisons, and we enjoy amrita, ambrosia of immortality.



October 2, 2021 C.E. Dharma notoe







仏教では苦の源は欲だと言います。その原語はta (字義は渇きで、渇愛と翻訳され、難破した時には、更に喉が渇いても、海の水でも飲むようなもの)です。それは生命を毒する三毒(貪瞋痴)の一つです。我の痴は生存本能になり他の二つ(貪欲と怒り)に発展します。






2021共通年10月2日  法記


































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