Tag Archives: Dogen

Right Form Is Right Norm

Good evening! Even though we’ve had a long, long spell of rain, still it seems to continue. We have a quiet clear world when we sit. Now we encounter heavenly turmoil and earthly turbulences. To see and solve human-created nuclear … Continue reading

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Fathoming Fathomless

Good evening! After long lasting rainy days and some stormy days, we are now having a very fine, bright evening, and we can enjoy peace, harmony in zazen. Dogen said, “Zazen is the essential function of buddhas, and the functional … Continue reading

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Human Hypnosis

Good morning! We have a nice spring Sunday with bright sunlight, a lot of flowers inside and out, and a nice breeze coming through the window. We have cherry blossoms in full bloom at the altar and amaryllis at the … Continue reading

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Life Light

Good morning! We saw the beautiful full moon and the morning star this morning. Now we have the bright daylight after sittings and the service. We have a very peaceful, beautiful morning. Before I came here I watched TV news … Continue reading

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Witness Work

Good evening! We have a nice evening together here, in quiet sitting. But when we look into our lives, we find all kinds of problems and sufferings. We call these the four sufferings and the eight sufferings. The four sufferings … Continue reading

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Awakened Action

Good evening!   As we sit in zazen, we know that the spring rain is drizzling and giving life to all plants, and that plants are giving life to all beings.   And we know that blood streams are flowing … Continue reading

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Holy Harmony

Good morning! We had good sittings and a service in holy harmony, powerful unity, and unison. This is only possible with samâdhi (concentration) power in a wholly wholesome state, in total dedication of the body, mind, and world. In our … Continue reading

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Triple Treasure

Good morning! When we came out of our houses, we could smell spring in the moistened air. When we sit together, we can enjoy birds’ singing. But, in our ordinary world, we have many problems. The world is on fire; … Continue reading

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Good morning! After our sittings, we have a very peaceful world inside and out. We are very fortunate that we are walking in the Awakened Way and have the concrete practice to attain it. Zazen is the essential way and … Continue reading

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Perspective – Priority

Good morning! Even though we have clouds and cannot see the moon, our mind moons settle down calm and clear. We sit in zazen, illuminate our world, and reflect our minds. The morning star is always bright, but small like … Continue reading

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