Sesshin: Containing Confused Minds and Contacting Calm Clear Minds

Good evening!


We start our autumnal equinox sesshin. Equinox is equal day and night, heat and chill. So, it is called higan (彼岸: yonder shore), meaning nirvâna {unconditioned peace, lit. no-wind (of karmas blowing flame)}.


Sesshin is containing confused and diffused minds (摂心: sesshin: embracing the mind) and contacting the Buddha mind (接心: sesshin: contacting the mind) in nirvâna and bodhi (awakening).


To realize this we need continuous concentrated effort to reach the yonder shore or yonder summit. There is the clear cool air and calm complete vista – penetrating purity and prognosis – the Buddha world.


So, let us try our best to reach there climbing up the four stages of meditation reaching upekhâ (sha: 捨: equanimity, renunciation of conceptions, emotions, and volitions, lit. throwing away).




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