Sufferings Seen and Solved

Good morning!


We have warm weather with wetting rain creating an early spring. There is, however, no such thing as the static separated substance of “spring.”


Spring, life, cancer, radiation, etc. are names given to the dynamic dependently originated phenomena on causes and conditions without substance, to be soluble and solvable.


Our problems and sufferings are interdependently originated on causes and conditions, usually man-made. So, we need to see the source of suffering to solve our sufferings.


This is the method the Buddha taught us to solve problems and sufferings. The nuclear problems, the Citizens United issues, etc. must be seen and solved in this way.


We must deal with them in the four noble/holy (ariya: hagia: wholly wholesome) truths and the eightfold holy ways or paths. Then we can have the right answers and actions.





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