Author Archives: Rosan Daido

Flower Festival:花祭り

Flower Festival   April 8 is celebrated as the Flower Festival or Buddha’s Birthday, called Bathing Buddha Meeting (灌仏会), in northern Buddhist countries (Vesak in southern Buddhist countries). People gather to bathe the baby Buddha with sweet tea to celebrate … Continue reading

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Equinox Is Equanimity, Nirvana! 彼岸は平静、涅槃!

Equinox Is Equanimity, Nirvana   Equinox (equal in day and night, chill and heat) is celebrated as equanimity, nirvana, called higan, yonder shore, in Japan, with offerings of rice cakes to deceased ancestors, and with practice of the Six Paramitas, … Continue reading

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Zen Is Zero State ! 禅はゼロ状態である!

. Zen Is Zero State   Meditation (of Ātman: Self) has been identified in the old Upanishads as the Fourth (Catrīya/trīya) State beyond the states of awake, dreaming, and dreamless. Zen meditation, however, is Zero State, beyond these four states … Continue reading

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Flowers Blooming, the World Arisen! 華開世界起!

  Flowers Blooming, the World Arisen!   Jimyo offered beautiful fresh flowers to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas at our center; suddenly spring has arisen! We sat sittings, the Buddha world opened! Daffodils blooming, spring arrived.   Dependent Co-origination is the … Continue reading

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All Must Avoid Annihilation! 皆が破滅を避けなければならない!

  All Must Avoid Annihilation!   The Doomsday Clock is ticking, at 90 seconds away from Doomsday. The global problematique of global warming, mass extinction, etc. is causing it. The most urgent problems among many are war and nuclear holocaust … Continue reading

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Two Weeks in Ecuador, 3, by Garyo Gertraud Wild

. The purpose of my travel to Ecuador was to visit my family and spend time with Rio Amadeo, with whom I connected before mainly on a screen via What’s app. I was a stranger when I arrived and slowly, … Continue reading

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Two Weeks in Ecuador, 2, By Garyo Gertraud Wild

. The indigenous people in Ecuador believe that the Earth (Mama Pacha) is a living being. Mountains and volcanos are living beings too, expressing emotions such as love, fury, pain and desire. Love affairs between the volcanos are told in … Continue reading

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Two weeks in Ecuador, By Garyo Gertraud Wild

. Two weeks in Ecuador   Traveling is different when you are able to step directly into a culture by visiting friends or family. It is a privilege to be part of everyday life and see things from the inside. … Continue reading

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Kumano Kodo 9, by Garyo Gertraud Wild 熊野古道 9,雅涼・ガートラゥド・ウィルド

. .The Outer Shrine (Geku) in Ise City is also closely connected to the Imperial family. 500 years after the establishment of the Inner Shrine, emperor Yuryaku had a dream, where the goddess Amaterasu was asking him for food. He … Continue reading

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Kumano Kodo 8, by Garyo Gertraud Wild 熊野古道 8,雅涼・ガートラゥド・ウィルド

. On the last two days of our stay on the Kii peninsular, we visited the most important shrine of the Shinto tradition – the Ise Grand Shrine called Jingu. With its 2000 year long tradition of continuous worship, it … Continue reading

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