Tag Archives: lit. doing duty)

Holy Home and Host

Good morning!   When I left my home, there was sleeting like this. When I arrived here there was no sleeting. Weathermen said that the snow will accumulate one to two inches by 11:30 a.m. and six to eleven inches by tonight. So, everybody is staying at home – very quiet.   When the Buddha was taking his morning walk and sitting, he overheard Yasa, the first layman to renounce, saying, “Aah, I am suffering, Alas, I am disturbed!” So the Buddha said, “Here is neither suffering nor vexation. Come and sit, Yasa! I will tell you the dharma!”   Now we have sesshin. Sesshin is touching the mind (接心) and embracing the mind (摂 心).  We can touch and embrace our minds, and even the Buddha mind, when we practice.  These incessant innumerable soft snowflakes seem like the Great Thousand Worlds, in which innumerable soft snowflakes are also falling.   When we practice, we forget our selves and are verified by all dharmas.  As we see dharmas, they verify us with the triple dharma marks: impermanence, suffering from impermanence, and no self-substance from no self-sameness and no self-sovereignty. Thus, the Buddha said “Not yours” (na tumhakam).   Nothing is ours, even our bodies and minds, much less those of others. So, naturally we drop off our bodies and minds. When we see dharmas, we witness the holy dharma world, holy home, and holy hosts. In the holy home, everything is holy host. There is no person with limited possessions and possessedness.   Rinzai (Linji: 臨済) said “Becoming a host at any place, all become true.” When we become hosts, all turns out true. When we become guests or slaves, all fall far or false. When we witness the holy home, we become holy hosts, enjoying holy (wholly wholesome) truth, goodness, and beauty.   Dr. Suzuki of the Suzuki Method of Ability Development said that life has no age and that sounds have life, living without forms. Formless life gives us beauty, goodness, and truth. He often told the story of Amala and Kamala fostered by a wolf – we can … Continue reading

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Clarity and Calmness to Fare and Freight

Good evening!   Now we have a beautiful garden with our work – weeding, mowing, and planting flowers this morning. Zen practice consists of sitting and samu (work: 作務, lit. doing duty). They are both wings and wheels to fly, … Continue reading

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Original State=Nirvana=Awakening=Free Full Function

Good evening!   This morning Scott and I worked in our garden clearing creeping Charlies, etc. covering and choking other plants, and the garden became pretty clean and clear.   Weeding is the major work in samu, doing duty. Eventually … Continue reading

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Sitting and Samu

Good morning!   In sitting we are together with all buddhas and bodhisattvas with the whole world.   In samu, work, we are together with birds and butterflies with the flora and fauna.   5/11/12  

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