Tag Archives: nuclear disaster

Sustainable System

Good evening! We have all kinds of flowers blooming. We call this “haru ranman: ???” spring at its best, full of flower, brimful of spring atmosphere, with warm sun and compassionate rain. All plants and animals spring up. Ryokan made … Continue reading

Posted in Buddhism, Civilization, Culture, Ecology, Global ethic, Global problems, Philosophy, Religion, System, Uncategorized, Voluntary simplicity, Zen | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Holy Happy

Good morning! We could see the bright morning star and hear the busier birds’ chirping on the way here. Now we have the cherry blossoms blooming and the bright candle burning at the altar. On the opposite side of the … Continue reading

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Cultivation Cleaning

Good morning! We have a nice spring day dawning now. But because of the nuclear disaster, our air, water, and earth are contaminated; our hearts and minds are also contaminated; the beautiful spring is contaminated also. Because the company dumped … Continue reading

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Fireflies’ Fireworks

Good morning! We can see the morning star shining forth brightly in the east. The Buddha is said to be enlightened or awakened, seeing the bright morning star shining for billions of years. We compare the Buddha mind to the … Continue reading

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Pure Peace

Good evening! We have so many flowers blooming around us, and now we can sit and enjoy the priceless spring evening. Unfortunately, however, in Japan they have still the triple tragedy of earthquake, tsunami, and the nuclear disaster unfolding in … Continue reading

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Tomo (Together: 共, Friend: 友)

  Good evening! A lot of flowers are blooming – forsythias, daffodils, magnolias, pears, plums, even cherry blossoms are now blooming. We cannot totally enjoy them because of the disaster in Japan – m-9 earthquake, 30m surge tsunami, and the … Continue reading

Posted in Buddhism, Civilization, Culture, Ecology, Global ethic, Global problems, Philosophy, Religion, System, Uncategorized, Voluntary simplicity, Zen | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Death Demise

Good morning! We have now a beautiful Sunday with the white snow world in bright sunshine after the spring equinox – untimely partly because of global warming, I think. There is more moisture in the air, so we have more … Continue reading

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Present of Peace (music and picture)

Aska is a resident musician in St. Louis who moved to the States at about the same time I retired from Toyo University and settled here. An active member of JUMP (Japan United for Ministry of Peace), Aska wanted to … Continue reading

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Sitting Still

Good evening! We have now the beautiful bright moon in the sky. When we see this planet from the moon, it looks like the moon hanging in the air. Our life is hanging in the air like the sword of … Continue reading

Posted in Buddhism, Civilization, Culture, Ecology, Global ethic, Global problems, Philosophy, Religion, System, Uncategorized, Zen | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Wholesome Whole

Good morning! When we sit in zazen, our mind eyes go to the unprecedented disaster in Japan. When people become quiet, their eyes go to the scenes of their struggles and sufferings. The earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear disaster caused 220,000 … Continue reading

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