Tag Archives: Dogen

Good morning!   Now the moon is almost a half moon, changing from the fall full moon. Life is like morning dew on grass, swiftly disappearing.   Ten students and two teachers from the Webster Works Worldwide program came and … Continue reading

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Bright Buddha Mind Moon

  Good morning!   We have now the full moon high in the sky. Did you see it? You saw it. Great! Did you join the moon viewing party? You didn’t. Sorry for that. But, that was also good!   … Continue reading

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Practice Pertaking

Good morning!   After the long dry hot summer with drought disasters now we have a lot of rain like a rainy season. So, we missed the full moon just a few days ago. I came back from Japan just … Continue reading

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Flowering Mind

Good morning!   When I came back last night from a short trip toJapanto meet my brother, who is seriously ill, I found a big, beautiful bouquet presented by Kodo (廣道, spreading the way, or wide way).   When I … Continue reading

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Settling in Practice and Seeing Birth-Death

Good morning!   After a long spell of hot dry days with drought disasters, we now have a very cool, clear, quiet day – maybe rain will come soon.   When we have our original wholly wholesome state, especially when … Continue reading

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Life in Dharma, not Dharma in Life

Good morning!   We had nice compassionate rain for two days. So, plants and animals seem to be revived from their dry, desperate states. They came back to their original states in purity and peace.   Almost half of this … Continue reading

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Actual Practice Penetrates through Bodies, Minds and the World

Good morning!   Early this morning we had mist and dense dew, and we could enjoy the birds singing and the morning star. We are going to have a temperature of 103 degrees today, with a heat warning.   Last … Continue reading

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Good Day Every Day

Good morning!   It is good to breathe fresh, early morning air with flowers blooming and birds’ singing.   It is good to greet with the Buddha, with all buddhas and bodhisattvas throughout space and time.   It is good … Continue reading

Posted in Awakened Way (Buddhism), cultivation: verification (修:証) | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Original State=Nirvana=Awakening=Free Full Function

Good evening!   This morning Scott and I worked in our garden clearing creeping Charlies, etc. covering and choking other plants, and the garden became pretty clean and clear.   Weeding is the major work in samu, doing duty. Eventually … Continue reading

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From Triple Malady to Triple Treasure

Good morning!   We are going to have our sesshin. Sesshin means touching the mind (接心) or embracing the mind (摂心), of course not the ordinary deluded mind, but the Buddha mind, truth mind, true mind, tree mind, the truth … Continue reading

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