Tag Archives: Dogen

Truth in True Triple Treasures

Good morning!   Zendo, Zen Hall, is also called Senbutudo, Selecting Buddha Hall. The true truth seekers constantly come here for the true solution of suffering.   What Dogen means in his Inmo is that we never attain the true … Continue reading

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Finding Fresher, Finer, Freer, and Fuller Function

Good morning!   I have been using a hunting hat I received as a gift for a while. This morning I happened to feel hooks at the front and found that it opens. I find wearing it in this fashion … Continue reading

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Actual Action Attains Amrita

Good evening!   There are many books on mountaineering, but without actual climbing step by step, we can not breathe fresh air or see beautiful views each moment.   Dogen said, “This dharma is abundantly endowed with everyone, but without … Continue reading

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Supramundane Merits and Mundane Miseries

Good evening!   This time of the year is a time of reflection and resolution. What are your reflections and resolutions?   A Chinese emperor, seeing many ships plying up and down a great river, asked a Buddhist monk, “How … Continue reading

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Wholly Wholesome White World

Good morning!   Opening the blinds fully, we can see a calm, clean, and clear snow world covering high and low things, all colors, but all white – just one bright white world, calm, clean, and clear, with neither ups … Continue reading

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House Treasure in Every House

Good morning!   It is seventeen degrees now, but here we can go beyond chill and heat, that is, we can witness nirvana, unconditioned peace, and unsurpassed awakening. That is the Buddha dharma anyone anywhere can witness.   This house … Continue reading

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Dharma Donation Is Practice Present

Good evening!   The kitchen waste basket was very dark and dirty, but after sitting in bleach water for a few days, it became so clean and pure – universal dharma!   Dogen said that this dharma is abundantly endowed … Continue reading

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Ordination for Ordering

Good morning!   Today is our last day of Rohatsu sesshin and we are going to have Jukai – receiving precepts. Earlier this morning we had denser fog and cloud with rain. It is troublesome to travel under such conditions … Continue reading

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Catch Clear Cool Full Moon

Good morning!   Early risers can catch the cool, clear full moon. Early sitters can catch the bright, beautiful full moon minds.   Dogen saw the full moon and made his poem:   Even in the autumn, when I’d expect … Continue reading

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Seeking Self or Other

Good evening!   The moon is now approaching almost the half moon phase from the full moon one, and thus the world is illuminated by half.   The Buddha said to youths who were chasing after an improvised girlfriend, running … Continue reading

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