Saving Suffering:苦を救う


Good morning!


I forwarded a video recording a dog taking care of another in sickness, unmovable in between railway tracks and under passing trains for two days. One reaction I got was amazement for the compassion, the person thinking his wife would cry watching it when she returned home. Another comment: moved at first, then unmoved, wondering why the cameraman didn’t save them. Another one: the cameraman baited them for profit.


I responded to the first comment that living beings are naturally moved by the life source to take care of other living beings in difficulty. In personal crisis within oneself, one becomes self-centered – me, my family and friends, my community and country first – antagonizing others. Crises can be life, matter, money, etc. A small person has a small self, but a great person has a great self, including more and all.


The source of suffering is usually identified as craving (taṅhā, lit. thirst), but eventually it is nescience (avijjā, lit. no-witness, of nirvana), appropriating (identifying) and becoming (involvement in birth, sickness, aging, dying). Craving (lust, desire) is clear to witness and withdraw from, but nescience is cloudy to do so – existential suffering is subtle and difficult to analyze and avoid.


We are all karma-heirs, -owners, -machines, and –refuged, so complicated and compounded in heredity, habits, actions, and even ambient conditions. The Holy Eightfold Path shows the right action to take refuge in the Four Applications or Devotions of decreasing, stopping bad actions and increasing, starting good actions. The Samadhi limbs of mindfulness, striving, and samādhi, concentration, are for nirvana.


1/5/19 Dharma talk


Note 1. The above-mentioned video is here:


Note 2. Comments on friendship were searched and presented by Erin, 恵林:




















註 1. 上記のビデオは下記です(英語・日本語):


Note 2. 恵林が友情(共:友)についてのコメントを検索し下記のように紹介してくれました:














































The above pictures were taken and sent from Shimoda, Japan

by Mr. Noriyuki Otsuka



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Awakened Way: 覚道


Good morning!


The Four Holy Truths are problem solving methods: problem, cause, solution, and application/practice. Our life problem is suffering, duk-kha, wrong-going (against the grain: wish). Our life in suffering is illustrated in the schema of Twelvefold Interdependent Co-origination, awakened to by the Buddha. Though there was a tradition that claimed there were Seven Buddhas, culminating in the Buddha Gotama, who were awakened to the Tenfold I.C., Gotama stipulated that living beings are karma-owners, etc., and that his awakening was in solving the Twelvefold I.C.


The cause of suffering is wish (craving, lit., thirst, taṅhā in the 12 I.C., and lust, kāma, in the four leaks). Wish can be lust for, or hatred (divisiveness, view, one of the four leaks) against, or delusion (becoming, identifying as I, etc., one of the four leaks), which comes from nescience, lit., no-witness, a-vijjā, one of the the four leaks – the Triple Poisons in a wider sense. The root cause of these is nescience, no-witness of nirvana, no-wind of karma – animals instantly appropriate or identify, upādāna, their bodies as their properties, humans as egos by conception.


The solution is witnessing nirvana – no nescience, no three poisons, no karma. The four stages of zen, chan, jhāna, dhyāna, shows this very well – cessation of conceptions, emotions represented by the five coverings, volitions represented by the four leaks, which are together identified as nirvana. Za-zen, sitting meditation, stills karma, but not all karmas like breathing, heart-beat, etc. Thus, so long as we live, we live in the karma world in conventional, vohāra, dealing, or sammuti, consensus, truth. Buddhas, therefore, must be bodhisattvas in their daily dealings.


The application is usually identified as the Eightfold Holy Paths/Ways, which is for lay people, as right livelihood indicates. The Sevenfold Awakening Limbs lacking this item are for renunciants who don’t hold jobs for a living. Both of them include the Triple Learnings of morality (right speech, action, livelihood), sīla, lit., solid character, concentration (right mindfulness, striving, samādhi), samādhi, and prognosis (right view, thinking), prajňā, which all Buddhists must learn to attain nirvana/awakening and live with all as mitras, friends, sharing all of these.


December 29, 2018 Dharma talk




四聖諦は問題解決法です:問題・原因・解決・適用/実行という。私達の問題は苦(duk-kha: 行:欲に逆行)です。私達の苦の生はブッダ(仏陀:覚者)により覚醒され十二支縁起で表示されています。ゴータマ・ブッダが最後の過去七仏は十支縁起に覚醒したという伝えもありますが、ゴータマは衆生は業所有者などであり覚醒は十二支縁起を解決することであると示されました。


苦の原因は願望(十二支縁起ではta :渇愛、四煩悩ではkāma愛欲)です。願望は広い意味では何かの愛欲、何かの憎悪(差別、四煩悩の一つ見解)、あるいは迷妄(四煩悩の一つである我などの生成・同一視:四煩悩の一つである無明、a-vijjā: 無体験)であり-これらは三毒です。これらの根本原因は無明、業の無風である涅槃の無体験です-動物は即刻自分の身体を自分の所有物として領有しあるいは同一視、upādāna:執着、しますが人間は観念により自我とします。


解決は涅槃の体験-無明・三毒・業の無です。禅、chan, jhāna, dhyāna,

の四段階はこれを非常によく示しています-観念・五蓋に代表される感情・四煩悩に代表される意志の滅、が涅槃であると示されています。坐禅は業の鎮静化ですが呼吸・心拍などすべての業を止めるのではありません。だから生きている限り、世俗、vohāra, 世業、賛同、sammuti, 合意真理(諦)の業世界に生きます。だからブッダも日常の世事では菩薩とならなければなりません。


応用は通常八聖道とされますが、正生業が示すように在家の為のものです。これを欠く七覚支は生業を持たない出家の為のものです。両者共に戒、sīla, 性格確固(正語・正行・正業)定、samādhi, 集中(正念・正精進・正定)慧、prajňā、般若(正見・正思)を含み、涅槃・覚醒を得る為にすべての仏教徒が学び、これらを皆と共に分かち友として生きるものです。

2018共通年12月29日 法話



































The above pictures were taken and sent from Shimoda, Japan 

by Mr. Noriyuki Otsuka



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Limitless Light, Liberation, Link, Love, Life: 無量光・無量解・無量合・無量愛・無量寿


Good morning!


Yesterday was the winter solstice with the shortest daytime. So, today is the first day we gain more light, the beginning of a new season, a new year. Release from darkness and chill is gaining light and warmth. Lighting on trees and in pumpkins are hopeful joy and celebration of the coming of a new season and year.


An interpretation of the Japanese word “hotoke,” buddha, is release, from “hodoke,” untied, unbound. The Buddha was released from all bondages, in nirvana, no wind of karma, and attained light, awakening from the long night of nescience, no witness of nirvana. Awakening and Awakened Way are hopeful joy and celebration of a new era.


Amida Buddha, Amita-ābha, Limitless-light, or Amita-āyus, Limitless-life, Buddha is the Awakened One in limitless light, enlightening all, limitless liberation, liberating all, limitless link, linking all, and limitless love, loving all, and limitless life, enlivening all in the truth of interdependent co-origination as in the Indra-net.


Shusho-ichinyo, unity of cultivation and verification, sitting and witness, stilling of karma and witness of nirvana-awakening, is the unity of release from karma, being attaining nirvana/awakening, as Dogen said. “Without cultivation, it is never developed: without verification, it is never attained,” as Dogen said.


“Picking a sapling and building a holy home” is picking a holy hope and building a holy home, planting the holy seed and growing the holy tree of life in truth and peace. Aspiring for awakening is attaining awakening with all, making the holy, wholly wholesome, world in limitless light, liberation, link, love, and life.

December 22, 2018 C.E. Dharma talk








阿弥陀仏、Amita-ābha,、無量光仏又は Amita-āyus無量寿仏は帝釈網のように縁起の真理に一切を照明する無量光、一切を解放する無量解、一切を結合する無量合、一切を慈愛する無量愛、一切を生かす無量寿に目覚めた者のことです。






2018共通年12月22日 法話





























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Awakening in Amrita, Adamant Attainment


Good morning!


Rohatsu sesshin is a week sesshin  held at monasteries and temples all over the world preceding and commemorating and celebrating the Buddha’s awakening on December 8. The Buddha’s attainment of nirvana/bodhi, awakening, is epoch-making; all beings can recognize that all beings are karma machines, and also capable of countering and conquering karma bondages.


The Seven Buddhas, Gotama Buddha being the last, are said to have awakened to the truth of the Twelvefold Interdependent Co-origination, the Bhava-cakka, Becoming Wheel, which shows that formations, past/present physical, verbal, mental karmas, drive us to become different beings, going through birth, aging, death, as humans, animals, hungry ghosts, fighting devils, etc.


The Four Stages of Zen, sitting meditation, inform us precisely how we can advance through stages of stilling conceptions, emotions, volitions, to reach nirvana beyond karma, including the Triple Poisons of desire, divisiveness, and delusion. The Five Coverings cover us so as not to reflect the truth world, and the Four Fluxes flow in samsara, bringing suffering and poisons into the world.


Karma makes mini-max mistakes, taking miniscule as maximum, money, matter, and power creating all samsara and suffering. Nirvana allows us to awaken from this mistake and find the maximum value of life, heart, and harmony, beyond covering/darkened, flux/darkening beings, within the bright, brilliant crystals of the Indra-net, which is the meaning of the simultaneous awakening of all.

Dec. 9, 2018 C.E. Dharma talk













2018共通年12月9日 法話













































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Limitless Light, Liberation, Love, Life:無量光・自由・愛・命


Good morning!


We have a calm, clear morning with snow, especially after our sittings. In the Northeast we have a snowstorm with traffic troubles, and in the Northwest we have wildfires with over 50 deaths and a thousand missing, due partly to man-made climate change, partly to man-made miseries, toward mass extinction including mankind.


The largest mass extinction was caused by chill – caused by cloud cover due to the earth’s own weakened magnetism, due to in turn to the massing of continents of Pangea’s gigantic megalith falling into the outer core and the outer cosmic rays from a supernova – and also by heat, caused by a super plume resulting from the gigantic megalith falling.


Our disease and demise, as organizations, organisms, organs, depend on themselves and others, defects developing and contamination communicating, like crystal balls on the Indra’s net network. Darkening and chilling on one crystal ball is reflected on all others, darkening and chilling the whole network.


Brightening and warming on one crystal ball is reflected on all others, brightening and warming the whole network. If one becomes calm and clear, bright and warm, one can reflect on others and reflect on oneself reflected on others, thus limitless reflections revolve and revolutionize all, responsible and regaining limitlessly.






The worst mass extinction (P-T extinction, about 95% extinct) occurred in the Permian period, c. 250 mil. yrs. ago, due to the geological/climatic shift. New theories include the effect of atmospheric chilling from cloud formations, caused by stronger cosmic rays resulting from frequent shifts of the N-S poles and the accompanying weaker magnetic fields around the globe. These phenomena came about when gigantic megaliths fell into the outer core; the local whirls from the falls caused magnetism changes/shifts through massive Pangaea plate tectonics, and this in turn brought about the gigantic flames of super plumes that then heated the atmosphere.


Permian period:  :


Mass extinction:















最悪の大量絶滅(P-T絶滅、約95%絶滅) ペルマ紀(末期)、約2億5千万年前、地理・気候転換によって引き起こされました。新しい説では地球圏の磁気の南北転換と弱化の結果による宇宙線の強化により雲が形成されて気圏が寒冷化した結果であるとしています。これらの現象は巨大陸塊が地核外郭へ落下して起きたこと;巨大バンゲアプレートの地殻変動による(陸塊)落下による地域的渦が磁気変化・転換を引き起こし(宇宙線強化による雲の形成による絶滅を起こし)、これがさらにスーパー・プルームの巨大火炎を齎して大気圏を暑熱化(による絶滅をさせ)しました。





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Festival of Cranes



Dear Friends,


A few days ago, I visited the Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge south of Albuquerque in New Mexico. The refuge was established in 1975 for migratory birds coming from the Northern part of America and Canada. Now it is a place where about 12,000 sandhill cranes, 70,000 snow geese, over 40,000 ducks, and over 300 other varieties of bird spend their winter days. Witnessing the wildlife was pure magic. I am very happy to be able to share the beauty with you.







In early morning, the air is filled by the screeching sounds of cranes and geese before their take off to the feeding fields nearby. Like a huge wave with a thundering sound, the snow geese leave the safe water all at once. The sandhill cranes follow, taking off in small groups. Witnessing the change from night to day is spectacular. I tried to capture the atmosphere, but did not succeed to portray the full beauty.








The snow geese are the first to leave their nightly resting place. Like a huge wave with a thundering sound, they leave the safe water all at once.






Sandhill cranes follow them. They leave in small groups.






During the migration season in the fall, many fields are flooded with water in order to imitate the original marshland.





Two adult sandhill cranes performing a dance.

Watching and making photos of the birds requires being totally in the moment. Maybe this is one of the reasons so many bird lovers are visiting the Refuge with their big cameras.





































During the day, the sandhill cranes feed in fields surrounded by golden cotton wood trees. Other wildlife can be observed too – like herons, coyotes, deer and javalenas.










Seeing the elegance of cranes flying in the sky makes it understandable that the crane is a symbol of freedom and peace in Asia. Their ability to fly high in the sky, walk in shallow water and stand on earth makes them a very special bird. Fossils of cranes dating back millions of years make them even more special. Maybe, this is the reason that they also symbolize longevity in Japan.





This heron was undisturbed by my presence.

Sunsets are as spectacular as the dawn. Down below you see the pink sky reflected in the water.










In the evening, we saw a group of roaming javelinas.  They chased up a turkey hiding in the grass behind.


The country of Window Rock (capital of the Navajo Nation) and the surroundings are a pure treasure and undiscovered by tourism. Hopefully, it can preserve its beauty in the future.














The above photos and sentences were contributed by

Garyo, who has contributed her travelogue with beautiful photos here,

for which we appreciate her unusual photos again.



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Unconditioned Peace & Unsurpassed Awakening: 無条件平和・無上道覚醒


Good morning!


We can now see colored leaves incessantly falling. Ryokan’s last moment poem is “Showing the back, showing the front – alas, falling leaves’re.” The popular poem says, “Falling fall leaves, non-falling leaves, but non-falling leaves are also falling leaves.” We are all falling leaves and our defilements are also falling leaves. Then, tree trunks expose themselves to the golden wind, turning into truth/peace.


The Buddha in truth/peace told us the Four Holy Truths and the Eightfold Holy Way. The first truth tells of suffering, the second the suffering-sources, the third suffering-sources’ cessation, and the fourth the way to suffering-sources’ cessation. The second is identified as thirst, coming from nescience, the third is nirvana, its cessation, the fourth is the Eightfold Holy Way leading to nirvana/Bodhi, ultimate peace/truth.


Nirvana is cessation of karma wind, ultimately no self (-sameness/-sovereignty), thus no conditioning, no becoming, no birth-death, no fear, no defilement, etc. The Four States are awake, asleep, sound-sleep, and shikantaza, single-minded sitting. The fourth, caturīya, is also called tulya, balanced, complete control. This is free, full function, unlike other states conditioned and constrained.


Zen practice embraces both on and off the zafu, sitting cushion, entering into nirvana and extending it into karma ken/kinetic with free full function, unconditioned and unconstrained. On and off are inseparable sides continued and concentrated, cultivated and communed, commanded and communicated, advancing to the depth and flying to the height like two wheels and two wings.


11/10/2018 C.E. Dharma talk














2018共通年11月10日 法話



































































The above photos were taken at Mt. Akagi  and sent 

by Mr. Noriyuki Otsuka from Japan.

He was attracted by the etymological root of

tree and true coming from dhṝ,

the root of dharma, enduring.



Posted in Awakened Way (Buddhism), Nirvana (windless: asankhata | Leave a comment

Autumn Scenes from Japan




































The above pictures were taken at Mt. Amagi

and sent by Mr. Noriyuki Otsuka from Japan

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Solomon Islands 13: Munda


Solomon Islands, Munda


In order to get to Munda, we first took a boat to Matikuri Island, where we stayed overnight. The boat ride took several hours. We also visited an island with still intact mangroves and a waterfall. The island was the home of one of the crew members of Driftwood Lodge. This was the reason we could visit it. As most of the islands and properties are privately owned, a tourist cannot just visit a place – one needs a permit from the owner, which normally means that one has to pay a certain amount of money.





Gliding across the calm, crystal clear ocean water was just amazing!




In order to reach the waterfall, we first had to paddle through a beautiful waterway lined with mangroves.




On the way to the waterfall, we passed several “apple trees”. The fruit tastes very watery and a bit sour – but still delicious!




Lorenz climbed up part of the waterfall





Matikuri Lodge





From the deck of Matikuri Lodge, we had this fantastic view!


The next day we went by boat to Seghe, from where we took an airplane to Munda. We were happy that it did not rain, because the landing place was made out of dirt. Sometimes, planes cannot land when it is too wet.




Seghe airport






Waiting for the plane on the only luggage/package carrier





The plane had 20 seats, but we were the only customers. There were no safety rules. The main purpose of the plane seems to be transporting packages.




The flight to Munda was spectacular!


We stayed in Munda (New Georgia Island) in the Agnes Hotel and went scuba diving with  “Dive Munda”. The operator, Belinda Botha, is an environmental activist putting all her effort into the preservation of the paradisiacal region (





 Lola, the island where I took the refresher course for scuba diving





A group of sharks swam very close to the shore




Like in Honiara, Munda was also a place of fierce battles between the Americans and the Japanese.  We visited the tiny island where President Kennedy found rescue after his boat was sunk. He wrote on a coconut his whereabouts. Natives brought the message to his comrades.


Lorenz and I also visited the war museum in Munda. We first had to walk along the “highway” – a dirt road higher up than the coastal road built by the Americans.  During the war, the area around Munda was totally destroyed – it looked like on the moon, the owner of the Peter Joseph War Museum told us. Once, there was a belt of mangrove along the shore – it totally disappeared too. When the American and British forces won the war against the Japanese, they had to decide what to do with all the war equipments and decided to push it into the ocean. A recent earthquake swallowed it mostly up. Many objects of World War II are still found.





ID’s of soldiers





In the museum, there are also a lots of objects used by the Japanese.


Munda was still beautiful for me. It had nice houses with nice gardens, palm trees and lots of other blooming shrubs. It was good to see that nature could come back after such heavy destruction.










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Clear Crystal Cosmos:透明水晶宇宙


Good morning!


We have a beautiful, calm Saturday with autumnal colors. I remember the abundant golden leaves of an 800-year-old ginkgo tree at Zuioji Monastery falling. Sitting still lets us be “exposed to the golden wind.” “The whole world in ten directions is a clear crystal ball,” Xuansha said. The whole world becomes transparent, embracing all beings, crystal balls, each transparently reflecting the others with the whole world.


The Indra-net reflects this, with all of its crystal balls on all knots reflecting each other with the whole world, expressing the endless interdependent co-origination of all phenomena in space and time. It represents the truth world in interdependent co-origination, where each is with (mit in German) all others. Mitra means friend, one with/mit others. This is the truth of the phenomenal world.


Humankind could survive and can prosper in the community of friends/families, as the proverb says, “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” A true friend becomes an ideal person, anyone can become – in communities, and in religious communities especially – as Mitra, Mithra, Maitreya, Mazda, Massiah, Messiah, etc. -, now as an ideal figure, usually as the future savior.


If we can become totally transparent, like a crystal ball of the Indra-net, we can become holy (wholly wholesome) truth, goodness, beauty – limitless, egoless, fearless, deathless – like trees, truthful, peaceful, harmonious with all: air, water, light, earth, temperature, gravity, genes, bacteria, bees, butterflies, flowers, fruits, fauna, stars, space, and so forth.


11/3/2018 C.E. Dharma talk



Note: Tree and true share the root(dhṝ)(cf. durable, duration, endure, dhrva: enduring: Sanskrit), the root of dharma.









人類は、「まさかの時の友こそ真の友」と諺が言うように、友・家族(一つ屋根の下の者達)の共同体で生き残ることが出来たし、繁栄することが出来るのです。真の友は、誰でもなれる、理想の人間になりましたが、特に諸宗教共同体ではーMitra, Mithra, Mazda, Massiah, Messiah等としてー今では理想像、通常未来の救世主、になっています。




2018共通年11月3日 法話


註:木(tree)は真実(true)と語根(dhṝ)が同じで「永続する」(durable, duration, endure, 梵語dhrva:堅固, など参照)を意味し、法(dharma)の語根とも同じです。




























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