Tag Archives: disaster

Two Truths

Good evening! With the change in time we still have a rather bright evening and see the sunset, the beautiful amaryllis, and many flowers. As we heard the beautiful bell sound rising and falling, appearing and disappearing, I saw a … Continue reading

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Dharma Dwelling

Good morning! In front of us we can see a great gorgeous amaryllis, blooming in beauty, peace, and truth. We can also see, with our minds’ eyes, the disaster in Japan taking place. The enormous danger of a nuclear disaster, … Continue reading

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Disaster Disillusion

Good morning! With the beautiful sunlight shining through, we sit together in a peaceful, pleasant state with the great glorious amaryllis and graceful mum. Why are flowers so beautiful? They live in limitless life, light, liberation, and love of the … Continue reading

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Delusion Disaster

Good evening! We had a big disaster in Japan, with an earthquake and tsunami destroying communities, damaging social infrastructures, devastating the natural life system. Nuclear plants are now in big trouble, evacuating people within a ten kilometers radius. The scientist … Continue reading

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Death Disaster

Good morning! The morning star is shining in the pale blue, gradually dawning, sky. And now we can sit still and serene. But in Japan at about 3 p.m. they had an 8.9 earthquake, only 80 miles off shore from … Continue reading

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