Mr. Otsuka kindly presented the following flowering pictures blooming in his garden,
Shimoda, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan (South West of Tokyo in Izu Peninsula). Sakura
(Cherry Blossoms) are the representative flowers of spring. Kawazu-zakura grown in
his area (first pictures) just started to bloom (two weeks later than usual this year
and last due to the severe cold weather, officially spring started February 4).
“Sakura Saku (Cherry Bloomed)” used to be used to notify those students who
passed the entrance exams to universities (“Sakura Chiru – Cherry Fell” was used for
those who failed). The iris (the fifth picture) blooms in January (usually in May).
カワズ ザクラ、河津桜 (Kawazu Cherry, Cerasus lannesiana Carrière)
カワズ ザクラ、河津桜 (Kawazu Cherry, Cerasus lannesiana Carrière)
カワズ ザクラ 河津桜(Kawazu Cherry, Cerasus lannesiana Carrière)
チューリップ、鬱金香 (Tulip, Tulipa gesneriana)
アヤメ(菖蒲、文目、綾目、Iris, Iris sanguinea)
クリスマスローズ(Christmas rose, Winter Rose, Lenten rose, Helleborus)
ヒマラヤユキノシタ(Bergenia stracheyi)
スイセン 水仙 (Daffodil, Narcissus)
マーガレット(Marguerite, Argyranthemum frutescens)
サクラソウ 桜草 (Japanese primrose, Primula sieboldii)
ツリガネソウ カンパニュラ (Bell Flower, Campanula)