We have a beautiful Sunday morning with bright sunlight and fresh green after the spring rain. The dust has settled and water permeates throughout earth, plants, air, and everything – a very clean, cool, and clear world.
So is our world after sittings – our whole system inside and out is cleaned, cleared, and cooled in harmony and holiness with our best postures, best breathings, best circulations of blood, fluid, and everything, clearing, cleaning, and cooling down.
Then our entire system – our mind-bodies-ecosystem – becomes cleansed, cleared, and cooled throughout the entire world, and the dust of delusion, attachment, and aversion are settled still and serene.
In our mirror like minds, we reflect the other world – finding radiation fallout in Japan. After one month, TEPCO (Tokyo Electric Power Company, the biggest private electric company in the world) informed the world about how to deal with this nuclear disaster.
The first steps are to cleanse the continuing contamination, cool the reactor systems and spent fuel, and cover the reactor facilities under roofs while radiation and radioactive materials are high and widespread – a million times higher than the limits in some areas.
Next, the temperatures of the reactor and fuel water need to be brought down. Only when levels of radiation and radioactive materials are brought down can evacuees go back home again; this may be within six to nine months, with the demolition of the plants estimated to be completed in ten to fifteen years.
We are not sure if the actual work can go as planned, because aftershocks and earthquakes still continue in the hundreds, and high radiation prevents access. That’s why this past month has passed with band-aid treatments, lacking definite plans and solutions.
For billions of years we have been part and parcel of the natural elements – fire, water, air, earth, space – in sustainable, safe, saving ways. Because of our over-confidence, over-attachment, and over-aversion, we have run into this disaster, which cannot really be controlled.
We hope this crisis will become an opportunity to completely change our life views and values, and to shift our systems – political, economic, social, and cultural – so that we can settle in a clean and clear life way, harmonious with all elements and all beings.
We need to sit down and stop our human karma, and to see and settle in the truth world. All problems and sufferings are our own problems and sufferings, not someone else’s – not, like we often say, “none of my business.”
All individual, social, and ecological issues are intertwined. That’s why the awakened way is important and inevitable. We hope that all can enjoy a clean, clear, peaceful, and pure world with all beings, all the time, living wholly wholesome, harmonious, and happy lives.