Good Friends (Kalyana Mitra/Mitta)

Good morning!


We live in the world of interdependent co-origination. Our life is dependent on the

environment which is then dependent upon with whom we live. Our life is good if

we have good friends, and bad if we have bad friends.


Kenko Yoshida (1283~1358), a Buddhist monk and an essayist, said that good friends

are those who give us things and medicine men. We need material things and healthy

bodies, but how about spiritual matters?


When Ananda said friends make half of our life in the holy way, the Buddha said

they make all of it. The Buddha said that people can be freed from aging, sickness,

and death by making him a good friend (kalyāna mitra).


Mitra (friend) came from mit (with). Mitra, Mithra, Maitreya, Milu, Mazda, etc.

are the future saviors or the our potential to become true good friends (kalyāna

mitra/mitta) in truth (Dharma, Dao, etc.) and peace (nirvana, etc.)


The Buddha has been the good friend with unconditioned peace (nirvana) and

unsurpassed awakening. He lived as a bodhisattva forty five years after his attaining

nirvana (unconditioned peace) and bodhi (awakening).


In the Soto tradition, we receive the sixteen precepts at our ordination: the triple

pure precepts, the triple treasures, and the ten grave precepts as bodhisattvas.

We have good friends and good lives with them.




Taking refuge in the Triple Treasures: Buddha, Dharma, Sangha;

Embracing the Triple Collective Pure Precepts of all good behaviors,

all good dharmas, all beings;

Receiving the Ten Prohibitory Precepts: no killing, no stealing, no

sexual misconduct, no falsehood, no intoxicants, no speaking of

faults, no praising oneself and slandering others, no begrudging

of the dharma, no anger, no defaming of the Triple Treasures.



Kenko Yoshida

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