Good morning!
Our wisteria flowers have bloomed. “Flowers blooming, the world has arisen.”
The world arising, flowers bloom.
Sitting is settling, with selfless serenity and satisfaction, in the wholly
wholesome supra-mundane world.
Sitting is stopping the self sense and strife, the source of sufferings for
all sentient beings in this super mundane world.
National Geographic
Good evening!
I saw wisteria blooming which I planted recently in my garden.
There is another one which has never bloomed for decades.
Whether blooming or not blooming depends on the transmitted
dharmas, environmental, and one’s own karmas.
The nirvana flower and the bodhi (awakening) fruit depend on the transmitted
dharma, social karma, environmental dharma, and one’s own karma.
So, let us make good karmas with the good dharma of Buddha Mind
Seal to bloom and bear fruit like the maņi in the lotus flower.
Maņi is gem, crystal, etc. It may be a dewdrop in the lotus flower, representing
“the clear crystal ball” (ikka-myōju, 一顆明珠, a ball of clear crystal, cf. Jinjippō
ikka-myōju, 尽十方一顆明珠, “The entire world in ten directions is a clear crystal
ball” Xuan-sha).
Chintā-maņi (nyoishu, 如意珠) is a wish-granting gem. In the Buddhist case
it is the Buddha mind, bodhi, awakened mind stored in nirvana (Shobōgenzō-
nehanmyōshin, 正法眼蔵涅槃妙心, the right Dharma-eye stored in the exquisite
nirvana mind).
The treasure house opens by itself, and you will appreciate and use it at will.
-Dogen, A Universal Recommendation for True Zazen, Fukanzazengi, 普勧
Owl Flight Reeds, by Mark Bridger, National Geographic, wall paper