Truth Grows with Goodness, Beauty, and Holiness

Good evening!


On the way here I saw a big Sieboldi Magnolia tree blooming with bigger flowers than those in my yard. The bigger trees grow, the bigger flowers and fruit they bear. My apple tree didn’t bloom for a long time, but after many years it started blooming and bearing fruit. Now fig trees started bearing fruit this year at last.


Mr. Kimura’s apple trees didn’t bloom for several years after stopping chemical application. After his suicide trial due to his failure suddenly they started blooming and bearing fruit – only several small. Later they tasted so delicious to be called by his name. Since then he has been travelling even abroad to teach how to grow them.


Trees take time to start blooming and bearing fruit, but before doing so they give us oxygen, shade, shelter, etc. Easter islanders felled all trees, thus had to taste the tragedy of Easter Island. Tree and truth have goodness, beauty, and holiness. When we sit, we come back to truth like trees, and enjoy goodness, beauty, and holiness.




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