Union with the Wholly Wholesome Whole

Good morning!


When we come here and sit in zazen, we can experience and enjoy the abundant birds’ singing, beautiful flowers’ blooming, and wind and water flowing. This is the time when birds sing the most and life function is in the best way. This is the time called sandhi, union, uniting all in harmony and equanimity like the equinox, higan (彼岸: the other shower: nirvana). This is the best time to settle down and see the drastic change and abundance of our life interdependently working with the sun, the moon, and the earth, together with all its life systems.


When we forget it, we are caught by partial views and values, and we create atomic, biological, and chemical pollution and weapons, etc., causing problems and sufferings to all in time and space. Recent medicines try time treatments, administering treatments geared to the best bio-rhythms. We must return to and resume the original life systems and rhythms, where we can treat all in the wholly wholesome way. When we settle in the original nature, we can enjoy the wholly wholesome whole. Then we can be holy truth, goodness, and beauty.




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