Virtuous or Vicious Synergy Spiral

Good morning!


We may have rain, snow, or ice, depending on the temperature and moisture. Rain may give birth and life, and ice death and dying. We need a good environment to live well.


We must warm up well in free, full function so that life systems may make the best synergy. Elements make environments to make the whole system function freely and fully.


Our practice can create virtuous cycles and synergies in our individual and collective lives. Without practice our systems can deteriorate into vicious cycles and synergies.


So our practice is crucial either to go into virtuous or vicious synergy spirals, into lively life or deadly decay in our lives: individual, social, and ecological.



Mt. Fuji, aka-Fuji (red Fuji) original photo by a friend of mine, Mr. Ohtsuka, trimmed a little by me.

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