Drumbeat to Wage War

Good evening!


We have beautiful bright stars high in the sky. On the earth, however, we hear drums beaten to wage a war, maybe involving nuclear bombs, and maybe becoming the third world war. We are all responsible for it as members of nations or of mankind.


Nuclear bombs and reactors are the utmost and urgent danger to the total global life system. As the European Committee on Radiation Risk declared, nuclear plants are a crime against humanity, and against all beings I think, because of radiation, death ash, etc.


Nuclear bombs are the very same selfish thing. So, we need to work hard to abolish and abandon them. As there is no end in competing and in contriving nuclear bombs, the only solution and urgent need is to get rid of all nuclear arsenals and artificial uses.


Wars involve all kinds of crimes – killing, stealing, lying, discriminating, misuse of resources, etc., making us hungry ghosts, fighting devils, hell beings. We must work to stop such miseries and misfortunes and strive to save all beings. Who else should do it?















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