Good morning!
I forwarded my Power Point presentation at the Socially Engaged Buddhism event. Hopefully you could watch it.
There is a slide regarding the two liberations/awakenings of Gotama and the Buddha:
- Seeking goodness (kusala, kusa: grass, –la: skillful, interestingly Japanese people call grass kusa also), attaining heart liberation (ceto vimutti), solving his life-death problems, becoming awakened (buddha).
He enjoyed peace and bliss, inclined not to go out into the world to share what he attained, because it seemed difficult for people deeply sunken in the with their stored karma to follow his way.
- Seeking holiness (ariya), attaining prognosis liberation (paññâ vimutti), solving deeper, wider meaning of the Dharma of Dependent Co-origination, all related and relative, and the mechanism of the stored karma and nescience, becoming awakening being (bodhi-satta/sattva), aspiring and vowing to save all.
He decided to go out into the world to work together with people for their awakening, lest the world should be destroyed – as described in the Holiness Seeking Scripture (Ariya-pariyesanâ-sutta).
Holy life is living in the four Brahma-abode or limitlessness of friendship, compassion, joy, and discarding (upekhâ: renouncing, letting go, equanimity). We say “Dharma joy zen bliss” – joy in the Dharma, universal truth, through zen, calming/clearing karma bliss, settling in nirvana/Dharma realm.
Civilization (=urbanization, from civitas: city) is for comfort and convenience, but with complication and complicity, creating commotions in individuals, societies, and environments. That is why we must shift from a artificial pyramidal civilization to natural life Indra-net culture. Culture is cultivating ourselves in the universal values of truth, goodness, beauty, and holiness.
We at our zen center have the triple pillars of the Awakened Way, Simplicity, and Global Ethic so that we can live in holy (wholly wholesome) harmony, health, and happiness.
Please have a bonjour with bonjû (Brahma-abode)!
- ゴータマは善を求め(kusala、kusa=草、-ラ:la=巧みな。興味深いことに、日本語でも草を「クサ」と言います)、心解脱(ceto vimutti)を得て、生死の問題を解決し、覚者(ブッダ)となった。
- 聖性(ariya)を求めて、慧解脱(paññâ vimutti)を達成し、より深く広い意味での縁起法(すべてが相互に関連し相対的)を得て、蓄積された業や無明のメカニズムも解明出来たので、菩薩(bodhi-satta/sattva)となり、すべてを救わんと誓願しました。
- 慈(maitrī/mettā)
- 悲(karuṇā)
- 喜(muditā)
- 捨(upekhā:放棄、手放すこと、平静)
文明(=都市化、ラテン語の civitas=都市に由来)は、快適さと便利さをもたらすが、それに伴い複雑さと共犯も生み出し、個人、社会、環境に混乱を引き起こす。だからこそ、人工的な金字塔文明から、自然な帝釈網文化へと転換しなければなりません。
- 覚道
- 積極的質素
- 地球倫理)