Dam MAD!   狂気帰郷!


MAD is the acronym for Mutual Assured Destruction, meaning that a nuclear war will be assured destruction for both of the warring sides and even doom for the whole world. Putin with his invasion war and nuclear threat is causing mass murder, torture, rape, and disruption of the world economy, and there is even the dreaded possibility of mass starvation. What is the solution to avoid the world’s doom by MAD?

Selfish, anti-social gangsters can be controlled by laws and institutions, not by arming individuals and groups. Similarly, the global community must solve the problem of selfish, anti-social gangs (dictators, dominators, terrorists, et al.) by renewing international laws, the UN, the ICJ, the ICC, etc., not by increasing national military powers and military leagues. Everyone should be equally protected and prosecuted.

Regional communities can control and eliminate anti-social organizations and their weapons so that everyone can live in peace. Similarly, the global community must lessen nukes and arms, abolish war, and prevent the possibility of the world’s doom by nuclear war. All resources should be used for peace, eco, and life in order to accomplish the Treaty of Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons and to solve many problems like global warming, etc.

The human race survived and developed by making groups. From families, clans, tribes, race, and nations to now a global community we must advance and solve problems. Transcending “the Century of Nationalism and War,” the 21st century must be “the century of the globe and peace.” For that purpose the Japanese peace constitution must be promoted and we should dam the flow of MAD, directing our resources to the preservation of the original life of the world as one family.

July 1, 2022 C.E.


  1. We should not make mini-max mistakes, much less the mistake of misconception or delusion of the self, society, status, state, and symbolism [the Five Fallacies, made into the five Ss adding symbolism to the four idola (idolized, idols) of cave, agora (marketplace), theatre, and race, conceived of by Francis Bacon]. These are all fictitious fabrications by symbolism as stipulated by Ernst Cassirer in his Philosophy of Symbolism, An Essay of Man, The Myth of the State, etc.
  1. We should not blindly believe the myth of the state. Dictators delude the people to patriotism, to wage wars with weapons, even to nuke the whole world to its end. No one should blindly believe in dictators, states, wars, nukes, violating the universal law (Dharma: truth/ethic: global ethic), human rights (to life, living in peace, equality, freedom, friendship, etc.). No one should blindly believe in the other four Ss of the Five Fallacies, which also damage oneself and others.


「狂気(MAD)」は「相互確実破壊(Mutual Assured Destruction)」の頭文字で「核戦争は確実に共倒れ、又は世界破滅」を意味します。プーチンは核威嚇侵略戦争で大量虐殺・拷問・凌辱・破壊をし世界経済を混乱させ大量餓死の恐れが出ています。狂気による世界終末を避ける方法は如何に?





  1. 私達は大小過誤をすべきではありません、まして自我、社会、地位、国家、象徴主義[これら五過誤はフランシス・ベーコンの四イドラ(偶像化:偶像)の洞窟、アゴラ(市場)、劇場、人種に象徴主義を加えて5Sとしたもの]の誤解や妄想をすべきではありません。これらはすべてエルンスト・カッシラーがその「象徴の哲学」、「人間」、「国家の神話」などで指摘された象徴主義による仮構の捏造です。
  2. 私達は国家の神話を妄信してはなりません。独裁者達は人々を欺瞞して愛国主義者にし、武器をもって戦争を強行し、全世界をその終末へ核破滅さえします。誰も普遍法(Dharma: 真理・倫理:地球倫理)、(生命に対する、平和・平等・自由・友愛などで生活する)人権に違反して、独裁者、国家、戦争、核を妄信すべきではありません。誰も自分と他者を損壊する五過誤の他の四つのSも妄信すべきではありません。
















The Earth-rise



















The Earth-rise


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