Category Archives: Dharma

Journey in Cosmos

Good morning!   We have the beautiful bright full moon high in the sky and now we start seeing fallen leaves on the ground from the season of spring flowers.   The moon has been observing our births and deaths, … Continue reading

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Out of Norm, Out of Normalcy

Good evening!   We have been undergoing extremely dry hot weather with a heat warning – a part of global warming. When we live out of the norm, dharma, we must suffer from it.   When we sit, we stop … Continue reading

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Dharma Rain of Amrita, Ambrosia of Immortality

Good morning!   Last evening suddenly thunder and shower started after the long spell of heat wave reaching 108 degrees. It was really compassionate rain for all plants and animals. InJapanthey now have heavy rain. So, we have extreme weathers … Continue reading

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Becoming Truth, Peace, Beatitude

Good evening!   When we sit and settle in the dharma dhâtu, domain, we become the dharma body, without sinfulness, samsâra (transmigration, lit. full flow), and suffering, enjoying wholly wholesome truth, peace, and beatitude, witnessing unsurpassed awakening, unconditioned peace, and … Continue reading

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Dwell in Dharma Dhatu, Domain

Good morning!   When we get up early, we can enjoy the fresh crisp clear morning air, the dawn, and singing birds – nature’s truth, goodness, and beauty.   When we sit upright and unconditioned, we can enjoy the wholly … Continue reading

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Expending the Unexpendable

Good morning!   After the compassionate rain we are now at 55 degrees, going up to 69. So, it will be very good cool workable weather with the soil in good conditionfor weeding and planting.   Just before I came … Continue reading

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Dharma Is You!

Good evening!   We have unusually warm weather here. In Japan they have deep snow piling up to 4 meters, claiming the lives of more than 50 people. In Ukraine they have temperatures going down to minus 40, costing more … Continue reading

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