Category Archives: Asankhata (asamskrita: unmade)

Selfish Satisfaction or Holy Happiness

Good morning! We now have the clear crisp morning air, the free flowing water, and the brilliant bright sunlight. All living beings want happiness. But, we, humans especially, often mistake it because of short-shightedness and short-circuitedness, that is, sinful (separated) … Continue reading

Posted in Asankhata (asamskrita: unmade), Holy: wholly wholesome: undefiled (vs. sinful: separated: selfish | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Sitting Singly

Good evening!   When we sit solid and steadfast, we are in mahâ assâsa, the great repose (lit. great exhalation), like sitting singly on the Great Courageous One (Buddha) Peak.   Ango (安居), safe satisfactory stay, is staying in safety … Continue reading

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Original State=Nirvana=Awakening=Free Full Function

Good evening!   This morning Scott and I worked in our garden clearing creeping Charlies, etc. covering and choking other plants, and the garden became pretty clean and clear.   Weeding is the major work in samu, doing duty. Eventually … Continue reading

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Good morning!   This morning I got the news about the three foot long wisteria flower from Japan. As the trees grow greater, flowers bloom bigger.   I got the news that TEPCO knew electricity loss by a 14m high … Continue reading

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From Triple Malady to Triple Treasure

Good morning!   We are going to have our sesshin. Sesshin means touching the mind (接心) or embracing the mind (摂心), of course not the ordinary deluded mind, but the Buddha mind, truth mind, true mind, tree mind, the truth … Continue reading

Posted in asamskrita, Asankhata (asamskrita: unmade), Cultivation: culture | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Prosper or Perish

Good morning!   When we get up early, come here and sit, we can enjoy the abundant beauty of the natural world, and we can create beautiful abundance with it in harmony with all.   In prostration the world prospers; … Continue reading

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Union with the Wholly Wholesome Whole

Good morning!   When we come here and sit in zazen, we can experience and enjoy the abundant birds’ singing, beautiful flowers’ blooming, and wind and water flowing. This is the time when birds sing the most and life function … Continue reading

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Unparalleled Pure Peace and Penetrating Prognosis

Good evening!   We have now abundant flowers blooming and green growing. It is difficult to keep potted plants with proper water, light, etc. separated from the ground. All great trees, however, are deeply rooted in the great earth to … Continue reading

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Limitless minds make limitless luck

Good evening!   When we love nature, nature reveals truth of trees, beauty of flowers, goodness of nature. Dogen said, “When I love mountains, mountains love me.” Also he said, “If there is no limited mind, there is limitless luck.” … Continue reading

Posted in asamskrita, Asankhata (asamskrita: unmade), Cultivation: culture | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Obtaining Own Origin

  Good evening!   No winter grass being seen, A white heron in a snowfield Hides itself in Its own form.   This is the poem made by Dogen titled “prostration.”  Like in a perfect prostration, in zazen we become … Continue reading

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