Category Archives: Zen

Fragrance of Morality

Good morning!   The buds beside the Buddhas are now blooming, giving fragrance. This is the last day of the year. A TV program from Japan was broadcasting its annual Red White Singing Contest. A singer who had organized an … Continue reading

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Washing Way: Pure Path

Good evening!   We had a nice warm winter day today with the temperature going up to 61 degrees. When I saw snow recently, I imagined radiation falling like snow, covering everything.   This evening I watched an NHK special … Continue reading

Posted in Buddhism, Civilization, Cultivation: culture, Culture, Ecology, Global ethic, Global problems, Nuclear bombs, nuclear disaster, Nuclear plants, Philosophy, Religion, System, Voluntary simplicity, War, Zen | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Zazen Is Essential Function and Functional Essence

Good evening!   Dogen said that zazen is the essential function and the functional essence of the awakened ones and awakened ancestors.   It is the essential function and the functional essence with unconditioned peace and unsurpassed awakening in holy … Continue reading

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Perfectly Proven Path

Good evening!   We had snow this morning below the freezing temperature. So, it was very dangerous to drive or brake among other cars running. When snow has now gone, it is safe to do so.   It is easy … Continue reading

Posted in Buddhism, Civilization, Cultivation: culture, Culture, Ecology, Global ethic, Global problems, Nuclear bombs, nuclear disaster, Nuclear plants, Philosophy, Religion, System, War, Zen | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Religion: Reunion with Wholesome Whole

Good morning!   The Buddha said that religion is cultivation. He said that we are all karma heirs, relatives, and machines. Therefore we need to cultivate.   Religion (religare) means “reunion” of sundry asunder state: from sin (= separated self: … Continue reading

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Holy Happiness

Good morning!   We have a very holy, silent Sunday morning with almost no traffic going around. People came home and may be sleeping sound after shopping spree and shooting spree.   We have come back home, ultimate home of … Continue reading

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Dharma World and Karma World

Good morning!   After the winter solstice the day is getting longer and brighter. Tall trees enjoy the bright sunlight, but low grass is frosting in the shade.   So is the Dharma world long and bright, but the karma … Continue reading

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Wonder Wheel Well Wrought

Good evening!   The Buddha told a story of a king who ordered chariot wheels well before he actually needed them and later on he made an additional order of them. The carpenter had enough time to work on the … Continue reading

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Treading Well Trodden Ways

Good morning!   We have the longest, darkest night with the brightest, most beautiful stars. We can drive freely through familiar ways with their familiar scenes even in the darkness.   Navigators can navigate freely over the ocean through the … Continue reading

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Illuminating Trees, Illumining Truths

Good morning!   We have a nice warm drizzling morning, some places even with green grass. Today is the winter solstice, with the longest night of the year.   We have a long tradition of illuminating trees, thinking of their … Continue reading

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