Tag Archives: triple learning (morality/concentration/prognosis)

Good morning!   Now we have chilly weather going up only to 52 degrees, and tree leaves have started falling. We can see the almost half moon through the clouds.   When we sit, we shake off extraneous things like … Continue reading

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Fresh, Free, Full Function

Good morning!   When we sit with all the windows and doors open, we can breathe the fresh morning air, enjoying all kinds of sounds, smells, colors, contacts, freely and fully.   Mahâ assâsa, great repose, literally means the great … Continue reading

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Disasterless Life

Good morning!   When we get up early and sit, we have cool morning air with birds’ singing and flowers blooming, even if the temperature is going up to the nineties or a hundred.   I forwarded an article about … Continue reading

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Wholly Wholesome Way with the Whole

Good morning!   It’s now getting cloudier and darker, but in the early morning we had the nice bright sun and some mist, with moistened greens along with abundant singing of birds. The spring sun brought us beautiful spring scenes … Continue reading

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Wholly Wholesome Truth Path

 Good morning!   We had fog early this morning in darkness and with slippery roads. It was difficult to drive, but we drove, came here, and sat a few sittings. Now it is bright, fogless, and perhaps roads are … Continue reading

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