Tag Archives: holy harmony/happiness

Narnia and Nirvana

Good morning!   It’s become pretty chilly after the equinox, hasn’t it? We say, “Heat and chill up until the equinox.” Before and after the equinox the weather and the length of the day change, but at the equinox day … Continue reading

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Great Natural Happiness

Good morning!   Just before I came here I watched a TV program fromJapanon the Buddhist countryBhutan’s report on Gross National Happiness, not Gross National Product. At the time ofBhutan’s opening to the outside world in 1997, its leader introduced … Continue reading

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Practicing Path of Perpetual Peace

Good morning!   We have the beautiful crescent moon, stars glittering in the sky, frost covering the earth. The shift of the moon and the course of the sun have been going for billions of years.   In the cosmic … Continue reading

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