Tag Archives: Dogen

The Most Emancipating and Enjoyable Matter

Good morning!   Today’s temperature is going up to 63 degrees and tomorrow up to 65 degrees. It is enjoyable for us but not for the global warming matter.   “Cultivation and verification of all dharmas through carrying around the … Continue reading

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Mind Makes Mundus

Good evening!   We have beautiful bright stars in the crisp cool sky. We may see them on a ship in the great ocean or a boat in the fast rapids. Dogen told a story: a man dropped his stuff … Continue reading

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Living Limitless Life

Good morning!   We could see the very thin new moon earlier. Now we can see beautiful flowers at the altar – lilies showing spring. We have now passed a half month since spring solstice. Even though we have very … Continue reading

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Wholly Wholesome World

Good evening!   We are having nice warm weather going around 60. So, we may say the spring evening worth a thousand gold. In Japan snow accumulated to one meter in a day somewhere.   When snow covers all things, … Continue reading

Posted in asamskrita, Asankhata (asamskrita: unmade) | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Self-conquered Compassionate Conquerors

Good morning!   We have now beautiful bright sunlight and the beautiful blue sky without clouds. And we have beautiful flowers at the altar and all the places. The winter air is crisp and clear; it felt cool and comfortable. … Continue reading

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True Conquerors and Losers

Good morning!   This morning we had the snow world with already looking like the half moon, quickly shifting from the full moon after some cloudy days. We have now the bright beautiful sun.   Dogen’s poem titled Prostration is: … Continue reading

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One World of Ours

Good morning!   We have nice wet weather with the spring-like atmosphere in the quiet Sunday morning. On the way here I listened to NPR, which was reporting how people in the Colombine area are now trying to improve their … Continue reading

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Right Here Now

Good morning!   We have a very cold weather now at 17 degrees with wind chill index at 6. Where can we be beyond chill and heat?   Dogen said, “This dharma is abundantly endowed with everyone, but without cultivation … Continue reading

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Karma Causes Enslavement

Good evening!   At the very beginning of the Universal Recommendation for Right Zazen Dogen tells us that this sitting is to return to the original source in penetrating purity and freedom right here and now. We stop all karmas … Continue reading

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Only Practice Makes Perfect

Good evening!   Now we can see the bright moon in the cold and clear winter sky. The news reported the death sentence handed down to the former Egyptian president for mass murder. There may be presidents or dictators for … Continue reading

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