Tag Archives: peace

Free Full Function

Good evening! Spring is the season when everything springs up – irises, trees, plants – all growing upright in balance, functioning free and full. Dr. Suzuki of the Suzuki Method tested himself and taught others the best forms to use … Continue reading

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Saving Suffering

Good morning! We have a morning with bright sunlight in serene silence. However, the world is immersed in disasters, difficulties, and even deaths at this very moment. The recent tornados, more than 200 over an area of some 150 miles, … Continue reading

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Fathoming Fathomless

Good evening! After long lasting rainy days and some stormy days, we are now having a very fine, bright evening, and we can enjoy peace, harmony in zazen. Dogen said, “Zazen is the essential function of buddhas, and the functional … Continue reading

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Death and Devastation

Good morning! After successive harsh tornados and heavy rain, we now have a clear, bright daybreak with the thin moon high in the sky, the morning star having disappeared. When we step into our garden, we can see big, beautiful … Continue reading

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Greener grass

Good morning! After the tornados we are now having a very quiet Sunday morning. And after our sittings, we have a very peaceful, quiet world. With a lot of rain, now we have dogwoods, spirea, lilacs, azaleas, irises, lilies of … Continue reading

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Civilization to Culture

Good evening! We are having thunder and weather sirens. It seems that we have more and more disasters – tornados, typhoons, hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis, nuclear disasters, etc. In Japan, in the 40 days following the record earthquake, there have been … Continue reading

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Mahâ Assâsa (Great Repose)

Good morning!   Trees are in repose, resting from photosynthesis, etc., restoring smooth, sufficient, and deep breathing.   So, is our sitting in repose, resting from all activities, restoring smooth, sufficient, and deep breathing, that is, life.   Thus, we … Continue reading

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Sit Straight

Good evening!   Spring is the time when all things spring up – all plants spring up from the earth, straight and stable, leaning neither forward nor backward, neither right nor left.   Our sitting also must be straightened up, … Continue reading

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Self Simplification

Good morning! We have a nice day dawning in harmony with all things, especially in our sitting. We see things as they are in truth and peace. But in modern civilization – complex, complicated, and costly – we are forced … Continue reading

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Rainfall and Radiation-fallout

Good morning!   We have nice spring rain drizzling, falling on all, permeating through earth, flora, and fauna, so that everything springs up in life, becoming greener, thicker, brighter, and more colorful.   Indian people worshipped rain as Parjanya, the … Continue reading

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