Tag Archives: zazen

From Karma/Civilization to Dharma/Cultivation

Good evening!   The temperature went beyond one hundred degrees (108) today. Kaisen Osho said, “The heart-head (fountainhead) being extinct, even fire is cool.” Zazen is to go beyond heat and chill, beyond all phenomena, to go back to the … Continue reading

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Crystal Clear Calm

Good morning! When we sit in zazen, we become calm and clear, hopefully crystal clear and calm. We know the temperature today is going up to 100 degrees, with the heat index becoming 111 degrees, but we must also see … Continue reading

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Remain Resolute Resilient

Good morning! We sit calm and cool in the heat wave warning, with the heat index due to go up to 110 degrees. “In extinction of the heart-head, even fire is cool.” So saying, Kaisen Osho at Erinji sat in … Continue reading

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Meditation Merits

Good morning! Practicing zazen is practicing the original openness, wholesome whole, joyful journey, full freedom, pure peace. 7/6/11 Zazen is stopping all karmas, human hindrances, and thus leads to limitless merits and benefits. So, its characteristics are not limited by … Continue reading

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Independence Day Everyday

Good morning! Today is Independence Day. What is independence? It is non-enslavement, neither enslaved nor enslaving. We are enslaved monetarily, militarily, materially, and mentally. How can we be not enslaved? In zazen we can be freed from enslavement in true … Continue reading

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Practice Perfects

Good morning! Aspiration and action witness unsurpassed awakening and unconditioned peace. Unsurpassed awakening attests the dharma (norm) of dependent origination that all phenomena originate depending on causes and conditions. It verifies that samsara and sufferings originate depending on delusions and … Continue reading

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Practicing Peace

Good morning! As we sit in zazen, we can enjoy the fresh morning wind and beautiful water sound. We breathe fresh air full and free with penetrating purity and peace here and now. Only practice makes perfect in the witnessing … Continue reading

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Emancipation (Mukti, Mutti, Vimukti, Vimokha)

Good evening! From June 1 in Japan people altogether change their dark heavy robes to bright light clothes (called koromo-gae, 衣替え). This makes them feel light and cool. We already can hear the strong sounds of cicadas. Basho made the … Continue reading

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Good morning!   When we come here and sit in zazen, we can hear the sounds of water falling and birds singing in penetrating pure peace.   The Buddha said, “As one must go through the sole gate to enter … Continue reading

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Direct Disaster Devastation

Good morning!   In zazen now we have a quiet and calm morning. But on the way here, we saw many trees, boughs, and branches fell by the last evening storm.   In my yard a big willow tree fell, … Continue reading

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