Tag Archives: peace

Mist Mystery

Good evening!   We now have a quiet evening with rather bright dusk light, with the subtle sounds of bird’s singing beyond the windows.   Just before I came here I saw lightening and even mist. I wondered if it … Continue reading

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Sitting and Samu (Work)

Good morning!   After a long spell of rain, according to the weather forecast, we are still continuing rainy days. But, fortunately, we have a very bright Sunday morning today.   After the beautiful, stable, soft, and serene bell sounds … Continue reading

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Witness with Work

Good morning! When we get up early and come here to sit in zazen, we can enjoy the fresh morning air, the cool morning dew, and the bright morning sunlight. When we cultivate the soil, sow seeds, and transplant, they … Continue reading

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Equipoise (Upekha)

Good morning! We could see the bright, beautiful dawn before coming here, but now it is overcast. We can hear the sound of the waterfall running and cars racing incessantly – so is life. Dripdrops develop into streaks, streams, and … Continue reading

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Samadhi Stages

Good morning! When we sit in zazen, we can enjoy penetrating peace, purity, and freedom right here and now. If, however, there is a radioactive leak, then the whole world becomes contaminated, confused, and condemned. When there are the four … Continue reading

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Pure Peace

Good morning! Now we have a bright morning with the singing of birds. If we had woken up earlier, we could have seen the full moon and the morning star. The full moon represents the Buddha mind – full, round, … Continue reading

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Sitting and Stilling

Good morning! We can hear the sound of raindrops dripping on leaves in our quiet sitting on this quiet weekend morning. Tatsuno Yutaka, an essayist, said, “I like rain so much, I think my ancestors were frogs.” All living creatures … Continue reading

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Day by Day a Delightful Day

Good morning! Every day we can see new flowers starting to bloom and the new day breaking. Dogen said, Flowers fall in lamentation; weeds flourish in detestation.” But if we weed in our garden, we find flowers blooming there. The … Continue reading

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Delight in Dharma

Good morning!   After a long spell of rain and storms, tornados, we have a very fine, peaceful Sunday morning. We are now having a very bright and beautiful world, especially after our silent, serene sittings.   Last night I … Continue reading

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Harmony – Holiness – Happiness

Good morning! Now we have a beautiful spring morning with abundant greens, beautiful flowers, and birds’ singing. After fifteen billion years of evolution, we experience this kind of beautiful, truthful, and peaceful world with our bodies and brains. But, if … Continue reading

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