Tag Archives: nirvana

Unconditioned Peace (nirvana) = Ultimate Pleasure (gokuraku)

Good morning! When we get up early and get into a garden or a field, we can enjoy a lot of flowers, grass, and trees glittering in the morning sun. As we cultivate the land and plant seeds and seedlings, … Continue reading

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Triple Treasure

Good morning! After sittings we have a peaceful, calm, and clear world with fresh air. Sitting makes us true. True and tree share the root, deru, enduring, or dhri, holding (root of dharma: form, norm). Trees stay solid, still, and … Continue reading

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Emancipation (Mukti, Mutti, Vimukti, Vimokha)

Good evening! From June 1 in Japan people altogether change their dark heavy robes to bright light clothes (called koromo-gae, 衣替え). This makes them feel light and cool. We already can hear the strong sounds of cicadas. Basho made the … Continue reading

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Praxis Perfection

Good evening!   By the truth or law of dependent origination, all things change. Humans increase and experience this flow as ups and downs, gains and losses, and births and deaths. Thus they must suffer more in samsara, constant flow, … Continue reading

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Good morning!   When we come here and sit in zazen, we can hear the sounds of water falling and birds singing in penetrating pure peace.   The Buddha said, “As one must go through the sole gate to enter … Continue reading

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Penetrating Pure Peace

Good evening!   We have a nice evening with the sound of singing birds and racing cars. Our life is like racing cars driven by desires through ups and downs, births and deaths incessantly.   Only when we sit down … Continue reading

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Practice Perfection

Good morning!   We can enjoy penetrating, pure peace – nirvana – windless state of karma.   Only by practice and perfection, cultivation and verification, can we realize this – hearing the sound of racing cars and honoring the sound … Continue reading

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Mist Mystery

Good evening!   We now have a quiet evening with rather bright dusk light, with the subtle sounds of bird’s singing beyond the windows.   Just before I came here I saw lightening and even mist. I wondered if it … Continue reading

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Samsara Suffering and Samadhi Satisfaction

Good morning!   Through the open windows we can hear the sound of busily racing cars, birds’ singing, and the water falling.   Our life is like the constant flow of cars and currents, constantly flowing with ups and downs, … Continue reading

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Samadhi or Suffering

Good morning! As we get up early and come here, we can enjoy beautiful flowers, bright candlelight, fragrant incense, a beautiful bell sound, and the beautiful singing of birds, flowers, abundant green. If we don’t follow this way, we cannot … Continue reading

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